

  1. ABC (activity-based costing)
  2. Absence due to illness
  3. Acceptance of targets
  4. Activity-based costing (ABC)
  5. Adams, Douglas
  6. Adapted information strategy
  7. Added sales activities
  8. Ad hoc reports
  9. Agility
  11. Analysts. See BA analysts
  12. Analytical base table
  13. Analytical competencies
  14. Analytical CRM
  15. Analytical factory approach
  16. Analytical HRD
  17. Analytical level
    1. analyst's role in BA model
    2. business requirements
    3. data, information, and knowledge
    4. data mining with target variables
    5. explorative methods
    6. hypothesis-driven methods
    7. required competencies for analysts
    8. three requirements of analysts
  18. Analytical methods
    1. competencies
    2. selecting
  19. Analytical processes
  20. Analytical software vendors
  21. A.P. Moeller (APM)
  22. Apple
  23. Apple iTunes
  24. Arrays
  25. Artificial intelligence
  26. Assessment of BA projects. See BA projects, assessment and prioritization of
  27. Automated reports
    1. on demand
    2. event driven


  1. B2B market
  2. BA analysts
    1. access to BA portals
    2. access to data
    3. access to data mart areas
    4. access to data warehouse areas
    5. access to source systems
    6. analytical methods competencies
    7. business competencies
    8. data competencies
    9. as data warehouse user
    10. descriptive statistics competencies
    11. method competencies
    12. reporting to IT department
    13. required competencies for
    14. requirements for
    15. role in BA model
    16. selecting analytical method
    17. technical understanding, requirement
    18. three imperatives
    19. three requirements of analysts
    20. tool kit requirements
  3. BA (business analytics)
    1. analytical level
    2. data warehouse level
    3. definition of
    4. functional level
    5. future of
    6. link between strategy and deployment of
    7. pervasive
    8. strategic level
    9. supporting strategy at functional level
  4. BA deliveries
  5. BA functions
    1. dialogue between strategy and
    2. reactive operational BA function
    3. strategy integration with
  6. BACC. See Business analytics competency center (BACC)
  7. Balanced scorecard
  8. BAM (business activity monitoring)
  9. BA model
    1. analyst's role in
    2. business processes and information use
    3. data sources
    4. data warehouse
    5. deployment of
    6. overview
    7. radio station case study
    8. strategic level
    9. strategy creation
    10. types of reporting and analytical processes
  10. Banner ads
  11. BA portals
  12. access to
  13. BA projects, assessment and prioritization of
    1. cost/benefit analysis used for business case
    2. descriptive part of cost/benefit analysis for business case
    3. determining if project is strategic
    4. projects as part of bigger picture
    5. projects running over several years
    6. uncertainty and
    7. value creation of project
  14. Base table
  15. Basket analysis
  17. Benchmarks
  18. Big Data
  19. Bigger picture, projects as part of
  20. BIIB (Business Idea In Brief )
  21. Billing systems
  22. Binary-dependent variables
  23. Binary regression analysis
  24. Bottom up— driven initiative
  25. BPM (business performance management)
  26. BPM dashboard
  27. Brand
  28. Breaking insight. See also Lead information
  29. Budget line
  30. Business activity monitoring (BAM)
  31. Business analytics. See BA (business analytics)
  32. Business analytics competency center (BACC)
    1. analysts reporting to IT department
    2. analytical factory approach
    3. as centralized or decentralized organization
    4. competency areas
    5. definition of
    6. dimensions of
    7. educating users
    8. as formal or virtual organization
    9. information wheels
    10. information wheels, creating synergies between
    11. prioritizing new BA initiatives
    12. purpose of
    13. reasons for setting up
    14. strategy versus performance
    15. structuring
    16. tasks and competencies
    17. when to establish
  33. Business analytics analysts. See BA analysts
  34. Business Analytics for Sales and Marketing Managers
  35. Business analytics model. See BA model
  36. Business case
    1. based on cost/benefit analysis
    2. descriptive part of cost/benefit analysis
    3. functional strategy and
    4. SIPOC model
  37. Business competencies
  38. Business Idea In Brief (BIIB)
  39. Business information, as source system
  40. Business initiatives
  41. Business performance management (BPM) systems
  42. Business process reengineering
  43. Business processes. See also Optimization of business processes
    1. establishing
    2. establishing with Rockart model
    3. establishing with Rockart model (example)
    4. information use and
    5. lead/lag information and
    6. minimizing variation in
    7. reducing waste in
  44. Business requirements
    1. definition of content
    2. definition of delivery
    3. definition of overall problem
  45. Business rules
  46. Business strategy. See Strategic level; Strategy
  47. Business-to-business (B2B) market
  48. Business users


