
The only reason someone gives up on studying or becomes confused or unable to learn is that he or she has skipped over a word that was not understood. The confusion or inability to grasp or learn often comes after encountering a word that the person did not define and understand. The more you know about the words you speak, the greater the power your speech will have.


To admit to be true or as stated; to express thanks for.


ACK. Notification sent from one network device to another to acknowledge that some event occurred (for example, the receipt of a message).


A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer: a basic algorithm for division.


Similarity in some respects between things otherwise unlike. Example: A router is analogous to a post office because they both read addresses.


Projecting yourself into the future and predicting a catastrophe. Point of Focus keeps you in present time and therefore reduces anxiety.

Appropriate (Adj., Suitable; fit; proper)

To be appropriate, to act appropriately, this is to follow the Tao. Appropriateness is readiness for the situation as it really is, and not as one might wish it to be. Appropriateness thus has to do with creation and is indeed always creative. It is creative even when it creates nothing—for it is sometimes appropriate to create nothing, and to refrain from creating precisely when one is in a position to create is itself creative. This is true control.

Appropriateness cannot be gauged or measured in terms of necessary and sufficient conditions, for the latter only exists in the physical universe—in the realm of doing and having—while the former exists in the realm of being.

           To do the appropriate is to do what is fitting or suitable to a situation. The situation is, however, in flux or change from moment to moment. Thus to do what is appropriate to one moment in the next moment is not necessarily appropriate to that next moment.

One cannot create with regard to what was appropriate or fitting, but only with regard to what is not, from moment to moment, fitting. To carry over “Standards of Appropriateness” from one moment to another is to fail to complete one moment and to set up a barrier to experiencing the next moment. This is to become stuck. What is appropriate is to have completed and always to be beginning anew—from and as the source of your own experience. Any “Standard of Appropriateness” is thus a recipe for a lie.

           Appropriateness, The Tao, the way,

           is revealed as unconsciousness is removed.

As one begins to experience life, one’s behavior effortlessly becomes more and more appropriate just in the process of living itself. Appropriateness in a situation and control of a situation without force are thus identical, for appropriate action is not doing anything; it is neither submitting nor resisting. It is just being there.


Feeling shame, as from doing something bad, wrong, foolish, etc.


Ashamed implies embarrassment, and sometimes guilt, felt because of one’s own or another’s wrong or foolish behavior (ashamed of his tears); humiliated implies a sense of being humbled or disgraced (humiliated by my failure); mortified suggests humiliation so great as to seem almost fatal to one’s self-esteem (she was mortified by his obscenities); chagrined suggests embarrassment coupled with irritation or regret over what might have been prevented (chagrined at his error).

Antonym: Proud


1.  To use force against in order to harm; start a fight or quarrel with; take the offensive against; assault.

2.  To begin a fight against with words; speak or write against.

3.  To begin working on energetically, undertake vigorously, as a problem, task, etc.

Attack implies vigorous, aggressive action, whether in actual combat or in an undertaking (to attack a city, a problem, etc.). Assail means to attack by repeated blows, thrusts, etc. (assailed by reproaches); assault implies a sudden, violent attack or onslaught and suggests direct contact and the use of force; beset implies an attack or onset from all sides (beset with fears); a storm suggests a rushing, powerful assault that is storm-like in its action and effect; bombard means to attack with artillery or bombs, and in figurative use, suggests persistent, repetitious action (to bombard a speaker with questions).

Antonym: Defend, resist


1.  Those assembled to hear and see a concert, play, training, etc.

2.  Those who listen to a radio program or view a televised program.

3.  Those who pay attention to what one writes or says; one’s public.


A term used to describe the rated throughput capacity of a given network medium or protocol. A water pipe is a good analogy for bandwidth. The wider the pipe, the more water can pass through the pipe. The greater the throughput, the greater will be the presenter’s effectiveness.


1.  Originally, a fortress, stockade, etc. for defending an entrance or a gate.

2.  A thing that prevents going ahead or approaching; obstruction, such as a fence, wall, etc.

3.  Anything that holds apart and separates; as shyness was a barrier between them.

4.  A boundary or limitation.

Baud Rate

Unit of signaling speed equal to the number of discrete signal elements transmitted per second. In presentations, most speakers have a baud rate that is too fast.


