
The Seven Case Tables

This appendix offers an overview of the seven case tables used throughout this book, in various formats. Its main purpose is to help you in writing SQL commands and checking your results.

The first section shows an Entity Relationship Modeling (ERM) diagram, indicating the entities of the underlying data model, including their unique identifiers and their relationships. Then you can find descriptions of the seven case tables, with names and datatypes of all their columns and short explanations, when necessary. The next section shows a table diagram, focusing on all primary key and foreign key constraints. This diagram may be especially helpful when you are writing joins.

The biggest component of this appendix (with the highest level of detail) is a complete listing of the seven case tables with all their rows. This overview may be useful to check your query results for correctness.

At the end of this appendix, you will find two alternative representations of the case table data, showing the table rows in a compact format. The first diagram shows an overview of the 14 employees. It clearly shows the department populations and the hierarchical (manager/subordinate) relationships. The second illustration shows a matrix overview of all course offerings, with starting dates, locations, attendees (A), and trainers (T). Again, these representations may be useful to check your query results for correctness.

ERM Diagram

The ERM diagram, shown in Figure A-1, shows the seven entities (the rounded-corner boxes) with their unique identifiers and their mutual relationships.


Figure A-1. ERM diagram of the case entities

The ten crow’s feet indicate one-to-many relationships. The diagram shows two types of one-to-many relationships: three relationships are completely optional (indicated by all dashed lines) and the remaining ones are mandatory in one direction (indicated by the solid part of the line).

Hash signs (#) in front of an attribute mean that the attribute is part of the unique identifier; relationship cross-lines indicate that the relationship is part of the unique identifier. Note that the diagram shows only attributes that are part of unique identifiers, for enhanced readability.

You can interpret the relationships in this diagram as follows:

  • Every employee has at most one manager (and employees may have multiple subordinates).
  • Every employee belongs to precisely one salary grade and is employed by at most one department (employees without a department are allowed).
  • Each department has precisely one manager (and employees may be manager of multiple departments).
  • Each course offering refers to precisely one existing course, with at most one employee as trainer.
  • Each registration is for precisely one employee and for precisely one course offering.
  • Each history record refers to precisely one employee and precisely one department.

Table Structure Descriptions

This section presents descriptions of the table structures. In the listings, * means NOT NULL and P means primary key.

EMPLOYEES:     EMPNO       N(4)    P  Unique employee number
               ENAME       VC(8)   *  Last name
               INIT        VC(5)   *  Initials (without punctuation)
               JOB         VC(8)      Job description
               MGR         N(4)       Manager (references EMPLOYEES)
               BDATE       DATE    *  Date of birth
               MSAL        N(6,2)  *  Monthly salary (excluding net bonus)
               COMM        N(6,2)     Commission (per year, for sales reps)
               DEPTNO      N(2)       Department (references DEPARTMENTS)
DEPARTMENTS:   DEPTNO      N(2)    P  Unique department number
               DNAME       VC(10)  *  Name of the department
               LOCATION    VC(8)   *  Location (city)
               MGR         N(4)       Manager (references EMPLOYEES)
SALGRADES:     GRADE       N(2)    P  Unique salary grade number
               LOWERLIMIT  N(6,2)  *  Minimum salary for this grade
               UPPERLIMIT  N(6,2)  *  Maximum salary for this grade
               BONUS       N(6,2)  *  Net bonus on top of monthly salary
COURSES:       CODE        VC(6)   P  Unique course code
               DESCRIPTION VC(30)  *  Course description (title)
               CATEGORY    C(3)    *  Course category (GEN,BLD, or DSG)
               DURATION    N(2)    *  Course duration (in days)
OFFERINGS:     COURSE      VC(6)   P  Course code      (references COURSES)
               BEGINDATE   DATE    P  First course day
               TRAINER     N(4)       Instructor       (references EMPLOYEES)
               LOCATION    VC(8)      Location of the course offering
REGISTRATIONS: ATTENDEE    N(4)    P  Attendee         (references EMPLOYEES)
               COURSE      VC(6)   P  Course code      (references OFFERINGS)
               BEGINDATE   DATE    P  First course day (references OFFERINGS)
               EVALUATION  N(1)       Attendee's opinion (scale 1 - 5)
HISTORY:       EMPNO       N(4)    P  Employee         (references EMPLOYEES)
               BEGINYEAR   N(4)    *  Year component of BEGINDATE
               BEGINDATE   DATE    P  Begin date interval
               ENDDATE     DATE       End date interval
               DEPTNO      N(2)    *  Department       (references DEPARTMENTS)
               MSAL        N(6,2)  *  Monthly salary during the interval
               COMMENTS    VC(60)     Free text space

