Chapter 10. Extension methods

This chapter covers

  • Writing extension methods

  • Calling extension methods

  • Method chaining

  • Extension methods in .NET 3.5

  • Other uses for extension methods

I’m not a fan of inheritance. Or rather, I’m not a fan of a number of places where inheritance has been used in code that I’ve maintained, or class libraries I’ve worked with. As with so many things, it’s powerful when used properly, but it’s got a design overhead to it that is often overlooked and can become painful over time. It’s sometimes used as a way of adding extra behavior and functionality to a class, even when no real information is being added about the object—where nothing is being specialized.

Sometimes that’s appropriate—if objects of the new type should carry around the details of the extra behavior—but often it’s not. Indeed, often it’s just not possible to use inheritance in this way in the first place—if you’re working with a value type, a sealed class, or an interface. The alternative is usually to write a bunch of static methods, most of which take an instance of the type in question as at least one of their parameters. This works fine, without the design penalty of inheritance, but does tend to make code look ugly.

C# 3 introduces the idea of extension methods, which have the benefits of the static methods solution and also improve the readability of code that calls them. They let you call static methods as if they were instance methods of a completely different class. Don’t panic—it’s not as crazy or as arbitrary as it sounds.

In this chapter we’ll first look at how to use extension methods and how to write them. We’ll then examine a few of the extension methods provided by the .NET 3.5 Framework, and see how they can be chained together easily. This chaining ability is an important part of the reason for introducing extension methods to the language in the first place. Finally, we’ll consider some of the pros and cons of using extension methods instead of “plain” static methods.

First, though, let’s have a closer look at why extension methods are sometimes desirable compared with the plain old static methods available in C# 1 and 2, particularly when you create utility classes.

Life before extension methods

You may be getting a sense of déjà vu at this point, because utility classes came up in chapter 7 when we looked at static classes. If you’ve written a lot of C# 2 code by the time you start using C# 3, you should look at your static classes—many of the methods in them may well be good candidates for turning into extension methods. That’s not to say that all existing static classes are a good fit, but you may well recognize the following traits:

  • You want to add some members to a type.

  • You don’t need to add any more data to the instances of the type.

  • You can’t change the type itself, because it’s in someone else’s code.

One slight variation on this is where you want to work with an interface instead of a class, adding useful behavior while only calling methods on the interface. A good example of this is IList<T>. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to sort any (mutable) implementation of IList<T>? It would be horrendous to force all implementations of the interface to implement sorting themselves, but it would be nice from the point of view of the user of the list.

The thing is, IList<T> provides all the building blocks for a completely generic sort routine (several, in fact), but you can’t put that implementation in the interface. IList<T> could have been specified as an abstract class instead, and the sorting functionality included that way, but as C# and .NET have single inheritance of implementation, that would have placed a significant restriction on the types deriving from it. Extension methods would allow us to sort any IList<T> implementation, making it appear as if the list itself provided the functionality.

Life before extension methods

We’ll see later that a lot of the functionality of LINQ is built on extension methods over interfaces. For the moment, though, we’ll use a different type for our examples: System.IO.Stream. The Stream class is the bedrock of binary communications in .NET. Stream itself is an abstract class with several concrete derived classes, such as NetworkStream, FileStream, and MemoryStream. Unfortunately, there are a few pieces of functionality that would have been handy to include in Stream but that just aren’t there.

The “missing features” I come across most often are the ability to read the whole of a stream into memory as a byte array, and the ability to copy[1] the contents of one stream into another. Both of these are frequently implemented badly, making assumptions about streams that just aren’t valid (the most common is that Stream.Read will completely fill the given buffer if the data doesn’t run out first).

It would be nice to have the functionality in a single place, rather than duplicating it in several projects. That’s why I wrote the StreamUtil class in my miscellaneous utility library. The real code contains a fair amount of error checking and other functionality, but listing 10.1 shows a cut-down version that is more than adequate for our needs.

Example 10.1. A simple utility class to provide extra functionality for streams

using System.IO;

public static class StreamUtil
   const int BufferSize = 8192;

   public static void Copy(Stream input,
                           Stream output)
      byte[] buffer = new byte[BufferSize];
      int read;
      while ((read = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
        output.Write(buffer, 0, read);

   public static byte[] ReadFully(Stream input)
      using (MemoryStream tempStream = new MemoryStream())
         Copy(input, tempStream);
         return tempStream.ToArray();

The implementation details don’t matter much, although it’s worth noting that the ReadFully method calls the Copy method—that will be useful to demonstrate a point about extension methods later. The class is easy to use—listing 10.2 shows how we can write a web response to disk, for example.

