
Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.

Above the Line (Meyer), 219

Accelerated Performance stage, 175

coaching in, 184–185

described, 177

feelings associated with, 178

Accountability, 145–170

Acts of Accountability Model, 148–150, 167

culture of, 167–169

defined, 147

Direct Dialogues for, 150–153

as discipline competency, 37

giving praise, 163–166

as leaders’ obligation, 146–148

sharing acknowledgment, 162

sharing disapproval, 154–161

and standards for behavior, 142–143

Accountability Circle, 167–169


“carrot,” for, 112

consistency and, 205

setting priorities for, 106–109

Acknowledgment, 148, 149, 162


adapting, 220

in AOL pattern, 42

discussing, in Disapproval Dialogue, 158–159

in GPI System, 109–110

priorities as basis for, 106–109

Action, outcome, learning (AOL) pattern, 41–42

Acts of Accountability Model:

daily use of, 167

standards continuum in, 148–150

teaching others, 169

(See also Direct Dialogues)

Adams, John Quincy, 17–18, 156–157

Adams Golf, 64

Adidas, 67

Alignment of coaching:

with dreams/personal goals, 190–196

with stage of development, 181–190

“All Serve Customers” mantra, 81

Allstate, 139–140

Al-Qaeda, 50

American Institute of Stress, 5

Anchoring, 73

AOL (action, outcome, learning) pattern, 41–42

Appreciation, 164, 165

Areas for improvement, 156

Aspirations, employees’, 192–195

Atlanta, Georgia, 80, 87

Attention, 209, 210

Attitude, 70, 221–222 (See also Mindset)


as judge of communication, 207

keeping attention of, 209, 210

Aurelius, Marcus, 220

Auschwitz concentration camp, 219

Authentic praise, 163, 164

Authority, 31

Awareness stage, 175

coaching in, 182–183

described, 175–176

feelings associated with, 178

Babylonia, 146–147

Bad leadership, xiii–xiv, 5–8

“Ball talk” meetings, 134–135

Baristas, Direct Dialogue evidence for, 152

Bass, Marvin, 192


defined, 129

as Direct Dialogue evidence, 155

discussing impact of, 157, 164, 165

and habits, 129–130

as indicator of culture, 64–67

modeling, 37, 124–125, 183–184

modeling of, 37

in Route to Results, 127, 128

Behavioral code:

discipline for not adhering to, 23–24

of good leaders, 14–15

(See also Standards for behavior)

Beliefs, 67–68

Belonging, sense of, 68, 73–75

Biases, 52–53

Bin Laden, Osama, 98

Blake, Robert, 25

Bock, Lazlo, 59

Body language, 211–212

Booth, John Wilkes, 4

Boredom, 178, 185

Boston Celtics, 173

Bowden, Tommy, 22

Bowman, Bob, 174, 181

Bragging, 166

Brandon Hall Group, xvii

Brewer, Chip, 64–67

Browning, Peter, 17

Bryant, Kobe, 179

BTB (see entries beginning Building the Best)

Build an A-Team (Johnson), 185

Building a StoryBrand (Miller), 210

Building Critical Mass stage, 175

coaching in, 183–184

described, 176

feelings associated with, 178

Building the Best (BTB) Leader Assessment, xvi, 35, 38, 127

Building the Best (BTB) Leader Report, 35, 38

Building the Best (BTB) workshops, 18, 98, 113, 115, 133, 193, 33, 160, 164, 193, 147

