A P P E N D I X  A


The Web Page

This appendix is mainly aimed at those of you who have little experience in web development and feel a bit lost among the myriad of web pages you get when searching the Web for “HTML” and “HTTP”. But I have also included some information that experienced web developers could find interesting.

You can find on the Internet several web sites that describe HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in detail. Therefore, instead of attempting to cover everything there is to know about them, I will introduce a few key concepts of networking and then describe some useful techniques.

Hopefully, after seeing how the different components work together to deliver web pages, you will find it easier to fill the gaps.

The WWW Network

For your browser to render a web page correctly, it must be able to communicate with the server, or servers, where the page content is stored. This means that the browser must support the necessary communication protocols, be configured correctly, and use the proper addressing.

So far, I have concentrated on what happens when a web server receives a HTTP request and replies with a HTTP response. In this section, I will talk about requests and responses while they cross the network that connects browsers and servers.

A data-communication protocol is a standardized set of rules that computers must follow to be able to communicate with each other. The protocol rules define the format of the data packets being transferred and the way in which the exchange takes place.

To make this complex process more manageable, the functionality necessary to move data across networks is broken down into layers organized into protocol stacks, or protocol suites. Higher layers can perform more general and complex tasks by relying on the services of the lower layers. Computers communicate across the Internet by means of the Internet protocol stack, which consists of five layers. Starting from the top, these layers are application, transport, network, and network interface.

To get an idea of the complexity of the whole Internet protocol suite, consider that the list of Internet standards has become a standard itself: Request for Comments (RFC) 5000, with title Internet Official Protocol Standards (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5000). It lists more than 5200 RFCs that specify 68 Standard Protocols (STDs) and 135 Best Current Practices (BCPs), and, yes, it lists itself in the top spot.

The operating system of every computer connected to the Internet includes an implementation of the Internet protocol stack. However, this chapter focuses on web applications, so I’m not going to discuss the two lowest layers (physical and link), which are local to your setup (for example, Ethernet and wireless local area network).

The first layer—from the bottom—of interest to us is the network layer (the Internet Protocol layer, or simply IP), which is the lowest one operating end to end. Each computer directly connected to the Internet is identified via its IP address, which is assigned by the ISP. To find out the IP address of your PC, open a command-line window and type ipconfig. You’ll get several lines of information, including one that shows your IP address as a string of four numbers separated by dots—something like

Each one of the four numbers is between 0 and 255 (well, except the first one), because it is stored in eight unsigned bits. If you have a home network and connect to the ISP via a router, the router will “keep” the address assigned by the ISP for itself and assign to each one of your home computers a private address, which will probably be like 192.168.x.x, although it could also be 172.16.x.x or 10.x.x.x. Note that a transition from the current Internet Protocol with 32-bit addresses to an addressing scheme based on 128 bits is taking place. There are dozens of standard documents (RFCs) that specify all aspects of the new Internet Protocol (IP version 6, or IPv6). The general specification document is RFC 2460 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2460.txt). A general resource is the wiki of the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) at http://www.getipv6.info/.

To get the IP address of a server, type the command nslookup. When you get a greater than sign as a prompt, type the name of the server and hit Enter. For example, if you type google.com, you’ll get a dozen IP addresses like 74.125.237.x, which are the IP addresses of Google’s clustered servers. If you then open a browser and type one of Google’s IP addresses where you’d normally type a URL, you’ll see Google’s home page.

The next layer up, the transport layer, uses the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) to ensure that information packets reach their destination reliably. TCP associates so called ports with the applications running on a computer, thereby ensuring separate and concurrent data communication for, say, your e-mail and your Skype calls. You might have heard of the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). Like TCP, UDP belongs to the transport layer and assigns ports to applications, but unlike TCP, it doesn’t guarantee reliable delivery of packets. It isn’t relevant to us in this book.

The top layer is the application layer. Each application running on one computer attaches itself to its TCP/UDP port or ports. The protocol for web pages is HTTP, or HTTPS for encrypted pages. The web server can be attached to several ports. For example, Tomcat by default expects to receive HTTP requests via port 8080 and HTTPS requests via port 8443.

By default, the web browsers send to port 80 the requests for URLs that begin with http://, and to port 443 those for URLs that begin with https://. For ftp://, the browsers use ports 20 and 21. Note that the browser will use additional ports if necessary. For example, a video stream in Windows Media format will go through port 1755. This is important to know if a firewall exists between client and server to block communication through ports you don’t use. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is in charge of keeping official port assignments. You’ll find the list at http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers (warning: it takes a while to load it).

A URL like http://localhost:8080/ebookshop/ that you saw in the previous chapters specifies that on the host side, the port number for HTTP is 8080 (IANA identifies it as HTTP Alternate) instead of 80, which is the standard port for HTTP. This is because Tomcat expects and routes HTTP traffic through port 8080. This is appropriate if you intend to use Tomcat to handle requests for JSP pages and place it behind a server (typically, the Apache web server) that handles static HTTP/HTTPS. But if you intend to use Tomcat to handle HTTP/HTTPS as well, you should change its default ports 8080 and 8443 to 80 and 443 respectively. In Chapter 9 you saw how you can change Tomcat’s ports.

Figure A-1 shows you what happens when you send a request from your PC to a web server.


Figure A-1. Following an HTTP request through the Internet protocol stacks

Note how a router operates at the Network layer. The router in Figure A-1 represents one of the many routers your IP packets will go through before reaching their final destination. You can check this out with the command cacert, which traces the packet routes. If you open a command window and type cacert apress.com, you will probably be surprised to see how many routers separate your PC from the web site belonging to this book’s publisher.

When you request a web page, the web browser sends the request to the Internet protocol stack that is implemented on your PC. Each of the layers attaches information to your request in the form of a header, so that the same layer on the server knows what to do with the packet. The packet grows as it descends the protocol stack, and it often ends up fragmented into several parts before reaching the bottom.

The IP header contains, among other fields, the source IP address (i.e., your IP address) and the destination IP address (i.e., the address of the server, which you can obtain from the name server of your ISP with the command nslookup). Instead of Ethernet, you might have a wireless LAN layer, but ultimately your request will end up encapsulated in data packets traveling through the Internet. On their way to the server, the data packets encounter routers that forward them toward the server on the basis of the destination IP address. Depending on your location relative to that of the server, the packets might “hop” on a dozen or more routers. Finally, your packets reach the server. The process that occurred on your PC is reversed, and your request is put back together. The destination port tells the protocol stack what application handles it (i.e., a web server such as the Apache web server or the Apache Tomcat Java web server). The response follows a similar logical path in the reverse direction.

If you have a home network, you are connected to your router by a direct Ethernet connection or a wireless LAN. Before forwarding your packets to the Internet, toward their destination, your home router translates the private IP addresses that appear as a source address in your outgoing packets (i.e., the address you see with ipconfig), so that when they go through the Internet, the packets of all your computers appear to be coming from a single computer having as source address the address assigned to you by your ISP.

URLs, Hosts, and Paths

URLs tell your browser where to find web pages, files, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) sites, and more. To be precise, a URL doesn’t really tell where a resource is; it only provides the information necessary to be able to address the resource locally or across a network and establish communication with it. That is, I’m not talking about physical locations here.

A URL consists of several parts. For example, http://localhost:8080/ebookshop/ can be broken down as follows:

  • http is the protocol.
  • localhost is the host name.
  • 8080 is the port number on the host.
  • /ebookshop/ is the path.

In fact, although everybody speaks of URLs, the more general term is Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), which lets you define even a fragment within a resource. The Internet Society (ISOC) defines the URI format in the document RFC 3986.

Let’s break down this fictitious URI:


  • http is the protocol (the standard name for this part of the URI is scheme).
  • // is called the hier part and determines what format is acceptable for the part of the URI that follows it.
  • localhost:8080 is referred to as the authority.
  • /first/second_one/page.html is the path.
  • answer=no is the query string, which can include several parameters.
  • exactly_here is the fragment.

The purpose of the RFC 3986 standard is to define a method of identification for all possible resources and to include particular cases already in common use. However, we’re only concerned with HTTP and web pages in this chapter, so I won’t spend any more time on the most general formats.

There is just one more scheme that you might find useful in your web pages: mailto. By including a link to the URI mailto:[email protected] within a web page, you can allow the viewer to start his or her e-mail program and create a new e-mail with the correct address already set. However, you might not like to do that, because many programs are capable of scanning web pages and extracting e-mail addresses from them for the sole purpose of sending junk mail. For a while, it was safe to display email addresses like John.Doe(at)nowhere.com, and create a JavaScript that converted the (at) into @ before returning the link. Unfortunately the programs that extract email addresses from web pages have become more sophisticated in their searches and can deal with masked addresses. Linking a JavaScript to a clickable image of your address might still be safe.

Host names are case-insensitive, meaning that you can write www.GOOgle.cOM if you prefer. You’ll still land on the same web site. Incidentally, the same applies to e-mail addresses. It’s irrelevant whether you capitalize names, such as in [email protected].

The same is not true for the paths. Even though you’re running Tomcat under Windows, which has case-insensitive file and folder names, if you type http://localhost:8080/Ebookshop/, with the path capitalized, you’ll get an error page like that shown in Figure A-2.


Figure A-2. Resource not available

Originally, domain and host names could only be made out of the 26 letters of the English alphabet, the 10 decimal digits, and dashes. In July 2003, it became possible to register .jp domains containing Japanese characters, and in March 2004, .de domains with diacritical characters, such as in Lösung and Müller, sprung up. Today, you can even use languages that are written from right to left.

The situation is different for paths and queries. They can include any character of the ISO 8859-1 (ISO Latin1) character set, which is a superset of the well-known ASCII standard. But of the 256 ISO Latin1 characters, all the non ASCII characters, the non printing ASCII characters, and even some of the printing ASCII characters need to be encoded in hexadecimal format.

For example, the path /my preferred physicists/Erwin Schrödinger.html must be encoded as follows:


where %20 is ISO Latin1-32 (the space) and %F6 is ISO Latin1-246 (the o-umlaut ö).

In some cases, it is necessary to encode characters to prevent the browser from interpreting them as URL separator characters. For example, suppose you want to execute a JSP page with a parameter set to the ampersand. If you type this URL:


your browser will send to the server a request with the parameter myPar set to the empty string. This is because the ampersand is normally used to indicate that another parameter follows, and the browser doesn’t complain about the trailing ampersand because it is legal not to write any further parameter after it. As a result, the browser behaves exactly as if you had ended the URL at the equal sign. To send the correct query, you have to replace the ampersand with %26.

Although ampersands cause problems in queries because they are used as separators, they are OK within the file and folder names that form paths. Conversely, some characters, such as colons and question marks, are OK in the query but not in the path.

All in all, be careful when using special characters. You can download tables of Unicode characters and their hex representations from http://unicode.org/charts/.


Throughout this book, I have mostly showed you markup code conforming to the XHTML standard, rather than HTML. The current WorldWide Web Consortium (W3C) standards for the two languages are HTML 4.01 (http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/) and XHTML 1.1 (http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/).

