Security Operations

This chapter presents the following:

•  Operations department responsibilities

•  Administrative management responsibilities

•  Assurance levels

•  Configuration management

•  Physical security

•  Secure resource provisioning

•  Network and resource availability

•  Preventative measures

•  Patch management

•  Incident management

•  Recovery strategies

•  Disaster recovery

•  Business continuity planning and exercises

•  Liability

•  Investigations

•  Personal safety concerns

There are two types of companies in the world: those that know they’ve been hacked, and those that don’t.

–Misha Glenny

Security operations pertains to everything that takes place to keep networks, computer systems, applications, and environments up and running in a secure and protected manner. It consists of ensuring that people, applications, and servers have the proper access privileges to only the resources to which they are entitled and that oversight is implemented via monitoring, auditing, and reporting controls. Operations take place after the network is developed and implemented. This includes the continual maintenance of an environment and the activities that should take place on a day-to-day or week-to-week basis. These activities are routine in nature and enable the network and individual computer systems to continue running correctly and securely.

Networks and computing environments are evolving entities; just because they are secure one week does not mean they are still secure three weeks later. Many companies pay security consultants to come in and advise them on how to improve their infrastructure, policies, and procedures. A company can then spend thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to implement the consultant’s suggestions and install properly configured firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDSs), antivirus software, and patch management systems. However, if the IDS and antivirus software do not continually have updated signatures, if the systems are not continually patched and monitored, if firewalls and devices are not tested for vulnerabilities, or if new software is added to the network and not added to the operations plan, then the company can easily slip back into an insecure and dangerous place. This can happen if the company does not keep its operational security tasks up-to-date.

Even if you take great care to ensure you are watching your perimeters (both virtual and physical) and ensuring that you provision new services and retire unneeded ones in a secure manner, odds are that some threat source will be able to compromise your information systems. What then? Security operations also involves the detection, containment, eradication, and recovery that is required to ensure the continuity of business operations. It may also require addressing liability and compliance issues. In short, security operations encompasses all the activities required to ensure the security of information systems. It is the culmination of most of what we’ve discussed in the book thus far.

Most of the necessary operational security issues have been addressed in earlier chapters. They were integrated with related topics and not necessarily pointed out as actual operational security issues. So instead of repeating what has already been stated, this chapter reviews and points out the operational security topics that are important for organizations and CISSP candidates.

The Role of the Operations Department

The continual effort to make sure the correct policies, procedures, standards, and guidelines are in place and being followed is an important piece of the due care and due diligence efforts that companies need to perform. Due care and due diligence are comparable to the “prudent person” concept. A prudent person is seen as responsible, careful, cautious, and practical, and a company practicing due care and due diligence is seen in the same light. The right steps need to be taken to achieve the necessary level of security, while balancing ease of use, compliance with regulatory requirements, and cost constraints. It takes continued effort and discipline to retain the proper level of security. Security operations is all about ensuring that people, applications, equipment, and the overall environment are properly and adequately secured.

Although operational security is the practice of continual maintenance to keep an environment running at a necessary security level, liability and legal responsibilities also exist when performing these tasks. Companies, and senior executives at those companies, often have legal obligations to ensure that resources are protected, safety measures are in place, and security mechanisms are tested to guarantee they are actually providing the necessary level of protection. If these operational security responsibilities are not fulfilled, the company may have more than attackers to be concerned about.

An organization must consider many threats, including disclosure of confidential data, theft of assets, corruption of data, interruption of services, and destruction of the physical or logical environment. It is important to identify systems and operations that are sensitive (meaning they need to be protected from disclosure) and critical (meaning they must remain available at all times). These issues exist within a context of legal, regulatory, and ethical responsibilities of companies when it comes to security.

It is also important to note that while organizations have a significant portion of their operations activities tied to computing resources, they may also rely on physical resources to make things work, including paper documents and data stored on microfilm, tapes, and other removable media. A large part of operational security includes ensuring that the physical and environmental concerns are adequately addressed, such as temperature and humidity controls, media reuse, disposal, and destruction of media containing sensitive information.

Overall, operational security is about configuration, performance, fault tolerance, security, and accounting and verification management to ensure that proper standards of operations and compliance requirements are met.

Administrative Management

Administrative management is a very important piece of operational security. One aspect of administrative management is dealing with personnel issues. This includes separation of duties and job rotation. The objective of separation of duties is to ensure that one person acting alone cannot compromise the company’s security in any way. High-risk activities should be broken up into different parts and distributed to different individuals or departments. That way, the company does not need to put a dangerously high level of trust in certain individuals. For fraud to take place, collusion would need to be committed, meaning more than one person would have to be involved in the fraudulent activity. Separation of duties, therefore, is a preventive measure that requires collusion to occur in order for someone to commit an act that is against policy.

Table 7-1 shows many of the common roles within organizations and their corresponding job definitions. Each role needs to have a completed and well-defined job description. Security personnel should use these job descriptions when assigning access rights and permissions in order to ensure that individuals have access only to those resources needed to carry out their tasks.


Table 7-1    Roles and Associated Tasks

Table 7-1 contains just a few roles with a few tasks per role. Organizations should create a complete list of roles used within their environment, with each role’s associated tasks and responsibilities. This should then be used by data owners and security personnel when determining who should have access to specific resources and the type of access.

Separation of duties helps prevent mistakes and minimize conflicts of interest that can take place if one person is performing a task from beginning to end. For instance, a programmer should not be the only one to test her own code. Another person with a different job and agenda should perform functionality and integrity testing on the programmer’s code, because the programmer may have a focused view of what the program is supposed to accomplish and thus may test only certain functions and input values, and only in certain environments.

Another example of separation of duties is the difference between the functions of a computer user and the functions of a security administrator. There must be clear-cut lines drawn between system administrator duties and computer user duties. These will vary from environment to environment and will depend on the level of security required within the environment. System and security administrators usually have the responsibility of performing backups and recovery procedures, setting permissions, adding and removing users, and developing user profiles. The computer user, on the other hand, may be allowed to install software, set an initial password, alter desktop configurations, and modify certain system parameters. The user should not be able to modify her own security profile, add and remove users globally, or make critical access decisions pertaining to network resources. This would breach the concept of separation of duties.

Job rotation means that, over time, more than one person fulfills the tasks of one position within the company. This enables the company to have more than one person who understands the tasks and responsibilities of a specific job title, which provides backup and redundancy if a person leaves the company or is absent. Job rotation also helps identify fraudulent activities, and therefore can be considered a detective type of control. If Keith has performed David’s position, Keith knows the regular tasks and routines that must be completed to fulfill the responsibilities of that job. Thus, Keith is better able to identify whether David does something out of the ordinary and suspicious.

Least privilege and need to know are also administrative-type controls that should be implemented in an operations environment. Least privilege means an individual should have just enough permissions and rights to fulfill his role in the company and no more. If an individual has excessive permissions and rights, it could open the door to abuse of access and put the company at more risk than is necessary. For example, if Dusty is a technical writer for a company, he does not necessarily need to have access to the company’s source code. So, the mechanisms that control Dusty’s access to resources should not let him access source code. This would properly fulfill operational security controls that are in place to protect resources.

Least privilege and need to know have a symbiotic relationship. Each user should have a need to know about the resources that she is allowed to access. If Mikela does not have a need to know how much the company paid last year in taxes, then her system rights should not include access to these files, which would be an example of exercising least privilege. The use of new identity management software that combines traditional directories; access control systems; and user provisioning within servers, applications, and systems is becoming the norm within organizations. This software provides the capabilities to ensure that only specific access privileges are granted to specific users, and it often includes advanced audit functions that can be used to verify compliance with legal and regulatory directives.

