Appendix A. Brief reference for some C++11 language features

The new C++ Standard brings more than just concurrency support; there are a whole host of other language features and new libraries as well. In this appendix I give a brief overview of the new language features that are used in the Thread Library and the rest of the book. Aside from thread_local (which is covered in section A.8), none of them are directly related to concurrency, though they are important and/or useful for multithreaded code. I’ve limited this list to those that are either necessary (such as rvalue references) or serve to make the code simpler or easier to understand. Code that uses these features may be difficult to understand at first because of lack of familiarity, but as you become familiar with them, they should generally make code easier to understand rather than harder. As the use of C++11 becomes more widespread, code making use of these features will become more common.

Without further ado, let’s start by looking at rvalue references, which are used extensively by the Thread Library to facilitate transfer of ownership (of threads, locks, or whatever) between objects.

A.1. Rvalue references

If you’ve been doing C++ programming for any time, you’ll be familiar with references; C++ references allow you to create a new name for an existing object. All accesses and modifications done through the new reference affect the original, for example:

The references that we’ve all been using up to now are lvalue references—references to lvalues. The term lvalue comes from C and refers to things that can be on the left side of an assignment expression—named objects, objects allocated on the stack or heap, or members of other objects—things with a defined storage location. The term rvalue also comes from C and refers to things that can occur only on the right side of an assignment expression—literals and temporaries, for example. Lvalue references can only be bound to lvalues, not rvalues. You can’t write

for example, because 42 is an rvalue. OK, that’s not quite true; you’ve always been able to bind an rvalue to a const lvalue reference:

int const& i=42;

But this is a deliberate exception on the part of the standard, introduced before we had rvalue references in order to allow you to pass temporaries to functions taking references. This allows implicit conversions, so you can write things like this:

Anyway, the C++11 Standard introduces rvalue references, which bind only to rvalues, not to lvalues, and are declared with two ampersands rather than one:

You can thus use function overloading to determine whether function parameters are lvalues or rvalues by having one overload take an lvalue reference and another take an rvalue reference. This is the cornerstone of move semantics.

A.1.1. Move semantics

Rvalues are typically temporary and so can be freely modified; if you know that your function parameter is an rvalue, you can use it as temporary storage, or “steal” its contents without affecting program correctness. This means that rather than copying the contents of an rvalue parameter, you can just move the contents. For large dynamic structures, this saves a lot of memory allocation and provides a lot of scope for optimization. Consider a function that takes a std::vector<int> as a parameter and needs to have an internal copy for modification, without touching the original. The old way of doing this would be to take the parameter as a const lvalue reference and make the copy internally:

void process_copy(std::vector<int> const& vec_)
     std::vector<int> vec(vec_);

This allows the function to take both lvalues and rvalues but forces the copy in every case. If you overload the function with a version that takes an rvalue reference, you can avoid the copy in the rvalue case, because you know you can freely modify the original:

void process_copy(std::vector<int> && vec)

Now, if the function in question is the constructor of your class, you can pilfer the innards of the rvalue and use them for your new instance. Consider the class in the following listing. In the default constructor it allocates a large chunk of memory, which is freed in the destructor.

Listing A.1. A class with a move constructor

The copy constructor is defined just as you might expect: allocate a new block of memory and copy the data across. However, you also have a new constructor that takes the old value by rvalue reference . This is the move constructor. In this case you just copy the pointer to the data and leave the other instance with a null pointer, saving yourself a huge chunk of memory and time when creating variables from rvalues.

For class X the move constructor is just an optimization, but in some cases it makes sense to provide a move constructor even when it doesn’t make sense to provide a copy constructor. For example, the whole point of std::unique_ptr<> is that each non-null instance is the one and only pointer to its object, so a copy constructor makes no sense. However, a move constructor allows ownership of the pointer to be transferred between instances and permits std::unique_ptr<> to be used as a function return value—the pointer is moved rather than copied.

If you wish to explicitly move from a named object that you know you’ll no longer use, you can cast it to an rvalue either by using static_cast<X&&> or by calling std::move():

X x1;
X x2=std::move(x1);
X x3=static_cast<X&&>(x2);

This can be beneficial when you wish to move the parameter value into a local or member variable without copying, because although an rvalue reference parameter can bind to rvalues, within the function itself it is treated as an lvalue:

Move semantics are used extensively in the Thread Library, both where copies make no semantic sense but resources can be transferred, and as an optimization to avoid expensive copies where the source is going to be destroyed anyway. You saw an example of this in section 2.2 where we used std::move() to transfer a std::unique_ptr<> instance into a newly constructed thread, and then again in section 2.3 where we looked at transferring ownership of threads between std::thread instances.