Except for the ruby collection of elements (http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-ruby-20010531/), which provides a mechanism to write annotations, and the replacement of the name attribute of the elements a and map with the id attribute, tags and attributes defined in the two standards are the same.

In essence, the differences between HTML and XHTML are as follows:

  • All XHTML elements must be properly nested: For example, in HTML, you can write <b><i>whatever</b></i>. In XHTML, you must write <b><i>whatever</i></b>.
  • All XHTML elements must be closed: For example, in HTML, you can write <p> without a corresponding </p>, and you can write <hr> and <br> without a slash before the closing bracket. In XHTML, you must match each <p> with a </p> and write <hr/> and <br/>.
  • All XHTML elements must be in lowercase: XHTML doesn’t allow you to write elements in uppercase, such as <HTML> and <BODY>.
  • All XHTML elements must be nested inside the <html> element: This is not enforced in HTML.

Both standards have deprecated some elements that were widely used in past versions of HTML. Just in case you see them in some non-conforming documents, I have listed them in Table A-1.


As you can see, you can replace most of the deprecated elements by defining styles.

To do strict validation of XHTML code against the latest standard, you write at the top of your documents the following two special elements:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" Image

With HTML, you write instead:


You can also decide not to apply strict validation, in which case the two document-type elements become respectively

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" Image


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" Image

If you do so, you can use the deprecated elements listed in Table A-1.

If you want to use HTML frames within your XHTML page, you have to use the following doctype:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" Image

This performs the exact same validation as the transitional DOCTYPE, but it also accepts <frameset>, which can replace <body>. In other words, the pages with frames aren’t strictly validated, although obviously this doesn’t prevent you from conforming to the strict validation rules when using frames. Before deciding to use frames, keep in mind that their use is somewhat controversial. Some people don’t like them and simply disable them in their browsers. Others might use audio browsers and simply be unable to access frames. If you want to reach the widest audience, you should develop a second version of your pages without frames. Actually, to be sure that everything will work, you should design frameless pages first and only add the frames later. You might wonder why you should develop framed versions at all, and you’d be right. Follow my advice: forget the frames and apply strict XHTML validation. The time will certainly come when you’ll be happy to have made these choices.

In any case, to complete the subject, here is the DOCTYPE element for HTML 4.01 that allows you to use frames:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" Image

Before moving on, I will still mention the XHTML 2.0 standard (http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml2/). In my opinion, it is not likely to see wide adoption. Its main problem is that it is not back compatible with HTML4 and XHTML1.


Table A-2 summarizes all valid HTML elements according to the standards HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 when strictly applied. A slash after a tag name indicates that the element is always bodyless.






HTML5 is a specification originally created by the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG, http://www.whatwg.org), a group founded by people from Apple, the Mozilla Foundation, and Opera Software that now includes many other organizations. HTML5’s main purpose is to provide a comfortable language to develop cross-platforms mobile applications.

Steve Jobs welcomed HTML5 as an alternative to Flash to embed rich content in web pages and Adobe announced that, for mobile devices, they will move from Flash to HTML5. W3C is working on adopting it as a standard (http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html5-20120329/) but it has not happened just yet.

HTML5 has removed some HTML4 elements (acronym, big, and tt), redefined or modified some others (a, address, hr, i, legend, and u), and resurrected a few elements that had been deprecated in HTML4 (iframe, menu, and s). The most important aspect of HTML5, though, is the introduction of elements that support a structuring of web pages and the easy embedding of rich content. I have listed the new elements in Table A-3, but I am not going to describe them in detail, because it would be beyond the scope of this book.



HTML Documents

HTML documents are organized as a hierarchy of elements that normally consist of content enclosed between a pair of start and end tags. For example, the tags <html> and </html> delimit the whole HTML document.

The start tag can include element attributes, such as id in <map id="mymap">. Some elements are empty, in which case you can usually replace the end tag with a slash immediately before the closing bracket of the start tag, as in <img src="mypict.gif"/>. Unfortunately, this isn’t always possible, as the form <script ... /> isn’t valid, and you have to keep both <script> and </script> tags even when there is nothing between them.

You can nest HTML elements inside each other and, in fact, without nesting, no HTML page would be possible.

Listing A-1 shows the simplest possible HTML page you can write while still applying strict XHTML validation.

Listing A-1. basic.html

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head><title>Page title</title></head>
<p>This shouldn't be displayed, but it is!</p>
Here is where you put your page content.<br/>
Of the following 11 spaces >           < only one is displayed.

Figure A-3 shows the outcome of Listing A-1.


Figure A-3. A basic HTML page

Place your content between <body> and </body> to have it displayed in the main browser window. The browser also displays the page title, but most of the rest of Listing A-1 remains hidden. Furthermore, any sequence of spaces, tabs, and newlines is normally rendered as a single space, and in several cases, even that single remaining space is omitted—for example, when it immediately follows the start paragraph tag (<p>) or the break tag (<br/>). This gives you plenty of flexibility to format the page source as you like, and you should use it to make the code more maintainable through proper indentation and spacing.

Notice that the paragraph

<p>This shouldn't be displayed, but it is!</p>

shouldn’t be displayed in the browser because it is outside the body element. And yet, as you can see in Figure A-3, it is. All browsers I have tested (IE, Chrome, Firefox, and Opera) do it. I recommend that you include all the content elements of your pages inside the body, where they should be, because you never know what will happen in the future.

Essentially, an HTML document consists of text, images, audio and video clips, active components such as scripts and executables, and hyperlinks. A browser then interprets and renders the components in sequence, mostly without inserting any empty space or newline between them.

A browser renders every component according to a series of defaults specified in the HTML/XHTML standard. You can change the defaults regarding fonts and font sizes of normal text by setting the appropriate browser options. In general, and more importantly, you can override the defaults when writing your HTML pages by defining the corresponding attributes of the enclosing tags or by defining a style. For example, you can underline text:

<p style="text-decoration: underline">this is underlined</p>

or you can choose a background color for your page:

<body style="background-color: yellow">

Image Tip To shrink an image, reduce the original image on the server rather than change its height and width with the corresponding attributes of the <img> element. Your page will load faster.

You can use the <object> element to include any component. For example, this code shows how to display a short video clip in Flash format:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
    data="myClip.swf" width="400" height="300">
  <param name="movie" value="myClip.swf"/>
  <p>This is a Flashy movie</p>

The following code lets you download an MPEG movie file:

<object type="video/mpeg"
     data=myClip.mpeg height="120" width="180">
  <p>Click <a href=MyMovie.mpeg>here</a> to download</p>

And this code lets you display a JPEG image:

<object type="image/jpeg"
    style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"/>

In any case, you might prefer to use the <img> element for images, because it allows you to define the short description text that appears when you hover with your mouse over the image:

<img src="myImage.jpg" alt="whatever it is"/>

Image Caution  The example showing how to embed Flash only works for short video clips. To show long Flash movies or Flash streams, you have to do something more complicated; otherwise, it won’t work with Internet Explorer. For more information, go for example to http://helpx.adobe.com/flash/kb/object-tag-syntax-flash-professional.html.

Standard Attributes

Most HTML elements support a standard set of attributes, which are classified in core, language, and keyboard attributes.

Core Attributes

The core attributes are valid in all elements except base, head, html, meta, param, script, style, and title.


The class attribute accepts as a value the name of a class to which the element belongs. Use it as a CSS selector. For example, you can define the style of the class warning_text as follows:

<style> p.warning_text {color:red} </style>

and then use the class name in the appropriate element:

<p class="warning_text" id="warn1">This text is displayed in red</p>

The id attribute associates an element with a unique identifier within the document. Use it whenever you need to identify a particular element. For example, if you write <a id="point1"/> somewhere within a long web page stored in, say, mypage.html, you’ll be able to jump directly to that position by clicking on a hyperlink created with this code:

<a href="http://mysite.com/mypage.html#point1">go to my page point 1</a>

To jump there from within the same page, you don’t need to include the full URI, but only the locator part, as in

<a href="#point1">go to point 1</a>

The style attribute identifies an inline style definition. It’s good to be able to define simple one off styles within the HTML page, but if you use the same styles in several elements, you should define them by placing a style element inside the head element of the document. If you define styles to be used in more than one document, you should write a separate style sheet and load it by placing a link element inside the head.

The following is a simple example of a style definition using the style attribute:

<table style="font-weight:bold; background-color:#C0C0C0">

The title attribute displays tooltip text when the cursor is held over the element.

Language Attributes

Language attributes are not valid in base, br, frame, frameset, hr, iframe, param, and script. A good reference for these attributes is in http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/dirlang.html.


You use the dir attribute to set the text direction. It can have the values ltr (left-to-right) and rtl (right-to-left).


The lang attribute sets the language of the element and accepts a language code as a value. The valid language codes are listed in the ISO standard ISO 639-1:2002. Unfortunately, it is only available for 140 Swiss Francs. If you search the Internet, you will find several web sites that list the codes like, for example, http://xml.coverpages.org/iso639a.html and http://www.mathguide.de/info/tools/languagecode.html. Even if they might refer to the previous version of the ISO standard, ISO 639:1988, they will still be to a large extent correct. Alternatively, you can also look at the half a dozen Wikipedia pages on ISO 639 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639).

Examples of valid language codes are en for English, he for Hebrew, en-US for American English, and x-klingon for Star Trek’s Klingon language. The setting of a language can assist search engines, speech synthesizers, and spell and grammar checkers, to name a few. It can also help render language specific features such as hyphenation.

Keyboard Attributes

You’re probably never going to use keyboard attributes, but I’ll list them just to be thorough.


The accesskey attribute assigns a keyboard key to an element. By pressing that key when the page is displayed in a browser, the user shifts the focus to that element. This was meant as a way of helping people with some disabilities, but it doesn’t work well, and not all keys are possible with all browsers. Also, you’re supposed to press the Alt key while pressing the accesskey, so you run into trouble with IE because Alt is used to give all sorts of commands. Good luck!


The tabindex attribute lets you specify the sequence of fields in a form when you tab through them. Again, I couldn’t get it to work consistently (or at all).

Event Attributes

The purpose of most of these attributes is to link scripts (typically, JavaScript code) to particular actions that the user performs on HTML elements. They are called event attributes because they generate events that trigger the execution of scripts. There are five types of event attributes: object, form, image, keyboard, and mouse.

The general format is as follows:

<element event_attribute="script to be executed">

For example:

<input type="submit" onmouseover="show_mess()"/>

executes the function show_mess when the cursor passes across the submit button of a form.

Object Event Attributes

There are four attributes in this group: onload, onunload, onresize, and onabort.

onload, which is available for the elements body, frame, frameset, iframe, img, input with the attribute type="image", link, script, and style, executes a script when the element is loaded. For example,

<body onload="initFun()">

causes the JavaScript function named initFun to run when the page is loaded.

onunload, which is only valid with body and frameset, causes a script to be executed when the page unloads.

onresize is available for most elements. It triggers the execution of a script when the size of an element changes.

oabort triggers an event when the loading of an image is stopped before completion.

