
Working with professionals like Melanie Caffrey and Inger Jørgensen is an amazing experience, not only because of their generosity and shared respect for the SQL language, but also in our shared admiration for Lex de Haan. Seldom are three people in such close agreement. This book was one of Lex’s favorite projects and it shows in every word, every sentence, even after translation. I am honored to have participated in keeping his work moving forward as the Oracle database moves forward. I thank our colleagues at Apress, I thank Yelena Cohen for her technical review, and I appreciate the support from my partner in life, Kellyn Pot’vin.

—Tim Gorman

To this I would like to add thanks to Lex’s widow, Juliette, for letting us keep this book alive and up-to-date. Even though we have added to it, I still feel I can hear Lex’s humorous and competent teaching in the tone of the book.

—Inger Jørgensen

I would like to thank my co-authors Tim Gorman and Inger Jørgensen for their wisdom, collaboration, hard work, and generosity. Without them, the current edition would not be taking place. I’d also like to thank Mark Powers, Rebecca Rider, Jonathan Hassell, and Jonathan Gennick at Apress, and our technical editor, Yelena Cohen, for keeping this important work in circulation, their invaluable insights and careful attention to detail, and for being so easy to work with. And I’d be remiss if I did not thank my family and friends for their unwavering support and enthusiasm, and for understanding when I didn’t return phone calls right away. Additionally, thanks go to my husband, Tom, who serves as a constant reminder that the most interesting people you will ever meet always find work that they love and make it their own.

This naturally brings me to Lex. I’d like to thank Lex de Haan for putting together a work that continues to teach new and current Oracle students with each subsequent revision. It is an honor to be able to contribute to his extraordinary book series. The contributors who help to keep his books alive do so because they feel lucky to have been able to spend time with such a genuinely well-esteemed individual. I count myself among the lucky.

—Melanie Caffrey

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