  1. Calculated values
  2. Campaign history, as source system
  3. Campaign management
  4. Capital-heavy businesses
  5. Car sales
  6. Case studies. See Radio station case study; Summerhouse case study
  7. Cash flow
  8. Centralized organizations
  9. Change management
  10. Chat rooms
  11. Churn predictive decision trees
  12. Churn predictive models
  13. City of Copenhagen Municipality
  14. Cleansing data
  15. Cloud computing
  16. Cluster analysis
  17. Coca-Cola
  18. Cockpit
  19. Coded values, translating
  20. Columns, selecting for data warehouse
  21. Combining data
  22. Competencies
    1. analytical competencies
    2. analytical methods competencies
    3. for BACC
    4. business competencies
    5. data competencies
    6. data manager competencies
    7. data warehouse competencies
    8. descriptive statistics competencies
    9. IT competencies
    10. method competencies
    11. personal competencies
    12. report developer competencies
    13. report-developing competencies
    14. required for BA analysts
  23. Competitive advantage
  24. Confidence level
  25. Conjoint analysis
  26. Content
  27. Control charts
  28. Copenhagen Municipality
  29. Corporate culture
  30. Corporate performance management (CPM). See also KPIs (key performance indicators)
  31. Correlation
    1. data-driven methods and
    2. between dependent variable and other variables
    3. historical
    4. hypothesis-driven methods and
  32. Correspondence analysis
  33. Cost/benefit analysis
  34. Costs
    1. activity-based costing (ABC)
    2. of external consultants and employees
    3. projects running over several years
    4. SIPOC model and
    5. software costs
  35. CPM (corporate performance management). See also KPIs (key performance indicators)
  36. Creative processes
  37. Critical success factors
    1. in descriptive part of cost/ benefit analysis
    2. identifying
    3. Rockart model and
  38. CRM (customer relationship management)
    1. analytical
    2. as data-generating source system
    3. optimizing existing processes
    4. proactive
  39. CRM systems
  40. Cross-sales models
  41. Cubes
  42. Culture
  43. Customer dialogue
  44. Customer information, as source system
  45. Customer intimacy strategy
  46. Customer lifetime value
  47. Customer loyalty
  48. Customer profitability/segment analyses
  49. Customer relations
  50. Customer relationship management. See CRM (customer relationship management)
  51. Customer relations perspective
  52. Customer retention
  53. Customer satisfaction surveys
  54. Customer segments
  55. Customer service functions
  56. Customer value calculator