A space in consciousness in which the “I” and “Ego” are reduced and the love and compassion for oneself and for the audience is increased. The analogy is shifting your awareness from just being a drop in the ocean to being the ocean. You begin to sense that your true state of “being” is that you are the space or context in which the manifested events or content in your life occur.


1.  The state of believing; conviction that certain things are true; faith, especially religious faith.

2.  Trust; confidence, as in I have belief in his ability.

3.  Acceptance of or assent to something as trustworthy, real, etc., as a claim beyond belief.

4.  Anything believed or accepted as true.

5.  An opinion, expectation, judgment, as in My belief is that he’ll come.

6.  Creed or doctrine.


Belief, the term of broad application in this comparison, implies mental acceptance of something as true, whether based on reason, prejudice, or the authority of the source. Faith implies complete, blind acceptance of something, especially of something not supported by reason; trust implies assurance, often apparently intuitive, in the reliability of someone or something; confidence also suggests such assurance, especially when based on reason or the evidence of one’s senses. Credence, unqualified, suggests mere mental acceptance of something with no indication of either great or little reliance in its truth (to place credence in a rumor).

Antonym: Doubt, incredulity


1.  To accuse a person, etc. of being at fault; condemn; censure.

2.  To find fault with.

3.  To put responsibility on someone, as an error or fault.


Criticize is to analyze and judge as a critic, to judge disapprovingly; censure. Criticize, in this comparison, is the general term for finding fault with or disapproving of a person or thing. Reprehend suggests sharp or severe disapproval, generally of faults, errors, etc. rather than of persons; blame stresses the fixing of responsibility for an error, fault, etc.; censure implies the expression of severe criticism or disapproval by a person in authority or in a position to pass judgment; condemn and denounce both imply an empathic pronouncement of blame or guilt. Condemn suggests the rendering of a judicial decision and denounce, public accusation against persons or their acts.

Antonym: Praise


1.  To impede the passage or progress of; obstruct.

2.  To create difficulties for; stand in the way of; hinder.

3.  A sudden interruption in speech or thought processes resulting from deep emotional conflict, repression.

Body Check

A body check occurs when the presenter consciously observes his or her body to make sure it is relaxed, grounded, and connected to the floor. A body check can only occur during a space packet.


1.  To weary by being dull, uninteresting, or monotonous.

2.  The action of a person or thing that bores.


Dull, mentally slow, stupid. Lacking sensitivity; unfeeling. Physically slow; slow moving; sluggish, lacking spirit; not lively; depressed. Causing boredom; tedious as a dull party. Dull generally connotes a lack of keenness, zest, spirit, intensity, etc.


This is a communication channel having a large bandwidth that allows for maximum data, voice, and video throughput. Most presenters have a very narrow bandwidth connection to the audience, which minimizes their throughput and effectiveness.


1.  Bright; light; free from clouds or mist; easily seen.

2.  Sharply defined; distinct.

3.  Free from confusion or ambiguity; not obscure; easily understood.


The result of two nodes transmitting simultaneously. In presentations, this would occur when two people speak at the same time.


1.  To give in charge or trust; deliver for safekeeping; consign as we commit his fame to posterity.

2.  To pledge; bind; engage, as committed to fight for some clearance.


Commit, the basic term here, implies the delivery of a person or thing into the charge or keeping of another; entrust implies commitment based on trust and confidence; confide stresses the private nature of information entrusted to another and usually connotes intimacy of relationship; consign suggests formal action in transferring something to another’s possession or control; relegate implies a consigning to a specific class, sphere, place, etc., especially one of inferiority, and usually suggests the literal or figurative removal of something undesirable.

       . . . Until one is committed there is hesitancy,

       the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.

       Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation),

       there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which

       kills countless ideas and splendid plans:

       that the moment one definitely commits oneself,

       then Providence moves too.

       All sorts of things occur to help one

       that would never otherwise have occurred.

       A whole stream of events issues from the decisions,

       raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents

       and meetings and material assistance,

       which no man could have dreamt would have come his way.

       I have learned a deep respect

       for one of Goethe’s couplets:

       Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.

       Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.

—W. H. Murray


Impelling an impulse of data from the sender across a distance to the receiver with the intention that the receiver duplicate and understand that data that emanated from the sender.

Communication Packet

A presenter encapsulates his or her thoughts into packets that contain information. The information can be comprised of data, voice, video, and sometimes mass.