None of std::thread, std::unique_lock<>, std::future<>, std::promise<>, or std::packaged_task<> can be copied, but they all have move constructors to allow the associated resource to be transferred between instances and support their use as function return values. std::string and std::vector<> both can be copied as always, but they also have move constructors and move-assignment operators to avoid copying large quantities of data from an rvalue.

The C++ Standard Library never does anything with an object that has been explicitly moved into another object, except destroy it or assign to it (either with a copy or, more likely, a move). However, it’s good practice to ensure that the invariant of the class encompasses the moved-from state. A std::thread instance that has been used as the source of a move is equivalent to a default-constructed std::thread instance, for example, and an instance of std::string that has been used as the source of a move will still have a valid state, although no guarantees are made as to what that state is (in terms of how long the string is or what characters it contains).

A.1.2. Rvalue references and function templates

There’s a final nuance when you use rvalue references for parameters to a function template: if the function parameter is an rvalue reference to a template parameter, automatic template argument type deduction deduces the type to be an lvalue reference if an lvalue is supplied or a plain unadorned type if an rvalue is supplied. That’s a bit of a mouthful, so let’s look at an example. Consider the following function:

template<typename T>
void foo(T&& t)

If you call it with an rvalue as follows, then T is deduced to be the type of the value:

However, if you call foo with an lvalue, T is deduced to be an lvalue reference:

Because the function parameter is declared T&&, this is therefore a reference to a reference, which is treated as just the original reference type. The signature of foo<int&>() is thus

void foo<int&>(int& t);

This allows a single function template to accept both lvalue and rvalue parameters and is used by the std::thread constructor (sections 2.1 and 2.2) so that the supplied callable object can be moved into internal storage rather than copied if the parameter is an rvalue.

A.2. Deleted functions

Sometimes it doesn’t make sense to allow a class to be copied. std::mutex is a prime example of this—what would it mean if you did copy a mutex? std::unique_lock<> is another—an instance is the one and only owner of the lock it holds. To truly copy it would mean that the copy also held the lock, which doesn’t make sense. Moving ownership between instances, as described in section A.1.2, makes sense, but that’s not copying. I’m sure you’ve met other examples.

The standard idiom for preventing copies of a class used to be to declare the copy constructor and copy assignment operator private and then not provide an implementation. This would cause a compile error if any code outside the class in question tried to copy an instance and a link-time error (due to lack of an implementation) if any of the class’s member functions or friends tried to copy an instance:

With C++11, the committee realized that this was a common idiom but also realized that it’s a bit of a hack. The committee therefore provided a more general mechanism that can be applied in other cases too: you can declare a function as deleted by adding = delete to the function declaration. no_copies can thus be written as

class no_copies
    no_copies(no_copies const&) = delete;
    no_copies& operator=(no_copies const&) = delete;

This is much more descriptive than the original code and clearly expresses the intent. It also allows the compiler to give more descriptive error messages and moves the error from link time to compile time if you try to perform the copy within a member function of your class.

If, as well as deleting the copy constructor and copy-assignment operator, you also explicitly write a move constructor and move-assignment operator, your class becomes move-only, the same as std::thread and std::unique_lock<>. The following listing shows an example of such a move-only type.

Listing A.2. A simple move-only type

Move-only objects can be passed as function parameters and returned from functions, but if you wish to move from an lvalue, you always have to be explicit and use std::move() or a static_cast<T&&>.

You can apply the = delete specifier to any function, not just copy constructors and assignment operators. This makes it clear that the function isn’t available. It does a bit more than that too, though; a deleted function participates in overload resolution in the normal way and only causes a compilation error if it’s selected. This can be used to remove specific overloads. For example, if your function takes a short parameter, you can prevent narrowing of int values by writing an overload that takes an int and declaring it deleted:

void foo(short);
void foo(int) = delete;

Any attempts to call foo with an int will now be met with a compilation error, and the caller will have to explicitly cast supplied values to short:

A.3. Defaulted functions

Whereas deleted functions allow you to explicitly declare that a function isn’t implemented, defaulted functions are the opposite extreme: they allow you to specify that the compiler should write the function for you, with its “default” implementation. Of course, you can only do this for functions that the compiler can autogenerate anyway: default constructors, destructors, copy constructors, move constructors, copy-assignment operators, and move-assignment operators.