A user’s access rights may be a combination of the least-privilege attribute, the user’s security clearance, the user’s need to know, the sensitivity level of the resource, and the mode in which the computer operates. A system can operate in different modes depending on the sensitivity of the data being processed, the clearance level of the users, and what those users are authorized to do. The security modes of operation describe the conditions under which the system actually functions. These are clearly defined in Chapter 5.

Mandatory vacations are another type of administrative control, though the name may sound a bit odd at first. Chapter 1 touched on reasons to make sure employees take their vacations. Reasons include being able to identify fraudulent activities and enabling job rotation to take place. If an accounting employee has been performing a salami attack by shaving off pennies from multiple accounts and putting the money into his own account, a company would have a better chance of figuring this out if that employee is required to take a vacation for a week or longer. When the employee is on vacation, another employee has to fill in. She might uncover questionable documents and clues of previous activities, or the company may see a change in certain patterns once the employee who is committing fraud is gone for a week or two.

It is best for auditing purposes if the employee takes two contiguous weeks off from work to allow more time for fraudulent evidence to appear. Again, the idea behind mandatory vacations is that, traditionally, those employees who have committed fraud are usually the ones who have resisted going on vacation because of their fear of being found out while away.

Security and Network Personnel

The security administrator should not report to the network administrator because their responsibilities have different focuses. The network administrator is under pressure to ensure high availability and performance of the network and resources and to provide the users with the functionality they request. But many times this focus on performance and user functionality is at the cost of security. Security mechanisms commonly decrease performance in either processing or network transmission because there is more involved: content filtering, virus scanning, intrusion detection prevention, anomaly detection, and so on. Since these are not the areas of focus and responsibility of many network administrators, a conflict of interest could arise. The security administrator should be within a different chain of command from that of the network personnel to ensure that security is not ignored or assigned a lower priority.

The following list lays out tasks that should be carried out by the security administrator, not the network administrator:

•  Implements and maintains security devices and software    Despite some security vendors’ claims that their products will provide effective security with “set it and forget it” deployments, security products require monitoring and maintenance in order to provide their full value. Version updates and upgrades may be required when new capabilities become available to combat new threats, and when vulnerabilities are discovered in the security products themselves.

•  Carries out security assessments    As a service to the business that the security administrator is working to secure, a security assessment leverages the knowledge and experience of the security administrator to identify vulnerabilities in the systems, networks, software, and in-house developed products used by a business. These security assessments enable the business to understand the risks it faces and to make sensible business decisions about products and services it considers purchasing, and risk mitigation strategies it chooses to fund versus risks it chooses to accept, transfer (by buying insurance), or avoid (by not taking an action that isn’t worth the risk or risk mitigation cost).

•  Creates and maintains user profiles and implements and maintains access control mechanisms    The security administrator puts into practice the security policies of least privilege and oversees accounts that exist, along with the permissions and rights they are assigned.

•  Configures and maintains security labels in mandatory access control (MAC) environments    MAC environments, mostly found in government and military agencies, have security labels set on data objects and subjects. Access decisions are based on comparing the object’s classification and the subject’s clearance, as covered extensively in Chapter 3. It is the responsibility of the security administrator to oversee the implementation and maintenance of these access controls.

•  Manages password policies    New accounts must be protected from attackers who might know patterns used for passwords, or might find accounts that have been newly created without any passwords, and take over those accounts before the authorized user accesses the account and changes the password. The security administrator operates automated new-password generators or manually sets new passwords, and then distributes them to the authorized user so attackers cannot guess the initial or default passwords on new accounts, and so new accounts are never left unprotected. Security administrators also ensure strong passwords are implemented and used throughout the organization’s information systems, periodically audit those passwords using password crackers or rainbow tables, ensure the passwords are changed periodically in accordance with the password policy, and handle user requests for password resets.

•  Reviews audit logs    While some of the strongest security protections come from preventive controls (such as firewalls that block unauthorized network activity), detective controls such as reviewing audit logs are also required. Suppose the firewall blocked 100,000 unauthorized access attempts yesterday. The only way to know if that’s a good thing or an indication of a bad thing is for the security administrator (or automated technology under his control) to review those firewall logs to look for patterns. If those 100,000 blocked attempts were the usual low-level random noise of the Internet, then things are (probably) normal; but if those attempts were advanced and came from a concentrated selection of addresses on the Internet, a more deliberate (and more possibly successful) attack may be underway. The security administrator’s review of audit logs detects bad things as they occur and, hopefully, before they cause real damage.


Users’ access to resources must be limited and properly controlled to ensure that excessive privileges do not provide the opportunity to cause damage to a company and its resources. Users’ access attempts and activities while using a resource need to be properly monitored, audited, and logged. The individual user ID needs to be included in the audit logs to enforce individual responsibility. Each user should understand his responsibility when using company resources and be accountable for his actions.

Capturing and monitoring audit logs helps determine if a violation has actually occurred or if system and software reconfiguration is needed to better capture only the activities that fall outside of established boundaries. If user activities were not captured and reviewed, it would be very hard to determine if users have excessive privileges or if there has been unauthorized access.

Auditing needs to take place in a routine manner. Also, someone needs to review audit and log events. If no one routinely looks at the output, there really is no reason to create logs. Audit and function logs often contain too much cryptic or mundane information to be interpreted manually. This is why products and services are available that parse logs for companies and report important findings. Logs should be monitored and reviewed, through either manual or automatic methods, to uncover suspicious activity and to identify an environment that is shifting away from its original baselines. This is how administrators can be warned of many problems before they become too big and out of control.

When monitoring, administrators need to ask certain questions that pertain to the users, their actions, and the current level of security and access:

•  Are users accessing information and performing tasks that are not necessary for their job description? The answer would indicate whether users’ rights and permissions need to be reevaluated and possibly modified.

•  Are repetitive mistakes being made? The answer would indicate whether users need to have further training.

•  Do too many users have rights and privileges to sensitive or restricted data or resources? The answer would indicate whether access rights to the data and resources need to be reevaluated, whether the number of individuals accessing them needs to be reduced, and/or whether the extent of their access rights should be modified.

Clipping Levels

Companies can set predefined thresholds for the number of certain types of errors that will be allowed before the activity is considered suspicious. The threshold is a baseline for violation activities that may be normal for a user to commit before alarms are raised. This baseline is referred to as a clipping level. Once this clipping level has been exceeded, further violations are recorded for review. The goal of using clipping levels, auditing, and monitoring is to discover problems before major damage occurs and, at times, to be alerted if a possible attack is underway within the network.

Most of the time, IDS software is used to track these activities and behavior patterns, because it would be too overwhelming for an individual to continually monitor stacks of audit logs and properly identify certain activity patterns. Once the clipping level is exceeded, the IDS can notify security personnel or just add this information to the logs, depending on how the IDS software is configured.


NOTE    The security controls and mechanisms that are in place must have a degree of inconspicuousness. This enables the user to perform tasks and duties without having to go through extra steps because of the presence of the security controls. Inconspicuousness also prevents the users from knowing too much about the controls, which helps prevent them from figuring out how to circumvent security. If the controls are too obvious, an attacker can figure out how to compromise them more easily.

Assurance Levels

When products are evaluated for the level of trust and assurance they provide, many times operational assurance and life-cycle assurance are part of the evaluation process. Operational assurance concentrates on the product’s architecture, embedded features, and functionality that enable a customer to continually obtain the necessary level of protection when using the product. Examples of operational assurances examined in the evaluation process are access control mechanisms, the separation of privileged and user program code, auditing and monitoring capabilities, covert channel analysis, and trusted recovery when the product experiences unexpected circumstances.