Example 10.2. Using StreamUtil to copy a web response stream to a file

WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("");
using (WebResponse response = request.GetResponse())
using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
using (FileStream output = File.Create("response.dat"))
   StreamUtil.Copy(responseStream, output);

Listing 10.2 is quite compact, and the StreamUtil class has taken care of looping and asking the response stream for more data until it’s all been received. It’s done its job as a utility class perfectly reasonably. Even so, it doesn’t feel very object-oriented. We’d really like to ask the response stream to copy itself to the output stream, just like the MemoryStream class has a WriteTo method. It’s not a big problem, but it’s just a little ugly as it is.

Inheritance wouldn’t help us in this situation (we want this behavior to be available for all streams, not just ones we’re responsible for) and we can’t go changing the Stream class itself—so what can we do? With C# 2, we were out of options—we had to stick with the static methods and live with the clumsiness. C# 3 allows us to change our static class to expose its members as extension methods, so we can pretend that the methods have been part of Stream all along. Let’s see what changes are required.

Extension method syntax

Extension methods are almost embarrassingly easy to create, and simple to use too. The considerations around when and how to use them are significantly deeper than the difficulties involved in learning how to write them in the first place. Let’s start off by converting our StreamUtil class to have a couple of extension methods.

Declaring extension methods

You can’t use just any method as an extension method—it has to have the following characteristics:

  • It has to be in a non-nested, nongeneric static class (and therefore has to be a static method).

  • It has to have at least one parameter.

  • The first parameter has to be prefixed with the this keyword.

  • The first parameter can’t have any other modifiers (such as out or ref).

  • The type of the first parameter must not be a pointer type.

That’s it—the method can be generic, return a value, have ref/out parameters other than the first one, be implemented with an iterator block, be part of a partial class, use nullable types—anything, as long as the above constraints are met.

We will call the type of the first parameter the extended type of the method. It’s not official specification terminology, but it’s a useful piece of shorthand.

Not only does the previous list provide all the restrictions, but it also gives the details of what you need to do to turn a “normal” static method in a static class into an extension method—just add the this keyword. Listing 10.3 shows the same class as in listing 10.1, but this time with both methods as extension methods.

Example 10.3. The StreamUtil class again, but this time with extension methods

public static class StreamUtil
   const int BufferSize = 8192;

   public static void CopyTo(this Stream input,
                                  Stream output)
      byte[] buffer = new byte[BufferSize];
      int read;
      while ((read = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
         output.Write(buffer, 0, read);

   public static byte[] ReadFully(this Stream input)
      using (MemoryStream tempStream = new MemoryStream())
         CopyTo(input, tempStream);
         return tempStream.ToArray();

Yes, the only big change in listing 10.3 is the addition of the two modifiers, as shown in bold. I’ve also changed the name of the method from Copy to CopyTo. As we’ll see in a minute, that will allow calling code to read more naturally, although it does look slightly strange in the ReadFully method at the moment.

Now, it’s not much use having extension methods if we can’t use them...

Calling extension methods

I’ve mentioned it in passing, but we haven’t yet seen what an extension method actually does. Simply put, it pretends to be an instance method of another type—the type of the first parameter of the method.

The transformation of our example code that uses StreamUtil is as simple as the transformation of the utility class itself. This time, instead of adding something in we’ll take it away. Listing 10.4 is a repeat performance of listing 10.2, but using the “new” syntax to call CopyTo. I say “new,” but it’s really not new at all—it’s the same syntax we’ve always used for calling instance methods.

Example 10.4. Copying a stream using an extension method

WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("");
using (WebResponse response = request.GetResponse())
using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
using (FileStream output = File.Create("response.dat"))

In listing 10.4 it at least looks like we’re asking the response stream to do the copying. It’s still StreamUtil doing the work behind the scenes, but the code reads in a more natural way. In fact, the compiler has converted the CopyTo call into a normal static method call to StreamUtil.CopyTo, passing the value of responseStream as the first argument (followed by output as normal).

Now that you can see the code in question, I hope you can understand why I changed the method name from Copy to CopyTo. Some names work just as well for static methods as instance methods, but you’ll find that others need tweaking to get the maximum readability benefit.

If we want to make the StreamUtil code slightly more pleasant, you can change the line of ReadFully that calls CopyTo like this:


At this point the name change is fully appropriate for all the uses—although there’s nothing to stop you from using the extension method as a normal static method, which is useful when you’re migrating a lot of code.

You may have noticed that there’s nothing in these method calls to indicate that we’re using an extension method instead of a regular instance method of Stream. This can be seen in two ways: it’s a good thing if our aim is to make extension methods blend in as much as possible and cause very little alarm—but it’s a bad thing if you want to be able to immediately see what’s really going on. If you’re using Visual Studio 2008, you can hover over a method call and get an indication in the tooltip when it’s an extension method, as shown in figure 10.1.

Hovering over a method call in Visual Studio 2008 reveals whether or not the method is actually an extension method.