Form Event Attributes

Table A-4 describes the events in this group.


While onreset, onsubmit, and onselect specifically apply to form elements, the other attributes apply to most HTML elements.

Keyboard Event Attributes

There are only three attributes in this group: onkeydown, onkeyup, and onkeypressed. They trigger an event for the element that is currently on focus. The attribute onkeypressed is activated when the user presses a key down and then releases it. These attributes apply to most HTML elements.

Mouse Event Attributes

Table A-5 describes the events in this group. These attributes apply to most HTML elements.



A table consists of rows and columns, with cells containing text, images, and other components. In almost every chapter of this book, you’ll find examples of tables. Tables are an easy way to present components in an organized fashion.

Listing A-2 shows the code that generates the simple table of Figure A-4.

Listing A-2. HTML Code for a Table

<table border="1"><tr style="background-color: #c0c0c0"><th>abc</th><th
align="center" colspan="2">a 2-column span</th></tr><tr><td>a1</td><td>
a2</td><td>a3</td></tr><tr><td rowspan="2">2-row<br/>span</td><td>b2

Figure A-4. An HTML-generated table

I’ve purposely packed the code to show you how difficult it is to interpret it without proper indentation. You should find Listing A-3 more readable.

Listing A-3. table.html

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmllang="en" lang="en">
<table border="1">
  <tr style="background-color: #c0c0c0">
    <th align="center" colspan="2">a 2-column span</th>
    <!-- item merged into item on the left -->
    <td rowspan="2">2-row<br/>span</td>
    <!-- item merged into item above -->

This code should be pretty self explanatory. Notice how the browser sets the size of the different cells to the minimum necessary. You can change that by defining styles to set cell dimensions.

Table Structure

You use the element table to define a table. Inside table, immediately after the start tag, you can place a single caption element to identify a string that the browsers display immediately above the table.

Use the tr element to define rows within the table, and use td to define cells (i.e., columns) within the rows. If you want, you can use th for the table header instead of tr. The browsers will highlight it in bold.

To facilitate scrolling and printing of long tables, you can flag some rows at the top and/or at the bottom of the table as having particular significance. To do so, place the header rows inside the thead element, the footer rows inside the element tfoot, and the rest of the rows inside the tbody element.

You can also define attributes of columns before defining the rows that contain the actual table cells. You do this with the col element, which is not as useless as it might appear at first, because tables are defined one cell at a time. Therefore, without col, you would have to define the cell attributes for each individual cell. With col, you can define those attributes only once for all the cells belonging to one column. It potentially avoids a lot of repetitions and makes the code more readable.

Table Width

To define the width of the whole table, you use the width attribute. You can express it either in pixels or as a percentage of the enclosing window. For example, <table width="100%"> defines a table as wide as the whole window. Please note that the browsers tend to have a lot of initiative when it comes to rendering tables. You cannot really rely on this attribute. Trial and error using different browsers is advisable.

Table Borders

You can define the thickness in pixels of the border enclosing the whole table with the border attribute. The default is border="0", and with any border greater than zero, each individual cell is highlighted by a thin border.

Once you’ve defined a border of nonzero thickness, you can use the frame attribute to define which sides of the border surrounding the whole table are to be visible. Table A-6 shows the possible values. The default (i.e., when you omit the frame attribute) is "border".



The rules attribute defines the horizontal and vertical divider lines between rows and columns. It can have the following values: none, groups, rows, cols, and all. The rules are single lines, not the thin cell borders that are shown when the rules attribute is missing. With rules="groups", the lines are only drawn between the groups of columns defined with colgroup. Figure A-5 shows some examples of tables with different combinations of frames and rules viewed with Firefox. Unfortunately, the major browsers don’t agree on how these borders, frames, and rules should be displayed. Figures A-6 to A-8 show how Chrome, Opera, and IE9 render the same document table_frame.html used for Figure A-5.


Figure A-5. Rendering of table frames and rules - Firefox


Figure A-6. Rendering of table frames and rules - Chrome


Figure A-7. Rendering of table frames and rules - Opera


Figure A-8. Rendering of table frames and rules – IE9

The differences between the browsers mean that, when using table formatting, you need to check your pages with all major browsers and choose the best combination of attributes.

Row and Cell Alignment

All three elements tr, which defines rows; td, which define cells within rows; and th, which defines header cells; accept the four alignment attributes align, valign, char, and charoff. Additionally, td and th also accept the attributes abbr, axis, colspan, headers, rowspan, and scope.

Image Caution  Cell elements are contained inside row elements. That’s why it makes sense to talk about cells rather than columns. It’s your responsibility to ensure that each row element includes the correct number of cell elements.

align, char, and charoff

The align attribute defines the horizontal alignment of the content in a table cell, or in all cells of a row when applied to tr. It can have the following values: left, right, center, justify, and char.

In particular, align="char" means that the text is aligned with respect to one particular character. The default for this character is the period, so that numbers with decimal digits are displayed with the periods aligned vertically. To change the character used for alignment, use the attribute char, as in char=";", which would align the values on a semicolon instead of on the default period. You also have the possibility of introducing an offset in the alignment with the attribute charoff. For example, charoff="10%" shifts the alignment to the right by 1/10 of the cell size, while charoff="10" shifts it to the right by 10 pixels. Shifts to the left are obtained with negative values. It sounds cool, doesn’t it? Well, forget it, because none of the major browsers supports either char or charoff. Same story with align="justify". There goes our beloved conformance to standards! I’m keeping this description in this book because the problem might be fixed in the future. Also, I don’t want you to waste the time I invested in testing those features.


The valign attribute defines the vertical alignment of the content in a table cell. It can have the values top, middle, bottom, and baseline. Baseline means that the characters are aligned on the same line of text regardless of their size. Figure A-9 clearly shows the differences when the four possible values of valign are applied to the cells with the small joy. The document I used to generate the figure is table_valign.html.


Figure A-9. The four possible values of the valign attribute

abbr and axis

The abbr attribute specifies an abbreviated version of the cell content. The axis attribute provides a way of categorizing cells. Its value is a string identifying the category.

Neither attribute has any effect on normal browsers, but they can be useful for screen readers.

colspan and rowspan

colspan and rowspan let you expand a cell over several columns and rows. For example, let’s say you want to generate the table you see in Figure A-10.


Figure A-10. Grouping of table columns and rows with colspan and rowspan

To create such a table, you can use the code shown in Listing A-4.

Listing A-4. cr_span.html

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmllang="en" lang="en">
  <title>Example of colspan and rowspan</title>
  <style type="text/css">body {font-size:16pt}</style>
  <style type="text/css">.g1 {background-color: #c0c0c0}</style>
  <style type="text/css">.g2 {background-color: #808080}</style>
<table cellpadding="2" border="1" rules="all">
    <td rowspan="2" class="g2">(1,1)<br/>(2,1)</td>
    <td colspan="2" class="g1">(1,2) (1,3)</td>
    <!-- (2,1) was defined one row up -->
    <td rowspan="2" class="g2")>(2,3)<br/>(3,3)</td>
    <td colspan="2" class="g1">(3,1) (3,2)</td>
    <!-- (3,3) was defined one row up -->

Be very systematic when using these attributes, because you can easily mess up the table!


The headers attribute is a space-separated list of cell IDs that supplies header information for the cells. Its purpose is to allow text-only browsers to render the header information. Listing A-5 shows how to use it.

Listing A-5. td_headers.html

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//Dtd XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmllang="en" lang="en">
<head><title>Test of td headers attribute</title></head>
<table border="1">
  <caption>Average Height</caption>
    <th id="c">Country</th>
    <th id="m">Males</th><th id="f">Females</th>
    <td id="au" headers="c">Australia</td>
    <td headers="m au">5 ft 10.2</td><td headers="f au">5 ft 4.5</td>
    <td id="us" headers="c">U.S.A.</td>
    <td headers="m us">5 ft 9.4</td><td headers="f us">5 ft 4</td>

Note that headers has no effect on how the table is rendered on normal browsers.


The scope attribute identifies a cell that provides header information for the row that contains it (scope="row"), the column (scope="col"), the row group (scope="rowgroup"), or the column group (scope="colgroup"). A row group consists of the rows identified by one of the elements thead, tbody, or tfoot). For an explanation of column groups, see below.

scope, like headers, abbr, and axis, is only useful for non-visual browsers.


As I said in the “Table Structure” section, you can define attributes for all the cells in a column by means of the col element. In the table of Figure A-11, I used col to give a gray background to the second column and a right alignment to the third one. The code is shown in Listing A-6.


Figure A-11. Example of col

Listing A-6. table_col.html

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//Dtd XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmllang="en" lang="en">
<head><title>Test of table col element</title></head>
<table border="1">
  <col style="background-color:#C0C0C0"/>
  <col align="right"/>
  <tr><td>only defaults</td><td>in gray</td><td>right aligned</td></tr>

As you can see from Listing A-6, there are three col elements that apply to the three columns of the table, from left to right. It isn’t necessary to have all the col elements before the tr elements or to have as many col elements as the number of columns actually present in the table. You can freely mix col and tr. What counts is only the order in which you write the col elements.

Unfortunately, so far, the only one of the major browsers that completely supports col is Opera. If you view table_col.html with Firefox, IE9, or Chrome, the second column has a gray background, but the third column is not right-aligned. And yet, all three browsers correctly render align="right" when it is placed inside individual cells rather than in the col element.

Column Groups

You can identify groups of contiguous columns with the table element colgroup. In addition to the attributes align, char, charoff, valign, and width, colgroup also accepts span, which defines how many columns from left to right are to be grouped. In connection with the table attribute rules, you can use column groups to decide when to show column separators. For example, see Figure A-12 and the corresponding code in Listing A-7.


Figure A-12. Example of colgroup

Listing A-7. table_colgroup.html

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//Dtd XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmllang="en" lang="en">
  <title>Test of table colgroup element</title>
  <style type="text/css">body {font-size:16pt}</style>
<table border="1" cellpadding="2" rules="groups">
  <colgroup span="1"/>
  <colgroup span="2" style="background-color:#C0C0C0"/>
  <colgroup span="1"/>

Notice how you can use the style attribute of colgroup to define styles shared by all the columns of the groups. As this works with all four major browsers (while, as we have just seen, col does not), you can use colgroup with span="1" where you would normally use col.

I encourage you to check the rendering of your pages with all major browsers before deploying them, because you shouldn’t take anything for granted. For example, in table_colgroup.html, you shouldn’t need to define the third colgroup. It doesn’t serve any purpose. But if you remove it, IE9 and Opera will not render the rule on the right-hand side of the second group, which separates the third group of columns from the second one.

Table Header, Body, and Footer

With the table elements thead, tbody, and tfoot, you can split all the rows of a table into three groups: header, body, and footer. This allows browsers to perform a more intelligent scrolling of long tables. In practice, you can use them to separate cells horizontally, as shown in Figure A-13.