Life-cycle assurance pertains to how the product was developed and maintained. Each stage of the product’s life cycle has standards and expectations it must fulfill before it can be deemed a highly trusted product. Examples of life-cycle assurance standards are design specifications, clipping-level configurations, unit and integration testing, configuration management, and trusted distribution. Vendors looking to achieve one of the higher security ratings for their products will have each of these issues evaluated and tested.

The following sections address several of these types of operational assurance and life-cycle assurance issues, not only as they pertain to evaluation, but also as they pertain to a company’s responsibilities once the product is implemented. A product is just a tool for a company to use for functionality and security. It is up to the company to ensure that this functionality and security are continually available through responsible and proactive steps.

Operational Responsibilities

Operational security encompasses safeguards and countermeasures to protect resources, information, and the hardware on which the resources and information reside. The goal of operational security is to reduce the possibility of damage that could result from unauthorized access or disclosure by limiting the opportunities of misuse.

Some organizations may have an actual operations department that is responsible for activities and procedures required to keep the network running smoothly and to keep productivity at a certain level. Other organizations may have a few individuals who are responsible for these things, but no structured department dedicated just to operations. Either way, the people who hold these responsibilities are accountable for certain activities and procedures and must monitor and control specific issues.

Operations within a computing environment may pertain to software, personnel, and hardware, but an operations department often focuses on the hardware and software aspects. Management is responsible for employees’ behavior and responsibilities. The people within the operations department are responsible for ensuring that systems are protected and continue to run in a predictable manner.

The operations department usually has the objectives of preventing recurring problems, reducing hardware and software failures to an acceptable level, and reducing the impact of incidents or disruption. This group should investigate any unusual or unexplained occurrences, unscheduled initial program loads, deviations from standards, or other odd or abnormal conditions that take place on the network.

Unusual or Unexplained Occurrences

Networks, and the hardware and software within them, can be complex and dynamic. At times, conditions occur that are at first confusing and possibly unexplainable. It is up to the operations department to investigate these issues, diagnose the problem, and come up with a logical solution.

One example could be a network that has hosts that are continually kicked off the network for no apparent reason. The operations team should conduct controlled troubleshooting to make sure it does not overlook any possible source for the disruption and that it investigates different types of problems. The team may look at connectivity issues between the hosts and the wiring closet, the hubs and switches that control their connectivity, and any possible cabling defects. The team should work methodically until it finds a specific problem. Central monitoring systems and event management solutions can help pinpoint the root cause of problems and save much time and effort in diagnosing problems.


NOTE    Event management means that a product is being used to collect various logs throughout the network. The product identifies patterns and potentially malicious activities that a human would most likely miss because of the amount of data in the various logs.

Deviations from Standards

In this instance, “standards” pertains to computing service levels and how they are measured. Each device can have certain standards applied to it: the hours of time to be online, the number of requests that can be processed within a defined period of time, bandwidth usage, performance counters, and more. These standards provide a baseline that is used to determine whether there is a problem with the device. For example, if a device usually accepts approximately 300 requests per minute, but suddenly it is only able to accept 3 per minute, the operations team would need to investigate the deviation from the standard that is usually provided by this device. The device may be failing or under a denial-of-service (DoS) attack, or be subject to legitimate business-use cases that had not been foreseen when the device was first implemented.

Sometimes the standard needs to be recalibrated so it portrays a realistic view of the service level the device can provide. If a server was upgraded from 4 to 16 cores, the memory was quadrupled, the swap file was increased, and three extra hard drives were added, the service level of this server should be reevaluated.

Unscheduled Initial Program Loads (aka Rebooting)

Initial program load (IPL) is a mainframe term for loading the operating system’s kernel into the computer’s main memory. On a personal computer, booting into the operating system is the equivalent to IPLing. This activity takes place to prepare the computer for user operation. IPLs on workstations are fairly normal at the start or end of a business day (depending on the organization), but should be pretty rare during the workday itself. On servers and appliances, IPLs should almost certainly be scheduled or, at least, intentionally triggered by an authorized person or process.

The operations team should investigate computers that reboot for no reason. In the best case, these are unscheduled reboots caused by well-intentioned personnel who simply failed to coordinate their actions with the operations team. The event could also be the result of faulty configurations, software, or hardware on that system, which should be addressed before it leads to serious damage. Finally, and most troublesome, is the possibility that the reboot was triggered by a successful attacker who may have gained a foothold in that system. As you can see from this short list of causes, these events may start off being investigated by the network operations team and then be handed over to the security operations team if the source appears to be a violation of the system’s security.

Configuration Management

Configuration management is the process of establishing and maintaining effective system controls, which is also part of operational security. Within the operating system itself, certain controls must be in place to ensure that instructions are being executed in the correct security context. The system has mechanisms that restrict the execution of certain types of instructions so they can take place only when the operating system is in a privileged or supervisor state. This protects the overall security and state of the system and helps ensure it runs in a stable and predictable manner.

Operational procedures need to be developed that indicate what constitutes the proper operation of a system or resource. This would include a system startup and shutdown sequence, error handling, and restoration from a known good source.

An operating system does not provide direct access to hardware by processes of lower privilege, which are usually processes used by user applications. If a program needs to send instructions to hardware devices, the request is passed off to a process of higher privilege. To execute privileged hardware instructions, a process must be running in a restrictive and protective state. This is an integral part of the operating system’s architecture, and the determination of which processes can submit what type of instructions is made based on the operating system’s control tables.

Many input/output (I/O) instructions are defined as privileged and can be executed only by the operating system kernel processes. When a user program needs to interact with any I/O activities, it must notify the system’s core privileged processes that work at the inner rings of the system. Either these processes (called system services) authorize the user program processes to perform these actions and temporarily increase their privileged state, or the system’s processes are used to complete the request on behalf of the user program. The following sections cover important aspects of configuration management dealing specifically with system controls.

Trusted Recovery

When an operating system or application crashes or freezes, it should not put the system in any type of insecure state. The usual reason for a system crash in the first place is that it encountered something it perceived as insecure or did not understand and decided it was safer to freeze, shut down, or reboot than to perform the current activity.

An operating system’s response to a type of failure can be classified as one of the following:

•  System reboot

•  Emergency system restart

•  System cold start

A system reboot takes place after the system shuts itself down in a controlled manner in response to a kernel failure. If the system finds inconsistent data structures or if there is not enough space in some critical tables, a system reboot may take place. This releases resources and returns the system to a more stable and safe state.

An emergency system restart takes place after a system failure happens in an uncontrolled manner. This could be a kernel or media failure caused by lower-privileged user processes attempting to access memory segments that are restricted. The system sees this as an insecure activity that it cannot properly recover from without rebooting. The kernel and user objects could be in an inconsistent state, and data could be lost or corrupted. The system thus goes into a maintenance mode and recovers from the actions taken. Then it is brought back up in a consistent and stable state.

A system cold start takes place when an unexpected kernel or media failure happens and the regular recovery procedure cannot recover the system to a more consistent state. The system, kernel, and user objects may remain in an inconsistent state while the system attempts to recover itself, and intervention may be required by the user or administrator to restore the system.

It is important to ensure that the system does not enter an insecure state when it is affected by any of these types of problems, and that it shuts down and recovers properly to a secure and stable state.

