Chapter 5. Creating a Data Service

If you’ve been doing any reading lately about cloud-native services and applications, then you’re probably getting sick of hearing that these services all need to be stateless.

Stateless in this case doesn’t mean that state can’t exist anywhere; it just means that it cannot exist in your application’s memory. A truly cloud-native service does not maintain state between requests.

To build stateless services, we really just need to kick the state responsibility a little further down the road. In this chapter, we’ll talk about how to build a microservice that depends on an external data source. Our code in this chapter will work with Entity Framework (EF) Core, and we’ll upgrade the team and location services we’ve been working with to true data persistence.

Choosing a Data Store

There are many risks associated with embracing a 1.0-level technology. The ecosystem is generally immature, so support for your favorite things may be lacking or missing entirely. Tooling and integration and overall developer experience are often high-friction. Despite the long and storied history of .NET, .NET Core (and especially the associated tooling) should still be treated like a brand new 1.0 product.

One of things we might run into when trying to pick a data store that is compatible with EF Core is a lack of available providers. While this list will likely have grown by the time you read this, at the time this chapter was written, the following providers were available for EF Core:

  • SQL Server
  • SQLite
  • Postgres
  • IBM databases
  • MySQL
  • SQL Server Lite
  • In-memory provider for testing
  • Oracle (coming soon)

For databases that aren’t inherently compatible with the Entity Framework relational model, like MongoDB, Neo4j, Cassandra, etc., you should be able to find client libraries available that will work with .NET Core. Since most of these databases expose simple RESTful APIs, you should still be able to use them even if you have to write your own client.

For the most up-to-date list of databases available, check the docs.

Because of my desire to keep everything as cross-platform as possible throughout this book, I decided to use Postgres instead of SQL Server to accommodate readers working on Linux or Mac workstations. Postgres is also easily installed on Windows.

Building a Postgres Repository

In Chapter 3, we created our first microservice. In order to get something running and focus solely on the discipline and code required to stand up a simple service, we used an in-memory repository that didn’t amount to much more than a fake that aided us in writing tests.

In this section we’re going upgrade our location service to work with Postgres. To do this we’re going to create a new repository implementation that encapsulates the PostgreSQL client communication. Before we get to the implementation code, let’s revisit the interface for our location repository (Example 5-1).

Example 5-1. ILocationRecordRepository.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace StatlerWaldorfCorp.LocationService.Models {

    public interface ILocationRecordRepository {
        LocationRecord Add(LocationRecord locationRecord);    
        LocationRecord Update(LocationRecord locationRecord);
        LocationRecord Get(Guid memberId, Guid recordId);
        LocationRecord Delete(Guid memberId, Guid recordId);
        LocationRecord GetLatestForMember(Guid memberId);
        ICollection<LocationRecord> AllForMember(Guid memberId);

The location repository exposes standard CRUD functions like Add, Update, Get, and Delete. In addition, this repository exposes methods to obtain the latest location entry for a member as well as the entire location history for a member.

The purpose of the location service is solely to track location data, so you’ll notice that there is no reference to team membership at all in this interface.

Creating a Database Context

The next thing we’re going to do is create a database context. This class will serve as a wrapper around the base DbContext class we get from Entity Framework Core. Since we’re dealing with locations, we’ll call our context class LocationDbContext.

If you’re not familiar with Entity Framework or EF Core, the database context acts as the gateway between your database-agnostic model class (POCOs, or Plain-Old C# Objects) and the real database. For more information on EF Core, check out Microsoft’s documentation. We could probably spend another several chapters doing nothing but exploring its details, but since we’re trying to stay focused on cloud-native applications and services, we’ll use just enough EF Core to build our services.

The pattern for using a database context is to create a class that inherits from it that is specific to your model. In our case, since we’re dealing with locations, we’ll create a LocationDbContext class (Example 5-2).

Example 5-2. LocationDbContext.cs
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using StatlerWaldorfCorp.LocationService.Models;
using Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL;

namespace StatlerWaldorfCorp.LocationService.Persistence 
    public class LocationDbContext : DbContext
      public LocationDbContext(
        DbContextOptions<LocationDbContext> options) :

      protected override void OnModelCreating(
        ModelBuilder modelBuilder)

      public DbSet<LocationRecord> LocationRecords {get; set;}        

Here we can use the ModelBuilder and DbContextOptions classes to perform any additional setup we need on the context. In our case, we’re ensuring that our model has the uuid-ossp Postgres extension to support the member ID field.