Figure A-13. Example of thead, tbody, and tfoot

Listing A-8 shows you how to create the table of Figure A-13.

Listing A-8. table_rowgroup.html

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//Dtd XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmllang="en" lang="en">
  <title>Test of table row grouping</title>
  <style type="text/css">body {font-size:16pt}</style>
<table border="1" cellpadding="2" rules="groups">
  <colgroup span="1"/>
  <thead style="font-weight:bold; background-color:#C0C0C0">
  <tfoot style="font-weight:bold">

Notice that I’ve only defined a header and a footer. It would be better programming to define the body as well. But I wanted to show you that it is not essential.

Input Forms

To turn your web pages into an interactive experience, you have to give users the ability to make choices and type or upload information. To achieve this, you use the form element, which accepts data from the user and sends it to the server.

This book is full of examples of input forms. But a summary of all possible input elements as shown in Figure A-14 might be useful as a reference. The browser was Chrome.


Figure A-14. An HTML form with examples of all input elements

The various types of the input element let the user enter a string of text or a password, check one or more check boxes, choose one of several radio buttons, upload a file, submit a form, reset a form’s fields, or trigger a JavaScript action by clicking a button. The textarea element lets the user enter several lines of text, while the fieldset element lets you group several input fields under one or more headings. To present multiple choices, you use the select element, which contains one option element for each alternative. Listing A-9 shows the source code of Figure A-14.

Listing A-9. form.html

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmllang="en" lang="en">
  <title>Example of input form</title>
  <style type="text/css">
    td.h {font-size: 120%; font-weight: bold}
<form action="">
  <input type="hidden" name="agent" value="007"/>
  <table  cellpadding="5" border="1" rules="all">
      <td class="h">Element</td><td class="h">Attribute</td>
      <td class="h">Result</td></tr>
      <td><input type="text" name="t"/></td>
      <td><input type="password" name="p"/></td>
        <input type="checkbox" value="a" name="abc">A</input>
        <input type="checkbox" value="b" name="abc">B</input>
        <input type="checkbox" value="c" name="abc">C</input>
        <input type="radio" name="yn" value="y">yes</input>
        <input type="radio" name="yn" value="n">no</input>
      <td><input type="file" name="f"/></td>
      <td><input type="submit"/></td>
      <td><input type="reset"/></td>
      <td><input type="button" value="click me" name="b"/></td>
      <td><textarea name="ta">Default text</textarea></td>
        Width <input type="text" size="3" name="w"/>
        Height <input type="text" size="3" name="h"/>
      <td>select / option</td><td></td>
      <td><select name="food">
        <option value="pizza">Pizza</option>
        <option value="spaghetti" selected>Spaghetti</option>

I’ve highlighted two lines. The first line, which contains the form element, shows that the action attribute is set to the empty string. The action attribute defines the URL of the page that must handle the request form. An empty string means that the same page displaying the form will also handle it. The second highlighted line shows how you can use the input element to set parameters without the user being aware of it (unless he or she peeks at the source, that is).

If you fill in the form as shown in Figure A-14 and click on the Submit button (or hit the Enter key), you’ll see in the address field of your browser that the following string appears at the end of the URL (I’ve inserted newlines for readability):


The browser has translated each input element into a string parameter-name=parameter-value. Notice that each space in the text fields has been replaced by a plus sign, including the spaces within the password. Also notice that the parameter abc appears twice, because I checked two of the three available check boxes. To avoid seeing all the parameters in the browser, add to the form element the attribute method="post".

Buttons and Images

You can define a button in several ways, as shown in Figure A-15. All allow the disable attribute. The document to generate Figure A-15 is form_buttons.html (Listing A-10), available in the folder form buttons of the software package for this appendix. To view the page you can just double-click the HTML file.


Figure A-15. HTML elements to render buttons

Listing A-10. form_buttons.html

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmllang="en" lang="en">
<head><title>Examples of buttons</title></head>
<form action="">
  <table  cellpadding="5" border="1">
      <td>&lt;button>&lt;img src="linux.jpg"/>&lt;br/>submit!&lt;/button></td>
      <td><button><img src="linux.jpg"/><br/>submit!</button></td>
      <td>&lt;input type="image" src="button.jpg"/></td>
      <td><input type="image" src="button.jpg"/></td>
      <td>&lt;input type="submit"/></td>
      <td><input type="submit"/></td>
      <td>&lt;input type="reset"/></td>
      <td><input type="reset"/></td>
      <td>&lt;input type="button" value="click me" name="b"/></td>
      <td><input type="button" value="click me" name="b"/></td>

Note how I used the HTML entity &lt; to replace the open angle-bracket. This was necessary to prevent the browser from interpreting the code fragments I wanted to display in clear.

Perhaps the most obvious way of defining a button is with the button element. As you can see from Figure A-15, you can then use images and text to make your button interesting. You can also define the attribute type="submit" (the default), type="reset", or type="button". A "reset" button returns all the form’s input fields to the values they had before any user input. You can use a button of type "button" to execute a JavaScript on the client side, and you can assign to it a default value with the value attribute. You can also use the name attribute.

<input type="submit"/>, <input type="reset"/>, and <input type="button"/> let you define standard buttons. You can specify the text to be displayed inside the button with the value attribute. Note that the name attribute is allowed with type="button", but not with type="submit" and type="reset".

<input type="image" src="image-file"/> is yet another way to create submit buttons. However, the behavior is slightly different: when you use an image to create a submit button and click on it to submit the form, the browser sends to the server two additional parameters named x and y and representing the position of the cursor within the image, with 0,0 indicating the top-left corner of the image, x increasing from left to right, and y increasing from the top down. Furthermore, if you add to the element the attribute name="whatever", the browser names the parameters whatever.x and whatever.y, instead of simply x and y.

If you define the name attribute and also define the attribute value="val", the browser will send the whatever=val parameter in addition to the coordinates. Finally, with image buttons, you can define the alt attribute to specify text associated with the image. A nice feature of all major browsers is that they display the hand cursor on image buttons (while they display the arrow cursor on the other types of buttons).

With an appropriate server side script, you can use the coordinate parameters to create an image map, but then the script would have to do all the analysis to determine what region was clicked and then forward the request to the appropriate page. You will find a section about image maps later on in this appendix.


Together with tables, lists are the workhorses of web development. There are three types of lists: definition lists, ordered lists, and unordered lists. Figures A-16 to A-18 show the three types of lists. The HTML documents that generate the three figures are respectively list_definition.html, list_ordered.html, and list_unordered.html.


Figure A-16. A definition list


Figure A-17. An ordered list


Figure A-18. An unordered list

Before the latest HTML releases, it was possible to use some attributes to personalize the lists, but they have been deprecated. Use styles instead.

Image Maps

A useful thing to be able to do when developing web sites is to link areas of an image to different URLs. There are three ways of doing it, but two of them do not always work. On the Web, you will find a lot of discussions about this issue. That’s why it is worthwhile to talk about it in a clear and straightforward way. I will start with the easiest method.

Splitting an Image with a Table

For this example, I will use the well-known GNU/Linux image of a penguin1 (Figure A-19).


Figure A-19. The GNU/Linux penguin

Suppose you want to divide the penguin image into four separately clickable areas, as shown in Figure A-20.


1 Tux, the penguin logo, was created by Larry Ewing ([email protected]) using the General Image Manipulation Program (http://www.isc.tamu.edu/~lewing/gimp/)


Figure A-20. The GNU/Linux penguin

The trivial solution is that you split the image into four pieces that you can place in a 2x2 table, one piece per cell, as shown in Listing A-11. To try the code, copy the penguin folder from the software package for this chapter to the usual test folder (i.e., webappsROOT ests in the Tomcat folder) and view http://localhost:8080/tests/penguin/penguin_tbl.html. You can also view it without Tomcat, by double-clicking penguin_tbl.html. I haven’t included any of the four pages the image is linked to, but you don’t need them to see how the mechanism works.

Listing A-11. penguin_tbl.html

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<html xmlns="http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  <style type="text/css">img {border-width: 0px}</style>
<table border="1" rules="none" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td><a href="top_left.html"><img src="penguin_tl.gif"/></a></td>
    <td><a href="top_right.html"><img src="penguin_tr.gif"/></a></td>
    <td><a href="bottom_left.html"><img src="penguin_bl.gif"/></a></td>
    <td><a href="bottom_right.html"><img src="penguin_br.gif"/></a></td>

As you can see, this code defines a table with two rows and two columns, where each cell contains a hyperlinked image. I’ve styled the images to be rendered without borders, and I’ve defined the table to show no cell padding or spacing. The intention is to have the browser compose a large image by placing the four partial images adjacent to each other. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work, as shown in Figure A-21.


Figure A-21. The GNU/Linux penguin sawed in half

Notice that the name of the link correctly matches the position of the cursor.

The same problem is shown consistently with all four major browsers (it actually used to work as expected with older versions of IE). Funnily enough, the gaps disappear if you change the document type from strict 1.1 to transitional 1.0 (although with Opera you also need to set table’s border attribute to 0).

Using an Image Map with a Table or a List

I’ll tell you upfront that this method is also unusable, because it only works with Firefox and Opera but not with Chrome or IE9. I describe it here because you should be aware of it, and I can also use it to explain some things you need to know anyway. Somewhere on the Web you might find people who tell you that you can make it work if you limit the validation of XHTML 1.0 / HTML 4.01 to be transitional. That is not true.

For this example, I will use an image as shown in Figures A-22 and A-23.


Figure A-22. Status bar and screen tip pointing to gray in a map test


Figure A-23. Status bar and screen tip pointing to white in a map test

This method doesn’t require you to cut the image into pieces. You only need to define the portions of the image associated with the links. The idea is that you associate to the image a map consisting of a series of clickable shapes, as shown in Listing A-12. To try it out, copy the folder maptest from the software package for this chapter to the usual test folder and view http://localhost:8080/tests/maptest/maptest_tbl.html. Note that you can view this HTML file, like others that don’t contain JSP, by double-clicking its icon in Windows Explorer. I always suggest that you view all pages in Tomcat; I’m sure everything will always work if you do so.

Listing A-12. maptest_tbl.html

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<html xmlns="http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head><title>Map Test with Table</title></head>
<img src="maptest.gif" usemap="#mymap" width="300" height="150"
<map id="mymap"><table><tr>
  <td><a href="black.html" shape="rect" coords="0,0,100,150"
  <td><a href="gray.html" shape="circ" coords="170,60,50"
  <td><a href="white.html" shape="rect" coords="100,0,300,150"

As you can see, you associate a map to the image by setting img’s usemap attribute to the URI of the map element. Notice how the shape and coords attributes are set to identify the three clickable areas. The shapes are rendered from the bottom up, as it is obvious considering that if that were not the case, the white rectangle would hide the gray circle in Figures A-22 and A-23.

