Appendix B. Brief comparison of concurrency libraries

Concurrency and multithreading support in programming languages and libraries aren’t something new, even though standardized support in C++ is new. For example, Java has had multithreading support since it was first released, platforms that conform to the POSIX standard provide a C interface for multithreading, and Erlang provides support for message-passing concurrency. There are even C++ class libraries such as Boost that wrap the underlying programming interface for multithreading used on any given platform (whether it’s the POSIX C interface or something else) to provide a portable interface across the supported platforms.

For those who are already experienced in writing multithreaded applications and would like to use that experience to write code using the new C++ multithreading facilities, this appendix provides a comparison between the facilities available in Java, POSIX C, C++ with the Boost Thread Library, and C++11, along with cross-references to the relevant chapters of this book.




Boost threads


Chapter reference

Starting threads java.lang.thread class pthread_t type and associated API functions: pthread_create(), pthread_detach(), and pthread_joint () boost : : thread class and member functions std : : thread class and member functions Chapter 2
Mutual exclusion synchronized blocks pthread_mutex_t type and associated API functions: pthread_mutex_lockt), pthread_mutex unlock(), etc. boost : :mutex class andmember functions, boost::lock_guard<> and boost :: unique_lock<> templates std: :mutex class and member functions, std:: lock_guardo and std: :unique_lock<> templates Chapter 3
Monitors/ waits for a predicate wait() and notify () methods of the java.lang. Object class, used inside synchronized blocks pthread_cond_t type and associated API functions: pthread_cond_wait(), pthread_cond_timed_wait ( ), etc. boost:: condition_variable and boost:: condition_variable_any classes and member functions std:: condition variable and std:: condition_variable any classes and member functions Chapter 4
Atomic operations and concurrency-aware memory model volatile variables, the types in the java.util.concurrent.atomic package N/A N/A std::atomic_xxx types, std: :atomic<> class template, std::atomic_thread_fence ( ) function Chapter 5
Thread-safe containers The containers in the java.util.concurrentpackage N/A N/A N/A Chapters 6 and 7
Futures java.util.concurrent.future interface and associated classes N/A boost :: unique_future<> and boost :: shared_future<> class templates std: : future<>, std::shared_future<> and std::atomic_future<> class templates Chapter 4
Thread pools java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor class N/A N/A N/A Chapter 9
Thread interruption interrupt ( ) method of java.lang.Thread pthread_cancel() interrupt ( ) member function of boost :: thread class N/A Chapter 9
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