2.6. Summary

In this chapter, you learned the following:

  • STS was the previous version of WSS. You will still today find lots of references to the acronym STS, although it actually refers to WSS.

  • Make sure that you know what SharePoint edition you need: stand-alone WSS or WSS with MOSS.

  • Make sure that you know what database engine you need: SQL Server 2005 Express or MS SQL Server (2000 or 2005).

  • There are three types of WSS configurations:

    • WSS with a local SQL Server 2005 Express database.

    • WSS with a local MS SQL Server database.

    • WSS with a remote MS SQL Server database.

  • Using WSS with SQL Server 2005 Express needs no special Client Access License besides the usual Windows 2003 Server CALs.

  • The term single server means a SharePoint installation with a local database.

  • The term small farm means one SharePoint server and a separate MS SQL server.

  • With at least 1.5 GB of memory, you can actually set up a WSS production environment for at least 200 people.

    • There is a formula you can use to calculate the number of NOPS (normalized operations per second).

    • With at least 2 GB of memory, WSS will have the memory for using its internal database buffers in an optimal way.

    • A single server with WSS and SQL Server 2005 Express on a 2-GB server and a dual 3GHz 64-bit CPU can be used for an organization with up to 20,000 users.

  • It is the documents and files that fill up the main part of the database. The other data types are small in comparison. Make sure to always have at least 50 percent free disk space on the database disk.

  • You need IIS and ASP.NET on a Windows 2003 server to install WSS.

  • Application pools are private virtual areas that the web application uses for its needs. If something goes wrong with the web application, it does not affect applications in other application pools.

  • IIS 6.0 supports up to 9 virtual IIS servers with individual application pools or 99 virtual servers sharing the same application pool.

  • WSS uses two types of databases: the config and the content databases.

    • The config database stores configuration settings and connections between the WSS and the SQL database server. There is always only one config database. Its default name is SharePoint_Config.

    • The content database stores all the data, including all documents, web pages, and more. One content database may support up to 15,000 site collections, and you can have as many content databases as you need. The default name for the first database is WSS_Content.

  • The file SharePoint.exe is the complete WSS installation package. It can be downloaded from Microsoft's web site.

    • You can expand the SharePoint.exe package, by using the flag /Extract:<path>. It results in a number of files, including the true installation file for WSS, named SETUP.EXE.

    • By default, WSS always installs into a new virtual IIS Web server, named SharePoint–80 that is created automatically by the Configuration Wizard.

  • The tool TSADM.exe comes with WSS and can be used for many things, including creating site collections, web applications, and application pools.

  • Each application pool uses a security account that regulates what the web applications using this application pool can do. You can use any user account or built-in accounts such as Network Service.

  • The application pool security account needs to be a member of the Security Administrators and the Database Creators role in the MS SQL Server.

  • A web application is a virtual IIS web server that has been extended by SharePoint; each web application can host multiple site collections.

  • A site collection is the container for user web sites; each site collection consists of one top site, and zero or any number of subsites.

  • Upgrading a SQL Server 2005 Express database engine to a local MS SQL server is very easy. Simply perform an in-place upgrade.

  • There are several ways of performing a backup procedure for a SQL Server 2005 Express database. You can use tools like STSADM, install the SQL Server 2005 tools, or purchase third-party backup tools.

  • To completely uninstall WSS from a computer, use Add or Remove Programs. This will also uninstall the SQL Server 2005 Express installation used by WSS. However, this will not remove any SQL Server 2000/2005 database engines.

  • To remove the database engine, such as SQL Server 2005 Express or the MS SQL Server, you must use Add or Remove Programs separately.

In the next chapter, you learn more about how to configure Windows SharePoint Services.

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