Why would you want to do that? There are several reasons why you might:

  • In order to change the accessibility of the function—By default, the compiler-generated functions are public. If you wish to make them protected or even private, you must write them yourself. By declaring them as defaulted, you can get the compiler to write the function and change the access level.
  • As documentation—If the compiler-generated version is sufficient, it might be worth explicitly declaring it as such so that when you or someone else looks at the code later, it’s clear that this was intended.
  • In order to force the compiler to generate the function when it would not otherwise have done so—This is typically done with default constructors, which are only normally compiler generated if there are no user-defined constructors. If you need to define a custom copy constructor (for example), you can still get a compiler-generated default constructor by declaring it as defaulted.
  • In order to make a destructor virtual while leaving it as compiler generated.
  • To force a particular declaration of the copy constructor, such as having it take the source parameter by a non-const reference rather than by a const reference.
  • To take advantage of the special properties of the compiler-generated function, which are lost if you provide an implementation—More on this in a moment.

Just as deleted functions are declared by following the declaration with = delete, defaulted functions are declared by following the declaration by = default, for example:

I mentioned previously that compiler-generated functions can have special properties that you can’t get from a user-defined version. The biggest difference is that a compiler-generated function can be trivial. This has a few consequences, including the following:

  • Objects with trivial copy constructors, trivial copy assignment operators, and trivial destructors can be copied with memcpy or memmove.
  • Literal types used for constexpr functions (see section A.4) must have a trivial constructor, copy constructor, and destructor.
  • Classes with a trivial default constructor, copy constructor, copy assignment operator, and destructor can be used in a union with a user-defined constructor and destructor.
  • Classes with trivial copy assignment operators can be used with the std::atomic<> class template (see section 5.2.6) in order to provide a value of that type with atomic operations.

Just declaring the function as = default doesn’t make it trivial—it will only be trivial if the class also supports all the other criteria for the corresponding function to be trivial—but explicitly writing the function in user code does prevent it from being trivial.

The second difference between classes with compiler-generated functions and user-supplied equivalents is that a class with no user-supplied constructors can be an aggregate and thus can be initialized with an aggregate initializer:

struct aggregate
    aggregate() = default;
    aggregate(aggregate const&) = default;

    int a;
    double b;
aggregate x={42,3.141};

In this case, x.a is initialized to 42 and x.b is initialized to 3.141.

The third difference between a compiler-generated function and a user-supplied equivalent is quite esoteric and applies only to the default constructor and only to the default constructor of classes that meet certain criteria. Consider the following class:

struct X
    int a;

If you create an instance of class X without an initializer, the contained int (a) is default initialized. If the object has static storage duration, it’s initialized to zero; otherwise, it has an indeterminate value that can potentially cause undefined behavior if it’s accessed before being assigned a new value:

If, on the other hand, you initialize your instance of X by explicitly invoking the default constructor, then a is initialized to zero:

This bizarre property also extends to base classes and members. If your class has a compiler-generated default constructor and any of your data members and base classes also have a compiler-generated default constructor, data members of those bases and members that are built-in types are also either left with an indeterminate value or initialized to zero, depending on whether or not the outer class has its default constructor explicitly invoked.

Although this rule is confusing and potentially error prone, it does have its uses, and if you write the default constructor yourself, you lose this property; either data members like a are always initialized (because you specify a value or explicitly default construct) or always uninitialized (because you don’t):

If you omit the initialization of a from the constructor of X as in the third example , then a is left uninitialized for nonstatic instances of X and initialized to zero for instances of X with static storage duration.

Under normal circumstances, if you write any other constructor manually, the compiler will no longer generate the default constructor for you, so if you want one you have to write it, which means you lose this bizarre initialization property. However, by explicitly declaring the constructor as defaulted, you can force the compiler to generate the default constructor for you, and this property is retained:

This property is used for the atomic types (see section 5.2), which have their default constructor explicitly defaulted. Their initial value is always undefined unless either (a) they have static storage duration (and thus are statically initialized to zero), or (b) you explicitly invoke the default constructor to request zero initialization, or (c) you explicitly specify a value. Note that in the case of the atomic types, the constructor for initialization with a value is declared constexpr (see section A.4) in order to allow static initialization.

A.4. constexpr functions

Integer literals such as 42 are constant expressions. So are simple arithmetic expressions such as 23*2-4. You can even use const variables of integral type that are themselves initialized with constant expressions as part of a new constant expression:

const int i=23;
const int two_i=i*2;
const int four=4;
const int forty_two=two_i-four;

Aside from using constant expressions to create variables that can be used in other constant expressions, there are a few things you can only do with constant expressions:

  • Specify the bounds of an array:

  • Specify the value of a nontype template parameter:

  • Provide an initializer for a static const class data member of integral type in the class definition:
    class X
        static const int the_answer=forty_two;
  • Provide an initializer for a built-in type or aggregate that can be used for static initialization:

  • Static initialization like this can be used to avoid order-of-initialization problems and race conditions.