  1. Dashboards
    1. accessing on BA portal
    2. BPM dashboard
    3. cockpit
    4. lead/lag information in
    5. performance management dashboard
    6. summerhouse case study
  2. Data
    1. access to
    2. cleansing
    3. combining
    4. different kinds of structures in
    5. patterns in
    6. primary
    7. secondary
    8. summing up several rows of
    9. validation of
  3. Data competencies
  4. Data-driven analytics
    1. objective of
  5. Data-generating source systems
  6. Data manager competencies
  7. Data marts
  8. Data miner
  9. Data mining
    1. algorithms
    2. churn predictive decision trees and
    3. creating models
    4. customer retention and
    5. as data-driven analytic
    6. overlapping information and
    7. prioritizing information
    8. results, as source system
    9. selecting best model
    10. software for
    11. steps of
    12. with target variables
    13. using selected model
  10. Data organization, with dimensional modeling
  11. Data profiling
  12. Data quality
    1. causes and effects of poor data quality
    2. master data management and
    3. of source data
    4. in source systems
  13. Data reduction
  14. Data redundancy
  15. Data sources
  16. Data stores
  17. Data transformations, loss of data through
  18. Data values, scope of
  19. Data warehouse
    1. accessing data
    2. access to
    3. access to BA portals
    4. access to data mart areas
    5. access to source systems
    6. alternative ways of storing data
    7. architecture and processes
    8. arguments for integrating data into
    9. BA portal and
    10. causes and effects of poor data quality
    11. dialogue between strategy and BA functions
    12. dimensions
    13. enterprise data warehouse
    14. front-end not user-friendly
    15. functions, components, and examples
    16. information strategy for
    17. with life of its own
    18. master data management
    19. radio station case study
    20. reasons for having
    21. selecting columns for
    22. service-oriented architecture
    23. staging area and operational data stores
    24. tips and techniques for
    25. types of direct users
  20. Data warehouse analysts, and market analysts
  21. Data warehouse competencies
  22. Data warehouse level
    1. architecture and processes in data warehouse
    2. reasons for data warehouse
    3. tips and techniques in data warehousing
  23. Debt collection systems
  24. Decentralized organizations
  25. Decision support
  26. Decision trees
    1. churn predictive
  27. Delivery
  28. Demand forecasts
  29. Dependent variables
  30. Deployment of BA model
  31. Descriptive statistical methods, lists, and reports
    1. ad hoc reports
    2. automated reports, event driven
    3. automated reports, on demand
    4. manually updated reports
    5. reports in general
  32. Descriptive statistics
  33. Dialogue
    1. between company and analyst
    2. customer dialogue
    3. between strategy and BA functions
  34. Dimensional modeling
  35. Dimensions
    1. of BACC
    2. of data warehouse
    3. hierarchies in
    4. multidimensional perspective
  36. Direct users
  37. Dot-com trend


  1. Economies of scale
  2. EDW (enterprise data warehouse
  3. 80/20 rule
  4. Employee retention
  5. Employee satisfaction surveys
  6. End users
  7. Enterprise data warehouse (EDW)
  8. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems
  9. Entry errors
  10. ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems
  11. ETL jobs
    1. example
    2. extraction
    3. filter function
    4. joining three tables
    5. load phase
    6. SQL and
    7. staging
  12. ETL processes
  13. ETL tools
  14. Event-driven automated reports
  15. Evolutionary development of systems
  16. Executive brief
  17. Executive management functions
  18. Explorative factor analysis
  19. Explorative methods
    1. cluster analysis
    2. cross-sell models
    3. data reduction
    4. up-sell models
  20. External analysts
  21. Externally executed actions
  22. Extract, transform, and load processes. See ETL jobs


  1. Feedback processes
  2. Finance business process
  3. Finance functions
  4. Financial targets, and KPIs
  5. Firewall
  6. Forecasting models
  7. Forecasts of demand for services
  8. Formal BACCs
  9. Forum. See Business analytics competency center (BACC)
  10. Front-end system
    1. accessing on BA portal
    2. not user-friendly
  11. Functional level
    1. choosing process
    2. concept of performance management
    3. establishing new business processes
    4. optimizing existing business processes
    5. summerhouse case study
  12. Functional strategy
  13. Fuzzy merge technology


  1. General support
  2. Generalized linear model (GLM) analysis
  3. General Motors
  4. Geo data, as source system
  5. Get, increase, keep. See also CRM (customer relationship management)
  6. GIF arrow
  7. GLM (generalized linear models) analysis