Implementing the Location Record Repository Interface

Now that we have a context through which other classes can use to communicate with the database, we can create a real implementation of the ILocationRecordRepository interface. This real implementation will take an instance of LocationDbContext as a constructor parameter. This sets us up nicely to configure this context with environment-supplied connection strings when deploying for real and with mocks or in-memory providers (discussed later) when testing.

Example 5-3 contains the code for the LocationRecordRepository class.

Example 5-3. LocationRecordRepository.cs
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using StatlerWaldorfCorp.LocationService.Models;

namespace StatlerWaldorfCorp.LocationService.Persistence
  public class LocationRecordRepository : 
      private LocationDbContext context;

      public LocationRecordRepository(LocationDbContext context)
          this.context = context;

      public LocationRecord Add(LocationRecord locationRecord)
          return locationRecord;

      public LocationRecord Update(LocationRecord locationRecord)
          this.context.Entry(locationRecord).State = 
          return locationRecord;

      public LocationRecord Get(Guid memberId, Guid recordId)
          return this.context.LocationRecords
           .Single(lr => lr.MemberID == memberId && 
                         lr.ID == recordId);

      public LocationRecord Delete(Guid memberId, Guid recordId)
          LocationRecord locationRecord = 
            this.Get(memberId, recordId);
          return locationRecord;

      public LocationRecord GetLatestForMember(Guid memberId)
          LocationRecord locationRecord = 
              Where(lr => lr.MemberID == memberId).
              OrderBy(lr => lr.Timestamp).
          return locationRecord;

      public ICollection<LocationRecord> AllForMember(Guid memberId)
          return this.context.LocationRecords.
              Where(lr => lr.MemberID == memberId).
              OrderBy(lr => lr.Timestamp).

The code here is pretty straightforward. Any time we make a change to the database, we call SaveChanges on the context. If we need to query, we use the LINQ expression syntax where we can combine Where and OrderBy to filter and sort the results.

When we do an update, we need to flag the entity we’re updating as a modified entry so that Entity Framework Core knows how to generate an appropriate SQL UPDATE statement for that record. If we don’t modify this entry state, EF Core won’t know anything has changed and so a call to SaveChanges will do nothing.

The next big trick in this repository is injecting the Postgres-specific database context. To make this happen, we need to add this repository to the dependency injection system in the ConfigureServices method of  our Startup class (Example 5-4).

Example 5-4. ConfigureServices method in Startup.cs
 public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
         .AddDbContext<LocationDbContext>(options =>

First we want to use the AddEntityFrameworkNpgsql extension method exposed by the Postgres EF Core provider. Next, we add our location repository as a scoped service. When we use the AddScoped method, we’re indicating that every new request made to our service gets a newly created instance of this repository.

Testing with the Entity Framework Core In-Memory Provider

So far we’ve created an interface that represents the contract to which our repositories must conform. We’ve got an in-memory implementation of a repository and we’ve got a repository that wraps a DbContext configured to talk to PostgreSQL.

You might be wondering how (or if) we can test the database context wrapper in isolation, since we can already test the repository in isolation. Microsoft does have an in-memory provider for Entity Framework Core. There are a couple of drawbacks to this provider, however. First and foremost, the InMemory provider is not a relational database. This means that you can save data using this provider that might normally violate a real database’s referential integrity and foreign key constraints.

If you dig a little deeper into this provider, you’ll realize that it is essentially an EF Core facade around simple in-memory collection storage. We have already built a repository that works against collection objects, so the only added value this provider gives us is a little bit of additional code coverage to ensure that our database context is actually invoked. You should not assume that the InMemory provider is going to give you confidence that your database operations will behave as planned.

It is for these reasons, and the fact that this is not a book focused on TDD, that I decided to skip writing tests using this provider. We’ve got unit tests for our repositories and, as you’ll see later in the chapter, we’re going to be building automated integration tests that talk to a real PostgreSQL database.

