Chapter 11. Intranet and Internet Sites

The previous chapters have covered all the details about how to install SharePoint, how to do important configuration settings, and how to create sites for your users. This chapter will focus on two specific types of web sites: a public Internet site, and an intranet portal site. Typically, the first type of site is used for exposing content to external users, such as partners, or even anonymous users on the Internet; the other type is used to publish information for internal users within an organization. Some of the information in this chapter has been discussed previously in other chapters, but here you will see how all that information is used for building these two specific types of sites. The purpose of this chapter is to give you a realistic example with a complete step-by-step description on how to set up and configure these types of sites.

This chapter also compares how to build these sites using WSS alone and using MOSS. This is both a technical issue and a financial matter: If you want to use MOSS for these types of sites, then you must purchase the appropriate type of SharePoint 2007 client access license (CAL). If you instead will use a WSS environment, there are no SharePoint CALs; instead, you must make sure to have the proper Windows Server 2003 client access license model.

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