The shape attribute can have the values rect, rectangle, circ, circle, poly, and polygon. The coordinates are defined in coords as a comma-separated list of numeric values. Obviously, you have to match the coordinates you define in coords with those of the areas of the image you want to make clickable.

Table A-7 shows the meaning of the numeric values associated with each shape. The x coordinate is measured horizontally from left to right, and the y coordinate is measured vertically from top to bottom. Therefore, the top-left corner of the map always represents the origin of the coordinates, with x=0, y=0. In the example, the bottom-right corner of the map has the coordinates x=300 and y=150.


Clearly, with enough points, a polygon can approximate the contours of any shape you like, especially when you combine it with several partially overlapping circles of different radii.

Listing A-13 shows a variant of this technique, with an object element replacing img and an unnumbered list replacing the table. You will find maptest_list.html in the same folder of maptest_tbl.html.

Listing A-13. maptest_list.html

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<html xmlns="http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head><title>Map Test</title></head>
<object data="maptest.gif" usemap="#mymap" type="image/gif"
    width="300" height="150"
  <map id="mymap">
      <li><a href="black.html" shape="rect" coords="0,0,100,150"
      <li><a href="gray.html" shape="circ" coords="170,60,50"
      <li><a href="white.html" shape="rect" coords="100,0,300,150"

Unfortunately, as I said at the beginning of this section, neither variant will work with Chrome or IE9. But the explanation of how to use a map has not been a waste of time, because the next method tells you how to make an image map work with all browsers.

Using an Image Map with Areas

Listing A-14 shows you how to make an image map work. I have added a gray square to the bottom-right corner of the image to show you how to define “dead” areas.

Listing A-14. maptest_area.html

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<html xmlns="http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head><title>Map Test with areas</title></head>
<img src="maptest_area.gif" usemap="#mymap" width="300" height="150"
<map name="mymap" id="mymap">
  <area nohref shape="rect" coords="280,130,300,150" title="nothing"/>
  <area href="black.html" shape="rect" coords="0,0,100,150" title="black"/>
  <area href="gray.html" shape="circ" coords="170,60,50" title="gray"/>
  <area href="white.html" shape="rect" coords="100,0,300,150" title="white"/>

Notice that I have added the definition of the name attribute to the map element. It is needed for Chrome. With the three other browsers, the id attribute is sufficient. Figure A-24 shows the final result.


Figure A-24. Screen tip pointing to a disabled area of an image map

The Bottom Line

I have tested all methods described in the previous sections with the four most widely used browsers, and validating against XHTML 1.1, XHTML 1.0 strict, XHTML transitional, HTML 4.01 strict, and HTML 4.01 transitional. The only method that works in all situations is the one based on the area element. It is also the most flexible method and doesn’t require you to split the image.

For simple maps, you can use the simple method of placing rectangular sections of the image in the cells of a table, as long as you validate against transitional standards of either XHTML 1.0 or HTML 4.01. But I recommend that you stick to the area-based method.

Cascading Style Sheets

According to Wikipedia, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a [...] language used for describing [...] the look and formatting [...] of a document written in a markup language. Its most common application is to style web pages written in HTML and XHTML.

I reproduced the core of Wikipedia’s definition because I couldn’t have said it better.

Some time ago, I found somewhere on the W3C web site the following description, which is also worth reproducing: CSS2 supports media-specific style sheets so that authors may tailor the presentation of their documents to visual browsers, aural devices, printers, braille devices, handheld devices, etc. This specification also supports content positioning, downloadable fonts, table layout, features for internationalization, automatic counters and numbering, and some properties related to user interface.

The CSS standard (see http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/current-work.en.html for the latest developments) doesn’t have versions, but levels, with each level adding features and refining the definition of the previous one. The latest CSS specification is CSS2.1 (http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/).

Style Syntax

Here is a valid CSS style definition (also called a CSS rule):

h1, h2, h3 {
  font-family: "sans serif";
  color: red

Each rule consists of one or more comma-separated selectors (e.g., h1) followed by semicolon-separated declarations enclosed in braces. Each declaration consists of a property name (e.g., color) and a property value (e.g., red).You can freely insert spaces and newlines to make the styles more readable.

Listing A-15 shows how you can define several paragraph styles and use them separately or together.

Listing A-15. p_styles.html

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  <title>Styled paragraphs</title>
  <style type="text/css">
    p {font-size: 130%}
    p.bold {font-weight: bold}
    p.italic {font-style: italic}
    p.p123 {font-size: 100%; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal}
<p>This is a default paragraph</p>
<p class="bold">This is a bold paragraph</p>
<p class="bold italic">This is a bold italic paragraph</p>
<p class="bold p123 italic">This is a normal paragraph</p>

Notice that to assign a paragraph (or any element) to more than one style class, you only need to use the names of the classes separated by spaces. Also, notice how you can use the class p.p123 to override the font size, weight, and style as defined in the preceding styles. The class p.p123 takes precedence over all others, because you defined it last within the style element in head. The order in which the class names appear in the class attribute of the paragraphs is irrelevant. Figure A-25 shows the output of p_styles.html.


Figure A-25. Styled paragraphs

If you omit the element name when defining a class, the style will apply to all the elements. For example, you can use this class with all elements rendering text:

.bold {font-weight: bold}

Image Caution  Class names must start with a letter.

The file eshop projecteshopcsseshop.css that you find in the software pacakage for Chapter 3 provides several examples of style rules.

Now that you know the syntax of a style rule and have seen a couple of examples, you shouldn’t have any problem using other properties. They’re clearly described in the standard, and several web sites provide extensive descriptions.

Placing Styles

You can define styles in three places: inline (as attributes within element start tags), internally (in the style element inside the head), and externally (in separate style sheet files). Note that inline styles override internal styles, and internal styles override external styles.

You can define inline styles in most elements, as the following example shows:

<p style="color: red; font-weight: bold">bold and red</p>

This is appropriate when you want to use a style only once or for testing purposes. It wouldn’t make sense to repeat the same style over and over again in several elements.

Styles defined in the head of an HTML document by means of the style element, as I showed you in Listing A-15, apply to the whole document. This makes sense for styles that you want to use exclusively in a single document. However, if you intend to reuse the styles in more than one document, you should define them in a separate file.

By defining styles in a CSS file, you maximize maintainability of complex applications. You have seen examples of this technique when I described the eshop, eshopx, and eshopf applications. You normally include a CSS file in an HTML document by writing in the document’s head element an element like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="filename.css"/>

Note that the browser loads all style definitions one after the other in the order in which it encounters them. Therefore, if you include more than one file and/or if you mix in the head element file inclusions and style elements, you can easily end up with conflicting styles rules.

You can use the optional attribute media of the style element to specify the destination of the style information. See Table A-8 for a list of valid media values.


HTML Elements div and span

You can use both div and span to apply styles to groups of elements, as in the following example:

<div style="color:red">
  <p>a red paragraph</p>
  <p>a red paragraph <span style="color:green">with green</span> in it</p>

While div can contain paragraphs, <span> cannot. This is because div identifies a block and can therefore contain other block-level elements (such as p and table), while span can only contain inline-level elements (such as a and img). So far, so good. However, the standards don’t clearly distinguish between block level and inline-level elements. Moreover, some elements are sometimes considered to be block-level and sometimes inline-level. Usually, the browsers display a new line before rendering a block level element, but this also is not always true. The elements that are certainly block-level (and cannot therefore appear inside span, are address, blockquote, dl, fieldset, form, h1 to h6, hr, noframes, noscript, ol, p, pre, table, and ul. The elements that are certainly inline-level (and can therefore appear inside span), are a, abbr, acronym, b, bdo, big, br, cite, code, dfn, em, i, img, input, kbd, label, q, samp, select, small, strong, sub, sup, textarea, tt, and var. For all the others, I cannot give you a clear indication.

I recommend using div when you need to apply styles to sections of documents and span only to style individual strings. To apply styles to a single element (e.g., a table), you should define the style attribute directly in the start tag of the element itself. In fact, if you use several styles, defining the corresponding classes in a separate style-sheet file would make your code more maintainable.

Image Caution  To use a feature that is not identically rendered by the major browsers, you might decide to rely on the user-agent information available via JSP to determine what browser issued the request, and then adjust your HTML output accordingly. But I think you will be happier in the long run if you just forget that particular feature.

Using a Style Sheet to Implement Tabs

Web sites often use tabs like those shown in Figure A-26 to let the users select different subjects. In this section, I’ll show you how to use style sheets to implement such tabs in a simple and elegant way.


Figure A-26. Tabs

Listing A-16 shows the JSP document used to generate Figure A-26. To view it, copy the folder named tabs to the usual test folder webappsROOT ests and type in the browser the URL http://localhost:8080/tests/tabs/tabs.jsp.

Listing A-16. tabs.jsp

<%@page language="java" contentType="text/html"%>
  final char HOME = 'H', TEST = 'T', NUM = '1';
  String     s = request.getParameter("t");
  char       p = (s != null && s.length() > 0) ? s.charAt(0) : HOME;
  <title>Tabs with CSS</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tabs.css"/>
<p>This appears above the tabs</p>
<div class="tabs">
    <li <% if (p == HOME) out.print("id="on""); %>>
      <a href="tabs.jsp?t=<%=HOME%>"><span>Home</span></a>
    <li <% if (p == TEST) out.print("id="on""); %>>
      <a href="tabs.jsp?t=<%=TEST%>"><span>Test</span></a>
    <li <% if (p == NUM) out.print("id="on""); %>>
      <a href="tabs.jsp?t=<%=NUM%>"><span>123456789 abcdef</span></a>
  This appears below the tabs

The first section in bold is a scriptlet that sets the character variable p to the first character found in the input parameter t. If the input parameter is missing or empty, the scriptlet sets p to 'H'.

Each tab is implemented as an item of an unnumbered list. I’ve highlighted the item corresponding to the Test tab. This scriptlet writes id="on" to the output when the first character of the input parameter matches the character designated to identify the Test tab:

<% if (p == TEST) out.print("id="on""); %>

You will see that the presence of the "on" identifier causes the tag to be displayed with a different style. Notice that in Figure A-26, the  tab is indeed on.

The content of the unnumbered item is:

<a href="tabs.jsp?t=<%=TEST%>"><span>Test</span></a>

The hyperlink points to the URI tabs.jsp?t=T, which the browser loads when the user clicks on the tab. In Figure A-26, the cursor hovers on the Home tab. Accordingly, the link shown at the bottom of the figure is http://localhost:8080/tests/tabs/tabs.jsp?t=H. Listing A-17 shows the style sheet.