Butler University, basketball program, 172–173


in GPI system, 120

on new standards, 139–141

Cadillac (former football player), 187–188

Cain, Deon, 23, 24

Callaway, Ely, 65

Callaway Golf, 64–67

Cameron, Kim, 77

Care, 51, 55, 57–59

Carpenter, Matt, 134

“Carrot,” for achieving goal, 112

Caslen, Robert, 50–52, 59

Catholic Church, 202–203

Cathy, Dan, 88, 124

Cathy, Truett, 87–88, 124–126

CEB (Corporate Executive Board), xvii

Chapman, Bob, 14


demonstrating, 53–55

in Trust Compound Theory, 55, 59–60

Character limit, communication, 209–210

Charlotte, North Carolina, 11

Chicago Cubs, 161

Chick-fil-A, 87–88, 98, 124–128, 132

Circle of Trust, 188

Clear communication, 156, 208–209

Clear objectives, 112, 113

Clemson University, football program, 22–24

Clients, communicating values to, 94–95

CNBC Money, xv

Coachability standard, 149, 156–158

Coaching, 171–197

in Accelerated Performance stage, 184–185

in Awareness stage, 182–183

in Building Critical Mass stage, 183–184

and deliberate practice, 180–181

for development beyond role, 187–190

in Disapproval Dialogue, 158

as discipline competency, 37

and dreams/goals of employees, 190–196

to elevate performance, 172–173

encouragement in, 195–196

and Four Stages of Role Development, 181–190

fundamental skills as focus of, 178–180

refining goals for, 194–195

for role development, 174–178

in Sustained Excellence stage, 185–187

uncovering goals, dreams, and aspirations for, 192–194

The Coaching Habit (Stanier), 184

Collaborative environment, 72–73

College of William and Mary, 64

Columbia University, 160

Commitment, 205

Commonalities, building trust based on, 52–53

Communication, 207–212

about core values, 91–92

about failure to meet standards, 143

about GPI System, 120

about purpose, 85, 87–88

about standards, 125, 137–142

body language in, 211–212

clear, 208–209

concise, 209–210

conclusive, 210–211

and leadership effectiveness, 207–208

at St. Joseph College Seminary, 204–205

verbal, 208–212

written, 75, 208–212

(See also Direct Dialogues)

Communication skills, 207

Company culture (see Culture)

Compensation, 7, 84–88, 190


building trust based on, 51

in Trust Compound Theory, 55–57

Completion date, 112, 113

Concise communication, 209–210

Conclusive communication, 210–211

Confidence, 176–178

Conflict, disapproval dialogues and, 159

Connection, disapproval dialogues and, 161 (See also Relationship building)

Conscious thought, 129–130


and accountability as obligation, 147–148, 169

discussing, in Disapproval Dialogue, 158–159

in Hammurabi’s Code, 146–147

Consideration for others, 73

Consistency, 202–206

building trust with, 52

defined, 206

as discipline competency, 37

and emotion-based decision making, 203–205

and leadership effectiveness, 206

and patrimony, 202–203


over effort and attitude, 221–222

over responses to events, 219–221

in rule leadership style, 31

Core values:

defining, 90–95, 99

for frontline managers, 99

modeling, 15–16

Corporate Executive Board (CEB), xvii


of bad leadership, 5

disengaging from goals due to, 113–114

of failing to meet standards, 157

Cotton Bowl, 80

Courage, 150, 153, 159

Crawford, Casey, 10–13, 17–19, 99–100

Credibility, 212

Culture, 63–82

of accountability, 167–169

behavior as indicator of, 64–67

elements of, 68–69

energy in, 79–82

positivity in, 75–78

quality of, 69–70

recognition/praise to continue, 82

safety in, 71–73

unity in, 73–75

Customer experience, 124–127

Daily schedule, 204–205

Date, completion, 112, 113

Decision making:

about shifting priorities, 115–116

demonstrating character in, 59–60

emotions as basis for, 203–205

mission as basis for, 98–99

Deficient team culture, 69, 70

Definitive praise, 164, 165

Deliberate practice:

to build fundamental skills, 179–180

and coaching, 180–181

DePauw University, 172

Development mindset, 184

Development of team members:

accountability for, 155

beyond role, 187–190

coaching for, 187

as love competency, 36

role development, 174–178

tradition of developing future leaders, 202–203

Direct Dialogues, 150–166

acknowledgment in, 162

and Acts of Accountability Model, 151–152

disapproval in, 149, 154–161

examples, 151–152

gathering evidence for, 150–153

praise in, 163–166


in Acts of Accountability model, 148, 149

deepening connection when expressing, 161

dialogues to share, 149, 154–161

of failure to meet standards, 143

reiterating standards when expressing, 160–161

Discipline, 21–45

defined, 25

as dimension of leadership style, 30–33

elevating others with, 22–29

leader competencies related to, 35, 37

and leadership effectiveness, 33–35

measures of, 26

and mindset for developing leadership skills, 38–42

and wisdom, 42–44

Disengagement, from goals, 113–114

Disinterest, 178

Disrupt HR, 210

Documentation, of Disapproval Dialogue, 159

Dopamine, 163

Dream Achievers™, 191

Dream Manager (Kelly), 190

Dreams of employees:

