
We covered many new topics as we made our smartest robot yet.

We introduced two navigation sensors used by self-driving cars in the real world: the GPS receiver and the magnetic compass. We discussed how they work and learned about the basic principles behind using these sensors.

Before we started programming, we learned how to import third-party software into the EV3 software to allow us to use these sensors with the EV3. We wrote a simple program to test the GPS and get a feel for using the sensor. Then, we wrote a more sophisticated navigation program in which the EV3 used its GPS and compass to navigate to a pair of coordinates defined by the user.  While programming, we expanded our knowledge of MyBlocks by introducing parameters, which allow you to program input and output for the MyBlock.

Congratulations! You have completed the final smart robot project. You are now ready to start building your own EV3 smart robots, as the principles that you learned while you built these six projects are now part of your engineering knowledge. You also have an understanding of the principles at work in a few real-world smart robots. I hope that this book has motivated you to start experimenting with more smart technology and inspired you to make something great!

Until next time, cheers!

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