None of this is new—you could do all that with the 1998 edition of the C++ Standard. However, with the new Standard what constitutes a constant expression has been extended with the introduction of the constexpr keyword.

The constexpr keyword is primarily a function modifier. If the parameter and return type of a function meet certain requirements and the body is sufficiently simple, a function can be declared constexpr, in which case it can be used in constant expressions, for example:

constexpr int square(int x)
    return x*x;
int array[square(5)];

In this case, array will have 25 entries, because square is declared constexpr. Of course, just because the function can be used in a constant expression doesn’t mean that all uses are automatically constant expressions:

In this example, dummy is not a constant expression , so square(dummy) isn’t either—it’s just a normal function call—and thus can’t be used to specify the bounds of array.

A.4.1. constexpr and user-defined types

Up to now, all the examples have been with built-in types such as int. However, the new C++ Standard allows constant expressions to be of any type that satisfies the requirements for a literal type. For a class type to be classified as a literal type, the following must all be true:

  • It must have a trivial copy constructor.
  • It must have a trivial destructor.
  • All non-static data members and base classes must be trivial types.
  • It must have either a trivial default constructor or a constexpr constructor other than the copy constructor.

We’ll look at constexpr constructors shortly. For now we’ll focus on classes with a trivial default constructor, such as class CX in the following listing.

Listing A.3. A class with a trivial default constructor

Note that we’ve explicitly declared the default constructor as defaulted (see section A.3) in order to preserve it as trivial in the face of the user-defined constructor . This type therefore fits all the qualifications for being a literal type, and you can use it in constant expressions. You can, for example, provide a constexpr function that creates new instances:

constexpr CX create_cx()
    return CX();

You can also create a simple constexpr function that copies its parameter:

constexpr CX clone(CX val)
    return val;

But that’s about all you can do—a constexpr function can only call other constexpr functions. What you can do, though, is apply constexpr to the member functions and constructor of CX:

Note that the const qualification on get_a() is now superfluous, because it’s implied by the use of constexpr. get_b() is thus const even though the const qualification is omitted . This now allows more complex constexpr functions such as the following:

Interesting though this is, it’s a lot of effort to go to if all you get is a fancy way of computing some array bounds or an integral constant. The key benefit of constant expressions and constexpr functions involving user-defined types is that objects of a literal type initialized with a constant expression are statically initialized, and so their initialization is free from race conditions and initialization order issues:

This covers constructors too. If the constructor is declared constexpr and the constructor parameters are constant expressions, the initialization is constant initialization and happens as part of the static initialization phase. This is one of the most important changes in C++11 as far as concurrency goes: by allowing user-defined constructors that can still undergo static initialization, you can avoid any race conditions over their initialization, because they’re guaranteed to be initialized before any code is run.

This is particularly relevant for things like std::mutex (see section 3.2.1) or std::atomic<> (see section 5.2.6) where you might want to use a global instance to synchronize access to other variables and avoid race conditions in that access. This wouldn’t be possible if the constructor of the mutex was subject to race conditions, so the default constructor of std::mutex is declared constexpr to ensure that mutex initialization is always done as part of the static initialization phase.

A.4.2. constexpr objects

So far we’ve looked at constexpr as applied to functions. constexpr can also be applied to objects. This is primarily for diagnostic purposes; it verifies that the object is initialized with a constant expression, constexpr constructor, or aggregate initializer made of constant expressions. It also declares the object as const:

A.4.3. constexpr function requirements

In order to declare a function as constexpr it must meet a few requirements; if it doesn’t meet these requirements, declaring it constexpr is a compilation error. The requirements for a constexpr function are as follows:

  • All parameters must be of a literal type.
  • The return type must be a literal type.
  • The function body must consist of a single return statement.
  • The expression in the return statement must qualify as a constant expression.
  • Any constructor or conversion operator used to construct the return value from the expression must be constexpr.

This is straightforward; you must be able to inline the function into a constant expression and it will still be a constant expression, and you must not modify anything. constexpr functions are pure functions with no side effects.

For constexpr class member functions there are additional requirements:

  • constexpr member functions can’t be virtual.
  • The class for which the function is a member must be a literal type.

The rules are different for constexpr constructors:

  • The constructor body must be empty.
  • Every base class must be initialized.
  • Every non-static data member must be initialized.
  • Any expressions used in the member initialization list must qualify as constant expressions.
  • The constructors chosen for the initialization of the data members and base classes must be constexpr constructors.
  • Any constructor or conversion operator used to construct the data members and base classes from their corresponding initialization expression must be constexpr.

