
I would like to thank my family—my beautiful wife, Clare, and my five children, Emily, Carter, Cohen, Brady, and Mason—for all of the encouragement and tolerance while I spent a year and a half of my life writing this book. My brothers, sister, Mom, Dad, and Paulette have also given me a lot of motivation to keep pushing through no matter what. I love you all.

To all my folks at Immunity (I would list each of you here if I had the room): thanks for tolerating me on a day-to-day basis. You are truly an amazing crew to work with. To the team at No Starch—Tyler, Bill, Serena, and Leigh—thanks so much for all of the hard work you put into this book and the rest in your collection. We all appreciate it.

I would also like to thank my technical reviewers, Dan Frisch and Cliff Janzen. These guys typed out and critiqued every single line of code, wrote supporting code, made edits, and provided absolutely amazing support throughout the whole process. Anyone who is writing an infosec book should really get these guys on board; they were amazing and then some.

For the rest of you ruffians that share drinks, laughs and GChats: thanks for letting me piss and moan to you about writing this book.

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