© Rashed A. Chowdhury 2021
R. A. ChowdhuryBuilding a Salesforce-Powered Front Officehttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6676-2_12

12. Salesforce Platform

Rashed A. Chowdhury1  
Marietta, GA, USA

In the previous chapter, we reviewed key configuration, setup home, customization consideration, and DevOps and studied the real-world digital transformation case study to support the enterprise Salesforce practice. We also learned more on the key configuration and setup and recommended approach. In this chapter, we will cover Salesforce Experience Cloud (community cloud), security, email, Lightning Usage, and key Salesforce resources.

Salesforce Experience Cloud

Creating a community with Salesforce is a great way to improve your brand and customer service. Salesforce Experience Cloud combines websites, portals, and social media. A self-service community is even better, as enabling your customers to fix problems on their own (or with each other’s help) saves your company time and money. By using Flow, Lightning Bolt, and custom actions, you can build a process-driven self-service community. We will cover the following topics in this chapter:
  • Lightning Bolt

  • Process Builder

  • Flow

  • Putting it all together

Lightning Bolt

Lightning Bolt is a feature within Experience Cloud that acts as a community template. Previously, templates for your community were only provided by Salesforce. With the introduction of Lightning Bolt, partners may also create templates for you to use, increasing the number of options available to you by quite a lot. Use Bolts to easily preassemble and preconfigure your new communities.

A Lightning Bolt includes a theme, layout, pages, and components. A piece is a way the community site looks and has CSS. Pages hold components, and components are the building blocks of the page. Several elements may be combined on pages to get the output you want.

An easy way to build your Bolt is to start with another Bolt as a base. Remove pages you do not need for your specific use cases and add on new pages where necessary. Change existing pages if they are close to what you need. Add, remove, and modify components on each page to further customize and tailor the Bolt to your needs. After you have made all your changes, you now have a Bolt of your own, which you can export as your package.

Process Builder

Process Builder is a simple point-and-click development tool provided by Salesforce to drive business process automation. It is differentiated from Flow by being more straightforward as well as quicker to use. However, it is not as powerful.

Processes are made up of a trigger, a criteria node, and at least one action. Triggers identify when a process should be run. As an example, a trigger can be set to run a function when a record is updated or created. Criteria set the rules for whether the process should be run after a trigger is hit. These can be data validation rules, for example. Finally, Actions are what the function does after the criteria have been met. Actions may be scheduled or taken immediately and can do things such as create records, send emails, or post messages to a Chatter feed.

Consider using the Process Builder for your community to update child cases as parent cases are changed. It can also be used to create new cases and automate the process. Finally, use it to update your solutions and add comments to your cases.


Flow is the most powerful business process automation tool used in Salesforce. It is more potent than Process Builder and more complicated to use due to that. Use Flow (Figure 12-1) when you need more complex automation than what you can achieve with Process Builder.
Figure 12-1

Flow design in Salesforce

To give an example, Flow includes screen interactions, while Process Builder cannot. Screen interactions (Figure 12-2) are the screens the user can see. Information is displayed, which the user can then click and interact with items on the page. User interface screen elements collect information from the user and pass it to other components in your Flow to be processed .
Figure 12-2

Flow Builder User Interface (screen components, edit screen, and screen properties)

A Flow is comprised of elements that represent actions, connectors to show the path of the Flow, and finally resources, which are values the Flow references throughout its courses. All of these come together to manipulate data in Salesforce in an intelligent, controlled manner.

As Flow goes through its paths, it uses logic elements to help make decisions and changes. The decision element is self-explanatory. It is used to make the Flow determine the direction in which it will continue. The assignment element (Figure 12-3) is used to change the value of variables. The loop element goes through the importance of a variable that holds a collection. Finally, the waiting factor will cause the flow to wait for an event to occur. All of these help the Flow progress using logic.
Figure 12-3

Assign Stage – Flow Builder designer

Your Flow can also utilize data manipulations . These include standard manipulations, such as record (Figure 12-4) update, delete, and create. Email alerts are available as well and are like Process Builder.
Figure 12-4

Flow Builder create records

Any quick actions you have created within your organization are also available to use in your Flows.