aligning coaching with, 190–196

refining, 194–195

uncovering, 192–194

Dubey, Abeer, 71–72

Dweck, Carol S., 39

E + R = O (Event + Response = Outcome) formula, 219–221

Effort, 60, 222

Eisenhower, Dwight D., xvii, 17, 50, 123

Elevate leadership style:

competencies required for, 35–37

described, 32–33

team performance associated with, 33–35

Elevating others:

by coaching, 173

in good leadership, 12, 15–17

initiative and responsibility for, 216

with love and discipline, 22–29

and PTS Method, 217–218

Elite team culture, 69, 70, 80

Elkind, Peter, 6

E-mail, 59, 159

Emotional (psychological) safety, 68, 71–72


decision-making based on, 203–205

at Four Stages of Role Development, 176–178

Empathy, 36


culture of, 65–66

by frontline managers, 99

leadership as, 18, 19, 223


body language to express, 212

in coaching, 195–196

culture of, 65–67, 77

in Disapproval Dialogues, 157

of positivity, 78

in Sustained Excellence stage, 186


as element of culture, 69, 79–82

in elite vs. deficient cultures, 69, 70

mantras to generate, 79–82

positive, 77, 78


communication to improve, 211

and culture, 70

in meetings, 135–136

Enron Corporation, 6–7


collaborative, 72–73

for disapproval dialogues, 161

safe, 71–73

toxic, 7–8, 14–15

Ericsson, Anders, 180–181

Erwin, Mike, 75–76

ESPN, 134

Estill, Jim, 56

Event + Response = Outcome (E + R = O) formula, 219–221

Evidence, Direct Dialogue:

gathering, 150–153

sharing, 155–156

Exceeding standards:

in Acts of Accountability model, 148, 149

evidence of, 151, 152

giving praise for, 163–166

Excuses, 159

Expertise, 177, 186

F3 Nation (podcast), 189

F3 (Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith) program, 187–190, 196

Failing to meet standards:

in Acts of Accountability model, 148, 149

evidence of, 151, 152

sharing disapproval over, 154–161


in Building Critical Mass stage, 183

in growth mindset, 40

at leadership, 51, 59–60

for new managers, xvii

as part of leadership, 222–223

Fastow, Allen, 6

Favorites, playing, 52–53

Fear, 7–8, 71

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 10


refraining from giving, 150

reiterating standards in, 160–161

responses to receiving, 156–157

(See also Direct Dialogues)

Feelings (see Emotions)

Females in Action (FiA) program, 190

Financial costs, of bad leadership, 5

Financial crisis (2008), 10

Financial motivators (see Compensation)

Firing, xiii, 78, 147, 159

Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith (F3) program, 187–190, 196

Fixed mindset, 39–42

Fleck, P.J., 79–80


in Awareness stage, 182–183

maintaining, 115–117

in Sustained Excellence stage, 178

Follow My Lead (podcast), xiv–xv, 129

Follow up, for Disapproval Dialogue, 158–159

Four Stages of Role Development, 175–190

Accelerated Performance stage, 177, 184–185

aligning coaching with, 181–190

Awareness stage, 175–176, 182–183

Building Critical Mass stage, 176, 183–184

described, 174–175

feelings associated with, 176–178

Sustained Excellence stage, 177–178, 185–187

Four-step framework for conservations about standards, 140–142

Frankl, Viktor, 219

Franklin, Jim, 90–92, 95

Frontline managers, 99–101

Frost, Scott, 167

Fundamental skills:

in Awareness stage, 175–176

in Building Critical Mass stage, 176

coaching to build, 178–180

coaching to discover, 182

and Four Stages of Role Development, 175

“Gain,” framing standard in terms of, 139–141

Gallup, 7

Gates, Bill, 18

Gig economy, xvii–xviii

Gladwell, Malcolm, 180


and Disapproval Dialogues, 155

discipline competencies related to, 37

employees’ personal, 190–196

in GPI system, 110–114

refining, 194–195

setting priorities to achieve, 106–109

in tactical team meetings, 136

uncovering, 192–194

writing down/verbalizing, 193, 195

Golf equipment industry, 65, 67

Golf magazine, 64

Good leadership:

behavioral code for, 14–15

during difficult times, 11–14

elevating others in, 15–16

as inspiring others, 16–19

at Lippert Components, 13–17

at Movement Mortgage, 10–13

Google, 59, 71, 72

Gordon, Jon, 23

GPI System, 109–120

communication about, 120

described, 109–110

goals in, 110–114

initiatives in, 118–119

priorities in, 114–118

Grand silence, 205

Grant, Ulysses S., 4, 8, 50

Greylock, 52


in difficult times, 11–12

priority setting to accelerate, 114–118

Growth mindset, 38–42


defined, 129–130

evidence based on, 155

in Route to Results, 127, 128

Hammurabi, 146–147

Hammurabi’s Code, 146–147

Harris, Toby, 10

Harvard University, 7, 64

Head coaches, PAG for, 117


bad leadership and, 5

social relationships and, 73–74

Heliotropic effect, 77


asking for, 58–59

identifying where employees need, 135, 136

in meeting standards, 125–126

High school students, positivity for, 76

Hiring, 94

Hoffman, Reid, 52

Holt-Lunstad, Julianne, 73

Holtz, Lou, 192–193

Honesty, 54

Honor Code, 50

Housing industry, 10

How I Built This (podcast), 58

Humes, James, 201

Humphries, Arch, 53–54

Humu, 59

Impact of behavior:

in Disapproval Dialogue, 157

in giving praise, 164, 165

Implementing employees’ ideas, 73

Improvement, areas for, 156, xv

Inclusivity, 68

Indirect praise, 165, 166

Individual relationships, building trust in, 54–55

Industry experts, 177

Influence, 17

Initiative, taking, 216

Initiatives, GPI system, 110, 118–119

Inspiration, 16–19, 223

Intensity, 206

Interest, in employees, 59

Internal technology and development, 111

Iron Council meetings, 37–38

ISIS, 50

Johnson, Whitney, 185

Judgment, 72

Jugis, Peter, 202

Kauth, Matthew, 202–205, 212

Kelly, Matthew, 190

Kennedy, John F., 8, 95–96

Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), 88

King, Martin Luther, Jr., xvii


and competence, 56–57

and wisdom, 42–44, 223

Lackey, Mac, 118–119

Large organizations, purpose for, 100

Lay, Ken, 6

Layoffs, 12

Layton, J. Bradley, 73

LCI (Lippert Components), 13–17, 190–191


accountability as obligation of, 146–148

in Accountability Circle, 168

gathering evidence as responsibility of, 153

job of, xvi

purpose-driven, 86–87, 100–101


attitude and effort in, 221–222

bad, xiii–xiv, 5–8

control over responses in, 219–221

defined, 17–19

failure as part of, 222–223

good, 4, 10–19

initiative and responsibility for, 216

in military, 51

present moment as focus in, 218–219

with PTS Method, 217–218

strong relationships in, 50–52

Leadership Development department, 16

Leadership effectiveness:

and communication, 207–208

and consistency, 206

love, discipline, and, 25–29, 33–35

managerial grid model of, 25

measures of, 26

Leadership Quarterly, xvii, 38

Leadership skills:

AOL pattern of developing, 41–42

implementing improvements in, 42–44

sharing, 56–57

training to develop, xvii, 38–42

Leadership style(s):

elevate, competencies of leaders with, 35–37

power of knowing your, 36–38

and team performance, 33–35

types of, 29–33


AOL pattern, 41–42

in Building Critical Mass stage, 176, 183–184

with growth mindset, 40–41

LearnLoft, xiv, xv, 5, 23, 127

mission statement, 98

priority setting at, 115

standards at, 149

tactical team meetings at, 135–137

Lee, Robert E., 50

Lewis, C.S., 153

Lickliter, Todd, 172–173

Lincoln, Abraham, xvii, 3, 4, 8

LinkedIn, xiv, xv, 52, 207

Linville, Jud, 145

Lippert, Doug, 13, 16

Lippert, Jason, 13–16, 18–19, 190–191

Lippert, Larry, 13, 16

Lippert Components (LCI), 13–17, 190–191

Listening, 16, 58, 72–73

Lombardi, Vince, 9

Los Angeles Rams, 57

Love, 21–45

defined, 25

as dimension of leadership style, 30–33

elevating others with, 22–29

empowerment as, 66

leader competencies related to, 35, 36

and leadership effectiveness, 33–35

measures of, 26

and mindset for developing leadership skills, 38–42

time as show of, 58

and wisdom, 42–44

MacDonald, George, 49

Maddon, Joe, 161

The Magic of Thinking Big (Schwartz), 192–193

Manage leadership style, 30

Managerial grid model, 25

Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl), 219

Mantras, 79–82

Manufacturing industry, 14–15

Marine Corps, U.S., 37–38

Mastery, 180

Matthews, Gail, 112

Maximizing Mantras, 81–82

Maxwell, John, 17

Mayhem (character), 139

McDermott, Bill, 106–109, 111–112

McDonald’s, 88

McGwire, Mark, 155

McKinsey & Co., 6

McLean, Bethany, 6

McVay, Sean, 57–58

Meeting standards:

in Acts of Accountability model, 148, 149

evidence of, 151, 152

sharing acknowledgment of, 162


building trust in, 54

following up on Disapproval Dialogue in, 159

setting standards for, 133–137

time limit for, 210

Mehrabian, Albert, 211–212

Mental health, relationships and, 73–74

Merit standards, 132, 133

Meyer, Urban, 219


leadership in, 51

mission in, 98

Miller, Donald, 210

Milton Bradley, 142


development, 184

fixed vs. growth, 39–42

Nunc coepi (Now I begin), 218–219

Prepare to serve, 217–218

Mindset (Dweck), 39


defining, 98–101

for frontline managers, 99–101

for military operations, 98

in purpose trifecta, 89

Mission statement, 85, 97–99

Modeling behavior:

in coaching, 183–184

as discipline competency, 37

to establish standards, 124–125

Money, as motivator (see Compensation)

Morale, 70

Morbidity and mortality, social relationships and, 73–74

Mortgage industry, 10–12


“carrots,” 112

compensation, 7, 84–88, 190

fear, 7

and goal achievement, 108, 109

mantras, 79–82

personal dreams, 190–191

purpose, 84–88

in tactical team meetings, 136

Mouton, Jane, 25

Movement Mortgage, 10–13, 98–100

Munroe, Myles, 95

Musicality, of voice, 212

Musk, Elon, 96

“My pleasure” standard, 124–125, 128, 132

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), 95–96

National Football League (NFL), 57

National Gypsum, 17

Nebraska University, football program, 167

Needs, basic human, 73–74, 163

Negativity, 78

New American Mortgage Company, 11

New hires, unity for, 75

NFL (National Football League), 57

Nonverbal communication, 211–212

Notes, sending, 75

Nunc coepi (Now I begin) mindset, 217–219

Oats, “Smokey,” 84–86

Obama, Barack, 10

Objectives, 112, 113

Obligation, accountability as, 147–148

Ohio State University, football program, 219

Olympic Games (2008), 174

Onboarding, 84

One-on-one conversations:

praise in, 165, 166

uncovering goals, dreams, and aspirations in, 193–194

Open-ended questions, 158, 184–185

Optimism, 68, 76


AOL (action, outcome, learning) pattern, 41–42

future, improving, 158

as result of response, 219–221

in standard setting, 136, 137

Outliers (Gladwell), 180

PAG (priorities accelerating growth), 116–118

“Pain,” framing standard in terms of, 139–141

Paramus, New Jersey, 125–126

Pareto principle, 118

Patrimony, 202–203

Patton, George, 50, 105

Peak (Ericsson), 180

Penn State University, football program, 90–92, 95

“People Team,” 95


accountability and, 147

coaching to elevate, 172–173

deliberate practice and, 180–181

energy and, 68

and leadership style, 33–35

standards and, 124–127, 131

and tactical team meetings, 135

Performance reviews, 7, 37–38

Personability, 36

Personal development coaches, 190

Personality, 33

Phelps, Michael, 174, 181

Phillips, Terry Don, 22

Physical health, 5, 73–74

Physical safety, 68, 71

Pine Valley Golf Club, 64

Please leadership style, 31–32

Poe, Edgar Allan, 50

Policy standards, 131–133

Popper, Karl, 43

Positive psychology, 75–76


body language to convey, 212

as element of culture, 68–69

in elite vs. deficient cultures, 69, 70

instilling, 75–78

as love competency, 36

Positivity Project, 76

Potential, coaching to reach, 172–174

Powell, Colin, 21


for contributions to culture, 82

for exceeding standards, 148, 149

giving, 163–166

refraining from giving, 150

Prepare to serve (PTS) Method, 217–218

Present moment, focusing on, 218–219


in GPI system, 109, 114–118

in tactical team meetings, 136

Priorities accelerating growth (PAG), 116–118

Priority setting, 105–121

accelerating growth with, 114–118

for goal achievement, 106–109

and goal setting, 110–114

and GPI system, 109–110, 120

initiatives based on, 118–119

Problem, in standard setting, 136, 137

Problem solving, 184

Procedure standards, 132, 133, 136–137

Productivity, culture and, 70

Project Aristotle, 71–72


for employee retention, xv–xvi

and leadership style, 34, 35

Psychological (emotional) safety, 68, 71–72

PTS (Prepare to serve) Method, 217–218

Public praise, 165, 166

Punishment, 130–131, 146–147

Purpose, 83–101

adapting action to, 220

clarifying, 89–99

decision making based on, 203–205

and defining core values, 90–95

for frontline managers, 99–101

and mission statement, 97–99

as motivator, 84–88

and vision, 95–97

Purpose statements, 88, 155

Purpose trifecta, 89–101

described, 89

for frontline managers, 99–101

and GPI system, 110

mission in, 89, 97–99

values in, 89–95

vision in, 89, 95–97

Questions, asking, 158, 194, 209

Quicken Loans Mortgage Services, 110–112

Quitting (see Voluntary turnover)

Ragan, xv

Raise Your Game (Stein), 178

“Rank and yank” performance reviews, 7

Rebuttals, 156–157


for cultural contributions, 82

for demonstrating core values, 91–92

for exceeding standards, 163–166

for following standards, 142

as love competency, 36

for meeting standards, 162

Redding, Dave “Dredd,” 188–190

Relationship building, 49–61

by building trust, 55–60

by demonstrating character, 53–55

overcoming biases in, 52–53

strong relationships in leadership, 50–52


effect of positivity on, 76

health and quality/quantity of, 73–74

strong, 50–52

Repetition, 130, 180

Respect, 68, 72


to bad events, 77–78

control over, 219–221

in Disapproval Dialogue, 156–157

Responsibility, 216


of coaching beyond roles, 196

evidence based on, 155

in Route to Results, 128–129

Retention, promotion for, xv–xvi

Retreats, 87

Revenue goals, 113

Revolving door, 216


“carrot” for achieving goal, 112

for demonstrating core values, 91–92

for following standards, 142

Rivers, Philip, 218

Robbins, Tony, 83

Role development, 174–178 (See also Four Stages of Role Development)

Ross School of Business, 77

Route to Results, 127–129

“Row the Boat” mantra, 79

Royal Marines, 98

Rozovsky, Julia, 71–72

Rule leadership style, 31

“Run this town” mantra, 80, 81

Safe Driving Bonus Check, 139


as element of culture, 68

in elite vs. deficient cultures, 69, 70

emotional (psychological), 68, 71–72

encouraging a safe environment, 71–73

physical, 68, 71

St. Joseph College Seminary, 202–205

St. Louis Cardinals, 133–135

St. Paul’s Cathedral (London, England), 96


building fundamental skills for, 179–180

Direct Dialogue evidence for, 151–152

nonverbal communication by, 212

Sandusky, Jerry, 90

SAP, 109

Schedule, 204–205

Schmitz, Mike, 63

Schroeder, David, 110–111

Schultz, Howard, 58–59

Schwartz, David, 192–193

Seal Team Six, 98

Security, 177

Self-awareness, 36–38

Self-doubt, 71

Self-reflection, 184

Selking, Amber, 129

Servant leadership, 18–19, 217–218, 223

7 percent rule, 211–212

Shildt, Mike, 133–135

“Shiny penny” mode, 115–116

Silence, 205

Silent Messages (Mehrabian), 211–212

Sin-Muballit, 146

6-Step Disapproval Dialogue, 154–160

allowing response/rebuttal, 156–157

coaching for growth, 158

discussing action steps/consequences, 158–159

setting the stage, 154–155

sharing evidence, 155–156

talking about impact, 157

Skill issues:

coaching to overcome, 178–180

evidence of, 155–156

Skilling, Jeff, 6–7

Skookum Digital Design, 93–96

The Smartest Guys in the Room (McLean and Elkind), 6

Smiling, as behavioral standard, 125–126, 141–142

Smith, Timothy B., 73

Social media, 163, 211

Space X, 96

Standards for behavior, 123–144

communicating, 137–140

consistency in adherence to, 206

creating, 133–137

defining, 129–130

in Direct Dialogues, 150–151

discipline competency related to, 37

and elite culture, 80

four-step framework for conservations about, 140–142

merit, 132, 133

and performance, 124–127

policy, 131–133

procedure, 132, 133, 136–137

reiterating, when expressing disapproval, 160–161

in Route to Results, 127–129

setting, 130–132

(See also Accountability)