  1. Hadoop
  2. HAL (computer)
  3. Helicopter perspective
  4. Hierarchies in dimensions
  5. Historical correlations
  6. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The (Adams)
  7. HRD (human resource development)
  8. Human resource development (HRD)
  9. Human resources functions
  10. Human resources information, as source system
  11. Hypothesis-driven methods


  1. Illness, absences due to
  2. Information
    1. business processes and
    2. from ERP systems
    3. loss of, through data transformations
    4. prioritizing
    5. relevance of
    6. as strategic resource
  3. Information architecture
  4. Information domains
  5. Information islands
  6. Information mapping
  7. Information quality
  8. Information requirements
  9. Information strategy
    1. adapted
    2. for data warehouse
    3. radio station case study
    4. sketching
  10. Information technology
  11. Information wheels
    1. creating synergies between
  12. Innovation
  13. Input variables
    1. tests with several
  14. Insight, breaking. See also Lead information
  15. Interactive statistics book
  16. Internal analysts
  17. Internal resource utilization
  18. International Leadership: How To Make Cultural Integration Programs
  19. Internet marketing
  20. Internet of Things (IoT)
  21. Internet of Things data, as source system
  22. Internet portals
  23. Interval-dependent variables
  24. Inventory management
  25. IoT (Internet of Things)
  26. IT and development function
  27. IT competencies
  28. iTunes


  1. Joins


  1. Key figures
  2. Key indicators
  3. Key performance indicators. See KPIs (key performance indicators)
  4. Knowledge
  5. Knowledge management
  6. KPIs (key performance indicators)
    1. accumulation of, as source system
    2. catalogue of, for company's different functions
    3. event-driven automated reports and
    4. financial targets and
    5. as measuring points linking activities to objectives
    6. optimizing business processes
    7. performance management and
    8. radio station case study
    9. stopping processes with
    10. strategy creation and
    11. summerhouse case study
    12. as warning signals
  7. Kubrick, Stanley


  1. Lag information
    1. business processes and
    2. in dashboard
    3. event-driven automated reports and
    4. identifying with Rockart model
    5. Rockart model and
    6. summerhouse case study
    7. turning into lead information
  2. Lead information
    1. business processes and
    2. in dashboard
    3. identifying with Rockart model
    4. Rockart model and
    5. trip to summerhouse case study
    6. turning lag information into
  3. Lean
  4. Learning/learning loops
  5. Life cycles
  6. Lifetime value of customers
  7. Linear regression analysis
  8. Lists. See Descriptive statistical methods, lists, and reports
  9. Loss of information through data transformations
  10. Loyalty
  11. Loyalty Effect, The (Reichheld)


  1. Manually updated reports
  2. Mapping of values
  3. Market analysts, and data warehouse analysts
  4. Market basket analysis
  5. Market developments
  6. Marketing activities
  7. Marketing automation
  8. Market intelligence
  9. Market leadership, three disciplines for
  10. Market standard
  11. Master data management (MDM)
  12. Maturity assessment
  13. Maturity models
  14. MDM (master data management)
  15. Measurable targets
  16. Menu
  17. Mergers
  18. Metadata
  19. Metadata layer
  20. Metadata registration
  21. Metadata repository
  22. Metadata server
  23. Method competencies
  24. Mind map
  25. Missing data
  26. Multidimensional perspective
  27. Multiple-purchase patterns


  1. Need-based segmentation
  2. Net present value (NPV)
  3. Neural networks
  4. New sales via named campaigns
  5. Nike
  6. Nokia
  7. Nominal-dependent variables
  8. NPV (net present value)