Listing A-17. tabs.css

div.tabs {
  float              : left;
  width              : 100%;
  background         : white url(tab_pixel.gif) repeat-x bottom;
div.tabs ul {
  list-style         : none;
  margin             : 0px;
  padding            : 0px;
div.tabs li {
  display            : inline;
  margin             : 0px;
  padding            : 0px;
div.tabs a {
  float              : left;
  background         : url(tab_right.gif) no-repeat right top;
  border-bottom      : 1px solid black;
  font-family        : Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  font-size          : 12px;
  font-weight        : bold;
  text-decoration    : none;
div.tabs li#on a {
  background         : url(tab_right_on.gif) no-repeat right top;
  border-bottom      : 1px solid white;
div.tabs a:link, div.tabs a:active, div.tabs a:visited {
  color              : black;
div.tabs a:hover {
  color              : #808080;
div.tabs span {
  float              : left;
  background         : url(tab_left.gif) no-repeat left top;
  padding            : 5px;
  white-space        : nowrap;

All entries refer to div.tabs, which means that the styles are only to be applied to elements enclosed between <div class="tabs"> and </div>. In this way, you can define the properties that apply to all the tab elements by default. In particular, you can specify that the tabs are to build up from left to right as you defined them in the JSP page. It also helps you define the gray line at the bottom of the line of tabs by repeating a single gray pixel (tab_pixel.gif) to span horizontally across the whole window.

You use list-style:none to specify that the unnumbered lists (element ul) should not be displayed with bullets. You need this style, because you want to display the items as tabs, and the default bullets would get in the way. Similarly, you need display:inline for the list item elements (li) to ensure that no line breaks are displayed before or after each item.

Next, you define how hyperlinks (element a) are to be rendered. First, you specify how you want to have the tab labels written and state that the image tab_right.gif (see Figure A-27) is to be used as a background image aligned top-right. When you use it as a tab background top-right justified, its width is adjusted to match the width needed to display the tab name. The longer the text inside the tab, the more the image will be stretched horizontally, ensuring that the shading is applied to the whole tab. Its height is appropriate for the font size I’ve chosen. If you want to use larger fonts, you will need to adjust the height of both tab_right.gif and tab_left.gif.


Figure A-27. tab_right.gif

When the id attribute of a li element is set to "on", the style

div.tabs li#on a {
  background         : url(tab_right_on.gif) no-repeat right top;
  border-bottom      : 1px solid white;

replaces tab_right.gif with tab_right_on.gif and the bottom black line with a white one.

Now, let’s take a look at the second-to-last style:

div.tabs a:hover {
  color              : #808080;

This style has the effect of graying out the text of a tab when the cursor hovers over it, as shown in Figure A-26.

To complete the tabs, you only need to display the left border of the tabs, and you can do this by attaching tab_left.gif as a left-justified, non-repeating background image to the span element.

In conclusion, as you have just seen, CSS is a powerful tool that can do much more than just set a font size or a background color.


JavaScript is the most widely used client-side scripting language on the Web. By adding it to your web pages, you can make your pages do things, such as prevalidate forms or immediately react to a user’s actions. As you have seen in Chapter 7, JavaScript is also the basis for Ajax.

The syntax of JavaScript was modeled on that of Java. Therefore, if you know Java, you should find JavaScript easy to learn. One noteworthy difference from Java is that you can omit variable declarations in the top level code. Moreover, JavaScript lacks Java’s static typing and strong type checking. This gives you more freedom, but it comes with the risk of messing things up in a big way. JavaScript relies on built in objects, but it doesn’t support classes or inheritance. It’s an interpreted language, and object binding is done at runtime.

At the end of 1995, Netscape introduced JavaScript in its Netscape Navigator web browser. Microsoft reverse engineered JavaScript, added its own extensions (as Microsoft always does), and renamed it JScript. Some years later, Ecma International merged the two languages into the standard ECMA-262 (http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-262.htm) and named the scripting language ECMAScript. Today, all major browsers conform to the ECMA 262 standard, which has been adopted as the ISO/IEC standard 16262. If you go to the ISO/IEC web site, you will see that you need to pay 238 Swiss Francs if you want to download the standard in PDF format. I can’t imagine why anyone would pay for it when the same standard is free to download from the ECMA web site. In any case, as everybody keeps referring to JavaScript (although they should really be saying “ECMAScript”), I will use JavaScript as well.

Placing JavaScript Inside a Web Page

Before showing an example of what you can do with JavaScript, let’s see how you can include it in your web pages. You have two possibilities: you can either keep the script inside your HTML document:

<script type="text/javascript">
  /* Place your script here */

or save it in a separate file and include it with a script element:

<script type="text/javascript" src="myScript.js"></script>

Image Caution  In both cases, you have to keep the end tag </script>, because the form <script ... /> is invalid.

In either case, you can decide to place your script in the head element or within the body element. If you want the script to execute in response to some event (e.g., when you pass your cursor over a button), place it in head. If you place it in body, the browser will execute it upon loading the page.

Responding to Events

You can place the onload and onunload events, which are associated with the whole window, in the body element (or in frameset, but I recommend that you forget that one). For example, you can execute a JavaScript function when your page is loaded as follows:

<body onload="functionName()">

You can include in most tags a series of events, which are generated directly by a keyboard or a mouse. They are onclick, ondblclick, onkeydown, onkeypress, onkeyup, onmousedown, onmousemove, onmouseout, onmouseover, and onmouseup. In particular, onmouseover allows you to change the appearance of an element when you pass the cursor over it without clicking. There are tags like head, html, script, style, and others that are excluded, because it doesn't make any sense to associate events to those elements.

Finally, some events are associated with the status of form-related elements and are therefore only valid within forms. These events are onblur, onchange, onfocus, onreset, onselect, and onsubmit. The events onsubmit and onreset refer to the whole form, while the others refer to individual elements. In particular, onfocus is triggered when an element is clicked on or tabbed to and therefore becomes ready to accept input, while onblur is triggered when an element loses focus. You can check the form input by using either onchange to trigger a testing function specifically designed for an element or onsubmit to perform several checks bundled inside a single function. You should ensure that input errors are detected as soon as possible. You don’t want your user to keep typing only to be told upon submitting the form that he or she did something wrong at the very beginning. In general, a combination of checks on individual elements plus a consistency check when the form is submitted is a good way to go.

Checking and Correcting Dates

As I already said, checking user inputs with JavaScript before the data leaves the browser makes for a quicker response, but it doesn’t necessarily reduce the checks you have to do on the server side, because you cannot entirely depend on what happens on the client side. The user might have disabled JavaScript or maliciously altered your page to bypass the checks.

Nevertheless, security issues aside, client-side checks make for a better user experience. In this section, I’ll give you an example of how to prevent a user from entering incorrectly formatted dates and how to work with dates. I’ll use JSP instead of straight HTML, because it’s much easier to use a JSP loop to prepare a select on days and months, rather than type them all by hand in plain HTML. Figure A-28 shows you what you want to achieve. To view it, copy the folder dates from the software package for this appendix to the usual test folder and type http://localhost:8080/tests/dates/dates.jsp.


Figure A-28. Setting and copying dates

You want to be able to set any valid date within a certain number of years, set a date to today, or copy a date at the press of a button. In particular, you need to ensure that when you select a month, the number of days changes automatically. Listing A-18 shows the JSP page, where I’ve highlighted the JavaScript code in bold. Study this code first before passing to the file that contains the JavaScript functions.

Listing A-18. dates.jsp

01:  <%@page language="java" contentType="text/html"%>
02:  <html>
03:  <head>
04:    <title>Check date/time sequence in form</title>
05:    <script type="text/javascript">
06:      var now = new Date();
07:      var thisDay   = now.getDate() - 1;
08:      var thisMonth = now.getMonth();
09:      var thisYear  = now.getYear();
10:      if (thisYear < 2000) thisYear += 1900; //for some browsers
11:      var firstYear = thisYear - 2;
12:      var lastYear = thisYear + 2;
13:      </script>
14:    <script type="text/javascript" src="dates.js"></script>
15:    </head>
16:  <body>
17:  <form name="f" action="">
18:    <table border="0">
19:      <tr><td>&nbsp;</td>
20:        <td>Year</td><td>Month</td><td>Day</td>
21:        <td>&nbsp;</td>
22:        </tr>
23:  <%  for (int k = 1, kMax = 2; k <= kMax; k++) { %>
24:  <%    String upd = "updateMonthDays('f', '"+k+"')"; %>
25:        <tr>
26:          <td>Date <%=k%>:</td>
27:          <td>
28:            <select name="yy<%=k%>" onchange="<%=upd%>">
29:              <script type="text/javascript">
30:                for (var jy = firstYear; jy <= lastYear; jy++) {
31:                  document.writeln("<option>" + jy + "</option>");
32:                  }
33:                </script>
34:              </select>
35:            </td>
36:          <td>
37:            <select name="mm<%=k%>" onchange="<%=upd%>">
38:  <%          for (int jm = 1; jm <= 12; jm++) { %>
39:                <option><%=jm%></option>
40:  <%            } %>
41:              </select>
42:            </td>
43:          <td>
44:            <select name="dd<%=k%>">
45:  <%          for (int jd = 1; jd <= 31; jd++) { %>
46:                <option><%=jd%></option>
47:  <%            } %>
48:              </select>
49:            </td>
50:          <td>
51:            <input type="button" name="today<%=k%>"
52:              value="Today" onclick="selectToday('f', '<%=k%>')"/>
53:  <%        int k1 = k; int k2 = k + 1; if (k2 > kMax) k2 = 1; %>
54:            <input type="button" name="same_day"
55:               value="<%=k1%> -> <%=k2%>"
56:               onclick="copyDay('f', '<%=k1%>', '<%=k2%>')"/>
57:            </td>
58:          </tr>
59:        <script type="text/javascript">
60:          selectToday('f', '<%=k%>')
61:          </script>
62:  <%    } /* for (int k.. */ %>
63:      </table>
64:    </form>
65:  </body>
66:  </html>

Lines 5–12 set up some JavaScript variables that you’ll use in several places. You could have used the Calendar class in JSP, but it would have provided the time of the server, not of the client. You cannot assume that the viewers of your web site are all located within your time zone. You might be wondering why you subtract 1 when calculating thisDay, while you don’t subtract anything when calculating thisMonth. This is because getDate returns the day of the month (i.e., 1, 2, and so on), while getMonth returns 0 for January, 1 for February, and so on. I prefer to have all indices starting with the same value.

Lines 11 and 12 reflect my decision of making available two years in the past and two years in the future. In the real world, this decision will depend on your application. You use the year limits to define the options for the year selection in lines 29 and 30. Notice that you use JavaScript to write the option elements to the web page.

Line 60 shows a call to the function selectToday, which is a script that you insert directly into the page. It means that after rendering one row of the table of dates, the browser will set the date to today (the user’s today, not the server’s today).

Other bits of JavaScript are linked to the event onclick of each button and to the event onchange of the year and month selectors.

The onclick attributes in line 52

onclick="selectToday('f', '<%=k%>')"

and in line 56

onclick="copyDay('f', '<%=k1%>', '<%=k2%>')"

have the effect of executing the respective functions selectToday and copyDay with the argument list ('f', '1') if you click on a button of the first date, and with the argument list ('f', '2') if you click on a button of the second date.