I’ll leave it up to you to decide whether you think the use of the InMemory provider will add testing value and confidence to your projects.

Databases Are Backing Services

When we talk about making our services  cloud native, one of the things that always comes up is the notion of backing services. Put simply, this means that we need to treat everything that our application needs to function as a bound resource: files, databases, services, messaging, etc.

Every backing service our application needs should be configurable externally. As such, we need to be able to get our database connection string from someplace other than our code. If we check a connection string into source control, then we’ve already violated some of the cardinal rules of cloud-native application development.

The means by which an application gets its external configuration vary from platform to platform. For this sample we’re going to use environment variables that can override defaults supplied by a configuration file.

This appsettings.json file looks like the one here (newlines inside the connection string are for book formatting only):

    "transient": false,
    "postgres": {
        "cstr": "Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=locationservice;

This scenario makes it very easy to override default configuration in deployment environments but have a relatively low-friction developer experience on our development workstations.

Configuring a Postgres Database Context

The repository we built earlier requires some kind of database context in order to function. The database context is the core primitive of Entity Framework Core. (This book is not an EF Core reference manual, so if you want additional information you should consult the official documentation.)

To create a database context for the location model, we just need to create a class that inherits from DbContext. I’ve also included a DbContextFactory because that can sometimes make running the Entity Framework Core command-line tools simpler:

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
using StatlerWaldorfCorp.LocationService.Models;
using Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL;

namespace StatlerWaldorfCorp.LocationService.Persistence
    public class LocationDbContext : DbContext
        public LocationDbContext(
          DbContextOptions<LocationDbContext> options) :base(options)

        protected override void OnModelCreating(
            ModelBuilder modelBuilder)

        public DbSet<LocationRecord> LocationRecords {get; set;}

    public class LocationDbContextFactory : 
        public LocationDbContext 
          Create(DbContextFactoryOptions options)
            var optionsBuilder = 
              new DbContextOptionsBuilder<LocationDbContext>();
            var connectionString = 

            return new LocationDbContext(optionsBuilder.Options);

With a new database context, we need to make it available for dependency injection so that the location repository can utilize it:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    var transient = true;
    if (Configuration.GetSection("transient") != null) {
        transient = Boolean.Parse(Configuration
    if (transient) {
          "Using transient location record repository.");
    } else {                
        var connectionString = 
                .AddDbContext<LocationDbContext>(options =>
          "Using '{0}' for DB connection string.", 

The calls to AddEntityFrameworkNpgsql and AddDbContext are the magic that makes everything happen here.

With a context configured for DI, our service should be ready to run, test, and accept EF Core command-line parameters like the ones we need to execute migrations. You can see the code for the migrations in the location service’s GitHub repository. When building your own database-backed services, you can also use the EF Core command-line tools to reverse-engineer migrations from existing database schemas.

Integration Testing Real Repositories

We’ve unit tested all of our code, and we’ve made the decision to not use the InMemory EF Core data provider, but we still don’t have full confidence in our service. The only way we’re going to have full confidence is when we exercise our repository class against a real Postgres database.

Back in the old days, when developers rode dinosaurs to and from the office, we would have installed Postgres on our local workstation, configured it manually, and even manually triggered a test that would exercise the repository class against this local instance.

This pattern is the antithesis of the kind of agility and automation we want when building applications for the cloud. No, what we want instead is for our automated build pipeline to spin up a fresh, empty instance of Postgres every time we run the build. Then we want integration tests to run against this fresh instance, including running our migrations to set up the schema in the database. We want this to work locally, on our teammates’ workstations, and in the cloud, all automatically after every commit.

This is why I enjoy the combination of Wercker and Docker (though most Docker-native CI tools support similar functionality). If we just add the following lines to the top of our wercker.yml file, the Wercker CLI (and the hosted version in the cloud) will spin up a connected Postgres Docker image and create a bunch of environment variables that provide the host IP, port, and credentials for the database (Example 5-5).

Example 5-5. Declaring a backing service for a Wercker build in wercker.yml
   - id: postgres
       POSTGRES_PASSWORD: inteword
       POSTGRES_USER: integrator   
       POSTGRES_DB: locationservice

We can specify the credentials we’re going to use or we can let Wercker pick them. Either way, the credentials and other relevant information are made available to our build pipeline in environment variables.