The last main element of a Flow is, again, Resources. These are the objects which hold the data which gets passed around and altered. One widely used Resource is the variable. It contains values that get passed throughout the Flow. These values can also change both due to the Flow and through external input. Collection variables are similar, but instead are a series of variables with the same data type.

A subject variable is like a regular variable, but it holds a record of a specific object type. This means that while a variable has one value, a subject may have several values, and you can access all the record’s fields. There are also subject collections of which you can probably guess the purpose – they hold multiple records of the same type.

There are many more Resource types, but here are just a few more. A Constant is a value, similar to a variable, except it never changes throughout the Flow. A Formula uses Resources in the Flow as input to generate an output value. Lastly, there is the Choice. This is simply an individual choice to be made in the Flow .

Putting It All Together

Now that we have gone over the different components which can go into creating your Salesforce Community, it is time to put it all together. Hopefully, you have a pretty good understanding of the different parts which go together to make your Bolt page. For more in-depth explanations, you can always find online help from Salesforce and Trailhead.

To start, find a preexisting Bolt that is close to what your business needs. Make changes to it, such as adding, removing, or changing pages and components. Once you have the Bolt in a state which works best for you, create Processes using the Process Builder that it will need to run. Implement those, and then use Flow to create more powerful Processes.

Once your Processes have been integrated, it is time to finalize the creation of your Bolt. Export the Bolt and then build a package. Finally, install that package. Once that has been done, your Bolt is finished and ready to use. Your business has its very own self-service community, prepared to go.

Security – Health Check

How well does your org meet Salesforce security standards? This is an important topic of interest for many IT organizations, especially for the IT executives. What and how many security risks does your org have and how to mitigate them. Before you solve the problem, you have to identify the problem. The Salesforce Health Check page has the answer which you will find under security settings. Here is the click path: Settings ➤ Security ➤ Health Check. Let’s reduce your security risk and limit data loss by optimizing the following areas.

When I ran the Salesforce baseline standard, the system generated a health check report (Figure 12-5) and scored my org 59% – poor.

The entire assessment was divided into four major categories: (1) high-risk security settings (15 items), (2) medium-risk security settings (11 items), (3) low-risk security settings (8 items), and (4) information security settings (3 items). The report listed the following fields of each setting and provided a status of compliant (green) or critical (red):
  • Status

  • Settings

  • Group

  • Your value

  • Standard value

  • Action

Figure 12-5

Health check

For any critical (red) settings, you will also notice that your value is not matching with the standard value (the recommended value). You can go to each setting one at a time, or you can press the Fix Risk button which will automatically set all your values for all the critical settings to match with standard values and thus fix the problem (See Figure 12-6).
Figure 12-6

Health check status

I recommend after reviewing all the critical settings (red), press the Fix Risk button which will fix the security setting issues and will provide a new and improved health score.

Login Access Policies

Sometimes, it is necessary for users to reach out to support organizations, and support personnel may have to remotely access the end user’s desktop to carry out troubleshooting activities. Your administrator can control which support organizations your users can grant login access by setting up the login access policies (Figure 12-7).
Figure 12-7

Login access policies

Administrators Can Log in as Any User should be selected. I also recommend Salesforce support to be available to users, and this option should be checked. This way, your users can open up a support case with Salesforce directly to resolve issues without involving your Salesforce administrator.

Lightning Usage

The new and improved Salesforce provides a built-in Lightning Usage App that tracks the adoption and usage of Lightning Experience, so you can monitor the progress of your transition and understand your users’ needs. The Lightning Usage page can be accessed from the Setup Home.

To learn more tips and tricks, check out the Lightning Experience Rollout Specialist on Trailhead or run the Salesforce Optimizer to receive a personalized report highlighting exactly how you can improve your org.

The key metrics this app tracks are monthly active users and daily active users as shown in Figure 12-8. In this specific instance, this is my development organization and showing only one active user (me).
Figure 12-8

Lightning Usage key metrics

In the org Lightning Usage page, you can view the browser usage by month for the past 3 months and browser usage for the past 7 days (Figure 12-9).
Figure 12-9

Lightning Usage by month and last seven days

You may also want to check out the Lightning Experience Rollout Specialist on Trailhead or run the Salesforce Optimizer to receive a personalized report highlighting exactly how you can improve your org today!