Columns and Foreign Key Constraints

Figure A-2 shows the columns and foreign key constraints in the case tables. The primary key components have a dark-gray background, and all arrows point from the foreign keys to the corresponding primary keys. Boxes surrounding multiple columns indicate composite keys.


Figure A-2. Columns and foreign key constraints

Contents of the Seven Tables

This section lists the contents of each of the seven case tables.


----- -------- ----- -------- ----- ---------- ------ ------ ------
 7369 SMITH    N     TRAINER   7902 17-12-1965    800            20
 7499 ALLEN    JAM   SALESREP  7698 20-02-1961   1600    300     30
 7521 WARD     TF    SALESREP  7698 22-02-1962   1250    500     30
 7566 JONES    JM    MANAGER   7839 02-04-1967   2975            20
 7654 MARTIN   P     SALESREP  7698 28-09-1956   1250   1400     30
 7698 BLAKE    R     MANAGER   7839 01-11-1963   2850            30
 7782 CLARK    AB    MANAGER   7839 09-06-1965   2450            10
 7788 SCOTT    SCJ   TRAINER   7566 26-11-1959   3000            20
 7839 KING     CC    DIRECTOR       17-11-1952   5000            10
 7844 TURNER   JJ    SALESREP  7698 28-09-1968   1500      0     30
 7876 ADAMS    AA    TRAINER   7788 30-12-1966   1100            20
 7900 JONES    R     ADMIN     7698 03-12-1969    800            30
 7902 FORD     MG    TRAINER   7566 13-02-1959   3000            20
 7934 MILLER   TJA   ADMIN     7782 23-01-1962   1300            10
14 rows selected.


------ ---------- -------- -----
    20 TRAINING   DALLAS    7566
    30 SALES      CHICAGO   7698
    40 HR         BOSTON    7839


----- ---------- ---------- ------
    1        700       1200      0
    2       1201       1400     50
    3       1401       2000    100
    4       2001       3000    200
    5       3001       9999    500


------ ---------------------------- -------- --------
JAV    Java for Oracle developers   BLD             4
PLS    Introduction to PL/SQL       BLD             1
XML    XML for Oracle developers    BLD             2
ERM    Data modeling with ERM       DSG             3
GEN    System generation            DSG             4
PMT    Process modeling techniques  DSG             1
PRO    Prototyping                  DSG             5
RSD    Relational system design     DSG             2
OAU    Oracle for application users GEN             1
SQL    Introduction to SQL          GEN             4
10 rows selected.


------ ---------- ------- --------
SQL    12-04-1999    7902 DALLAS
OAU    10-08-1999    7566 CHICAGO
SQL    04-10-1999    7369 SEATTLE
SQL    13-12-1999    7369 DALLAS
JAV    13-12-1999    7566 SEATTLE
JAV    01-02-2000    7876 DALLAS
XML    03-02-2000    7369 DALLAS
PLS    11-09-2000    7788 DALLAS
XML    18-09-2000         SEATTLE
OAU    27-09-2000    7902 DALLAS
ERM    15-01-2001
PRO    19-02-2001         DALLAS
RSD    24-02-2001    7788 CHICAGO
13 rows selected.