Normally we would throw a fit about checking in credentials, but since these credentials are only used to configure a short-lived database that only exists long enough to run integration tests inside a private container, this isn’t dangerous. If these credentials pointed to a database that existed anywhere in a semi-permanent environment, that would be a red flag.

Line Wraps in Code Listings

This chapter has a lot of connection strings that wrap across lines in the printed and electronic book. These line wraps don’t exist in the actual YAML, JSON, or C# files. Please double-check with the files in GitHub if you’re not sure when there should or should not be a line feed.

Now we can set up some build steps that prepare for and execute integration tests, as in Example 5-6.

Example 5-6. Integration testing in a Wercker build
# integration tests
    - script:
        name: integration-migrate
        cwd: src/StatlerWaldorfCorp.LocationService
        code: |           
           export TRANSIENT=false
           export POSTGRES__CSTR=
           export POSTGRES__CSTR=
           export POSTGRES__CSTR=
           dotnet ef database update
    - script:
        name: integration-restore
        cwd: test/StatlerWaldorfCorp.LocationService.Integration
        code: |
           dotnet restore
    - script:
        name: integration-build
        cwd: test/StatlerWaldorfCorp.LocationService.Integration
        code: |
          dotnet build
    - script:
        name: integration-test
        cwd: test/StatlerWaldorfCorp.LocationService.Integration
        code: |          
          dotnet test

The awkward-looking concatenation of the shell variable is just a way of making it slightly clearer how that variable is being created, and sometimes you run into parsing issues with the semicolons that cut off the rest of the environment variable.

The following is the list of commands being executed by the integration suite:

dotnet ef database update

Ensures that the schema in the database matches what our EF Core model expects. This will actually instantiate the Startup class, call ConfigureServices, and attempt to pluck out the LocationDbContext class and then execute the migrations stored in the project.

dotnet restore

Verifies and collects dependencies for our integration test project.

dotnet build

Compiles our integration test project.

dotnet test

Runs the detected tests in our integration test project.

You can see the full wercker.yml file in the GitHub repository for the location service. I cannot stress enough how important it is that you and your team be able to automatically run all of your unit and integration tests in a reliable, reproducible environment. This is key to rapid iteration when building microservices for the cloud.

Exercising the Data Service

Running the data service should be relatively easy. The first thing we’re going to need to do is spin up a running instance of Postgres. If you were paying attention to the wercker.yml file for the location service that sets up the integration tests, then you might be able to guess at the docker run command to start Postgres with our preferred parameters:

$ docker run -p 5432:5432 --name some-postgres 
  -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=inteword -e POSTGRES_USER=integrator 
  -e POSTGRES_DB=locationservice -d postgres

This starts the Postgres Docker image with the name some-postgres (this will be important shortly). To verify that we can connect to Postgres, we can run the following Docker command to launch psql:

$ docker run -it --rm --link some-postgres:postgres postgres 
  psql -h postgres -U integrator -d locationservice
Password for user integrator: 
psql (9.6.2)
Type "help" for help.

locationservice=# select 1;
(1 row)

With the database up and running, we need a schema. The tables in which we expect to store the migration metadata and our location records don’t yet exist. To put them in the database, we just need to run an EF Core command from the location service’s project directory. Note that we’re also setting environment variables that we’ll need soon:

$ export TRANSIENT=false
$ export POSTGRES__CSTR="Host=localhost;Username=integrator; 
$ dotnet ef database update

Build succeeded.
    0 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:03.25
info: Startup[0]
      Using 'Host=localhost;Username=integrator;
Password=inteword;Port=5432;Database=locationservice' for DB
 connection string.
Executed DbCommand (13ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text',
SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c 
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid=c.relnamespace WHERE
Executed DbCommand (56ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text',
CREATE TABLE "__EFMigrationsHistory" (
    "MigrationId" varchar(150) NOT NULL,
    "ProductVersion" varchar(32) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT "PK___EFMigrationsHistory" PRIMARY KEY 
Executed DbCommand (0ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', 
SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN
 pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid=c.relnamespace WHERE
Executed DbCommand (2ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', 
SELECT "MigrationId", "ProductVersion"
FROM "__EFMigrationsHistory"
ORDER BY "MigrationId";
Applying migration '20160917140258_Initial'.
Executed DbCommand (19ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', 
Executed DbCommand (18ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', 
CREATE TABLE "LocationRecords" (
    "ID" uuid NOT NULL,
    "Altitude" float4 NOT NULL,
    "Latitude" float4 NOT NULL,
    "Longitude" float4 NOT NULL,
    "MemberID" uuid NOT NULL,
    "Timestamp" int8 NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT "PK_LocationRecords" PRIMARY KEY ("ID")
Executed DbCommand (0ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text',
INSERT INTO "__EFMigrationsHistory" ("MigrationId", 
VALUES ('20160917140258_Initial', '1.1.1');

