4. adding records

In the first chapter we created the database structure for this employee listing Web site. In the previous two chapters, we developed an Ajax as well as a non-Ajax approach for browsing the employees by department. In this chapter, let’s create a way to add employees to the database. Naturally we’ll start with the non-Ajax version, for universal accessiblity, and then add the Ajax-enabled version in the next chapter.

To begin, we’ll start by creating the HTML form that takes all the requisite data. Then we’ll write the PHP script that handles the form submission in a non-Ajax way. This will all be fairly basic PHP form handling.

what we’ll do

Image First, on pages 45-48, we’ll create an HTML page with a form.


Image Naturally, we’ll test what we’ve built to make sure it all works.

At the end of this chapter, in the extra bits section, you’ll find more information, tips, and recommendations regarding all these steps.

In the next chapter, we’ll add the Ajax layer to these pages.

start the HTML page

Start by creating a new HTML page in your HTML editor.


add the form


add the form elements


Image A drop-down menu will allow the user to select the employee’s department.



start a PHP page

The first PHP page handles the non-Ajax form submission. It should also be a valid HTML document, so start with those tags.


This page will need to communicate with MySQL, so the mysql.inc.php script must be included.

The MySQL connection is closed before the script terminates.

This file must be saved as add_employee.php and placed in the same directory as add_employee.html.

validate the form data

The form data must be validated prior to using it in a query. Add this code to the PHP page:


Image Text inputs will be validated by confirming that they aren’t empty. (See extra bits on page 57.)


Image To make sure the data is safe to use in a query, text inputs are run through the mysql_real_escape_string() function.


ImageNumeric values, like the department ID and the phone extension, must be positive numbers.


Image To make them safe to use in a query, numeric values are type-cast as integers.

Image Any failed validation routine results in an element being added to the $errors array.

update the database

Assuming that the form data passed all the validation routines, an INSERT query should be run.



report any errors

Finally, indicate to the user what problems occurred, if applicable.


test the non-Ajax version

Image Load the HTML page in your Web browser to test what we’ve created so far.



Image The PHP page should show the results.



Image Again, the PHP page shows the results.

extra bits

add the form p. 46

• The POST method should generally be used when the form’s submission should have an effect on the site. For example, using the Add an Employee form adds another record to the database.

• The GET method should generally be used when requesting information. For example, you should apply it when requesting the employees in a specific department.

add the form elements p. 47

• The form’s labels will serve two purposes. First, they indicate to the user what each form element is for. Second, they’ll be modified, using JavaScript, to indicate an error in the Ajax-enabled version of this form.

validate the form data p. 50

• How you validate form data depends on the data’s type (numbers, strings, etc.) and expected values (positive number, email address, and so on). For validating a person’s name, it’s often sufficient to make sure that some value is entered.

• A more thorough validation of an email address would be to confirm that it matches a regular expression pattern. You can do this with email addresses more so than names because they must abide by strict rules.

• You could improve the security of this system by applying PHP’s strip_tags() function to the text inputs. That function can help prevent cross-site scripting attacks (XSS).

• The mysql_real_escape_string() function provides language-specific protection on text used in queries.

update the database p. 53

• A more precise way to write the INSERT query would be to use the syntax where you specify the columns involved. For this query, that would be INSERT INTO employees (department_id, first_name, last_name, email, phone_ext) VALUES ($did, '$fn', '$ln', '$e', $ext).

report any errors p. 54

• To debug any PHP–MySQL problems, you’ll need to print out the query to inspect its syntax. You should also invoke the mysql_error() function to see what problems the database reports.

• Live sites should never provide detailed behind-the-scenes errors, such as the queries being run or the MySQL errors. Use this information for debugging purposes, and then hide that information in the live version (which, we hope, shouldn’t encounter such errors).

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