1.  A sharing; possession in common; participation.

2.  A communing; sharing one’s thoughts and emotions with another or others; intimate conversation.

3.  An intimate spiritual relationship.

4.  A group of people professing the same religious faith and practicing the same rites.

5.  A sharing in or celebrating of.


To feel pity (from the Latin Com “together” plus Pati “to suffer”).

Sorrow for the sufferings or trouble of another or others, with the urge to help; pity; deep sympathy.

Synonym: Pity


1.  Lacking no component part; full; whole; entire.

2.  Thorough; absolute (for example, to have complete confidence in someone).

3.  Accomplished; skilled; consummate.


Complete implies inclusion of all that is needed for integrity, perfection, or fulfillment of something; full implies the inclusion of all that is needed (for example, a full dozen) or all that can be held, achieved, etc. (for example, in full bloom); total implies an adding together of everything without exception (for example, total number); whole and entire imply unbroken unity, stressing that not a single part, individual, instance, etc. has been omitted or diminished (for example, the whole student body, one’s entire attention); intact is applied to that which remains whole after passing through an experience that might have impaired it (for example, the tornado left the barn intact).


Traffic in excess of network capacity.

Content Consciousness

When your attention is focused on the data, you have content consciousness as opposed to focusing on the space between the content. When you focus on the space between the content, you have space consciousness and a greater sense of presence.


A talking together; informal or familiar talk; verbal exchange of ideas, information, etc.


The attitude or response of facing and dealing with anything recognized as dangerous, difficult, or painful, instead of withdrawing from it; quality of being fearless or brave; valor.


1.  To cause to come into existence; bring into being; make; originate.

2.  To cause; produce; bring about; give rise to, as an adverse public opinion was created.

3.  To invest with a new rank, function, etc.

4.  To portray (a character) effectively for the first time, said of an actor.

Data Land

Consciousness can be divided into two parts: content consciousness and space consciousness. When the presenter is focused on the data (i.e., content), then he or she is in Data Land. When the focus of his or her awareness is on the space, then the presenter is not in Data Land. The vast majority of IT professionals focus only on the content of the presentation and thus live in Data Land


1.  The act or practice of deceiving.

2.  The fact or condition of being deceived.

3.  Something deceiving, as an illusion, or meant to deceive, as a fraud, imposture, etc.


Deception is applied to anything that deceives, whether by design or illusion; fraud suggests deliberate deception in dishonestly depriving a person of property rights, etc.; subterfuge suggests an artifice or stratagem used to deceive others in evading something or gaining some end; trickery implies the use of tricks or ruses in fraudulently deceiving others; chicanery implies the use of petty trickery and subterfuge, especially in legal actions.


1.  To ward off, repel.

2.  To guard from attack; keep from harm or danger; protect.

3.  To support or maintain by speech or act.

4.  To try to justify, as he defended his conduct.


Defend implies an active effort to repel an actual attack or invasion (to defend oneself in court); guard suggests a watching over to keep safe from any potential attack or harm (to guard the coastline); protect and shield imply keeping safe from harm or injury by interposing a barrier (he built a fence to protect his garden), but shield also connotes a present or imminent attack or harmful agency (to shield one’s eyes against he blinding glare); preserve implies keeping safe from encroaching deterioration or decay (to preserve civil liberties).


The time between the initiation of a transaction by a sender and the first response received by the sender. Also, the time required to move a packet from source to destination over a given path.


1.  To tear down; demolish.

2.  To break up or spoil completely; ruin.

3.  To bring to total defeat; crush.

4.  To put an end to; do away with.


1.  Worthiness, nobility.

2.  High repute; honor.

3.  The degree of worth, repute, or honor.

4.  A high position, rank, or title.

5.  Loftiness of appearance or manner; stateliness.


1.  Training that develops self-control, character, or orderliness and efficiency.

2.  Acceptance of or submission to authority and control.

3.  The result of such training; self-control; orderly conduct.

4.  Treatment that corrects or punishes.

Synonym: Punish


1.  To make or become liquid; liquefy; melt.

2.  To merge with a liquid; pass or make a pass into a solution.

3.  To break up; disunite; decompose; disintegrate.

4.  To end by or as by breaking up; terminate.

5.  To disappear or make disappear.

Synonym: Adjourn, melt


1.  To bring up, rear, or train; to bring out that which is within.

2.  To give knowledge or training to; especially by formal schooling, teaching, or training

3.  Knowledge, ability, etc.

Synonym: To make conscious that which is unconscious. A drawing out from the person of something that is already there in an idle state, and not filling up of an empty container with knowledge.