After a System Crash

When systems go down (and they will), it is important that the operations personnel know how to troubleshoot and fix the problem. The following are some steps that could be taken:

1. Enter into single user or safe mode. When a system cold start takes place, due to the system’s inability to automatically recover itself to a secure state, the administrator must be involved. The system either will automatically boot up only so far as a “single user mode” or must be manually booted to a “recovery console.” These are modes wherein the systems do not start services for users or the network, file systems typically remain unmounted, and only the local console is accessible. As a result, the administrator must either physically be at the console or have deployed external technology such as secured dial-in/dial-back modems attached to serial console ports or remote KVM (keyboard, video, mouse) switches attached to graphic consoles.

2. Fix issue and recover files. In single user mode, the administrator salvages file systems from damage that may have occurred as a result of the unclean, sudden shutdown of the system and then attempts to identify the cause of the shutdown to prevent it from recurring. Sometimes the administrator will also have to roll back or roll forward databases or other applications in single user mode. Other times, these will occur automatically when the administrator brings the system out of single user mode, or will be performed manually by the system administrator before applications and services return to their normal state.

3. Validate critical files and operations. If the investigation into the cause of the sudden shutdown suggests corruption has occurred (for example, through software or hardware failure, or user/administrator reconfiguration, or some kind of attack), then the administrator must validate the contents of configuration files and ensure system files (operating system program files, shared library files, possibly application program files, and so on) are consistent with their expected state. Cryptographic checksums of these files, verified by programs such as Tripwire, can perform validations of system files. The administrator must verify the contents of system configuration files against the system documentation.

Security Concerns

When an operating system moves into any type of unstable state, there are always concerns that the system is vulnerable in some fashion. The system needs to be able to protect itself and the sensitive data that it maintains. The following lists just a few of the security issues that should be addressed properly in a trusted recovery process.

•  Protect the bootup sequence (C:, A:, D:)    To ensure that systems recover to a secure state, the design of the system must prevent an attacker from changing the bootup sequence of the system. For example, on a Windows workstation or server, only authorized users should have access to BIOS settings to allow the user to change the order in which bootable devices are checked by the hardware. If the approved boot order is C: (the main hard drive) only, with no other hard drives and no removable devices (for example CD/DVD, or USB) allowed, then the hardware settings must prohibit the user (and the attacker) from changing those device selections and the order in which they are used. If the user or attacker can change the bootable device selections or order and can cause the system to reboot (which is always possible with physical access to a system), they can boot their own media and attack the software and/or data on the system.

•  Do not allow bypassing of writing actions to system logs    Through separation of duties and access controls, system logs and system state files must be preserved against attempts by users/attackers to hide their actions or change the state to which the system will next restart. If any system configuration file can be changed by an unauthorized user, and then the user can find a way to cause the system to restart, the new—possibly insecure—configuration will take effect.

•  Do not allow system forced shutdowns    To reduce the possibility of an unauthorized configuration change taking effect, and to reduce the possibility of denial of service through an inappropriate shutdown, only administrators should have the ability to instruct critical systems to shut down. Obviously, this will not stop attackers who have exploited privileged accounts or escalated their privileges, but it does raise the bar for a significant class of attacks.

•  Do not allow outputs to be rerouted    Diagnostic output from a system can contain sensitive information. The diagnostic log files, including console output, must be protected by access controls from being read by anyone other than authorized administrators. Unauthorized users must not be able to redirect the destination of diagnostic logs and console output.

Input and Output Controls

What is input into an application has a direct correlation to what that application outputs. Thus, input needs to be monitored for errors and suspicious activity. If a checker at a grocery store continually puts in the amount of $1.20 for each prime rib steak customers buy, the store could eventually lose a good amount of money. This activity could be done either by accident, which would require proper retraining, or on purpose, which would require disciplinary actions.

The applications themselves also need to be programmed to only accept certain types of values input into them and to do some type of logic checking about the received input values. If an application requests the user to input a mortgage value of a property and the user enters 25 cents, the application should ask the user for the value again so that wasted time and processing is not done on an erroneous input value. Also, if an application has a field that holds only monetary values, a user should not be able to enter “bob” in the field without the application barking.

All the controls mentioned in the previous sections must be in place and must continue to function in a predictable and secure fashion to ensure that the systems, applications, and the environment as a whole continue to be operational. Let’s look at a few more I/O issues that can cause problems if not dealt with properly:

•  Data entered into a system should be in the correct format and validated to ensure that it is not malicious.

•  Transactions should be atomic, meaning that they cannot be interrupted between the input being provided and the generation of the output. (Atomicity protects against a class of attacks called time-of-check/time-of-use, or TOCTOU.)

•  Transactions must be timestamped and logged.

•  Safeguards should be implemented to ensure output reaches the proper destinations securely:

•  Cryptographic hashes or, better yet, message authentication codes (which are digitally signed hashes) should be used to ensure the integrity of critical files.

•  The output should be clearly labeled to indicate the sensitivity or classification of the data.

•  Once output is created, it must have the proper access controls implemented, no matter what its format (paper, digital, tape).

•  If a report has no information (nothing to report), it should contain “no output.”

Some people get confused by the last bullet item. The logical question would be, “If there is nothing to report, why generate a report with no information.” Let’s say each Friday you send your boss a report outlining that week’s security incidents and mitigation steps. One Friday, she receives no report from you. Instead of forcing others to chase you down or, worse yet, assume there was no report (when in fact there was, but it was intercepted or compromised), stating “no output” will assure the recipients that the task was indeed carried out.

Another type of input to a system could be ActiveX components, plug-ins, updated configuration files, or device drivers. It is best if these are cryptographically signed by the trusted authority before distribution. This allows the administrator manually, and/or the system automatically, to validate that the files are from the trusted authority (manufacturer, vendor, supplier) before the files are put into production on a system. All current versions of Apple, Linux, and Microsoft operating systems support code signing, whereby the operating system warns the user if a device driver or other software has not been signed by an entity with a certificate from a trusted certificate authority. Note that the fact that an application installer or device driver is signed does not mean it is safe or reliable—it only means the user has a high degree of assurance of the origin of the software or driver. If the user does not trust the entity (the company or developer) that signed the software or driver, or the software or driver is not signed at all, this should be a red flag that stops the user from using the software or driver until its security and reliability can be confirmed by some other channel.


NOTE    Many users routinely disregard warnings concerning unsigned code. Whenever possible, such code should be prohibited by using system policies that cannot be overridden by the users.

System Hardening

A recurring theme in security is that controls may be generally described as being physical, administrative, or technical. It has been said that if unauthorized physical access can be gained to a security-sensitive item, then the security of the item is virtually impossible to ensure. (This is why all data on portable devices should be encrypted.) In other words, “If I can put my hands on the computer, I can own it.” Obviously, the data center itself must be physically secured. This could include guards, gates, fences, barbed wire, lights, locked doors, and so on. This creates a strong physical security perimeter around the facilities where valuable information is stored.

Across the street from that data center may be an office building in which hundreds or thousands of employees sit day after day, accessing the valuable information from their desktop PCs, laptops, and handheld devices over a variety of networks. Convergence of data and voice means devices such as telephones may be plugged into this same network infrastructure. In an ideal world, the applications and methods by which the information is accessed would secure the information against any network attack; however, the world is not ideal, and it is the security professional’s responsibility to secure valuable information in the real world. Therefore, the physical components that make up those networks through which the valuable information flows also must be secured:

•  Wiring closets should be locked.

•  Network switches and hubs, when it is not practical to place them in locked wiring closets, should be inside locked cabinets.

•  Network ports in public places (for example, kiosk computers and even telephones) should be made physically inaccessible.