At this point Postgres is running with a valid schema and it’s ready to start accepting commands from the location service. Here’s where it gets a little tricky. If we’re going to run the location service from inside a Docker image, then referring to the Postgres server’s host as localhost won’t work—because that’s the host inside the Docker image.

What we need is for the location service to reach out of its container and then into the Postgres container. We can do this with a container link that creates a virtual hostname (we’ll call it postgres), but we’ll need to change our environment variable before launching the Docker image:

$ export POSTGRES__CSTR="Host=postgres;Username=integrator; 
$ docker run -p 5000:5000 --link some-postgres:postgres 
  -e TRANSIENT=false -e PORT=5000 
  -e POSTGRES__CSTR dotnetcoreservices/locationservice:latest

Now that we’ve linked the service’s container to the Postgres container via the postgres hostname, the location service should have no trouble connecting to the database.

To see this all in action, let’s submit a location record (as usual, take the line feeds out of this command when you type it):

$ curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST -d 


Take a look at the trace output from your running Docker image for the location service. You should see some very useful Entity Framework trace data explaining what happened. The service performed a SQL INSERT, so things are looking promising:

info: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.
      Executed DbCommand (23ms) 
[Parameters=[@p0='?', @p1='?', @p2='?', @p3='?', @p4='?', @p5='?'],
 CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']
      INSERT INTO "LocationRecords" ("ID", "Altitude", "Latitude", 
"Longitude", "MemberID", "Timestamp")
      VALUES (@p0, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @p5);
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ObjectResultExecutor[1]
      Executing ObjectResult, writing value Microsoft.AspNetCore
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker[2]
      Executed action StatlerWaldorfCorp.LocationService.
(StatlerWaldorfCorp.LocationService) in 2253.7616ms
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[2]
      Request finished in 2602.7855ms 201 application/json; 

Let’s ask the service for this fictitious member’s location history:

$ curl http://localhost:5000/locations/63e7acf8-8fae-42ce-9349-3c8593ac8292


The corresponding Entity Framework trace looks like this:

info: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.
      Executed DbCommand (23ms) [Parameters=[@__memberId_0='?'],
 CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']
      SELECT "lr"."ID", "lr"."Altitude", "lr"."Latitude",
 "lr"."Longitude", "lr"."MemberID", "lr"."Timestamp"
      FROM "LocationRecords" AS "lr"
      WHERE "lr"."MemberID" = @__memberId_0
      ORDER BY "lr"."Timestamp"

Just to be double sure, let’s query the latest endpoint to make sure we still get what we expect to see:

$ curl http://localhost:5000/locations/63e7acf8-8fae-42ce-9349-3c8593ac8292 


Finally, to prove that we really are using real database persistence and that this isn’t just a random fluke, use docker ps and docker kill to locate the Docker process for the location service and kill it. Restart it using the exact same command you used before.

You should now be able to query the location service and get the exact same data you had before. Of course, once you stop the Postgres container you’ll permanently lose that data.


There are no hard and fast rules about microservices that say we must communicate with a database, but exposure to the real world tells us that a lot of our microservices are going to sit on top of databases.

In this chapter we talked about some of the architectural and technical concerns with building a .NET Core microservice that exposes a RESTful API that interacts with a database. We illustrated how to use dependency injection to configure our repository service, as well as how to use build automation tools to run integration tests against clean, private database instances.

In the coming chapters, we’ll start exploring more advanced topics as we widen the scope of our coverage of microservices from individual services to entire service ecosystems.

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