A change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.


1.  Producing a definite or desired result.

2.  Efficient.

Synonym: Effective is applied to that which produces a definite effect or result (an effective speaker).


1.  To cause to feel self-conscious, confused, and ill at ease; disconcert; fluster.

2.  To hinder, impede; cause difficulties to.

3.  To complicate; make more difficult.


Embarrass is to feel ill at ease so as to result in a loss of composure (embarrassed by their compliments). Abash implies a sudden loss of self-confidence and a growing feeling of shame and inadequacy (I stood abashed at his rebuke); discomfit implies a frustration of plans or expectations and often connotes a resultant feeling of discomposure or humiliation; to disconcert is to cause to lose quickly one’s self-possession so as to result in confusion or mental disorganization (his interruptions were disconcerting); disorganization; rattle and faze are colloquial equivalents for disconcert, but the former emphasizes emotional agitation, and the latter is most commonly used in negative constructions (danger does not faze him).

Antonym: Compose, assure


Application of a specific algorithm to data so as to alter the appearance of the data, making it incomprehensible to those who are not authorized to see the information.

The role of the presenter is to strive for clarity and yet at times the presenter encrypts the data to make it incomprehensible to the audience.


To win the support of; to get the help or service of, as we will enlist him in our movement; to join or support a cause or movement.


1.  To record in a list.

2.  To enlist.

3.  To accept as a member; make a person a member.

4.  Create a compelling future that draws a person to it.

5.  Identify customer pain (current, past, future), purpose to heal the pain, pleasure is to satisfy customer pain.

To enroll is to enter your own or somebody else’s name on an official register.

Another definition of enrollment is standing in the future and grasping a possibility, then turning around and showing that possibility to the audience. When the audience sees that possibility, they experience value and pleasure and move toward that possibility. They believe that the possibility that is your conversation will reduce their fears, relieve their pain, and solve their business problem to help them meet their goals.


To involve in or as in a tangle; catch, as in a net, vine, etc., so that escape is difficult; ensnare.

1.  To involve in difficulty.

2.  To confuse mentally; perplex.

3.  To cause to be tangled; complicate.


1.  To hold the attention of; interest; divert; amuse.

2.  To give hospitality to; have as a guest.

Synonym: Amuse


To be inspired, be possessed by God, inspire.

1.  Originally, supernatural inspiration or possession; inspired prophetic or poetic ecstasy.

2.  Intense or eager interest; zeal; fervor.

3.  Something arousing such interest or zeal.

4.  Religious frenzy.

Synonym: Passion


Something that surrounds. All the conditions, circumstances, and influences surrounding and affecting the development of an organism or group of organisms.


To increase or enlarge to an abnormal degree; overemphasize, intensify.


1.  To put into motion or activity; stir up.

2.  To arouse; call forth; provoke.

Synonym: Provoke


1.  To spread out; open out; stretch out; unfold.

2.  To cause to fill more space; increase in size.


1.  A looking forward to; anticipation.

2.  A looking for as due, proper, or necessary.

3.  A reason or warrant for looking forward to something.


1.  To be lacking or insufficient; fall short.

2.  To lose power or strength; weaken; die away.

3.  To be deficient or negligent in an obligation, duty, or expectation; default.

4.  To be unsuccessful in obtaining a desired end; be unable to do or become; miss.


Keeping faith; worthy of trust; honest; loyal.

1.  Reliable, dependable.

2.  Accurate; exact; true, as a faithful copy.


Faithful implies continued, steadfast adherence to a person or thing to whom one is bound by an oath, duty, obligation, etc. (a faithful spouse); loyal implies undeviating allegiance to a person, cause, institution, etc., which one feels morally bound to support or defend (a loyal friend); constant suggests freedom from fickleness in affections or loyalties (a constant lover); stanch (or staunch) implies such strong allegiance to one’s principles or purpose as not to be turned aside by any cause (a stanch defender of the truth); resolute stresses unwavering determination, often in adhering to one’s personal ends or aims (she was resolute in her decision to stay).

Antonym: Faithless


Not keeping faith; dishonest, disloyal. Unreliable, undependable.