Laptops, “thumb drives” (USB removable storage devices), portable hard drives, mobile devices, and even camera memory cards all can contain large amounts of information, some of it sensitive and valuable. Users must know where these devices are at all times, and store them securely when not actively in use. Laptops disappear from airport security checkpoints; thumb drives are tiny and get left behind and forgotten; and mobile devices are stolen every day. So if physical security is in place, do we really still need technical security? Yes.

A best practice for managing and securing workstations is to develop a standard hardened image, sometimes called a Gold Master (GM). To build a GM, you start by determining which applications and services are needed by all users of that system image. You then develop secure configurations for all software, and ensure that they still provide all required user functionality and interoperability with the rest of the network. Next, you subject the image to thorough vulnerability scanning and, ideally, penetration testing. Finally, you roll out the image by cloning it onto the hard drives of all your users’ workstations. As changes to this baseline are subsequently required (for instance, because a new application is needed in the organization), you go back to step one and start building a new version of the GM all over again.

An application that is not installed, or a system service that is not enabled, cannot be attacked. Even a disabled system service may include vulnerable components that an advanced attack could leverage, so it is better for unnecessary components to not exist at all in the environment. Those components that cannot be left off of a system at installation time, and that cannot be practically removed due to the degree of integration into a system, should be disabled so as to make them impractical to re-enable by anyone except an authorized system administrator. Every installed application, and especially every operating service, must be part of the overall configuration management database so vulnerabilities in these components may be tracked.

Components that can be neither left off nor disabled must be configured to the most conservative practical setting that still allows the system to operate efficiently for those business purposes that require the component’s presence in the system. Database engines, for example, should run as an unprivileged user, rather than as root or SYSTEM. If a system will run multiple application services, each one should run under its own least-privileged user ID so a compromise to one service on the system does not grant access to the other services on the system. Just as totally unnecessary services should be left off of a system, unnecessary parts of a single service should be left uninstalled if possible, and disabled otherwise.


TIP    Locked-down systems are referred to as bastion hosts.

Remote Access Security

Remote access is a major component of normal operations, and a great enabler of organizational resilience in the face of certain types of disasters. If a regional disaster makes it impractical for large numbers of employees to commute to their usual work site, but the data center—or a remote backup data center—remains operational, remote access to computer resources can allow many functions of a company to continue almost as usual. Remote access can also be a way to reduce normal operational costs by reducing the amount of office space that must be owned or rented, furnished, cleaned, cooled and heated, and provided with parking, since employees will instead be working from home. Remote access may also be the only way to enable a mobile workforce, such as traveling salespeople, who need access to company information while in several different cities each week to meet with current and potential customers.

As with all things that enable business and bring value, remote access also brings risks. Is the person logging in remotely who he claims to be? Is someone physically or electronically looking over his shoulder, or tapping the communication line? Is the client device from which he is performing the remote access in a secure configuration, or has it been compromised by spyware, Trojan horses, and other malicious code?

This has been a thorn in the side of security groups and operation departments for basically every company. It is dangerous to allow computers to be able to directly connect to the corporate network without knowing if they are properly patched, if the virus signatures are updated, if they are infected with malware, and so on. This has been a direct channel used by many attackers to get to the heart of an organization’s environment. Because of this needed protection, vendors have been developing technology to quarantine systems and ensure they are properly secured before allowing them access to corporate assets.

Physical Security

Just as important as remote access is local access, for which the first line of defense is perimeter control at the site location to prevent unauthorized access to the facility. As any other defensive technique, physical security should be implemented by using a layered approach. For example, before an intruder can get to the written recipe for your company’s secret barbeque sauce, she will need to climb or cut a fence, slip by a security guard, pick a door lock, circumvent a biometric access control reader that protects access to an internal room, and then break into the safe that holds the recipe. The idea is that if an attacker breaks through one control layer, there will be others in her way before she can obtain the company’s crown jewels.


NOTE    It is also important to have a diversity of controls. For example, if one key works on four different door locks, the intruder has to obtain only one key. Each entry should have its own individual key or authentication combination.

This defense model should work in two main modes: one mode during normal facility operations and another mode during the time the facility is closed. When the facility is closed, all doors should be locked with monitoring mechanisms in strategic positions to alert security personnel of suspicious activity. When the facility is in operation, security gets more complicated because authorized individuals need to be distinguished from unauthorized individuals. Perimeter security deals with facility and personnel access controls, external boundary protection mechanisms, intrusion detection, and corrective actions. The following sections describe the elements that make up these categories.

Facility Access Control

Access control needs to be enforced through physical and technical components when it comes to physical security. Physical access controls use mechanisms to identify individuals who are attempting to enter a facility or area. They make sure the right individuals get in and the wrong individuals stay out, and provide an audit trail of these actions. Having personnel within sensitive areas is one of the best security controls because they can personally detect suspicious behavior. However, they need to be trained on what activity is considered suspicious and how to report such activity.

Before a company can put into place the proper protection mechanisms, it needs to conduct a detailed review to identify which individuals should be allowed into what areas. Access control points can be identified and classified as external, main, and secondary entrances. Personnel should enter and exit through a specific entry, deliveries should be made to a different entry, and sensitive areas should be restricted. Figure 7-1 illustrates the different types of access control points into a facility. After a company has identified and classified the access control points, the next step is to determine how to protect them.


Figure 7-1    Access control points should be identified, marked, and monitored properly.


Locks are inexpensive access control mechanisms that are widely accepted and used. They are considered delaying devices to intruders. The longer it takes to break or pick a lock, the longer a security guard or police officer has to arrive on the scene if the intruder has been detected. Almost any type of a door can be equipped with a lock, but keys can be easily lost and duplicated, and locks can be picked or broken. If a company depends solely on a lock-and-key mechanism for protection, an individual who has the key can come and go as he likes without control and can remove items from the premises without detection. Locks should be used as part of the protection scheme, but should not be the sole protection scheme.

Locks vary in functionality. Padlocks can be used on chained fences, preset locks are usually used on doors, and programmable locks (requiring a combination to unlock) are used on doors or vaults. Locks come in all types and sizes. It is important to have the right type of lock so it provides the correct level of protection.

To the curious mind or a determined thief, a lock can be considered a little puzzle to solve, not a deterrent. In other words, locks may be merely a challenge, not necessarily something to stand in the way of malicious activities. Thus, you need to make the challenge difficult, through the complexity, strength, and quality of the locking mechanisms.


NOTE    The delay time provided by the lock should match the penetration resistance of the surrounding components (door, door frame, hinges). A smart thief takes the path of least resistance, which may be to pick the lock, remove the pins from the hinges, or just kick down the door.

Mechanical Locks    Two main types of mechanical locks are available: the warded lock and the tumbler lock. The warded lock is the basic padlock, as shown in Figure 7-2. It has a spring-loaded bolt with a notch cut in it. The key fits into this notch and slides the bolt from the locked to the unlocked position. The lock has wards in it, which are metal projections around the keyhole, as shown in Figure 7-3. The correct key for a specific warded lock has notches in it that fit in these projections and a notch to slide the bolt back and forth. These are the cheapest locks, because of their lack of any real sophistication, and are also the easiest to pick.


Figure 7-2    A warded lock


Figure 7-3    A key fits into a notch to turn the bolt to unlock the lock.

The tumbler lock has more pieces and parts than a ward lock. As shown in Figure 7-4, the key fits into a cylinder, which raises the lock metal pieces to the correct height so the bolt can slide to the locked or unlocked position. Once all of the metal pieces are at the correct level, the internal bolt can be turned. The proper key has the required size and sequences of notches to move these metal pieces into their correct position.