-------- ------ ---------- ----------
    7499 SQL    12-04-1999          4
         JAV    13-12-1999          2
         XML    03-02-2000          5
         PLS    11-09-2000
    7521 OAU    10-08-1999          4
    7566 JAV    01-02-2000          3
         PLS    11-09-2000
    7698 SQL    12-04-1999          4
         SQL    13-12-1999
         JAV    01-02-2000          5
    7782 JAV    13-12-1999          5
    7788 SQL    04-10-1999
         JAV    13-12-1999          5
         JAV    01-02-2000          4
    7839 SQL    04-10-1999          3
         JAV    13-12-1999          4
    7844 OAU    27-09-2000          5
    7876 SQL    12-04-1999          2
         JAV    13-12-1999          5
         PLS    11-09-2000
    7900 OAU    10-08-1999          4
         XML    03-02-2000          4
    7902 OAU    10-08-1999          5
         SQL    04-10-1999          4
         SQL    13-12-1999
    7934 SQL    12-04-1999          5
26 rows selected.

HISTORY (formatted, and without COMMENTS column values)

----- --------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
 7369      2000 01-01-2000 01-02-2000     40    950
           2000 01-02-2000                20    800
 7499      1988 01-06-1988 01-07-1989     30   1000
           1989 01-07-1989 01-12-1993     30   1300
           1993 01-12-1993 01-10-1995     30   1500
           1995 01-10-1995 01-11-1999     30   1700
           1999 01-11-1999                30   1600
 7521      1986 01-10-1986 01-08-1987     20   1000
           1987 01-08-1987 01-01-1989     30   1000
           1989 01-01-1989 15-12-1992     30   1150
           1992 15-12-1992 01-10-1994     30   1250
           1994 01-10-1994 01-10-1997     20   1250
           1997 01-10-1997 01-02-2000     30   1300
           2000 01-02-2000                30   1250
 7566      1982 01-01-1982 01-12-1982     20    900
           1982 01-12-1982 15-08-1984     20    950
           1984 15-08-1984 01-01-1986     30   1000
           1986 01-01-1986 01-07-1986     30   1175
           1986 01-07-1986 15-03-1987     10   1175
           1987 15-03-1987 01-04-1987     10   2200
           1987 01-04-1987 01-06-1989     10   2300
           1989 01-06-1989 01-07-1992     40   2300
           1992 01-07-1992 01-11-1992     40   2450
           1992 01-11-1992 01-09-1994     20   2600
           1994 01-09-1994 01-03-1995     20   2550
           1995 01-03-1995 15-10-1999     20   2750
           1999 15-10-1999                20   2975
 7654      1999 01-01-1999 15-10-1999     30   1100
           1999 15-10-1999                30   1250
 7698      1982 01-06-1982 01-01-1983     30    900
           1983 01-01-1983 01-01-1984     30   1275
           1984 01-01-1984 15-04-1985     30   1500
           1985 15-04-1985 01-01-1986     30   2100
           1986 01-01-1986 15-10-1989     30   2200
           1989 15-10-1989                30   2850
 7782      1988 01-07-1988                10   2450
 7788      1982 01-07-1982 01-01-1983     20    900
           1983 01-01-1983 15-04-1985     20    950
           1985 15-04-1985 01-06-1985     40    950
           1985 01-06-1985 15-04-1986     40   1100
           1986 15-04-1986 01-05-1986     20   1100
           1986 01-05-1986 15-02-1987     20   1800
           1987 15-02-1987 01-12-1989     20   1250
           1989 01-12-1989 15-10-1992     20   1350
           1992 15-10-1992 01-01-1998     20   1400
           1998 01-01-1998 01-01-1999     20   1700
           1999 01-01-1999 01-07-1999     20   1800
           1999 01-07-1999 01-06-2000     20   1800
           2000 01-06-2000                20   3000
 7839      1982 01-01-1982 01-08-1982     30   1000
           1982 01-08-1982 15-05-1984     30   1200
           1984 15-05-1984 01-01-1985     30   1500
           1985 01-01-1985 01-07-1985     30   1750
           1985 01-07-1985 01-11-1985     10   2000
           1985 01-11-1985 01-02-1986     10   2200
           1986 01-02-1986 15-06-1989     10   2500
           1989 15-06-1989 01-12-1993     10   2900
           1993 01-12-1993 01-09-1995     10   3400
           1995 01-09-1995 01-10-1997     10   4200
           1997 01-10-1997 01-10-1998     10   4500
           1998 01-10-1998 01-11-1999     10   4800
           1999 01-11-1999 15-02-2000     10   4900
           2000 15-02-2000                10   5000
 7844      1995 01-05-1995 01-01-1997     30    900
           1998 15-10-1998 01-11-1998     10   1200
           1998 01-11-1998 01-01-2000     30   1400
           2000 01-01-2000                30   1500
 7876      2000 01-01-2000 01-02-2000     20    950
           2000 01-02-2000                20   1100
 7900      2000 01-07-2000                30    800
 7902      1998 01-09-1998 01-10-1998     40   1400
           1998 01-10-1998 15-03-1999     30   1650
           1999 15-03-1999 01-01-2000     30   2500
           2000 01-01-2000 01-08-2000     30   3000
           2000 01-08-2000                20   3000
 7934      1998 01-02-1998 01-05-1998     10   1275
           1998 01-05-1998 01-02-1999     10   1280
           1999 01-02-1999 01-01-2000     10   1290
           2000 01-01-2000                10   1300
79 rows selected.