Figure 10.1. Hovering over a method call in Visual Studio 2008 reveals whether or not the method is actually an extension method.

IntelliSense also indicates when it’s offering an extension method, in both the icon for the method and the tooltip when it’s selected. Of course, you don’t want to have to hover over every method call you make or be super-careful with IntelliSense, but most of the time it doesn’t matter whether you’re calling an instance or extension method.

There’s one thing that’s still rather strange about our calling code, though—it doesn’t mention StreamUtil anywhere! How does the compiler know to use the extension method in the first place?

How extension methods are found

It’s important to know how to call extension methods—but it’s also important to know how to not call them—how to not be presented with unwanted options. To achieve that, we need to know how the compiler decides which extension methods to use in the first place.

Extension methods are made available to the code in the same way that classes are made available without qualification—with using directives. When the compiler sees an expression that looks like it’s trying to use an instance method but none of the instance methods are compatible with the method call (if there’s no method with that name, for instance, or no overload matches the arguments given), it then looks for an appropriate extension method. It considers all the extension methods in all the imported namespaces and the current namespaces, and matches ones where there’s an implicit conversion from the expression type to the extended type.


Implementation: How does the compiler spot an extension method in a library? To work out whether or not to use an extension method, the compiler has to be able to tell the difference between an extension method and other methods within a static class that happen to have an appropriate signature. It does this by checking whether System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute has been applied to the method. This attribute is new to .NET 3.5, but the compiler doesn’t check which assembly the attribute comes from. This means that you can still use extension methods even if your project targets .NET 2.0—you just need to define your own attribute with the right name, in the right namespace.

If multiple applicable extension methods are available for different extended types (using implicit conversions), the most appropriate one is chosen with the “better conversion” rules used in overloading. For instance, if IChild inherits from IParent, and there’s an extension method with the same name for both, then the IChild extension method is used in preference to the one on IParent. This is crucial to LINQ, as you’ll see in section 12.2, where we meet the IQueryable<T> interface.

It’s important to note that instance methods are always used before extension methods, but the compiler doesn’t warn of an extension method that matches an existing instance method. If a new version of the framework were to introduce a CopyTo method in Stream that took the same parameters as our extension method, recompiling our code against the new framework would silently change the meaning of the method call. (Indeed, that’s one reason for choosing CopyTo instead of WriteTo—we wouldn’t want the meaning to change depending on whether the compile-time type was Stream or MemoryStream.)

One potential problem with the way that extension methods are made available to code is that it’s very wide-ranging. If there are two classes in the same namespace containing methods with the same extended type, there’s no way of only using the extension methods from one of the classes. Likewise, there’s no way of importing a namespace for the sake of making types available using only their simple names, but without making the extension methods within that namespace available at the same time. I recommend using a namespace that solely contains static classes with extension methods to mitigate this problem.

There’s one aspect of extension methods that can be quite surprising when you first encounter it but is also useful in some situations. It’s all about null references—let’s take a look.

Calling a method on a null reference

I’d be amazed if I ever encountered anyone who’d done a significant amount of .NET programming without seeing a NullReferenceException due to calling a method with a variable whose value turned out to be a null reference. You can’t call instance methods on null references in C# (although IL itself supports it for nonvirtual calls)—but you can call extension methods with a null reference. This is demonstrated by listing 10.5. Note that this isn’t a snippet since nested classes can’t contain extension methods.

Example 10.5. Extension method being called on a null reference

using System;
public static class NullUtil
   public static bool IsNull(this object x)
      return x==null;

public class Test
   static void Main()
      object y = null;
      y = new object();

The output of listing 10.5 is “True” then “False”—if IsNull had been a normal instance method, an exception would have been thrown in the second line of Main. Instead, IsNull was called with null as the argument. Prior to the advent of extension methods, C# had no way of letting you write the more readable y.IsNull() form safely, requiring NullUtil.IsNull(y) instead. There’s one particularly obvious example in the framework where this could be useful: string.IsNullOrEmpty. C# 3 allows you to write an extension method that has the same signature (other than the “extra” parameter for the extended type) as an existing static method on the extended type. To save you reading through that sentence several times, here’s an example—even though the string class has a static, parameterless method IsNullOrEmpty, you can still create and use the following extension method:

public static bool IsNullOrEmpty(this string text)
   return string.IsNullOrEmpty(text);

At first it seems odd to be able to call IsNullOrEmpty on a variable that is null without an exception being thrown, particularly if you’re familiar with it as a static method from.NET 2.0. In my view, code using the extension method is more easily understandable. For instance, if you read the expression if (name.IsNullOrEmpty()) out loud, it says exactly what it’s doing. As always, experiment to see what works for you—but be aware of the possibility of other people using this technique if you’re debugging code. Don’t be certain that an exception will be thrown on a method call unless you’re sure it’s not an extension method! Also note that you should think carefully before reusing an existing name for an extension method—the previous extension method could confuse readers who are only familiar with the static method from the framework.