  1. Objectives. See also Targets
    1. directions on how to reach them
    2. identifying with Rockart model
    3. KPIs as measuring points linking activities to
    4. from objectives to new processes
    5. SMART objectives
  2. ODBC (open database connectivity)
  3. ODS (operational data store)
  4. OLAP cubes
  5. On-demand automated reports
  6. One version of the truth
  7. Online analytical processing (OLAP) cubes
  8. OnStar system
  9. Open database connectivity (ODBC)
  10. Operational data store (ODS)
  11. Operational excellence
  12. Operational strategy, identifying with Rockart model
  13. Operational systems, source data created by
  14. Optimization of business processes
    1. choosing process
    2. deploying performance management for
    3. processes suitable for optimization
      1. campaign management— 85
      2. CPM— 94
      3. CRM activities— 84
      4. finance— 95
      5. human resource development— 93
      6. inventory management
      7. Lean— 99
      8. pricing— 90
      9. product development— 86
      10. supply chain management— 96
      11. Web log analyses— 89
  15. Optimization of wallet share
  16. Optimum process
  17. Ordinal-dependent variables
  18. Ordinal regression analysis
  19. Outsourcing
  20. Overlapping information


  1. Patterns in data
  2. PCA (principal component analysis)
  3. Performance management
    1. concept of
    2. dashboard
    3. deploying to optimize business processes
    4. KPIs and
    5. measuring points
    6. objective of
    7. reports and
  4. Performance monitoring
  5. Performance versus strategy
  6. Personal competencies
  7. Pervasive business analytics
  8. Pivot table
  9. Plug-ins
  10. Portals
    1. BA portals
    2. Internet portals
    3. SAS Information Delivery Portal
  11. Pricing, optimizing
  12. Pricing methods
  13. Primary data
  14. Principal component analysis (PCA)
  15. Prioritizing BA projects. See BA projects, assessment and prioritization of
  16. Prioritizing information
  17. Proactive CRM activities
  18. Problem, definition
  19. Processes. See also Business processes
    1. analytical processes
    2. creative processes
    3. ETL processes
    4. feedback processes
  20. Process excellence
  21. Process reengineering
  22. Product and consumption information, as source system
  23. Product and innovation perspective
  24. Product development
  25. Product innovation
  26. Product leadership strategies
  27. Production function
  28. Production information, as source system
  29. Product leadership
  30. Product life cycle
  31. Product revenue
  32. Profiles (binary-dependent variables)
  33. Profiling
  34. Profitability
  35. Projection
  36. Projection of trends


  1. Quality assurance
  2. Quality of data. See Data quality
  3. Questionnaire analyses
    1. as source system


  1. Radar diagram
  2. Radio station case study
    1. analytical processes and front ends
    2. business processes and actions
    3. conclusions
    4. data sources
    5. data warehouse
    6. evaluation of BA process
    7. functional strategy and business case
    8. information strategy for
    9. overall strategic targets of business
  3. Rank variables
  4. Reactive operational BA function
  5. Readiness assessment
  6. Realistic targets
  7. Reduction of data
  8. Redundancy, data
  9. Regression analyses
  10. Relational data model
  11. Relational transaction table
  12. Relevance of information
  13. Reminder systems
  14. Report developer competencies
  15. Report-developing competencies
  16. Reporting/reports. See also Descriptive statistical methods, lists, and reports
    1. ad hoc reports
    2. content and
    3. event-driven automated reports
    4. manually updated reports
    5. on-demand automated reports
    6. performance management and
  17. Retaining customers
  18. Retaining employees
  19. Return on Investment (ROI)
  20. Revolutionary development of systems
  21. Risk
  22. Rockart model
    1. establishing business processes with
    2. example of establishing business processes
    3. identifying operational strategy
    4. identifying critical success factors
    5. identifying lead and lag information
    6. identifying objectives
  23. ROI (Return on Investment)
  24. Roles
  25. Rows of data, summing up