Hierarchical Employees Overview

Figure A-3 illustrates an overview of the employees and management structure. Note that department 40 has no employees.


Figure A-3. Employee overview with management structure

Course Offerings Overview

This section shows an overview of the course offerings. In the listing A stands for Attendee and T stands for Trainer.

Course code:      SQL      OAU      SQL      JAV      SQL      JAV
Begindate:        12/04/99 10/08/99 04/10/99 13/12/99 13/12/99 01/02/00
Location:         Dallas   Chicago  Seattle  Seattle  Dallas   Dallas
Smith, N    7369  .        .        T        .        T        .
Allen, JAM  7499  A        .        .        A        .        .
Ward, TF    7521  .        A        .        .        .        .
Jones, JM   7566  .        T        .        T        .        A
Martin, P   7654  .        .        .        .        .        .
Blake, R    7698  A        .        .        .        A        A
Clark, AB   7782  .        .        .        A        .        .
Scott, SCJ  7788  .        .        A        A        .        A
King, CC    7839  .        .        A        A        .        .
Turner, JJ  7844  .        .        .        .        .        .
Adams, AA   7876  A        .        .        A        .        T
Jones, R    7900  .        A        .        .        .        .
Ford, MG    7902  T        A        A        .        A        .
Miller, TJA 7934  A        .        .        .        .        .
Course code:      XML      PLS      ...      OAU      ...      RSD
Begindate:        03/02/00 11/09/00 ...      27/09/00 ...      24/02/01
Location:         Dallas   Dallas   ...      Dallas   ...      Chicago
Smith, N    7369  T        .        ...      .        ...      .
Allen, JAM  7499  A        A        ...      .        ...      .
Ward, TF    7521  .        .        ...      .        ...      .
Jones, JM   7566  .        A        ...      .        ...      .
Martin, P   7654  .        .        ...      .        ...      .
Blake, R    7698  .        .        ...      .        ...      .
Clark, AB   7782  .        .        ...      .        ...      .
Scott, SCJ  7788  .        T        ...      .        ...      T
King, CC    7839  .        .        ...      .        ...      .
Turner, JJ  7844  .        .        ...      A        ...      .
Adams, AA   7876  .        A        ...      .        ...      .
Jones, R    7900  A        .        ...      .        ...      .
Ford, MG    7902  .        .        ...      T        ...      .
Miller, TJA 7934  .        .        ...      .        ...      .
Course code:      XML      ERM      PRO          Scheduled; however:
Begindate:        18/09/00 15/01/01 19/02/01     - No trainer assigned
Location:         Seattle           Dallas       - No registrations yet
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