Salesforce Optimizer

You can have your administrator analyze your implementation to find ways to simplify customizations and drive feature adoption. Consider running Salesforce Optimizer as part of your monthly maintenance, before installing a new app, before each Salesforce release, or at least once a quarter. I highly recommend this practice.

The Salesforce Optimizer app covers features analyzed in the existing PDF report in a more interactive and actionable format.
  • Allow access to enable the Salesforce Optimizer app. This step is required to use the app.

  • Decide if the app should automatically run and update.

  • Run monthly.

Pro tip

You can always open Salesforce Optimizer from the App Launcher.

Salesforce Optimizer PDF

Salesforce generates a PDF report (Figure 12-10) with recommendations to improve your implementation and then saves the report to Salesforce Files.
Figure 12-10

Salesforce Optimizer

When you work through each of the feature items listed in the report, you will be presented with status and result.

For example, an optimizer with an immediate action and recommendation (Figure 12-11) is telling me the results (immediate action required) and the recommendations with approximate time to carry out these recommendations to resolve the issue.
Figure 12-11

Salesforce Optimizer with immediate action and recommendation

It would be best if you considered having your administrator run the optimizer at least once a month and identify immediate action and action-required items at a minimum. Review required and not currently enabled should be next in line once the first two sets of critical item sets are resolved.


Email plays a huge role at Salesforce, and it is an important platform offering as part of Salesforce’s core capabilities. There are a few things to consider when setting up email in Salesforce that include a letterhead for classic email, org-wide email footer, enhanced email, outlook configuration, and more.

Classic Letterheads

Letterheads (Figure 12-12) are applicable only for classic email templates. Your administrator can set up your Letterhead to standardize the look and feel of HTML email templates.
Figure 12-12

Classic email letterheads

You have to create a letterhead only once. There are three main parts to a letterhead – header, body, and footer. Your administrator can customize the look and feel of your letterhead.

Unfiled Public Classic Email Templates

There are a number of email templates (Figure 12-13) that come with Salesforce out of the box. The classic email templates you create here can be used with the following features, in both Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience. The Salesforce Lightning Desktop offers a new email experience where administrators and end users can write email and create templates directly from records in Salesforce:
  • Approvals

  • Big Deal Alert

  • Cases

  • Case Assignment Rules

  • Case Escalation Rules

  • Communities

  • Email to Case

  • Lead Assignment Rules

  • Process Builder

  • Web to Lead

  • Workflow

  • Lightning Email Action (in Lightning Experience only)

  • Lightning List Email Action (in Lightning Experience only)

  • Salesforce Classic Email Author (in Salesforce Classic only)

Figure 12-13

Unfiled public classic email templates

Marketing: Product Inquiry Response

You can have your administrator use merge fields to personalize your email (Figure 12-14) content. Your administrator can add substitute text to any merge field. Substitute text displays only if the merge record does not contain data for that field. Have your administrator enter substitute text after a comma in the merge field, for example, {!Contact.FirstName,Sir or Madam}. When you save the template, the merge field will appear in the email body of the template with the following syntax: {!NullValue(Contact.FirstName,"Sir or Madam")}. Click the following link to see a sample email template.
Figure 12-14

Classic email templates definition

Note that the description field is for internal use only. It will be listed as the title of any email activities you log when sending mass email.

The following is an example template:
Dear {!Contact.FirstName,Sir or Madam},
Thank you for your interest in {!Organization.Name}. We look forward to working with {!Account.Name, your company}. You will be receiving an information packet in the mail shortly. In the meantime, please review the attached company overview.
This yields the email shown in Figure 12-15.
Figure 12-15

Sample template

Email to Salesforce

Email to Salesforce allows you to automatically log emails you send from third-party email accounts as activities on Lead and contact records in Salesforce.