Figure 7-4    Tumbler lock

The three types of tumbler locks are the pin tumbler, wafer tumbler, and lever tumbler. The pin tumbler lock, shown in Figure 7-4, is the most commonly used tumbler lock. The key has to have just the right grooves to put all the spring-loaded pins in the right position so the lock can be locked or unlocked.

Wafer tumbler locks (also called disc tumbler locks) are the small, round locks you usually see on file cabinets. They use flat discs (wafers) instead of pins inside the locks. They often are used as car and desk locks. This type of lock does not provide much protection because it can be easily circumvented.


NOTE    Some locks have interchangeable cores, which allow for the core of the lock to be taken out. You would use this type of lock if you wanted one key to open several locks. You would just replace all locks with the same core.

Combination locks, of course, require the correct combination of numbers to unlock them. These locks have internal wheels that have to line up properly before being unlocked. A user spins the lock interface left and right by so many clicks, which lines up the internal wheels. Once the correct turns have taken place, all the wheels are in the right position for the lock to release and open the door. The more wheels within the locks, the more protection provided. Electronic combination locks do not use internal wheels, but rather have a keypad that allows a person to type in the combination instead of turning a knob with a combination faceplate. An example of an electronic combination lock is shown in Figure 7-5.


Figure 7-5    An electronic combination lock

Cipher locks, also known as programmable locks, are keyless and use keypads to control access into an area or facility. The lock requires a specific combination to be entered into the keypad and possibly a swipe card. Cipher locks cost more than traditional locks, but their combinations can be changed, specific combination sequence values can be locked out, and personnel who are in trouble or under duress can enter a specific code that will open the door and initiate a remote alarm at the same time. Thus, compared to traditional locks, cipher locks can provide a much higher level of security and control over who can access a facility.

The following are some functionalities commonly available on many cipher combination locks that improve the performance of access control and provide for increased security levels:

•  Door delay    If a door is held open for a given time, an alarm will trigger to alert personnel of suspicious activity.

•  Key override    A specific combination can be programmed for use in emergency situations to override normal procedures or for supervisory overrides.

•  Master keying    Supervisory personnel can change access codes and other features of the cipher lock.

•  Hostage alarm    If an individual is under duress and/or held hostage, a combination he enters can communicate this situation to the guard station and/or police station.

If a door is accompanied by a cipher lock, it should have a corresponding visibility shield so a bystander cannot see the combination as it is keyed in. Automated cipher locks must have a backup battery system and be set to unlock during a power failure so personnel are not trapped inside during an emergency.


CAUTION    It is important to change the combination of locks and to use random combination sequences. Often, people do not change their combinations or clean the keypads, which allows an intruder to know what key values are used in the combination, because they are the dirty and worn keys. The intruder then just needs to figure out the right combination of these values.

Some cipher locks require all users to know and use the same combination, which does not allow for any individual accountability. Some of the more sophisticated cipher locks permit specific codes to be assigned to unique individuals. This provides more accountability, because each individual is responsible for keeping his access code secret, and entry and exit activities can be logged and tracked. These are usually referred to as smart locks, because they are designed to allow only authorized individuals access at certain doors at certain times.


NOTE    Hotel key cards are also known as smart cards. The access code on the card can allow access to a hotel room, workout area, business area, and better yet—the mini bar.

Device Locks    Unfortunately, hardware has a tendency to “walk away” from facilities; thus, device locks are necessary to thwart these attempts. Cable locks consist of a vinyl-coated steel cable that can secure a computer or peripheral to a desk or other stationary components, as shown in Figure 7-6.


Figure 7-6    FMJ/PAD.LOCK’s notebook security cable kit secures a notebook by enabling the user to attach the device to a stationary component within an area.

The following are some of the device locks available and their capabilities:

•  Switch controls    Cover on/off power switches

•  Slot locks    Secure the system to a stationary component by the use of steel cable that is connected to a bracket mounted in a spare expansion slot

•  Port controls    Block access to disk drives or unused serial or parallel ports

•  Peripheral switch controls    Secure a keyboard by inserting an on/off switch between the system unit and the keyboard input slot

•  Cable traps    Prevent the removal of input/output devices by passing their cables through a lockable unit

Administrative Responsibilities    It is important for a company not only to choose the right type of lock for the right purpose, but also to follow proper maintenance and procedures. Keys should be assigned by facility management, and this assignment should be documented. Procedures should be written out detailing how keys are to be assigned, inventoried, and destroyed when necessary, and what should happen if and when keys are lost. Someone on the company’s facility management team should be assigned the responsibility of overseeing key and combination maintenance.

Most organizations have master keys and submaster keys for the facility management staff. A master key opens all the locks within the facility, and the submaster keys open one or more locks. Each lock has its own individual unique keys as well. So if a facility has 100 offices, the occupant of each office can have his or her own key. A master key allows access to all offices for security personnel and for emergencies. If one security guard is responsible for monitoring half the facility, the guard can be assigned one of the submaster keys for just those offices.

Since these master and submaster keys are powerful, they must be properly guarded and not widely shared. A security policy should outline what portions of the facility and which device types need to be locked. As a security professional, you should understand what type of lock is most appropriate for each situation, the level of protection provided by various types of locks, and how these locks can be circumvented.

Circumventing Locks    Each lock type has corresponding tools that can be used to pick it (open it without the key). A tension wrench is a tool shaped like an L and is used to apply tension to the internal cylinder of a lock. The lock picker uses a lock pick to manipulate the individual pins to their proper placement. Once certain pins are “picked” (put in their correct place), the tension wrench holds these down while the lock picker figures out the correct settings for the other pins. After the intruder determines the proper pin placement, the wrench is used to then open the lock.

Intruders may carry out another technique, referred to as raking. To circumvent a pin tumbler lock, a lock pick is pushed to the back of the lock and quickly slid out while providing upward pressure. This movement makes many of the pins fall into place. A tension wrench is also put in to hold the pins that pop into the right place. If all the pins do not slide to the necessary height for the lock to open, the intruder holds the tension wrench and uses a thinner pick to move the rest of the pins into place.


Lock bumping is a tactic that intruders can use to force the pins in a tumbler lock to their open position by using a special key called a bump key. The stronger the material that makes up the lock, the smaller the chance that this type of lock attack would be successful.

Now, if this is all too much trouble for the intruder, she can just drill the lock, use bolt cutters, attempt to break through the door or the doorframe, or remove the hinges. There are just so many choices for the bad guys.

Personnel Access Controls

Proper identification verifies whether the person attempting to access a facility or area should actually be allowed in. Identification and authentication can be verified by matching an anatomical attribute (biometric system), using smart or memory cards (swipe cards), presenting a photo ID to a security guard, using a key, or providing a card and entering a password or PIN.

A common problem with controlling authorized access into a facility or area is called piggybacking. This occurs when an individual gains unauthorized access by using someone else’s legitimate credentials or access rights. Usually an individual just follows another person closely through a door without providing any credentials. The best preventive measures against piggybacking are to have security guards at access points and to educate employees about good security practices.

If a company wants to use a card badge reader, it has several types of systems to choose from. Individuals usually have cards that have embedded magnetic strips that contain access information. The reader can just look for simple access information within the magnetic strip, or it can be connected to a more sophisticated system that scans the information, makes more complex access decisions, and logs badge IDs and access times.

If the card is a memory card, then the reader just pulls information from it and makes an access decision. If the card is a smart card, the individual may be required to enter a PIN or password, which the reader compares against the information held within the card or in an authentication server.