Faithless implies failure to adhere to an oath, duty, obligation, etc. (a faithless spouse); false, in this connection more or less synonymous with faithless, stresses failure in devotion to someone or something that has a moral claim to one’s support (a false friend); disloyal implies a breach of allegiance to a person, cause, institution, etc. (disloyal to one’s family); traitorous strictly implies the commission of an act of treason; treacherous suggests an inclination to commit treason or a tendency to betray a trust (his treacherous colleagues); perfidious adds to the meaning of treacherous, a connotation of sordidness or depravity (a perfidious informer).

Antonym: Faithful


1.  A feeling of anxiety and agitation caused by the presence or perceived presence or nearness of danger, evil, pain, etc.

2.  A feeling of uneasiness, disquiet, anxiety, concern.


Fear is the general term for the anxiety and agitation felt at the presence of danger; dread refers to the fear of depression felt in anticipating something dangerous or disagreeable (to live in dread of poverty); fright applies to a sudden, shocking, usually momentary fear (the mouse gave her a fright); alarm implies the fright felt at the sudden realization of danger (he felt alarm at the sight of the pistol); dismay implies a loss of courage or a feeling of consternation at the prospect of trouble or danger; terror implies an overwhelming, often paralyzing fear (the terror of soldiers in combat); panic refers to a frantic, unreasoning fear, often one that spreads quickly and leads to irrational, aimless action (the cry “FIRE” created a panic).


1.  A device or a software package that separates more secure network components from less secure components, protecting the more secure network from inappropriate access.

2.  A router or access server designated as a buffer between any connected public network and a private network. A firewall router uses access lists and other methods to ensure the security of the private network.

Focal Point

Every room has a place where the leader should stand. It should be centered and in front of the audience. During the introduction and conclusion, it looks polished and professional to be standing in this focal point of the room.


A person with little or no judgment, common sense, wisdom, etc.; simpleton.


1.  To give up resentment against or the desire to punish; stop being angry with; pardon.

2.  To give up all claim to punish or exact penalty for.


Logical grouping of information sent as a data link layer unit over a transmission medium.


The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. The state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.


1.  Good will; favor.

2.  The love and favor of God toward man.

3.  Unmerited help given to people by God.


1.  A person entertained at the home or table of another; visitor.

2.  A person receiving the hospitality of a club, institution, etc., of which he is not a member.

Hello Packet

A packet that is used by routers for neighbor discovery and recovery. Hello packets also indicate that a client is still operating and network ready.


Passage of a data packet between two network nodes (for example, between two routers).


1.  Entertaining, or fond of entertaining, guests in a friendly way; generous manner.

2.  Caused or characterized by generosity and friendliness to guests, as a hospitable act.

3.  Liberal and generous in disposition and mind; receptive or open, as to new ideas.

Host (Hostess)

Someone who entertains guests in his/her home or at his/her own expense. The person who initiates or presides over any social gathering.


Psychological process that restrains or suppresses an action, emotion, or thought.


1.  Originally to breathe or blow upon or into; to infuse (life into) by breathing.

2.  To draw (air) into the lungs; inhale, opposite of expire.

3.  To have an animating effect upon; influence, stimulate, or impel, especially to stimulate or impel to some creative effort.

4.  To cause, guide, communicate, or motivate by divine influence, as God inspired the scriptures.

5.  To arouse or produce (a thought or feeling).


1.  The quality or state of being complete; unbroken condition; soundness.

2.  The quality or state of being unimpaired; perfect condition.

3.  The quality or state of sound moral principle; uprightness; honesty and sincerity.

Integrity implies an incorruptible soundness of moral character, especially as displayed to fulfilling trusts.


1.  An intending, determination to do a specified thing or act in a specified manner.

2.  Anything intended; ultimate end or purpose, as in What is your intention?


Intention is the general word implying a having something in mind as a plan or design or referring to the plan had in mind; intent is a somewhat formal term now largely in legal usage, connotes more deliberation (assault with intent to kill); purpose connotes greater resolution or determination in the plan (I have a purpose in writing you); aim refers to a specific intention and connotes a directing of all efforts toward this; goal suggests laborious effort in striving to attain something; end emphasizes the final result one hopes to achieve as distinguished from the process of achieving it; object is used for an end that is the direct result of a need or desire; objective refers to a specific end that is capable of being reached.