  1. Sales and marketing functions
  2. SAS
  3. SAS Enterprise BI Server
  4. SAS Enterprise Miner
  5. SAS/ETS software
  6. SAS Information Delivery Portal
  7. SAS Text Miner
  8. Satisfaction scores
  9. Scalability
  10. Scaling of dependent variables
  11. SCM (supply chain management)
  12. Scope of data values
  13. Scorecards
  14. Search engines
  15. Secondary data
  16. Segmentation
    1. need-based
    2. value-based
  17. Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
  18. Services
  19. 7-Eleven
  20. Shell Denmark
  21. Silo syndrome
  22. SIPOC model
  23. Six Sigma
  24. SMART objectives and targets
  25. Smiley face
  26. SOA (service-oriented architecture)
  27. Social media data, as source system
  28. Sociodemographics
  29. Software
    1. costs of
    2. for data mining
    3. software packages
    4. software vendors
  30. Solutions
  31. Sony
  32. Source data
    1. choosing solution
    2. data quality in source systems
    3. prioritizing information
    4. source systems and uses
  33. Source systems
    1. access to
    2. data-generating systems
  34. Specific targets
  35. SPSS
  36. SQL (structured query language)
    1. joins
    2. SQL generator
    3. working with relational tables
  37. Staging area
  38. Star schema
  39. State-of-the-art
  40. Statistical examples
  41. Statistical method domain. See Hypothesis-driven methods
  42. Statistics
    1. descriptive statistical methods, lists, and reports
    2. descriptive statistics
    3. descriptive statistics competencies
    4. examples
    5. interactive statistics book
  43. Status
  44. Status indicator
  45. “Stomach share”
  46. Strategic level
    1. link between strategy and deployment of BA
    2. prioritizing information
    3. strategy and BA scenarios
  47. BA supports strategy at functional level
  48. dialogue between strategy and BA functions
  49. information as strategic resource
  50. no formal link between strategy and BA
  51. Strategy
    1. BA supports strategy at functional level
    2. defining targets based on
    3. definition of
    4. determining if project is strategic
    5. dialogue between strategy and BA functions
    6. information as strategic resource
    7. integration with BA function
    8. no formal link with BA
    9. versus performance
  52. Strategy creation
  53. Strategy mapping
  54. Structured query language. See SQL (structured query language)
  55. Summerhouse case study
    1. lead and lag information
    2. specification of requirements
    3. technical support
  56. Summing up several rows of data
  57. Supplier, Input, Process, Output, and Customer (SIPOC) model
  58. Supply chain management (SCM)
  59. Support functions
  60. Surrogate key
  61. Synergies


  1. Targets
    1. acceptance of
    2. defining, based on strategy
    3. financial targets and KPIs
    4. five requirements for
    5. measurable targets
    6. realistic targets
    7. SMART targets
    8. specific targets
    9. strategic targets for business
    10. time-bound
  2. Target variables
    1. data mining with
  3. Technical understanding
  4. Technologies
  5. Telecom Enterprises
  6. Tesco
  7. Tests with several input variables
  8. Text mining
  9. Theoretical significance
  10. Think big, start small, deliver fast
  11. “Three Paths to Market Leadership” (Treacy and Wiersema)
  12. Time-bound targets
  13. Tool kit
  14. Top down— driven initiative
  15. Traffic lights
  16. Training
  17. Transaction table, relational
  18. Transformations, loss of information through
  19. Translating coded values
  20. Transposing
  21. Trend
  22. Trend arrow
  23. Trend meter
  24. 2001: A Space Odyssey


  1. Unknown dataset
  2. Up-sell models
  3. User friendliness
  4. User satisfaction


  1. Validation of data
  2. Value-based segmentation
  3. Value chain
  4. Value creation
    1. BA projects and
    2. based on data warehouse
    3. business competencies and
    4. content and
    5. employee retention and
    6. source systems and
  5. Values mapping
  6. Variables
    1. binary-dependent
    2. dependent
    3. input variables
    4. interval-dependent
    5. nominal-dependent
    6. ordinal-dependent
    7. rank variables
    8. target variables
  7. Virtual BACCs


  1. Walkman
  2. Wallet share
  3. Warning signals, KPIs as
  4. Web log analyses
  5. Web logs, as source system
  6. Web portals
  7. Web services
  8. Web site (
  9. Whale diagram
  10. Wikipedia data, as source system
  11. Wisdom
  12. Work teams


  1. XML format
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