Decompose a User Interface

To better understand how to design a user interface and how to create components to implement them, we will try to decompose a well-known web user interface—the YouTube main page:

We can detect several items on this page, each having a specific role, starting with the page itself, whose role is to allow the user to interact with the system.

If we consider the header, the left sidebar, and the main area, all of these items are components of the page. You can see them highlighted in the following screenshot:

Of course, we can go ahead and detect other components. For example, we can consider each video preview box in the main area as a component. You can see them in the following screenshot:

This decomposition process allows us to focus on the specific role of each item in an interface, so that we can try to isolate each functionality and create reusable components, that is, components with just the dependencies that really matter.

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