First and foremost, I’d like to thank Timothy Green and McGraw-Hill Professional for making this all happen. Saying Tim is a busy man is somewhat akin to mentioning Mount Everest is kind of tall, and getting a hold of him sometimes means scheduling a midnight satellite link during the first quarter of the vernal equinox, so it was a true pleasure to hear his voice asking me to write another book. CEH, and the field it covers, is a passion of mine, and I can’t thank Tim and company enough for giving me this opportunity. I’ve tried with all that’s in me to provide something they can be proud of. I hope we’ve succeeded.

Speaking of the McGraw-Hill team, I can’t begin to continue without mentioning my utmost appreciation for, and undying gratitude to, Stephanie Evans—my editing consultant, acquisition coordinator, feng shui guide, and taskmaster throughout the entire process. Writing a book is sometimes a manic-depressive, bipolar enterprise—one day you’re excited and thrilled with the process (eager to see things through and happy with the prospect of nose to the grindstone, knowing you’re putting out a good product that’s going to help people) and the next you’re sick of looking at computer screens and formatting text, praying for an end to the madness. To make it through something like that, you have to have someone to provide encouragement when you’re down, instruction for questions along the way, and of course to beat you with a rubber hose to keep you on schedule.

Stephanie was a guiding light throughout the entire process, and one of the reasons I made it through. I could probably cobble together a pretty darned good book from our e-mail conversations along the path alone, but suffice it to say she did a great job. She’s incredibly talented, intelligent, funny, and one heck of a writer. Just don’t go sailing with her….

I also need to provide a special note of thanks to our technical editor, Brad Horton. I’ve known Brad since 2005, when we both served time in “the vault” at Marshall Space Flight Center, and I am truly blessed to call him friend. Brad is, without doubt, the singularly most talented technical mind I have ever met in my life. He is a loving husband to his beautiful wife, a great father to his son, one-of-a-kind pen tester, a fantastic team lead, and even plays the piano and other musical instruments like a pro. I hate him.

This book simply could not have been possible without Brad. His insights as a pentest lead for the past few years were laser sharp, and provided great fodder for more discussion. Want proof he’s one of the best? I’d be willing to bet none of you reading this book have ever actually relished a full critique of your work. But I do. Brad’s edits are simultaneously witty, humorous, and cutting to the core. If someone had bet me four or five years ago that I’d not only enjoy reading critiques of my work, but would be looking forward to them, I would be paying off in spades today. You’re one of the absolute bests, my friend... for a government worker, anyway.

Finally, there is no way this book could have been started, much less completed, without the support of my lovely and talented wife, Angie. In addition to the unending encouragement throughout the entire process, Angie was the greatest contributing editor I could have ever asked for. Having someone as talented and intelligent as her sitting close by to run things past, or ask for a review on, was priceless. Not to mention she’s adorable. Her insights, help, encouragement, and work while this project was ongoing sealed the deal. I can’t thank her enough.

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