Now that we know the syntax and behavior of extension methods, we can have a look at some examples of them, which are provided in .NET 3.5 as part of the framework.

Extension methods in .NET 3.5

The biggest use of extension methods in .NET 3.5 is in LINQ. Some LINQ providers have a few extension methods to help them along, but there are two classes that stand out, both of them appearing in the System.Linq namespace: Enumerable and Queryable. These contain many, many extension methods: most of the ones in Enumerable operate on IEnumerable<T> and most of those in Queryable operate on IQueryable<T>. We’ll see the purpose of IQueryable<T> in chapter 12, but for the moment let’s concentrate on Enumerable.

First steps with Enumerable

Even just looking at Enumerable, we’re getting very close to LINQ now. Indeed, a lot of the time you don’t need full-blown query expressions to solve a problem. Enumerable has a lot of methods in it, and the purpose of this section isn’t to cover all of them but to give you enough of a feel for them to let you go off and experiment. It’s a real joy to just play with everything available in Enumerable—although this time it’s definitely worth firing up Visual Studio 2008 for your experiments (rather than using Snippy) as IntelliSense is handy for this kind of activity.

All the complete examples in this section deal with a simple situation: we start off with a collection of integers and transform it in various ways. Obviously real-life situations are likely to be somewhat more complicated, usually dealing with business-related types. At the end of this section, I’ll present a couple of examples of just the transformation side of things applied to possible business situations, with full source code available on the book’s website—but that’s harder to play with than a straightforward collection of numbers. It’s worth considering some recent projects you’ve been working on as we go, however—see if you can think of situations where you could have made your code simpler or more readable by using the kind of operations described here.

There are a few methods in Enumerable that aren’t extension methods, and we’ll use one of them in the examples for the rest of the chapter. The Range method takes two int parameters: a number to start with, and how many results to yield. The result is an IEnumerable<int>, which simply returns one number at a time in the obvious way. This isn’t as flexible as the Range<T> type we built in chapter 6, but it’s still handy for this sort of quick testing. If you’ve downloaded or typed in Range<T>, you can experiment with types other than int—all the extension methods presented here work with any IEnumerable<T>.

To demonstrate the Range method and give us a framework to play with, let’s just print out the numbers 0 to 9, as shown in listing 10.6. To keep the examples short, I’ve stuck with the “snippet” format even though you’ll probably want to play with this in Visual Studio.

Example 10.6. Using Enumerable.Range to print out the numbers 0 to 9

var collection = Enumerable.Range(0, 10);

foreach (var element in collection)

There are no extension methods called in listing 10.6, just a plain static method. And yes, it really does just print the numbers 0 to 9—I never claimed this code would set the world on fire.


Deferred execution—The Range method doesn’t build a list with the appropriate numbers—it just yields them at the appropriate time. In other words, constructing the enumerable instance doesn’t do the bulk of the work—it just gets things ready, so that the data can be provided in a “just-in-time” fashion at the appropriate point. This is called deferred execution and is a crucial part of LINQ. We’ll learn much more about this in the next chapter.

Pretty much the simplest thing we can do with a sequence of numbers (which is already in order) is to reverse it. Listing 10.7 uses the Reverse extension method to do this—it returns an IEnumerable<T> that yields the same elements as the original sequence but in the reverse order.

Example 10.7. Reversing a collection with the Reverse method

var collection = Enumerable.Range(0, 10)

foreach (var element in collection)

Predictably enough, this prints out 9, then 8, then 7, and so on right down to 0. We’ve called Reverse (seemingly) on an IEnumerable<int> and the same type has been returned. This pattern of returning one enumerable based on another is pervasive in the Enumerable class.


Efficiency: buffering vs. streaming—The extension methods provided by the framework try very hard to “stream” or “pipe” data wherever possible—when an iterator is asked for its next element, it will often take an element off the iterator it’s chained to, process that element, and then return something appropriate, preferably without using any more storage itself. Simple transformations and filters can do this very easily, and it’s a really powerful way of efficiently processing data where it’s possible—but some operations such as reversing the order, or sorting, require all the data to be available, so it’s all loaded into memory for bulk processing. The difference between this buffered approach and piping is similar to the difference between reading data by loading a whole DataSet versus using a DataReader to process one record at a time. It’s important to consider what’s required when using LINQ—a single method call can have significant performance implications.

Let’s do something a little more adventurous now—we’ll use a lambda expression to remove the even numbers.

Filtering with Where, and chaining method calls together

The Where extension method is a simple but powerful way of filtering collections: it accepts a predicate, which it applies to each of the elements of the original collection. Again, it returns an IEnumerable<T>, and this time any element that matches the predicate is included in the resulting collection. Listing 10.8 demonstrates this, applying the odd/even filter to the collection of integers before reversing it. We don’t have to use a lambda expression here—for instance, we could use a delegate we’d created earlier, or an anonymous method. In this case (and in many other real-life situations), it’s simple to put the filtering logic inline, and lambda expressions keep the code concise.