Connection between two systems or devices.

Interframe Gap (Also known as Interpacket Gap)

Ethernet devices must allow a minimum idle period between transmission of Ethernet frames known as the interframe gap (IFG) or interpacket gap (IPG). It provides a brief recovery time between frames to allow devices to prepare for reception of the next frame.

Intrusion Detection

Security service that monitors and analyzes system events for the purpose of finding (and providing real-time or near real-time warnings of) attempts to access system resources in an unauthorized manner.


1.  To make intricate, tangled, or complicated.

2.  To entangle in trouble, difficulty, danger, etc.; implicate.

3.  To draw or hold within itself; include (for example, a riot that soon involved thousands).

4.  To relate to or affect (for example, his honor is involved).

5.  To make busy, employ; occupy (for example, involved in research).


Message sent by one network device to inform another network device that the virtual circuit between the two is still active.


1.  The delay between the time a device requests access to a network and the time it is granted permission to transmit.

2.  Delay between the time a device receives a frame and the time that frame is forwarded out of the destination port.


To listen to the listening of the audience means for the presenter to understand the business concerns, company politics, and even cultural background of the audience.


The logistics of deploying forces in Afghanistan refers to the organization, planning, plans, management, arrangement, administration, orchestration, coordination, execution, handling, and running.


1.  Faithful to the constituted authority of one’s county.

2.  Faithful to those persons, ideals, etc. that one is under.

3.  Obligation to defend or support.

4.  Relating to or indicating loyalty.

Synonym: Faithful


A figure of speech in which one thing is likened to another, different thing by being spoken of as if it were that other; implied comparison, for example, All the world is a stage or The ship plowed the sea.


Mindfulness is being present in each moment of now. It is a friendly, nonjudging, allowing, present-moment awareness. It is similar to stillness, which is awareness without thought. In a mindful state of consciousness, when an emotion or thought arises, you are able to observe it and not react to it. It is just like a mirror that reflects whatever comes before it. Mindfulness is not for or against anything. It doesn’t try to add or subtract, to improve or change in any way.


Incident, event, or action that apparently contradicts known scientific laws and is hence thought to be due to supernatural causes. An extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs.


Term used generically to refer to any entity that can access a network, and frequently is used interchangeably with device.

Open System Interconnection

The OSI reference model describes how information from a software application in one computer moves through a network medium to a software application in another computer. The OSI reference model is a conceptual model composed of seven layers, each specifying particular network functions.

         Layer 7—Application

         Layer 6—Presentation

         Layer 5—Session

         Layer 4—Transport

         Layer 3—Network

         Layer 2—Data link

In presentations, the data link layer equates to the reliable transit of data across the wireless network link. The Media Access Control (MAC Address), which is a sub-layer of the data link layer, would be the name of the person to whom you are talking. Flow control would be the correct rate and pace of your delivery and the data link layer would also provide for the correct sequencing of your communication packets.

         Layer 1—Physical

In presentations the physical layer would equate to having a conscious connection to your physical body (especially feeling your feet on the floor) and a conscious connection to a point in the space. Conscious awareness of your body would occur during a body check. The most powerful point in the space would be the eyes of someone in the audience. Because there is not an actual physical connection between the sender and receiver, you could say that public speaking is the integration and transmission of data, voice, and video over a wireless Local Area Network.


A statement, proposition, or situation that seems to be absurd or contradictory, but in fact is or may be true.


1.  The state or power of receiving or being affected by outside influences.

2.  Any one of the emotions, as hate, grief, love, fear, joy, etc.

3.  Extreme, compelling emotion; intense emotional drive or excitement.

4.  The object of any strong desire or fondness.


Passion usually implies a strong emotion that has an overpowering or compelling effect (his passions overcame his reason); fervor and ardor both imply emotion of burning intensity; fervor suggesting a constant glow of feelings (religious fervor) and ardor, a restless, flame-like emotion (the ardor of youth); enthusiasm implies strongly favorable feelings for an object or cause and usually suggests eagerness in the pursuit of something (his enthusiasm for golf); zeal implies intense enthusiasm for an object or cause, usually as displayed in vigorous and untiring activity in its support (inflamed with a zeal for reform).


Branch of knowledge or academic study devoted to the systematic examination of basic concepts as truth, existence, reality, causality, and freedom.