I’ll explain the functions when we look at the JavaScript file dates.js in Listing A-19, but you can already see that you always pass the name of the form element as the first argument of the call. You do this because hard coding the form name inside a separate file would be bad practice.

The onchange="<%=upd%>" attribute, which you see in line 37, is expanded by JSP to onchange="updateMonthDays('f', '1')" for the first date and to onchange="updateMonthDays('f', '2')" for the second date. Its purpose is to ensure that when the user changes the month selection, the number of days changes accordingly. Remember that this happens on the client side and doesn’t involve the server. The identical attribute also appears in line 28, to take into account that the user could select a leap year. In this case, you need to ensure that you display February with 29 days.

Now you can see why it’s better to use JSP instead of plain HTML: you only need to write the code for one date, and the big loop between lines 23 and 62 repeats it for you for as many dates as you like. You only need to increase kMax to see more than two dates.

Listing A-19 shows the JavaScript functions hidden in dates.js. I’ve highlighted the function headers.

Listing A-19. dates.js

01:  /*
02:  **  Determine the number of days in the given month of the given year
03:  */
04:  function daysInMonth(m, y) {
05:    var daysInMonth = 31;
06:    if (m == 4  ||  m == 6  ||  m == 9  ||  m == 11) daysInMonth = 30;
07:    if (m == 2) {
08:      daysInMonth = ((y%4) == 0)
09:                           ? (((y%100) == 0)
10:                                       ? (((y%400) == 0) ? 29 : 28)
11:                                       : 29
12:                                       )
13:                           :28
14:                           ;
15:      }
16:    return daysInMonth;
17:    }
18:  /*
19:  **  Adjust the days to the requested month and year
20:  */
21:  function updateMonthDays(formName, kDate) {
22:    var ddObj = eval("document." + formName + ".dd" + kDate);
23:    var mmObj = eval("document." + formName + ".mm" + kDate);
24:    var yyObj = eval("document." + formName + ".yy" + kDate);
25:    var mm = mmObj[mmObj.selectedIndex].text;
26:    var yy = yyObj[yyObj.selectedIndex].text;
27:    var wantedDays  = daysInMonth(mm, yy);
28:    var currentDays = ddObj.length;
29:    /*
30:     *  REMOVE days from the end if we have too many
31:     */
32:    while (wantedDays < currentDays) {
33:      ddObj.options[ddObj.length - 1] = null;
34:      currentDays--;
35:      }
36:    /*
37:     *  ADD days at the end if we are missing some
38:     */
39:    while (wantedDays > currentDays) {
40:      currentDays++;
41:      ddObj.appendChild(new Option(currentDays));
42:      }
43:    //
44:    if (ddObj.selectedIndex < 0) ddObj.selectedIndex = 0;
45:    }
46:  /*
47:  **  Select today
48:  */
49:  function selectToday(formName, kDate) {
50:    var ddObj = eval("document." + formName + ".dd" + kDate);
51:    var mmObj = eval("document." + formName + ".mm" + kDate);
52:    var yyObj = eval("document." + formName + ".yy" + kDate);
53:    yyObj[thisYear - firstYear].selected = true;
54:    mmObj[thisMonth].selected = true;
55:    updateMonthDays(formName, kDate);
56:    ddObj[thisDay].selected = true;
57:    }
58:  /*
59:  **  Copy a day to another
60:  */
61:  function copyDay(formName, kFrom, kTo) {
62:    var ddFromObj = eval("document." + formName + ".dd" + kFrom);
63:    var mmFromObj = eval("document." + formName + ".mm" + kFrom);
64:    var yyFromObj = eval("document." + formName + ".yy" + kFrom);
65:    var ddToObj = eval("document." + formName + ".dd" + kTo);
66:    var mmToObj = eval("document." + formName + ".mm" + kTo);
67:    var yyToObj = eval("document." + formName + ".yy" + kTo);
68:    yyToObj[yyFromObj.selectedIndex].selected = true;
69:    mmToObj[mmFromObj.selectedIndex].selected = true;
70:    updateMonthDays(formName, kTo);
71:    ddToObj[ddFromObj.selectedIndex].selected = true;
72:    }

The function daysInMonth is pretty straightforward. It accepts the month and year as arguments and returns the number of days in that month. Lines 8–14 express the fact that the leap years are divisible by 4, but not if they’re also divisible by 100, but yes if they’re also divisible by 400. That’s why the year 2000 was a leap year, but the year 1900 was not, and the year 2100 will not be.

Remember that updateMonthDays ensures that you display the correct number of days for each month. Also keep in mind that the days are option elements within a select control element. In lines 23–27, you extract the selected text from the select elements for month and year and use daysInMonth to obtain the number of days you need. In line 28, you obtain the number of days displayed before changing either the year or month. The length of the select element is nothing else than the length of the array of option elements, which the select element contains. Therefore, you can use ddObj.length instead of ddObj.options.length. Each iteration of the while loop in lines 32–35 deletes the last option (i.e., the last day) by setting it to null and decreases the number of current days accordingly:

while (wantedDays < currentDays) {
  ddObj.options[ddObj.length - 1] = null;

The iterations continue until the number of current days has been reduced to the number of days you need for the current month. Similarly, each iteration of the while loop in lines 39–42 increases the number of current days, creates a new option with the increased number, and appends it to the select element:

while (wantedDays > currentDays) {
  ddObj.appendChild(new Option(currentDays));

The iterations continue until the number of current days has been increased to the number of days you need for the current month. The last line of updateMonthDays (line 44) is necessary in case the previously selected day has been removed. For example, if you selected March 31st and then changed the month to April, the day is set to the 1st because the 31st is no longer there.

The client’s current day is set with selectToday. All the work is done in lines 54–56. Line 54 selects the month, line 55 adjusts the number of days of the month, and line 56 selects the day.

You use copyDay to copy the day, month, and year from one date to another. All the work is done in the lines 68–71. Line 68 selects in the destination year the same index selected in the source year, line 69 does the same for the month, line 70 adjusts the number of days of the month, and line 71 selects in the destination day the same index selected in the source day.

Animation: Ticker Tape

In principle, the idea is simple: you write a message in a text field, and then, at regular intervals, you remove the first character of the message and stick it to the end. The message appears to scroll from right to left (see Figure A-29). Nevertheless, to do a good ticker tape, there is more than meets the eye.


Figure A-29. The simplest possible ticker tape

Listing A-20 shows you how to create a simple ticker tape.

Listing A-20. ticker0.html

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  <title>Ticker Tape 0</title>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    var msg = " This is a ticker tape message!            ";
    function tick_it() {
      msg = msg.substring(1) + msg.charAt(0);
      document.f.t.value = msg;
      window.setTimeout("tick_it()", 150);
  <form name="f"><input name="t" size="30" value=""/></form>
  <script type="text/javascript">tick_it();</script>

The function tick_it calls itself recursively every 150 ms. Every time it executes, it moves the first character of msg to the end, thereby creating the effect of a message scrolling to the left.

ticker0.html may look straightforward, but it’s not necessarily that simple. Notice that the message I defined in the example, including an initial space, is 31 characters long. And yet I’ve still appended a dozen spaces to display it in a text element of size 30. This is because the size attribute of a text element doesn’t really reflect the correct number of characters it can contain. Without the extra spaces, a portion of the text field would have remained blank. In other words, the scrolling text would have not scrolled through the whole text field. Ugly. You can usually resolve this issue by appending a large number of spaces or copies of the message itself to the end of the message. This solution is effective, but it would be nice to have a more elegant solution.

The crux of the problem lies in the fact that the length of a string depends on its font type and size. Developing software for the Macintosh, already decades ago, it was easily possible to determine the number of pixels needed to display a string. Java lets you do it now with the Graphics and FontMetrics classes. However, in HTML, it is not officially possible to know how long a piece of string is (pun intended). In other words, the W3C hasn’t standardized a way of obtaining the size of an element in pixels. However, Microsoft did it in IE, and then all major browsers adopted the Microsoft extension to the standard. As a result, there is an unofficial way of getting the length of a string in pixels. Have a look at Listing A-21.

Listing A-21. ticker.html

01:  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
02:    "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
03:  <html xmlns="http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
04:  <head>
05:    <title>Ticker Tape</title>
06:    <script type="text/javascript">
07:      var msg = " This is a ticker tape message!";
08:      var TAPE_SIZE = 300; // in pixels
09:      function start_ticker() {
10:        document.f.t.style.width = TAPE_SIZE + "px";
11:        var xx = document.getElementById("x");
12:        var space_size = xx.offsetWidth - 1;
13:        xx.innerHTML = msg;
14:        var msg_size = xx.offsetWidth;
15:        var nSpaces = Math.ceil((TAPE_SIZE - msg_size) / space_size);
16:        for (var k = nSpaces; k > 0; k--) msg += " ";
18:        document.f.t.value = msg;
19:        tick_it();
20:        }
21:      function tick_it() {
22:        msg = msg.substring(1) + msg.charAt(0);
23:        document.f.t.value = msg;
24:        window.setTimeout("tick_it()", 150);
25:        }
26:      </script>
27:    </head>
28:  <body>
29:    <span id="x" style="visibility:hidden">&nbsp;</span>
30:    <form name="f"><input name="t" value=""/></form>
31:    <script type="text/javascript">start_ticker();</script>
32:    </body>
33:  </html>

I’ve highlighted the differences between this version and ticker0.html, shown in Listing A-18. Note that in line 7, I removed the dozen trailing spaces from the message. I did this because the script will automatically extend the message with enough spaces to bring its length to match that of the text element. Also note that ticker.html uses HTML’s Document Object Model to identify the x element and manipulate its content.

All the work is done in the start_ticker function. In line 10, you set the size of the text element in pixels, rather than use the size attribute expressed in characters. In line 29, you define an invisible span element containing a single space, and in line 12, you determine the size of the element (i.e., the pixels occupied by the space in the horizontal direction) via the read-only property offsetWidth. This is one of the properties originally introduced by Microsoft and not included in any W3C specification.

In line 13, you replace the content of span with the message using innerHTML, another Microsoft-originated property that has been implemented in all browsers. This lets you obtain the length of the message string in pixels with offsetWidth (see line 14).

You now have all the information you need to calculate the number of spaces you need to append to your message in order to fill the whole text field. Everything works just fine, even when the message without any additional spaces already takes up more space than what is available in the text field. In that case, nSpace becomes negative, and the for loop in line 16 terminates without adding any space. Incidentally, this is one of the reasons for adding a hard-coded space at the beginning of any message: you want to be sure that you display at least one empty space between repetitions of the message. It’s better to insert the space at the beginning, because it makes the initial display of the message more readable.