Example 10.8. Using the Where method with a lambda expression to keep odd numbers only

var collection = Enumerable.Range(0, 10)
                           .Where(x => x%2 != 0)

foreach (var element in collection)

Listing 10.8 prints out the numbers 9, 7, 5, 3, and 1. Hopefully you’ll have noticed a pattern forming—we’re chaining the method calls together. The chaining idea itself isn’t new. For example, StringBuilder.Append always returns the instance you call it on, allowing code like this:


That’s fine for instance methods, but extension methods allow static method calls to be chained together. This is one of the primary reasons for extension methods existing. They’re useful for other utility classes, but their true power is revealed in this ability to chain static methods in a natural way. That’s why extension methods primarily show up in Enumerable and Queryable in .NET 3.5: LINQ is geared toward this approach to data processing, with information traveling through pipelines constructed of individual operations chained together.


Efficiency consideration: reordering method calls to avoid waste—I’m certainly not a fan of micro-optimization without good cause, but it’s worth looking at the ordering of the method calls in listing 10.8. We could have added the Where call after the Reverse call and achieved the same results. However, that would have wasted some effort—the Reverse call would have had to work out where the even numbers should come in the sequence even though they will be discarded from the final result. In this case it’s not going to make much difference, but it can have a significant effect on performance: if you can reduce the amount of wasted work without compromising readability, that’s a good thing. That doesn’t mean you should always put filters at the start of the pipeline, however; you need to think carefully about any reordering to make sure you’ll still get the correct results.

There are two obvious ways of writing the first part of listing 10.8 without using the fact that Reverse and Where are extension methods. One is to use a temporary variable, which keeps the structure intact:

var collection = Enumerable.Range(0, 10);
collection     = Enumerable.Where(collection, x => x%2 != 0)
collection     = Enumerable.Reverse(collection);

I hope you’ll agree that the meaning of the code is far less clear here than in listing 10.8. It gets even worse with the other option, which is to keep the “single statement” style:

var collection = Enumerable.Reverse
                       (Enumerable.Range(0, 10),
                          x => x%2 != 0));

The method call order appears to be reversed, because the innermost method call (Range) will be performed first, then the others, with execution working its way outward.

Let’s get back to our nice clean syntax but introduce another wrinkle—we’ll transform (or project) each element in our original collection, creating an anonymous type for the result.

Projections using the Select method and anonymous types

The most important projection method in Enumerable is Select—it operates on an IEnumerable<TSource> and projects it into an IEnumerable<TResult> by way of a Func<TSource,TResult>, which is the transformation to use on each element, specified as a delegate. It’s very like the ConvertAll method in List<T>, but operating on any enumerable collection and using deferred execution to perform the projection only as each element is requested.

When I introduced anonymous types, I said they were useful with lambda expressions and LINQ—well, here’s an example of the kind of thing you can do with them. We’ve currently got the odd numbers between 0 and 9 (in reverse order)—let’s create a type that encapsulates the square root of the number as well as the original number. Listing 10.9 shows both the projection and a slightly modified way of writing out the results. I’ve adjusted the whitespace solely for the sake of space on the printed page.

Example 10.9. Projection using a lambda expression and an anonymous type

var collection = Enumerable.Range(0, 10)
      .Where(x => x%2 != 0)
      .Select(x => new { Original=x, SquareRoot=Math.Sqrt(x) } );

foreach (var element in collection)

This time the type of collection isn’t IEnumerable<int>—it’s IEnumerable<Something>, where Something is the anonymous type created by the compiler. We can’t explicitly type the collection variable except as either the nongeneric IEnumerable type or object. Implicit typing is what allows us to use the Original and SquareRoot properties when writing out the results. The output of listing 10.9 is as follows:


Of course, a Select method doesn’t have to use an anonymous type at all—we could have selected just the square root of the number, discarding the original. In that case the result would have been IEnumerable<double>. Alternatively, we could have manually written a type to encapsulate an integer and its square root—it was just easiest to use an anonymous type in this case.

Let’s look at one last method to round off our coverage of Enumerable for the moment: OrderBy.

Sorting using the OrderBy method

Sorting data is a common requirement when processing data, and in LINQ this is usually performed using the OrderBy or OrderByDescending methods, sometimes followed by ThenBy or ThenByDescending if you need to sort by more than one property of the data. This ability to sort on multiple properties has always been available the hard way using a complicated comparison, but it’s much clearer to be able to present a series of simple comparisons.