These access cards can be used with user-activated readers, which just means the user actually has to do something—swipe the card or enter a PIN. System sensing access control readers, also called transponders, recognize the presence of an approaching object within a specific area. This type of system does not require the user to swipe the card through the reader. The reader sends out interrogating signals and obtains the access code from the card without the user having to do anything.


EXAM TIP    Electronic access control (EAC) tokens is a generic term used to describe proximity authentication devices, such as proximity readers, programmable locks, or biometric systems, which identify and authenticate users before allowing them entrance into physically controlled areas.

External Boundary Protection Mechanisms

Proximity protection components are usually put into place to provide one or more of the following services:

•  Control pedestrian and vehicle traffic flows

•  Various levels of protection for different security zones

•  Buffers and delaying mechanisms to protect against forced entry attempts

•  Limit and control entry points

These services can be provided by using the following control types:

•  Access control mechanisms    Locks and keys, an electronic card access system, personnel awareness

•  Physical barriers    Fences, gates, walls, doors, windows, protected vents, vehicular barriers

•  Intrusion detection    Perimeter sensors, interior sensors, annunciation mechanisms

•  Assessment    Guards, CCTV cameras

•  Response    Guards, local law enforcement agencies

•  Deterrents    Signs, lighting, environmental design

Several types of perimeter protection mechanisms and controls can be put into place to protect a company’s facility, assets, and personnel. They can deter would-be intruders, detect intruders and unusual activities, and provide ways of dealing with these issues when they arise. Perimeter security controls can be natural (hills, rivers) or manmade (fencing, lighting, gates). Landscaping is a mix of the two. In Chapter 3, we explored Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and how this approach is used to reduce the likelihood of crime. Landscaping is a tool employed in the CPTED method. Sidewalks, bushes, and created paths can point people to the correct entry points, and trees and spiky bushes can be used as natural barriers. These bushes and trees should be placed such that they cannot be used as ladders or accessories to gain unauthorized access to unapproved entry points. Also, there should not be an overwhelming number of trees and bushes, which could provide intruders with places to hide. In the following sections, we look at the manmade components that can work within the landscaping design.


Fencing can be quite an effective physical barrier. Although the presence of a fence may only delay dedicated intruders in their access attempts, it can work as a psychological deterrent by telling the world that your company is serious about protecting itself.

Fencing can provide crowd control and helps control access to entrances and facilities. However, fencing can be costly and unsightly. Many companies plant bushes or trees in front of the fencing that surrounds their buildings for aesthetics and to make the building less noticeable. But this type of vegetation can damage the fencing over time or negatively affect its integrity. The fencing needs to be properly maintained, because if a company has a sagging, rusted, pathetic fence, it is equivalent to telling the world that the company is not truly serious and disciplined about protection. But a nice, shiny, intimidating fence can send a different message—especially if the fencing is topped with three rungs of barbed wire.

When deciding upon the type of fencing, several factors should be considered. The gauge of the metal should correlate to the types of physical threats the company would most likely face. After carrying out the risk analysis (covered in Chapter 1), the physical security team should understand the probability of enemies attempting to cut the fencing, drive through it, or climb over or crawl under it. Understanding these threats will help the team determine the necessary gauge and mesh sizing of the fence wiring.

The risk analysis results will also help indicate what height of fencing the organization should implement. Fences come in varying heights, and each height provides a different level of security:

•  Fences three to four feet high only deter casual trespassers.

•  Fences six to seven feet high are considered too high to climb easily.

•  Fences eight feet high (possibly with strands of barbed or razor wire at the top) means you are serious about protecting your property. They often deter the more determined intruder.

The barbed wire on top of fences can be tilted in or out, which also provides extra protection. If the organization is a prison, it would have the barbed wire on top of the fencing pointed in, which makes it harder for prisoners to climb and escape. If the organization is a military base, the barbed wire would be tilted out, making it harder for someone to climb over the fence and gain access to the premises.

Critical areas should have fences at least eight feet high to provide the proper level of protection. The fencing should not sag in any areas and must be taut and securely connected to the posts. The fencing should not be easily circumvented by pulling up its posts. The posts should be buried sufficiently deep in the ground and should be secured with concrete to ensure they cannot be dug up or tied to vehicles and extracted. If the ground is soft or uneven, this might provide ways for intruders to slip or dig under the fence. In these situations, the fencing should actually extend into the dirt to thwart these types of attacks.

Fences work as “first line of defense” mechanisms. A few other controls can be used also. Strong and secure gates need to be implemented. It does no good to install a highly fortified and expensive fence and then have an unlocked or weenie gate that allows easy access.

Gates basically have four distinct classifications:

•  Class I    Residential usage

•  Class II    Commercial usage, where general public access is expected; examples include a public parking lot entrance, a gated community, or a self-storage facility

•  Class III    Industrial usage, where limited access is expected; an example is a warehouse property entrance not intended to serve the general public

•  Class IV    Restricted access; this includes a prison entrance that is monitored either in person or via closed circuitry

Each gate classification has its own long list of implementation and maintenance guidelines in order to ensure the necessary level of protection. These classifications and guidelines are developed by Underwriters Laboratory (UL), a nonprofit organization that tests, inspects, and classifies electronic devices, fire protection equipment, and specific construction materials. This is the group that certifies these different items to ensure they are in compliance with national building codes. A specific UL code, UL-325, deals with garage doors, drapery, gates, and louver and window operators and systems.

So, whereas in the information security world we look to NIST for our best practices and industry standards, in the physical security world, we look to UL for the same type of direction.


Bollards usually look like small concrete pillars outside a building. Sometimes companies try to dress them up by putting flowers or lights in them to soften the look of a protected environment. They are placed by the sides of buildings that have the most immediate threat of someone driving a vehicle through the exterior wall. They are usually placed between the facility and a parking lot and/or between the facility and a road that runs close to an exterior wall. Within the United States after September 11, 2001, many military and government institutions that did not have bollards hauled in huge boulders to surround and protect sensitive buildings. They provided the same type of protection that bollards would provide. These were not overly attractive, but provided the sense that the government was serious about protecting those facilities.


Many of the items mentioned in this chapter are things people take for granted day in and day out during our usual busy lives. Lighting is certainly one of those items you probably wouldn’t give much thought to, unless it wasn’t there. Unlit (or improperly lit) parking lots and parking garages have invited many attackers to carry out criminal activity that they may not have engaged in otherwise with proper lighting. Breaking into cars, stealing cars, and attacking employees as they leave the office are the more common types of attacks that take place in such situations. A security professional should understand that the right illumination needs to be in place, that no dead spots (unlit areas) should exist between the lights, and that all areas where individuals may walk should be properly lit. A security professional should also understand the various types of lighting available and where they should be used.

Wherever an array of lights is used, each light covers its own zone or area. The zone each light covers depends upon the illumination of light produced, which usually has a direct relationship to the wattage capacity of the bulbs. In most cases, the higher the lamp’s wattage, the more illumination it produces. It is important that the zones of illumination coverage overlap. For example, if a company has an open parking lot, then light poles must be positioned within the correct distance of each other to eliminate any dead spots. If the lamps that will be used provide a 30-foot radius of illumination, then the light poles should be erected less than 30 feet apart so there is an overlap between the areas of illumination.


NOTE    Critical areas need to have illumination that reaches at least eight feet with the illumination of two foot-candles. Foot-candle is a unit of measure of the intensity of light.

If an organization does not implement the right types of lights and ensure they provide proper coverage, the probability of criminal activity, accidents, and lawsuits increases.

