Failsafe calibration

My personal preference is for the Failsafe configuration for the throttle fail when returning to the land. Failsafe helps to protect the drone so as to avoid crashes when it loses the connection from the transmitter. You may choose the Return to Launch (RTL) option too:

There are other optional calibrations you may need in the future. But for now, your drone is ready to fly.

Let's reconnect all the propellers and motors carefully and find a suitable place where you can test your first flight:

  1. Turn on your transmitter first. Connect the battery on your drone and you will hear beeps from the ESCs. Now if everything is OK, you move the left gimbal (throttle) to the bottom right and hold it until the propellers start rotating. Keep your finger away from the other gimbal for now.


  1. Make sure all the propellers are moving, now you can throttle the motors a little bit more, but don't be quick; do it gradually. Whenever the thrust is greater than the drone weight, your drone will start hovering, as we learned in the Chapter 2Assembling Your Drone. Do not give your drone rolling or pitching until it is at least more than two meters away (just as an extra precaution).
  2. Now you can move the pitch and roll of your transmitter and control your drone. To stop the drone from flying, remove your finger from the roll/pitch gimbal and slowly decrease the throttle. Your drone will come to ground gradually. Do not hurry, as your drone might get a bounce on the ground and get misdirected. It can also break the propellers. When the drone is almost on the ground, just push the throttle gimbal to the bottom left and hold it until all the propellers stop. As an extra precaution, switch off the transmitter first and then remove the battery of the drone.
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