Stanford University, 160

Stanier, Michael Bungay, 184

Stanley, Andy, 72

Starbucks Coffee, 58–59, 88

Steadfastness, 206

Stein, Alan, Jr., 178–179

Stevens, Brad, 172–173, 187

Stress, 5

Structure, creating, 202, 204–205

Subway, 88

Summitt, Pat, 137–138

Super Bowl LIII, 57

Support leadership style, 32

Sustained Excellence stage, 175

coaching in, 185–187

described, 177–178

feelings associated with, 178

Swinney, Dabo, 22–24


Taboo (board game), 142–143

Tactical team meetings, 135–137

Tate, Joanne, 84–86

Taylor, John, 7

TaylorMade, 67

Team goals, 110–115

Teaming, defined, 112

TED Talks, 210

Teresa, Mother, xvii

Termination (see firing)

3Cs of Successful Communication, 207–211

clarity in, 208–209

conciseness in, 209–210

conclusiveness in, 210–211

3x3 Praise Model, 164–166

Thrive Global, xv

Time, spending, to demonstrate care, 58

Time commitment:

disengaging from goals due to, 113–114

for forming a habit, 130

for relationship building, 60

for trust building, 52

Time limit, communication, 210

Timing, of Four Stages of Role Development, 177, 178, 186

Tone of voice, 212

Total Quality Management, 106

Toxic environments, 7–8, 14–15


in Accelerated Performance stage, 177

after Disapproval Dialogue, 159

to develop leadership skills, xvii, 38–42

in Sustained Excellence stage, 185

Training Industry Magazine, xv

Transparency, 54

Trinity Episcopal School, 84–87, 98

“Trinity Way,” 84–86

“Truly Human Leadership” (Chapman), 14

Trust building, 51–61

demonstrating character for, 53–55

and goal achievement, 108

as love competency, 36

overcoming biases for, 52–53

in relationships, 52

with Trust Compound Theory, 55–60

at United States Military Academy, 51

Trust Compound Theory, 55–60

care in, 57–59

character in, 59–60

competence in, 56–57

Truths, sharing, 58–59

Turnover (see Voluntary turnover)

Twitter, 209–210

Ultimate Leadership Academy, xv

Uncertainty, 71, 206

Understanding, wisdom and, 43–44

United States Military Academy (West Point), 50–51, 59, 75


as element of culture, 68, 73–75

in elite vs. deficient cultures, 69, 70

as love competency, 36

and sense of belonging, 73–75

University of Alabama, 23

University of Central Florida, football program, 167

University of Michigan, 75, 77

University of Minnesota, football program, 80

University of South Carolina, football program, 192

University of Tennessee, women’s basketball program, 137–138

University of Waterloo, 56


as basis for culture, 67–68

core, 90–95

and merit standards, 132

in purpose trifecta, 89

Valuing employees, 12–13

Van Kannel, Theophilus, 216

Vanderbilt University, football program, 90

Verbal communication:

body language and voice in, 211–212

clear, 208–209

concise, 210

Vice president of accounting, PAG for, 116–117

Vice president of sales, PAG for, 116

Villanova University, basketball program, 221

Violations of standards, 146–150 (See also Failing to meet standards)


demonstrating, 95–97

as discipline competency, 37

goal achievement and, 108

in purpose trifecta, 89

Vision statements, 97, 99

Voluntary turnover:

and culture, 70

due to toxic environment, 7–8, 15

and leadership style, 34, 35

reducing, 190


in conversations about standards, 140, 141

demonstrating caring with, 58–59

as love competency, 36

in tactical team meetings, 136

Weiden, Todd, 80

Weist, Maria, 53–54

West Point (United States Military Academy), 50–51, 59, 75

Western Michigan University, football program, 79–80

What moves the needle (WMN) method, 118–119

Whitmire, Tim “OBT,” 189, 190

Whitmore, John, 171

Will issues, 155–156

Willink, Jocko, xiv

Wisdom, 42–44, 223

WMN (what moves the needle) method, 118–119

Wren, Christopher, 96

Wright, Jay, 221

Written communication:

clear, 208

concise, 209–210

instilling sense of unity with, 75

and nonverbal communication, 211–212

X Hot three-wood, 66

Xerox, 106–108, 111–112

Yale University, 160

Yapp, Roderic, 98

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