To demonstrate this, I’m going to change the operations we’ll use a bit. We’ll start off with the integers –5 to 5 (inclusive—11 elements in total), and then project to an anonymous type containing the original number and its square (rather than square root). Finally, we’ll sort by the square and then the original number. Listing 10.10 shows all of this.

Example 10.10. Ordering a sequence by two properties

var collection = Enumerable.Range(-5, 11)
      .Select(x => new { Original=x, Square=x*x })
      .OrderBy(x => x.Square)
      .ThenBy(x => x.Original);

foreach (var element in collection)

Notice how aside from the call to Enumerable.Range (which isn’t as clear as using our own Range<T> class) the code reads almost exactly like the textual description. This time I’ve decided to let the anonymous type’s ToString implementation do the formatting, and here are the results:

{ Original = 0, Square = 0 }
{ Original = -1, Square = 1 }
{ Original = 1, Square = 1 }
{ Original = -2, Square = 4 }
{ Original = 2, Square = 4 }
{ Original = -3, Square = 9 }
{ Original = 3, Square = 9 }
{ Original = -4, Square = 16 }
{ Original = 4, Square = 16 }
{ Original = -5, Square = 25 }
{ Original = 5, Square = 25 }

As intended, the “main” sorting property is Square—but for two values that both have the same square, the negative original number is always sorted before the positive one. Writing a single comparison to do the same kind of thing (in a general case—there are mathematical tricks to cope with this particular example) would have been significantly more complicated, to the extent that you wouldn’t want to include the code “inline” in the lambda expression.

We’ve seen just a few of the many extension methods available in Enumerable, but hopefully you can appreciate how neatly they can be chained together. In the next chapter we’ll see how this can be expressed in a different way using extra syntax provided by C# 3 (query expressions)—as well as some other operations we haven’t covered here. It’s worth remembering that you don’t have to use query expressions, though—often it can be simpler to make a couple of calls to methods in Enumerable, using extension methods to chain operations together.

Now that we’ve seen how all these apply to our “collection of numbers” example, it’s time for me to make good on the promise of some more business-related situations.

Business examples involving chaining

Much of what we do as developers involves moving data around. In fact, for many applications that’s the only meaningful thing we do—the user interface, web services, database, and other components often exist solely to get data from one place to another, or from one form into another. It should be of no surprise that the extension methods we’ve looked at in this section are well suited to many business problems. I’ll just give a couple of examples, as I’m sure you’ll be able to take them as a springboard into thinking about your business requirements and how C# 3 and the Enumerable class can help you solve problems more expressively than before. For each example I’ll only include a sample query—it should be enough to understand the purpose of the code, but without all the baggage. Full working code is on the book’s website.

Aggregation: Summing Salaries

The first example involves a company comprised of several departments. Each department has a number of employees, each of whom has a salary. Suppose we want to report on total salary cost by department, with the most expensive department first. The query is simply

       .Select(dept => new
                 Cost=dept.Employees.Sum (person => person.Salary)
       .OrderByDescending (deptWithCost => deptWithCost.Cost);

This query uses an anonymous type to keep the department name (using a projection initializer) and the sum of the salaries of all the employees within that department. The salary summation uses a self-explanatory Sum extension method, again part of Enumerable. In the result, the department name and total salary can be retrieved as properties. If you wanted the original department reference, you’d just need to change the anonymous type used in the Select method.

Grouping: Counting Bugs Assigned to Developers

If you’re a professional developer, I’m sure you’ve seen many project management tools giving you different metrics. If you have access to the raw data, LINQ can help you transform it in practically any way you choose. As a simple example, we could look at a list of developers and how many bugs they have assigned to them at the moment:

bugs.GroupBy(bug => bug.AssignedTo)
    .Select(list => new { Developer=list.Key, Count=list.Count() })
    .OrderByDescending (x => x.Count);

This query uses the GroupBy extension method, which groups the original collection by a projection (the developer assigned to fix the bug in this case), resulting in an IGrouping<TKey,TElement>. There are many overloads of GroupBy, but I’ve used the simplest one here and then selected just the key (the name of the developer) and the number of bugs assigned to them. After that we’ve just ordered the result to show the developers with the most bugs first.

One of the problems when looking at the Enumerable class can be working out exactly what’s going on—one of the overloads of GroupBy has four type parameters and five “normal” parameters (three of which are delegates), for instance. Don’t panic, though—just follow the steps shown in chapter 3, assigning different types to different type parameters until you’ve got a concrete example of what the method would look like. That usually makes it a lot easier to understand what’s going on.

We’ll use the example of defect tracking as our sample data when we look at query expressions in the next chapter.

These examples aren’t particularly involved ones, but I hope you can see the power of chaining method calls together, where each method takes an original collection and returns another one in some form or other, whether by filtering out some values, ordering them, transforming each element, aggregating some values, or many other options. In many cases, the resulting code can be read aloud and understood immediately—and in other situations it’s still usually a lot simpler than the equivalent code would have been in previous versions of C#.

