








1.   Leading in Turbulent Times

The new reality

A changing world

Volatility and change at work

Think holistically, act personally

2.   Value at Work

Value: what it means

…and why it matters

Finding your purpose

Creating value

The new bottom line: quality, sustainability and decency

3.   Introducing the Six Rs

The six Rs explained

Connecting the six Rs

Succeeding with the six Rs

4.   The Age of Reason

With good reason

The point is that the point matters

The people factor

The best place to start building your business, brand and career

5.   Revitalizing Revenues

Change is not just changing, it's racing

In pursuit of opportunities, new markets and new market space

The impact of innovation on revenue

Being entrepreneurial

Delivering operational success

6.   Rousers

Rousing leadership

Leading people the right way

7.   Reputation

Instant, vital, all-encompassing: the essence of reputation

Creating reputation

8.   Building Strong Relationships

Why focus on relationships?

Building sustainable relationships

Moving beyond transactions

9.   Developing Resilience

Resilience: what it means and why it matters

Developing resilience: the right people, the right teams


Values, skills and resilience are individual

10.   The Holistic Way to Build a World-Class Business

In case we forget

Thinking better

Taking a holistic view

Time to act

Get personal. Be responsible

Getting it together

11.   Think

Critical thinking

Strategic thinking

Lateral thinking

Thinking at work

12.   Being Holistic

Holism: what it means and why it matters

A systemic view

A holistic approach

13.   Taking Action and Making It Personal

Making it happen

Creating an environment for action

Making it personal

Final Thought

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