This is the same set of rules as for functions, except that there’s no return value, so no return statement. Instead, the constructor initializes all the bases and data members in the member initialization list. Trivial copy constructors are implicitly constexpr.

A.4.4. constexpr and templates

When constexpr is applied to a function template, or to a member function of a class template, it’s ignored if the parameters and return types of a particular instantiation of the template aren’t literal types. This allows you to write function templates that are constexpr if the type of the template parameters is appropriate and just plain inline functions otherwise, for example:

The function must satisfy all the other requirements for a constexpr function. You can’t declare a function with multiple statements constexpr just because it’s a function template; that’s still a compilation error.

A.5. Lambda functions

Lambda functions are one of the most exciting features of the C++11 Standard, because they have the potential to greatly simplify code and eliminate much of the boilerplate associated with writing callable objects. The C++11 lambda function syntax allows a function to be defined at the point where it’s needed in another expression. This works well for things like predicates provided to the wait functions of std::condition_variable (as in the example in section 4.1.1), because it allows the semantics to be quickly expressed in terms of the accessible variables rather than capturing the necessary state in the member variables of a class with a function call operator.

At its simplest, a lambda expression defines a self-contained function that takes no parameters and relies only on global variables and functions. It doesn’t even have to return a value. Such a lambda expression is a series of statements enclosed in braces, prefixed with square brackets (the lambda introducer):

In this example, the lambda expression is called by following it with parentheses, but this is unusual. For one thing, if you’re going to call it directly, you could usually do away with the lambda and write the statements directly in the source. It’s more common to pass it as a parameter to a function template that takes a callable object as one of its parameters, in which case it likely needs to take parameters or return a value or both. If you need to take parameters, you can do this by following the lambda introducer with a parameter list just like for a normal function. For example, the following code writes all the elements of the vector to std::cout separated by newlines:

std::vector<int> data=make_data();
std::for_each(data.begin(),data.end(),[](int i){std::cout<<i<<"

Return values are almost as easy. If your lambda function body consists of a single return statement, the return type of the lambda is the type of the expression being returned. For example, you might use a simple lambda like this to wait for a flag to be set with a std::condition_variable (see section 4.1.1) as in the following listing.

Listing A.4. A simple lambda with a deduced return type

The return type of the lambda passed to cond.wait() is deduced from the type of data_ready and is thus bool. Whenever the condition variable wakes from waiting, it then calls the lambda with the mutex locked and only returns from the call to wait() once data_ready is true.

What if you can’t write your lambda body as a single return statement? In that case you have to specify the return type explicitly. You can do this even if your body is a single return statement, but you have to do it if your lambda body is more complex. The return type is specified by following the lambda parameter list with an arrow (->) and the return type. If your lambda doesn’t take any parameters, you must still include the (empty) parameter list in order to specify the return value explicitly. Your condition variable predicate can thus be written

cond.wait(lk,[]()->bool{return data_ready;});

By specifying the return type, you can expand the lambda to log messages or do some more complex processing:

        std::cout<<"Data ready"<<std::endl;
        return true;
        std::cout<<"Data not ready, resuming wait"<<std::endl;
        return false;

Although simple lambdas like this are powerful and can simplify code quite a lot, the real power of lambdas comes when they capture local variables.

A.5.1. Lambda functions that reference local variables

Lambda functions with a lambda introducer of [] can’t reference any local variables from the containing scope; they can only use global variables and anything passed in as a parameter. If you wish to access a local variable, you need to capture it. The simplest way to do this is to capture the entire set of variables within the local scope by using a lambda introducer of [=]. That’s all there is to it—your lambda can now access copies of the local variables at the time the lambda was created.

To see this in action, consider the following simple function:

std::function<int(int)> make_offseter(int offset)
   return [=](int j){return offset+j;};

Every call to make_offseter returns a new lambda function object through the std::function<> function wrapper. This returned function adds the supplied offset to any parameter supplied. For example,

int main()
    std::function<int(int)> offset_42=make_offseter(42);
    std::function<int(int)> offset_123=make_offseter(123);

will write out 54,135 twice because the function returned from the first call to make_offseter always adds 42 to the supplied argument, whereas the function returned from the second call to make_offseter always adds 123 to the supplied argument.

This is the safest form of local variable capture; everything is copied, so you can return the lambda and call it outside the scope of the original function. It’s not the only choice though; you can choose to capture everything by reference instead. In this case it’s undefined behavior to call the lambda once the variables it references have been destroyed by exiting the function or block scope to which they belong, just as it’s undefined behavior to reference a variable that has already been destroyed in any other circumstance.