Now that we’ve seen some of the extension methods provided for us, we’ll consider just how and when it makes sense for you to write them yourself.

Usage ideas and guidelines

Like implicit typing of local variables, extension methods are controversial. It would be hard to claim that they make the overall aim of the code harder to understand in many cases, but at the same time they do obscure the details of what method is getting called. In the words of one of the lecturers at my university, “I’m hiding the truth in order to show you a bigger truth”—if you believe that the most important aspect of the code is its result, extension methods are great. If the implementation is more important to you, then explicitly calling a static method is clearer. Effectively, it’s the difference between the “what” and the “how.”

We’ve already looked at using extension methods for utility classes and method chaining, but before we discuss the pros and cons further, it’s worth calling out a couple of aspects of this that may not be obvious.

“Extending the world” and making interfaces richer

Wes Dyer, a former developer on the C# compiler team, has a fantastic blog[2] covering all kinds of subject matter. One of his posts about extension methods[3] particularly caught my attention. It’s called “Extending the World,” and it talks about how extension methods can make code easier to read by effectively adapting your environment to your needs:

Typically for a given problem, a programmer is accustomed to building up a solution until it finally meets the requirements. Now, it is possible to extend the world to meet the solution instead of solely just building up until we get to it. That library doesn’t provide what you need, just extend the library to meet your needs.

This has implications beyond situations where you’d use a utility class. Typically developers only start creating utility classes when they’ve seen the same kind of code reproduced in dozens of places—but extending a library is about clarity of expression as much as avoiding duplication. Extension methods can make the calling code feel like the library is richer than it really is.

We’ve already seen this with IEnumerable<T>, where even the simplest implementation appears to have a wide set of operations available, such as sorting, grouping, projection, and filtering. Of course, the benefits aren’t limited to interfaces—you can also “extend the world” with enums, abstract classes, and so forth.

The .NET Framework also provides a good example of another use for extension methods: fluent interfaces.

Fluent interfaces

There used to be a television program in the United Kingdom called Catchphrase. The idea was that contestants would watch a screen where an animation would show some cryptic version of a phrase or saying, which they’d have to guess. The host would often try to help by instructing them: “Say what you see.” That’s pretty much the idea behind fluent interfaces—that if you read the code verbatim, its purpose will leap off the screen as if it were written in a natural human language. The term was originally coined by Martin Fowler[4] and Eric Evans. If you’re familiar with domain specific languages (DSLs), you may be wondering what the differences are between a fluent interface and a DSL. A lot has been written on the subject, but the consensus seems to be that a DSL has more freedom to create its own syntax and grammar, whereas a fluent interface is constrained by the “host” language (C# in our case).

A good example of a fluent interface in the framework is the OrderBy and ThenBy methods: with a bit of interpretation of lambda expressions, the code explains exactly what it does. In the case of our numbers example earlier, we could read “order by the square, then by the original number” without much work. Statements end up reading as whole sentences rather than just individual noun-verb phrases.

Writing fluent interfaces can require a change of mind-set. Method names defy the normal “descriptive verb” form, with “And,” “Then,” and “If” sometimes being suitable methods in a fluent interface. The methods themselves often do little more than setting up context for future calls, often returning a type whose sole purpose is to act as a bridge between calls. Figure 10.2 gives an example of how this “bridging” works. It only uses two extension methods (on int and TimeSpan), but they make all the difference to the readability.

Pulling apart a fluent interface expression to create a meeting. The time of the meeting is specified using extension methods to create a TimeSpan from an int, and a DateTime from a TimeSpan.

Figure 10.2. Pulling apart a fluent interface expression to create a meeting. The time of the meeting is specified using extension methods to create a TimeSpan from an int, and a DateTime from a TimeSpan.

The grammar of the example in figure 10.2 could have many different forms: you may be able to add additional attendees to an UntimedMeeting, or create an UnattendedMeeting at a particular time before specifying the attendees, for instance. Anders Norås has a full example on his blog[5] that can be a useful starting point when you’re planning a fluent interface.

C# 3 only supports extension methods rather than extension properties, which restricts fluent interfaces slightly—it means we can’t have expressions such as or 2.days + 10.hours (which are both valid in Groovy with an appropriate package[6]) but with a few superfluous parentheses we can have achieve similar results. At first it looks odd to call a method on a number (such as 2.Dollars() or 3.Meters ()), but it’s hard to deny that the meaning is clear. Without extension methods, this sort of clarity simply isn’t possible when you need to act on types like numbers that aren’t under your control.

At the time of this writing, the development community is still on the fence about fluent interfaces: they’re relatively rare in most fields, although many mocking libraries used for unit testing have at least some fluent aspects. They’re certainly not universally applicable, but in the right situations they can radically transform the readability of the calling code.