1.  Ability to do; capacity to act; capability of performing or producing.

2.  A specific ability or faculty, as the power of healing.

3.  Great ability to do, act, or affect strongly.

4.  The ability to control others; authority; sway; influence a person or thing; having great influence, force, or authority.


Power denotes the inherent ability or the admitted right to rule, govern, determine, etc. (the limited power of the president); authority refers to the power, because of rank or office; to give commands, enforce obedience (the authority of a teacher); jurisdiction refers to the power to rule or decide within certain defined limits (the jurisdiction of the courts); dominion implies sovereign or supreme authority (dominion over a dependent state); sway stresses the predominance of sweeping scope of power (the Romans held sway over the ancient world); control implies authority to regulate, restrain, or curb (under the control of a guardian); command implies such authority that enforces obedience to one’s orders (in command of a regiment).


1.  To commend the worth of; express approval or admiration of.

2.  To laud the glory of (God), as in song; glorify; extol.


Praise is the simple, basic word implying an expression of approval, esteem, or commendation (to praise one’s performance); laud implies great, sometimes extravagant praise (the critics lauded the actor to the skies); acclaim suggests an outward show of strong approval, as by loud applause, cheering, etc. (he was acclaimed the victor); extol implies exalting of lofty praise (the scientist was extolled for his work); eulogize suggests formal praise in speech or writing (the minister eulogized the exemplary life of the deceased).


To offer to view or notice; exhibit; display; show.

Present Time

Time can be divided into three parts: the past, the present, and the future. Present time or being in the now happens when you fully surrender to whatever form this moment of now takes. Your attitude is that this moment of now is a self-contained frame in which you are going to establish a VPN tunnel to the other person, and create and deliver your communication. You are not going to create and deliver another communication until this moment of connection is totally complete. In the act of presenting you are totally present in the now. You are not thinking about the future or the past but rather focusing on creating your communication in the present moment. And it is during the creation of the space packet that you look at your interior database of knowledge and upload your next communication packet into the public domain.


Formal description of a set of rules and conventions that govern how devices on a network exchange information. This would be analogous to two people agreeing to speak French so they can clearly exchange their thoughts. In this situation, the French language would be the agreed-upon protocol.


1.  To excite to some action or feeling.

2.  To anger; irritate.

3.  To stir up (action or feeling).

4.  To call forth; evoke.


Provoke implies rather generally an arousing to some action or feeling (thought-provoking); excite suggests a more powerful or profound stirring or moving of the thoughts or emotions (it excites my imagination); stimulate implies an arousing as if by goading or pricking and hence, often connotes a bringing out of a state of inactivity or indifference (to stimulate one’s enthusiasm); pique suggests a stimulating as if by irritating (to pique one’s curiosity).

See: Irritate


1.  Something one intends to get or to do; intention; aim.

2.  Resolution, determination.

3.  The object for which something exists or is done; end in view. An idea kept before the mind as an end of being there.

Synonym: Intend; intention


A harmonious, empathetic, or sympathetic relation or connection to another self. An accord or affinity.


A troubled feeling or remorse over something that has happened, especially over something that one has done or left undone.


Remorse is a deep, torturing sense of guilt felt over a wrong that one has done; self-reproach.


1.  To throw or fling back.

2.  Refuse to take, agree to, accede to, use, believe, etc.

3.  To discard; throw out or away as useless or substandard.

4.  To rebuff.


1.  An understanding and being aware of another person’s way of being.

2.  The condition of understanding and being aware of another person.

3.  The condition of being connected (joined or coupled) or associated (sharing mutual participation) through affinity (natural liking for).


Make or become less tense or anxious.

Relax Response

A term coined by Herbert Benson, a researcher at Harvard Medical School, in studies on transcendental meditation. In a meditative state, people would be able to slow their heart rate and breathing. The blood pressure comes down. Muscles soften and relax. There is a growing sense of ease and calm in the body and mind.


A feeling of bitter hurt or indignation from a sense of being injured or offended.

To resent is to feel a bitter hurt or indignation at some act, remark, etc. or toward a person from a sense of being injured or offended.


Opposition that a circuit, component, or substance presents to the flow of electricity.