A lambda function that captures all the local variables by reference is introduced using [&], as in the following example:

Whereas in the make_offseter function from the previous example we used the [=] lambda introducer to capture a copy of the offset, the offset_a function in this example uses the [&] lambda introducer to capture offset by reference . It doesn’t matter that the initial value of offset is 42 ; the result of calling offset_a(12) will always depend on the current value of offset. Even though the value of offset is then changed to 123 before we produce the second (identical) lambda function offset_b , this second lambda again captures by reference, so the result depends on the current value of offset.

Now, when we print the first line of output , offset is still 123, so the output is 135,135. However, at the second line of output , offset has been changed to 99 , so this time the output is 111,111. Both offset_a and offset_b add the current value of offset (99) to the supplied argument (12).

Now, C++ being C++, you’re not stuck with these all-or-nothing options; you can choose to capture some variables by copy and some by reference, and you can choose to capture only those variables you have explicitly chosen just by tweaking the lambda introducer. If you wish to copy all the used variables except for one or two, you can use the [=] form of the lambda introducer but follow the equals sign with a list of variables to capture by reference preceded with ampersands. The following example will thus print 1239, because i is copied into the lambda, but j and k are captured by reference:

int main()
    int i=1234,j=5678,k=9;
    std::function<int()> f=[=,&j,&k]{return i+j+k;};

Alternatively, you can capture by reference by default but capture a specific subset of variables by copying. In this case you use the [&] form of the lambda introducer but follow the ampersand with a list of variables to capture by copy. The following example thus prints 5688 because i is captured by reference, but j and k are copied:

int main()
    int i=1234,j=5678,k=9;
    std::function<int()> f=[&,j,k]{return i+j+k;};

If you only want to capture the named variables, then you can omit the leading = or & and just list the variables to be captured, prefixing them with an ampersand to capture by reference rather than copy. The following code will thus print 5682 because i and k are captured by reference, but j is copied:

int main()
    int i=1234,j=5678,k=9;
    std::function<int()> f=[&i,j,&k]{return i+j+k;};

This final variant allows you to ensure that only the intended variables are being captured, because any reference to a local variable not in the capture list will cause a compilation error. If you choose this option, you have to be careful when accessing class members if the function containing the lambda is a member function. Class members can’t be captured directly; if you wish to access class members from your lambda, you have to capture the this pointer by adding it to the capture list. In the following example, the lambda captures this to allow access to the some_data class member:

struct X
    int some_data;
    void foo(std::vector<int>& vec)
            [this](int& i){i+=some_data;});

In the context of concurrency, lambdas are most useful as predicates for std::condition_variable::wait() (section 4.1.1) and with std::packaged_task<> (section 4.2.1) or thread pools for packaging small tasks. They can also be passed to the std::thread constructor as a thread function (section 2.1.1) and as the function when using parallel algorithms such as parallel_for_each() (from section 8.5.1).

A.6. Variadic templates

Variadic templates are templates with a variable number of parameters. Just as you’ve always been able to have variadic functions such as printf that take a variable number of parameters, you can now have variadic templates that have a variable number of template parameters. Variadic templates are used throughout the C++ Thread Library. For example, the std::thread constructor for starting a thread (section 2.1.1) is a variadic function template, and std::packaged_task<> (section 4.2.2) is a variadic class template. From a user’s point of view, it’s enough to know that the template takes an unbounded number of parameters, but if you want to write such a template, or if you’re just interested in how it all works, you need to know the details.

Just as variadic functions are declared with an ellipsis (...) in the function parameter list, variadic templates are declared with an ellipsis in the template parameter list:

template<typename ... ParameterPack>
class my_template

You can use variadic templates for a partial specialization of a template too, even if the primary template isn’t variadic. For example, the primary template for std::packaged_task<> (section 4.2.1) is just a simple template with a single template parameter:

template<typename FunctionType>
class packaged_task;

However, this primary template is never defined anywhere; it’s just a placeholder for the partial specialization:

template<typename ReturnType,typename ... Args>
class packaged_task<ReturnType(Args...)>;

It’s this partial specialization that contains the real definition of the class; you saw in chapter 4 that you can write std::packaged_task<int(std::string,double)> to declare a task that takes a std::string and a double as parameters when you call it and that provides the result through a std::future<int>.

This declaration shows two additional features of variadic templates. The first feature is relatively simple: you can have normal template parameters (such as Return-Type) as well as variadic ones (Args) in the same declaration. The second feature demonstrated is the use of Args... in the template argument list of the specialization to show that the types that make up Args when the template is instantiated are to be listed here. Actually, because this is a partial specialization, it works as a pattern match; the types that occur in this context in the actual instantiation are captured as Args. The variadic parameter Args is called a parameter pack, and the use of Args... is called a pack expansion.