Opera, Firefox, and Chrome report that the length of the string is 177 pixels, while Internet Explorer counts 189 pixels, which confirms once more that Microsoft tends to do things differently. Odd, but inconsequential. If you want to check it for yourself, you can insert the following line toward the end of start_ticker:

alert("space: " + space_size + "; msg: " + msg_size);

Animation: Bouncing Balls

You can use JavaScript to animate your pages. Figure A-30 shows you a page with a text field containing a couple of numbers, a button, and a square full of dots. This isn’t so interesting, but that’s only because it’s a snapshot of a window. In reality, the dots bounce around within the square in all possible directions and at different speeds. To view the page, copy the folder named balls to the usual test folder and view http://localhost:8080/tests/balls/balls.html.


Figure A-30. A square full of bouncing balls

Let’s go through the HTML code, shown in Listing A-22 after removing from the file the JavaScript code.

Listing A-22. balls_no_js.html

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  <title>Bouncing balls</title>
    #square {
      position: absolute;
      border: thin solid;
    div.ball img {
      position: absolute;
  <form name="f">
    <input type="text" name="t" size="10"/>
    <input type=button id="stop_go" onclick="stop()" value="Stop"/>
  <div id="square"></div>
  <div id="ball" class="ball"><img src="ball.gif" alt=""/></div>

The first style defines an object with a thin, solid border identified as square, and the second style only states that all images within a division of class ball have absolute coordinates.

The body element includes a small form with the text field, the button, and two divisions: one identified as square and one of class ball. Figure A-31 shows how a browser renders such a page.


Figure A-31. No square and one ball at rest (balls_no_js.html)

Boring. Listing A-23 shows the full code of the page after you add the JavaScript part. I’ve highlighted the JavaScript variable definitions and the function names.

Listing A-23. balls.html

01:  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
02:    "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
03:  <html xmlns="http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
04:  <head>
05:    <title>Bouncing balls</title>
06:    <style>
07:      #square {
08:        position: absolute;
09:        border: thin solid;
10:        }
11:      div.ball img {
12:        position: absolute;
13:        }
14:      </style>
15:  <script type="text/javascript">
16:  var MIN_X = 10;
17:  var MIN_Y = 50;
18:  var MAX_X = 310;
19:  var MAX_Y = 350;
20:  var DIAM = 7;
21:  var balls = [];
22:  var timer = null;
23:  //------------------------------
24:  function speed() {
25:    return DIAM*(0.5+1.5*Math.random())*((Math.random()>0.5)?1:-1);
26:    }
27:  function initBall(ball, xx, yy) {
28:    ball.xx = xx;
29:    ball.yy = yy;
30:    ball.sX = speed();
31:    ball.sY = speed();
32:    }
33:  function mouseDown(e) {
34:    var xx = e.clientX;
35:    var yy = e.clientY;
36:    document.f.t.value = xx + ", " + yy;
37:    if (xx > MIN_X && xx < MAX_X && yy > MIN_Y && yy < MAX_Y) {
38:      document.getElementById("ball").appendChild(balls[0].cloneNode(true));
39:      initBall(balls[balls.length-1], xx, yy);
40:      }
41:    }
42:  function moveBall(b) {
43:    b.xx += b.sX;
44:    b.yy += b.sY;
45:    b.style.left = b.xx + "px";
46:    b.style.top = b.yy + "px";
47:    if ((b.xx + b.sX + DIAM >= MAX_X) || (b.xx + b.sX <= MIN_X)) b.sX *= -1;
48:    if ((b.yy + b.sY + DIAM >= MAX_Y) || (b.yy + b.sY <= MIN_Y)) b.sY *= -1;
49:    }
50:  function moveBalls() {
51:    for (var k = 0; k < balls.length; k++) {
52:      moveBall(balls[k]);
53:      }
54:    }
55:  function go() {
56:    if (!timer) timer = setInterval(moveBalls, 20);
57:    var but = document.getElementById("stop_go");
58:    but.onclick = stop;
59:    but.value = "Stop";
60:    }
61:  function stop() {
62:    if (timer) {
63:      clearInterval(timer);
64:      timer = null;
65:      var but = document.getElementById("stop_go");
66:      but.onclick = go;
67:      but.value = "Go";
68:      }
69:    }
70:  function init() {
71:    var field = document.getElementById("square");
72:    field.style.left = MIN_X + "px";
73:    field.style.top = MIN_Y + "px";
74:    field.style.width = MAX_X - MIN_X + "px";
75:    field.style.height = MAX_Y - MIN_Y + "px";
76:    balls = document.getElementById("ball").getElementsByTagName("img");
77:    initBall(
78:      balls[0],
79:      (MAX_X - MIN_X)*Math.random(),
80:      (MAX_Y - MIN_Y)*Math.random()
81:      );
82:    balls[0].style.width = DIAM + "px";
83:    balls[0].style.height = DIAM + "px";
84:    document.onmousedown = mouseDown;
85:    go();
86:    }
87:  window.onload = init;
88:  </script>
89:  </head>
90:  <body>
91:    <form name="f">
92:      <input type="text" name="t" size="10"/>
93:      <input type=button id="stop_go" onclick="stop()" value="Stop"/>
94:      </form>
95:    <div id="square"></div>
96:    <div id="ball" class="ball"><img src="ball.gif" alt=""/></div>
97:    </body>
98:  </html>

(MIN_X, MIN_Y) and (MAX_X, MAX_Y) define the coordinates of the top-left and bottom right corners of the rectangular area within which you want the balls to bounce. DIAM is the diameter of the balls. All dimensions are measured in pixels.

Line 87 directs the browser to execute the function init upon loading the HTML page. init uses MIN_X, MIN_Y, MAX_X, and MAX_Y to set the position and dimensions of the div element with id square ( in lines 71–75). Instead of doing this, you could have simply added the following four lines to the #square style (defined in lines 7–10):

left: 10px;
top: 50px;
width: 300px;
height: 300px;

However, it’s never good practice to duplicate definitions, because sooner or later they will diverge and cause problems. It would have been worse if the style sheet had been in a separate file, but even in this case, we want to do it right, don’t we?

After defining the square to be used as the field for the bouncing balls, init points the variable balls (which is defined as an array) to the list of img elements inside the div element with id ball (in line 76). As the HTML page contains a single image within the division ball (see line 96), that image is then accessible as balls[0]. To set the initial coordinates and the speed of the ball, init executes the function initBall. Then init calculates the initial coordinates as a random point within the square (see lines 79–80), while initBall calculates the horizontal and vertical components of the speed (in lines 30–31) by means of the function speed (lines 24–26). The speed along each axis is the number of pixels covered by a ball in a given period of time (a 50th of a second, as you’ll see in a moment). Notice how simply JavaScript lets you define new element attributes. The variable ball used inside initBall, like balls[0], points to an object that is the img element defined in line 96; when you write ball.xx = xx, JavaScript creates an attribute of ball named xx and assigns to it the value of the xx parameter.

Once initBall returns, init sets the dimensions of the ball image by updating its style (in lines 82–83) and assigns the JavaScript function mouseDown to the event document.mousedown (in line 84). This means that the function mouseDown will be executed every time the user presses a mouse button. I intend to create a new bouncing ball whenever this happens. The last action of init is to execute the function go, which starts the animation.

First of all, go (in line 56) starts a time interval of 20ms (the 50th of a second I already mentioned), which causes the browser to execute the function moveBalls every 20ms. Notice that you only do this if no timer is already running. This is a safety measure that isn’t really necessary, because immediately after dealing with the timer, go sets the button but to execute the function stop (in lines 57–59). Therefore, there is theoretically no way to execute go more than once. However, as you’ve learned, some defensive code usually results in more stable programs without significantly penalizing performance.

After go has completed, the name of the button is Stop, as shown in Figure A-31. When the user clicks on it, the function stop removes the timer (in lines 63–64), thereby halting the animation. It then associates the button back to the function go and renames it as Go (in lines 65–67).

When the animation is running, every 20ms the browser executes moveBalls, which just executes moveBall for each element in the array balls[]. moveBall increments the coordinates by their corresponding speed components (in lines 43–44) and updates the position stored in the style (in lines 45–46), which is what actually causes the image on the screen to move. After moving a ball, moveBall checks whether the ball has reached one of the sides of the rectangular field. If it has, moveBall inverts the corresponding speed component, so that when it executes the next time, the ball will “bounce off” the wall. By doing that, you don’t really ensure that the ball bounces when it touches the border rather than when it overlaps with it or when it is one pixel away from it. It all depends on using the appropriate operations (<, <=, >=, and >) and adding or not adding a +1 when calculating the differences between coordinates. However, I don’t think this is worth spending time on. I leave it up to you to ensure that the ball bounces back when it touches one side—not one pixel before and not one pixel after!

When you press the mouse button anywhere within the main browser window, the function mouseDown is executed. The first two lines (34 and 35) have the purpose of saving in two variables the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the cursor (incidentally, the e stands for event). This makes the code shorter and more readable. Line 36 writes the coordinates in the text field, as shown in Figure A-30. I did this to show you how to do it, although it’s irrelevant for bouncing the balls. Notice how you use the names to identify the form and its text element, as opposed to defining an ID and using getElementById as you do elsewhere. The two important lines are 38 and 39, which are executed only when you click the mouse inside the rectangular field. By doing so, you cause the creation of a new bouncing ball that starts with random speed from the position where you click the mouse.

The purpose of line 38 is to display a new ball in the web page. If you study the code carefully, you’ll see that line 38 is equivalent to the following three lines:

var ballDivObject = document.getElementById("ball");
var newBallObject = balls[0].cloneNode(true);

The first line gets a pointer to the div element with the identifier set to ball. The second line makes a copy of the first ball. Remember that you defined it when the page was loaded. Therefore, when you click with the mouse, balls[0] certainly exists and points to a properly initialized ball—that is, to an img element with the additional attributes xx, yy, sX, and sY. The third line takes the new ball and attaches it to the ball div as a new child.

As a result, it is as if you had added an image to the div defined in line 96:

<div id="ball" class="ball">
  <img src="ball.gif" alt=""/>
  <img src="ball.gif" alt=""/>

Now, however, the images also have the coordinate and speed attributes, which aren’t part of the initial HTML code.

Being a clone of the first ball, the new ball has the same coordinates and speed that the first ball has when you click the mouse. With line 39, you tell initBall to set the coordinates of the new ball to those of the mouse event (i.e., xx and yy). initBall also replaces the speed components of the new ball with two new random values. Notice that after executing line 38, as you had set the array balls to point to the list of img objects within the ball div, the last element of balls points to the new ball you’ve just created by cloning.

Image Caution  Remember that the identifiers are supposed to be unique within the document. Make sure this is so!

An interesting extension would be to have the balls bounce against each other, but this would require a bit of math. At each wake-up, you’d have to check each ball against all the others to identify the pairs that come into contact. Then, for each one of those pairs, you’d have to calculate the total momentum, find the components of the two velocities perpendicular to the direction of the momentum, and invert those components. The assumption that all the balls have the same mass would reduce the problem to be purely geometrical, but probably not trivial for many. Anyhow, for those interested in physics, with several balls and after enough cycles, the exchange of momentum between the balls would model a gas of balls regardless of the initial conditions.

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