After Email to Salesforce is activated, users can access the My Email to Salesforce page to view their unique Email to Salesforce address and customize their settings. You should send the notification email (Figure 12-16) to the users to notify them that Email to Salesforce has been activated.
Figure 12-16

Email notification to users within Salesforce

Organization-Wide Email Footers

Your administrator can add footers to emails sent from Salesforce. The administrator can create default footers (Figure 12-17) – one for single emails and one for mass emails – or create one for each character encoding (General US and Western Europe, Korean, etc.).
Figure 12-17

Organization-wide email footer

Default footers are used if no footers match the outgoing email's character encoding.

Enhanced Email

Your administrator can enhance email or elevate email to a standard Salesforce object, with customization options and an API. Emails are no longer stored as tasks, but as full-featured records, complete with details, related lists, and collaboration tools. On email records, users can view their messages exactly as their customers do, complete with formatting.

Organization-Wide Email Addresses

An organization-wide email address (Figure 12-18) associates a single email address to a user profile. Each user in the profile can send email using this address. Users will share the same display name and email address.
Figure 12-18

Organization-wide email address

You will have to verify the email link which will be sent from Salesforce .

Outlook Configurations

Microsoft Outlook integration improves the productivity and synchronization of the team. Salesforce contacts and Leads can be easily added to email recipients. New outbound emails can be added as tasks in Salesforce, ensuring effective monitoring and execution of important action items. Similarly, sent or received emails can also be added as tasks or cases. Furthermore, Outlook items like contacts, events (Figure 12-19), and tasks (See Figure 12-20) can be easily associated with Salesforce records, ensuring end-to-end management of activities, events, and tasks.
Figure 12-19

Microsoft Outlook synchronization – Events

Outlook configurations define the settings that are applied to Salesforce for Outlook for specific groups of users. Setting up an outlooking configuration in Salesforce is straightforward. You have to define the options like Side Panel, Add Email, Create Case, or Default Sync rules in the email settings to control the services’ behavior. You also have to consider defining the rules under Sync Settings to control the behavior of Contacts, Events, and Tasks objects. Let’s talk Sync direction for a moment. In this setting, your Salesforce administrator has to define which direction record will sync: Salesforce to Outlook, Outlook to Salesforce, or Sync both ways. Another important setting is conflict behavior. Who wins when there is sync conflict. You could set Outlook always wins, or Salesforce always wins depending on the business strategy and system you trust as the authoritative system of record.

Create Case is an essential setting for the customer service team. If you want customer and service agents to create cases, it may require turning on Email-to-Case, which is currently disabled for your organization. To use this feature, you must enable Email to Case .
Figure 12-20

Microsoft Outlook synchronization – Tasks

There are few options under Email Settings in Outlook Configuration we have to walk through. For example. Set default sync setting to Sync All Outlook Items. It takes effect the next time users update their Salesforce for Outlook configuration and settings (See Figure 12-21) from the Windows system tray, even with the option “Overwrite configuration changes made by users” selected. Another option under Email Settings doesn’t let users change their sync setting; this setting, if selected, prevents users from changing between Sync All Outlook Items and Sync Only the Outlook Items I Select. It takes effect the next time users update their Salesforce for Outlook settings from the Windows system tray.
Figure 12-21

Microsoft Outlook configuration

Salesforce Mobile App

With the new Salesforce mobile app (Figure 12-22), your users can have a truly seamless experience across desktop and mobile devices. Users will have access to their favorite Lightning apps, improved navigation, and deeper functionality on every page.
Figure 12-22

Salesforce mobile app

With the new Salesforce mobile app, you can
  • Build fast: Build Lightning apps, pages, and components once, then make them available on a desktop, mobile, or both!

  • Build custom: Use Lightning tools to tailor experiences for your mobile users, whether you create a mobile-only experience or simply hide components that don’t make sense for mobile.

  • Empower users: Put users in control of their workflows with desktop navigation personalizations that sync with mobile.

Schema Builder

Schema (See Figure 12-23) means a representation of a plan or theory in the form of a model. In the world of database, the database architect constructs the tables to hold business data and defines the relationship of the table with other tables and business objects within the database. Often, IT engineers refer to the database table and object as entities, and these entities may have one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many relationships. The visual representation of the relationship of these entities often is referred to as the entity relationship diagram.
Figure 12-23

Salesforce Schema Builder

In Salesforce, Schema Builder provides an interactive environment to be able to view and edit all the existing objects and relationships of a given Salesforce organization (database instance).