Just like with variadic functions, the variadic part may be an empty list or may have many entries. For example, with std::packaged_task<my_class()> the ReturnType parameter is my_class, and the Args parameter pack is empty, whereas with std::packaged_task<void(int,double,my_class&,std::string*)> the ReturnType is void, and Args is the list int, double, my_class&, std::string*.

A.6.1. Expanding the parameter pack

The power of variadic templates comes from what you can do with that pack expansion: you aren’t limited to just expanding the list of types as is. First off, you can use a pack expansion directly anywhere a list of types is required, such as in the argument list for another template:

template<typename ... Params>
struct dummy
    std::tuple<Params...> data;

In this case the single member variable data is an instantiation of std::tuple<> containing all the types specified, so dummy<int,double,char> has a member of type std::tuple<int,double,char>. You can combine pack expansions with normal types:

template<typename ... Params>
struct dummy2
    std::tuple<std::string,Params...> data;

This time, the tuple has an additional (first) member of type std::string. The nifty part is that you can create a pattern with the pack expansion, which is then copied for each element in the expansion. You do this by putting the ... that marks the pack expansion at the end of the pattern. For example, rather than just creating a tuple of the elements supplied in your parameter pack, you can create a tuple of pointers to the elements or even a tuple of std::unique_ptr<>s to your elements:

template<typename ... Params>
struct dummy3
    std::tuple<Params* ...> pointers;
    std::tuple<std::unique_ptr<Params> ...> unique_pointers;

The type expression can be as complex as you like, provided the parameter pack occurs in the type expression, and provided the expression is followed by the ... that marks the expansion. When the parameter pack is expanded, for each entry in the pack that type is substituted into the type expression to generate the corresponding entry in the resulting list. Thus, if your parameter pack Params contains the types int,int,char, then the expansion of std::tuple<std::pair<std::unique_ptr<Params>,double> ... > is std::tuple<std::pair<std::unique_ptr<int>,double>,std::pair<std::unique_ptr<int>,double>, std::pair<std::unique_ptr<char>,double> >. If the pack expansion is used as a template argument list, that template doesn’t have to have variadic parameters, but if it doesn’t, the size of the pack must exactly match the number of template parameters required:

The second thing you can do with a pack expansion is use it to declare a list of function parameters:

template<typename ... Args>
void foo(Args ... args);

This creates a new parameter pack args, which is a list of the function parameters rather than a list of types, which you can expand with ... as before. Now, you can use a pattern with the pack expansion for declaring the function parameters, just as you can use a pattern when you expand the pack elsewhere. For example, this is used by the std::thread constructor to take all the function arguments by rvalue reference (see section A.1):

template<typename CallableType,typename ... Args>
thread::thread(CallableType&& func,Args&& ... args);

The function parameter pack can then be used to call another function, by specifying the pack expansion in the argument list of the called function. Just as with the type expansions, you can use a pattern for each expression in the resulting argument list. For example, one common idiom with rvalue references is to use std::forward<> to preserve the rvalue-ness of the supplied function arguments:

template<typename ... ArgTypes>
void bar(ArgTypes&& ... args)

Note that in this case, the pack expansion contains both the type pack ArgTypes and the function parameter pack args, and the ellipsis follows the whole expression. If you call bar like this,

int i;
bar(i,3.141,std::string("hello "));

then the expansion becomes

void bar<int&,double,std::string>(
    int& args_1,
    double&& args_2,
    std::string&& args_3)

which correctly passes the first argument on to foo as an lvalue reference, while passing the others as rvalue references.

The final thing you can do with a parameter pack is find its size with the sizeof... operator. This is quite simple: sizeof...(p) is the number of elements in the parameter pack p. It doesn’t matter whether this is a type parameter pack or a function argument parameter pack; the result is the same. This is probably the only case where you can use a parameter pack and not follow it with an ellipsis; the ellipsis is already part of the sizeof... operator. The following function returns the number of arguments supplied to it:

template<typename ... Args>
unsigned count_args(Args ... args)
    return sizeof... (Args);

Just as with the normal sizeof operator, the result of sizeof... is a constant expression, so it can be used for specifying array bounds and so forth.