These aren’t the only uses available for extension methods, of course—you may well discover something new and wonderful that makes the world a generally better place using extension methods. I constantly find it amazing how such a simple little feature can have such a profound impact on readability when used appropriately. The key word there is “appropriately.”

Using extension methods sensibly

I’m in no position to dictate how you write your code. It may be possible to write tests to objectively measure readability for an “average” developer, but it only matters for those who are going to use and maintain your code. So, you need to consult with the relevant people as far as you can: this depends on your type of project and its audience, of course, but it’s nice to present different options and get appropriate feedback. Extension methods make this particularly easy in many cases, as you can demonstrate both options in working code simultaneously—turning a method into an extension method doesn’t stop you from calling it explicitly in the same way as before.

The main question to ask is the one I referred to at the start of this section: is the “what does it do” of the code more important than the “how does it do it?” That varies by person and situation, but here are some guidelines to bear in mind:

  • Everyone on the development team should be aware of extension methods and where they might be used. Where possible, avoid surprising code maintainers.

  • By putting extensions in their own namespace, you make it hard to use them accidentally. Even if it’s not obvious when reading the code, the developer writing it should at least be aware of what she’s doing. Use a projectwide or companywide convention for naming the namespace. You may choose to take this one step further and use a single namespace for each extended type. For instance, you could create a TypeExtensions namespace for classes that extend System.Type.

  • The decision to write an extension method should always be a conscious one. It shouldn’t become habitual—certainly not every static method deserves to be an extension method.

  • An extension method is reasonably valid if it’s applicable to all instances of the extended type. If it’s only appropriate in certain situations, I’d make it clear that the method is not part of the type by leaving it as a “normal” static method.

  • Document whether or not the first parameter (the value your method appears to be called on) is allowed to be null—if it’s not, check the value in the method and throw an exception if necessary.

  • Be careful not to use a method name that already has a meaning in the extended type. If the extended type is a framework type or comes from a third-party library, check all your extended method names whenever you change versions of the library.

  • Question your instincts, but acknowledge that they affect your productivity. Just like with implicit typing, there’s little point in forcing yourself to use a feature you instinctively dislike.

  • Try to group extension methods into static classes dealing with the same extended type. Sometimes related classes (such as DateTime and TimeSpan) can be sensibly grouped together, but avoid grouping extension methods targeting disparate types such as Stream and string within the same class.

  • Think really carefully before adding extension methods with the same extended type and same name in two different namespaces, particularly if there are situations where the different methods may both be applicable (they have the same number of parameters). It’s reasonable for adding or removing a using directive to make a program fail to build, but it’s nasty if it still builds but changes the behavior.

Few of these guidelines are particularly clear-cut—to some extent you’ll have to feel your own way to the best use or avoidance of extension methods. It’s perfectly reasonable to never write your own extension methods at all but still use the LINQ-related ones for the readability gains available there. It’s worth at least thinking about what’s possible, though.


The mechanical aspect of extension methods is straightforward—it’s a simple feature to describe and demonstrate. The benefits (and costs) of them are harder to talk about in a definitive manner—it’s a touchy-feely topic, and different people are bound to have different views on the value provided.

In this chapter I’ve tried to show a bit of everything—early on we looked at what the feature achieves in the language, before we saw some of the capabilities available through the framework. In some ways, this was a relatively gentle introduction to LINQ: we’ll be revisiting some of the extension methods we’ve seen so far when we delve into query expressions in the next chapter, as well as seeing some new ones.

A wide variety of methods are available within the Enumerable class, and we’ve only scratched the surface. An exhaustive description with examples of all the methods would take most of a book on its own, and it’d become rather dull. It’s much more interesting to come up with a scenario of your own devising (whether hypothetical or in a real project) and browse through MSDN to see what’s available to help you. I urge you to use a sandbox project of some description to play with the extension methods provided—it does feel like play rather than work, and you’re unlikely to want to constrain yourself to just looking at what you need to achieve your most immediate goal. The appendix has a list of the standard query operators from LINQ, which covers many of the methods within Enumerable.

New patterns and practices keep emerging in software engineering, and ideas from some systems often cross-pollinate to others. That’s one of the things that keeps development exciting. Extension methods allow code to be written in a way which was previously unavailable in C#, creating fluent interfaces and changing the environment to suit our code rather than the other way around. Those are just the techniques we’ve looked at in this chapter—there are bound to be interesting future developments using the new C# features, whether individually or combined.

The revolution obviously doesn’t end here, however. For a few calls, extension methods are fine. In our next chapter we look at the real power tools: query expressions and full-blown LINQ.

[1] Due to the nature of streams, this “copying” doesn’t necessarily duplicate the data—it just reads it from one stream and writes it to another. Although “copy” isn’t a strictly accurate term in this sense, the difference is usually irrelevant.

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