There is a lot of work that goes behind the scene to design and implement a solid data model to support the business application. Schema Builder provides an easier and simpler way to manage the entire data model including building it from scratch.

You can drag and drop new custom objects (Figure 12-24) and fields into the schema. This is another way of creating or modifying custom objects in Salesforce. A few key activities you can carry out using Schema Builder to your database schema:
  • Creating custom objects

  • Defining relationships (Lookup relationships, Master-detail relationships)

  • Creating all custom fields (checkbox, currency, date, email, number, percent, phone, picklist, multiselect, text, rich text area, URL, etc., except geolocation). See Figure 12-25 for reference.4
    Figure 12-24

    Create new object using Schema Builder

When creating a new object, using some type of primary key (unique number) other than the Salesforce system–generated unique record ID is something I found to be very helpful.
Figure 12-25

Create new custom field using Schema Builder

Also, if you set the first Record Name to be a number field, consider using a display format. For example, in this case, I used PRJ- {0000}, so that all of the database record for this field will follow a standard format (PRJ-0001, PRJ-0002, etc.) which in turn will be easy to recognize. The Allow Reports option will ensure you can report on this field in the future. Allow Activities will ensure setting up a task or creating a calendar event in the custom object is available.

Developing an App

To get your very own Developer Edition, a full-featured copy of Lightning Platform, for free, go to https://developer.salesforce.com and sign up. The tutorials and resources in Salesforce show you how to create an application (See Table 12-1) from start to finish with less code. You can follow these free tutorials and use the Salesforce platform to build any cloud-based application. The fundamental idea remains the same, develop an application with less code, and most apps share the familiar architecture:
  • Database: The database is the host of the data model of the application.

  • Logic: Business logic and automation (workflow, advanced configuration, etc.) to execute specific business scenarios in given conditions.

  • User interface: To surface and present data to the app user so that the user can work with the data using prebuilt functionalities.

  • Website: Expose your data-driven app on the Web to show external-facing capabilities and interact with the exterior world.
    Table 12-1

    High-level app development activities

    Create the App

    Create a Project Management Application

    Data model

    Develop custom objects


    Develop custom fields


    Define data model and add relationship


    Create tabs


    Create users and permissions and establish security

    Add logic

    Add formulas and validation rules


    Add workflow and approval process


    Develop email template


    Add business rules and advanced logic using Apex code


    Add tests


    Develop tests


    Evaluate code coverage


    Iterate and improve

    Develop user interface

    Develop a custom page layout


    Develop roles and profiles


    Create user assignments


    Develop custom user interface using a visual force page (VFP)


    Add Lightning web components (LWC)


    Integrate with core CRM functionalities


    Define relationship with Account, Contact, and other standard CRM objects


    Customization to connect with ERP system


    Enable Salesforce mobile app


    Create a public website using Sites

Salesforce Service Cloud – Core Offering

Salesforce service cloud accepts support inquiries from most of the channels where your customers are active, including your website, email, phone, chat, and relevant online communities. Any organization can support these channels by using the automation features to create and assign support cases.

Salesforce service cloud manages your support processes by establishing support statuses for your support processes and automatically escalating cases based on the criteria you define. Also, you can set up entitlements to enforce your support processes. You can monitor your overall support activities through reports and dashboards.

You can boost engagement and productivity by promoting case deflection through community engagement. Salesforce service cloud can deliver a 360-degree view of your customer using the service console. You can do more from within the console, including making and receiving phone calls and accepting knowledge articles.

Key Salesforce Resources

Trailhead: Trailhead is a fun way of learning Salesforce. https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/home


In this chapter, we covered Salesforce Experience Cloud (community cloud), security, email, Lightning Usage, and key Salesforce resources. In the next chapter, you will learn how companies can partner with Salesforce and become an independent software vendor (ISV). We will discuss partner designations, partner onboarding, channel management, channel sales, and AppExchange app development processes.

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