A.7. Automatically deducing the type of a variable

C++ is a statically typed language: the type of every variable is known at compile time. Not only that, but as a programmer you have to actually specify the type of each variable. In some cases this can lead to quite unwieldy names, for example:

std::map<std::string,std::unique_ptr<some_data>> m;
    iter=m.find("my key");

Traditionally, the solution has been to use typedefs to reduce the length of a type identifier and potentially eliminate problems due to inconsistent types. This still works in C++11, but there’s now a new way: if a variable is initialized in its declaration from a value of the same type, then you can specify the type as auto. In this case, the compiler will automatically deduce the type of the variable to be the same as the initializer. Thus, the iterator example can be written as

auto iter=m.find("my key");

Now, you’re not restricted to just plain auto; you can embellish it to declare const variables or pointer or reference variables too. Here are a few variable declarations using auto and the corresponding type of the variable:

auto i=42;        // int
auto& j=i;        // int&
auto const k=i;   // int const
auto* const p=&i; // int * const

The rules for deducing the type of the variable are based on the rules for the only other place in the language where types are deduced: parameters of function templates. In a declaration of the form

some-type-expression-involving-auto var=some-expression;

the type of var is the same as the type deduced for the parameter of a function template declared with the same type expression, except replacing auto with the name of a template type parameter:

template<typename T>
void f(type-expression var);

This means that array types decay to pointers, and references are dropped unless the type expression explicitly declares the variable as a reference, for example:

int some_array[45];
auto p=some_array;    // int*
int& r=*p;
auto x=r;             // int
auto& y=r;            // int&

This can greatly simplify the declaration of variables, particularly where the full type identifier is long or possibly not even known (for example, the type of the result of a function call in a template).

A.8. Thread-local variables

Thread-local variables allow you to have a separate instance of a variable for each thread in your program. You mark a variable as being thread-local by declaring it with the thread_local keyword. Variables at namespace scope, static data members of classes, and local variables can be declared thread-local, and are said to have thread storage duration:

Thread-local variables at namespace scope and thread-local static class data members are constructed before the first use of a thread-local variable from the same translation unit, but it isn’t specified how much before. Some implementations may construct thread-local variables when the thread is started; others may construct them immediately before their first use on each thread, and others may construct them at other times, or in some combination depending on their usage context. Indeed, if none of the thread-local variables from a given translation unit is used, there’s no guarantee that they will be constructed at all. This allows for the dynamic loading of modules containing thread-local variables—these variables can be constructed on a given thread the first time that thread references a thread-local variable from the dynamically-loaded module.

Thread-local variables declared inside a function are initialized the first time the flow of control passes through their declaration on a given thread. If the function is not called by a given thread, any thread-local variables declared in that function are not constructed. This is just the same as the behaviour for local static variables, except it applies separately to each thread.

Thread-local variables share other properties with static variables—they’re zero-initialized prior to any further initialization (such as dynamic initialization), and if the construction of a thread-local variable throws an exception, std::terminate() is called to abort the application.

The destructors for all thread-local variables that have been constructed on a given thread are run when the thread function returns, in the reverse order of construction. Since the order of initialization is unspecified, it’s important to ensure that there are no interdependencies between the destructors of such variables. If the destructor of a thread-local variable exits with an exception, std::terminate() is called, just as for construction.

Thread-local variables are also destroyed for a thread if that thread calls std::exit() or returns from main() (which is equivalent to calling std::exit() with the return value of main()). If any other threads are still running when the application exits, the destructors of thread-local variables on those threads are not called.

Though thread-local variables have a different address on each thread, you can still obtain a normal pointer to such a variable. The pointer then references the object in the thread that took the address, and can be used to allow other threads to access that object. It’s undefined behaviour to access an object after it’s been destroyed (as always), so if you pass a pointer to a thread-local variable to another thread, you need to ensure it’s not dereferenced once the owning thread has finished.

A.9. Summary

This appendix has only scratched the surface of the new language features introduced with the C++11 Standard, because we’ve only looked at those features that actively affect the usage of the Thread Library. Other new language features include static assertions, strongly typed enumerations, delegating constructors, Unicode support, template aliases, and a new uniform initialization sequence, along with a host of smaller changes. Describing all the new features in detail is outside the scope of this book; it would probably require a book in itself. The best overview of the entire set of changes to the standard at the time of writing is probably Bjarne Stroustrup’s C++11 FAQ,[1] though popular C++ reference books will be revised to cover it in due course.


Hopefully the brief introduction to the new features covered in this appendix has provided enough depth to show how they relate to the Thread Library and to enable you to write and understand multithreaded code that uses these new features. Although this appendix should provide enough depth for simple uses of the features covered, this is still only a brief introduction and not a complete reference or tutorial for the use of these features. If you intend to make extensive use of them, I recommend acquiring such a reference or tutorial in order to gain the most benefit from them.

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