           Responsibility starts with the willingness to acknowledge that you are cause in the matter. It starts with the willingness to deal with a situation from and with the point of view, whether at the moment realized or not, that you are the source of what you are, what you do, and what you have. This point of view extends to include even what is done to you and ultimately what another does to another. Responsibility is not fault, praise, blame, shame, or guilt. All these include judgments and evaluations of good and bad, right and wrong, better or worse. They are not responsibility as they are all beyond a simple acknowledgment that you are cause in your own experience.

—Werner Erhard


Anything that comes about as a consequence or outcome of some action, process, etc.


Network layer device that determines the optimal path along which network traffic should be forwarded.


Sacrifice is the act of giving up, destroying, permitting injury to, or forgoing something valued for the sake of something having a more pressing claim.


1.  To fulfill or answer the requirements or conditions of something.

2.  To fulfill the needs, wishes, or desires of someone; intent; gratify.

3.  To comply with; to free from doubt or anxiety; to answer a doubt or objection adequately; solve.

4.  To give what is due to.


Satisfy implies complete fulfillment of one’s wishes, needs, expectations, etc.; content implies a filling of requirements to the degree that one is not disturbed by a desire for something more or different (for example, some persons are satisfied only by great wealth; others are content with a modest but secure income).


Conduct giving assistance or advantage to another or others.

I don’t know what your destiny will be,
But one thing I know; the only ones among you
Who will be really happy are those who have sought
And found how to serve.

—Albert Schweitzer


1.  A part or portion that is allotted or belongs to an individual; part contributed by one.

2.  A just, due, reasonable, or full share, as, everyone has done his share of work, we had our share of laughs.


Share means to use, enjoy, possess, etc. in common with others and generally connotes a giving or receiving a part of something (to share expenses, glory, etc.); participate implies a taking part with others in some activity, enterprise, etc. (to participate in talks); partake implies a taking one’s share, as of a meal, responsibility, etc. (to partake of a friend’s hospitality).

Space Consciousness

A person has space consciousness when his or her awareness is not on the content (that is, things or data), but rather on the spaces between the content. In that space, there is no speaking.

Space Packet

A space packet can also be referred to as a pause, space of stillness, or an Interframe Gap. It occurs between communication packets, which carry the data. The length of the space packet depends on the importance of the point being made. The more important, the longer you pause, which then allows the audience to absorb and think about the data.


Eckhart Tolle refers to stillness as consciousness without thought. It is the current of awareness, which is a different frequency than data. Every time an IT professional delivers data, it disturbs the stillness of the space. The stillness of the space returns when the presenter generates space packets.


Slight and not obvious; cleverly indirect and ingenious.


To put down by authority or force; subdue; to keep from being known; to hold back.


1.  To give up possession of or power over; yield to another on demand or compulsion; to give up or abandon, as in We surrendered all hope.

2.  To give oneself up to another’s power or control, especially as a prisoner.

3.  To momentarily surrender your point of view to duplicate another’s.


Surrender commonly implies the giving up of something completely after striving to keep it (to surrender a fort, one’s freedom, etc.); relinquish is the general word implying an abandoning, giving up, or letting go of something held (to relinquish one’s grasp, a claim, etc.); yield is to concede or give way under pressure (to yield one’s consent); submit is to give in to authority or superior force (to submit to a conqueror); resign implies a voluntary, formal relinquishment and used reflexively, connotes submission or passive acceptance (to resign an office, to resign oneself to failure).


To live or exist longer than or beyond the life or existence of; outlive.


Establishment of a common timing between a sender and a receiver.


Rate of information arriving at, and possibly passing through, a particular point in a network system.


Hindered, blunted or obstructed, frustrated or defeated.


In a Local Area Network a node can transmit only when in possession of a sequence of bits (called the token) that is passed to each node in turn. This is a characteristic of a Token Ring Network.


1.  Held back from giving forth or expressing in words.

2.  Withheld, not emitted or discharged.

3.  Not carried to and left at the proper place.


1.  Not meeting the requirements of.

2.  Not satisfied.

3.  Not carried out as promised or desired.

4.  Not realized completely, as an ambition.


1.  To disturb the functioning, fulfillment, or completion of.

2.  To disturb mentally or emotionally, or physically make sick.

3.  To overturn or overthrow, especially unexpectedly.

An upset is composed of three elements:

        Thwarted intention

        Unfulfilled expectation

        Undelivered communication


1.  Capable of being wounded or physically injured.

2.  Open to criticism or attack.

3.  Open to attack by armed forces.

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