Exterior lights that provide protection usually require less illumination intensity than interior working lighting, except for areas that require security personnel to inspect identification credentials for authorization. It is also important to have the correct lighting when using various types of surveillance equipment. The correct contrast between a potential intruder and background items needs to be provided, which only happens with the correct illumination and placement of lights. If the light is going to bounce off of dark, dirty, or darkly painted surfaces, then more illumination is required for the necessary contrast between people and the environment. If the area has clean concrete and light-colored painted surfaces, then not as much illumination is required. This is because when the same amount of light falls on an object and the surrounding background, an observer must depend on the contrast to tell them apart.

When lighting is installed, it should be directed toward areas where potential intruders would most likely be coming from and directed away from the security force posts. For example, lighting should be pointed at gates or exterior access points, and the guard locations should be more in the shadows, or under a lower amount of illumination. This is referred to as glare protection for the security force. If you are familiar with military operations, you might know that when you are approaching a military entry point, there is a fortified guard building with lights pointing toward the oncoming cars. A large sign instructs you to turn off your headlights, so the guards are not temporarily blinded by your lights and have a clear view of anything coming their way.

Lights used within the organization’s security perimeter should be directed outward, which keeps the security personnel in relative darkness and allows them to easily view intruders beyond the company’s perimeter.

An array of lights that provides an even amount of illumination across an area is usually referred to as continuous lighting. Examples are the evenly spaced light poles in a parking lot, light fixtures that run across the outside of a building, or series of fluorescent lights used in parking garages. If the company building is relatively close to another company’s property, a railway, an airport, or a highway, the owner may need to ensure the lighting does not “bleed over” property lines in an obtrusive manner. Thus, the illumination needs to be controlled, which just means an organization should erect lights and use illumination in such a way that it does not blind its neighbors or any passing cars, trains, or planes.

You probably are familiar with the special home lighting gadgets that turn certain lights on and off at predetermined times, giving the illusion to potential burglars that a house is occupied even when the residents are away. Companies can use a similar technology, which is referred to as standby lighting. The security personnel can configure the times that different lights turn on and off, so potential intruders think different areas of the facility are populated.


NOTE    Redundant or backup lights should be available in case of power failures or emergencies. Special care must be given to understand what type of lighting is needed in different parts of the facility in these types of situations. This lighting may run on generators or battery packs.

Responsive area illumination takes place when an IDS detects suspicious activities and turns on the lights within a specific area. When this type of technology is plugged into automated IDS products, there is a high likelihood of false alarms. Instead of continually having to dispatch a security guard to check out these issues, a CCTV camera can be installed to scan the area for intruders.

If intruders want to disrupt the security personnel or decrease the probability of being seen while attempting to enter a company’s premises or building, they could attempt to turn off the lights or cut power to them. This is why lighting controls and switches should be in protected, locked, and centralized areas.

Surveillance Devices

Usually, installing fences and lights does not provide the necessary level of protection a company needs to protect its facility, equipment, and employees. Areas need to be under surveillance so improper actions are noticed and taken care of before damage occurs. Surveillance can happen through visual detection or through devices that use sophisticated means of detecting abnormal behavior or unwanted conditions. It is important that every organization have a proper mix of lighting, security personnel, IDSs, and surveillance technologies and techniques.

Visual Recording Devices

Because surveillance is based on sensory perception, surveillance devices usually work in conjunction with guards and other monitoring mechanisms to extend their capabilities and range of perception. A closed-circuit TV (CCTV) system is a commonly used monitoring device in most organizations, but before purchasing and implementing a CCTV system, you need to consider several items:

•  The purpose of CCTV    To detect, assess, and/or identify intruders

•  The type of environment the CCTV camera will work in    Internal or external areas

•  The field of view required    Large or small area to be monitored

•  Amount of illumination of the environment    Lit areas, unlit areas, areas affected by sunlight

•  Integration with other security controls    Guards, IDSs, alarm systems

The reason you need to consider these items before you purchase a CCTV product is that there are so many different types of cameras, lenses, and monitors that make up the different CCTV products. You must understand what is expected of this physical security control, so that you purchase and implement the right type.

CCTVs are made up of cameras, transmitters, receivers, a recording system, and a monitor. The camera captures the data and transmits it to a receiver, which allows the data to be displayed on a monitor. The data is recorded so that it can be reviewed at a later time if needed. Figure 7-7 shows how multiple cameras can be connected to one multiplexer, which allows several different areas to be monitored at one time. The multiplexer accepts video feed from all the cameras and interleaves these transmissions over one line to the central monitor. This is more effective and efficient than the older systems that require the security guard to physically flip a switch from one environment to the next. In these older systems, the guard can view only one environment at a time, which, of course, makes it more likely that suspicious activities will be missed.

A CCTV sends the captured data from the camera’s transmitter to the monitor’s receiver, usually through a coaxial cable, instead of broadcasting the signals over a public network. This is where the term “closed-circuit” comes in. This circuit should be tamperproof, which means an intruder cannot manipulate the video feed that the security guard is monitoring. The most common type of attack is to replay previous recordings without the security personnel knowing it. For example, if an attacker is able to compromise a company’s CCTV and play the recording from the day before, the security guard would not know an intruder is in the facility carrying out some type of crime. This is one reason why CCTVs should be used in conjunction with intruder detection controls, which we address in the next section.


Figure 7-7    Several cameras can be connected to a multiplexer.


NOTE    CCTVs should have some type of recording system. Digital recorders save images to hard drives and allow advanced search techniques that are not possible with videotape recorders. Digital recorders use advanced compression techniques, which drastically reduce the storage media requirements.

Most of the CCTV cameras in use today employ light-sensitive chips called charged-coupled devices (CCDs). The CCD is an electrical circuit that receives input light from the lens and converts it into an electronic signal, which is then displayed on the monitor. Images are focused through a lens onto the CCD chip surface, which forms the electrical representation of the optical image. It is this technology that allows for the capture of extraordinary detail of objects and precise representation, because it has sensors that work in the infrared range, which extends beyond human perception. The CCD sensor picks up this extra “data” and integrates it into the images shown on the monitor to allow for better granularity and quality in the video.

Two main types of lenses are used in CCTV: fixed focal length and zoom (varifocal). The focal length of a lens defines its effectiveness in viewing objects from a horizontal and vertical view. The focal length value relates to the angle of view that can be achieved. Short focal length lenses provide wider-angle views, while long focal length lenses provide a narrower view. The size of the images shown on a monitor, along with the area covered by one camera, is defined by the focal length. For example, if a company implements a CCTV camera in a warehouse, the focal length lens values should be between 2.8 and 4.3 millimeters (mm) so the whole area can be captured. If the company implements another CCTV camera that monitors an entrance, that lens value should be around 8mm, which allows a smaller area to be monitored.


NOTE    Fixed focal length lenses are available in various fields of views: wide, medium, and narrow. A lens that provides a “normal” focal length creates a picture that approximates the field of view of the human eye. A wide-angle lens has a short focal length, and a telephoto lens has a long focal length. When a company selects a fixed focal length lens for a particular view of an environment, it should understand that if the field of view needs to be changed (wide to narrow), the lens must be changed.

So, if we need to monitor a large area, we use a lens with a smaller focal length value. Great, but what if a security guard hears a noise or thinks he sees something suspicious? A fixed focal length lens does not allow the user to optically change the area that fills the monitor. Though digital systems exist that allow this change to happen in logic, the resulting image quality is decreased as the area being studied becomes smaller. This is because the logic circuits are, in effect, cropping the broader image without increasing the number of pixels in it. This is called digital zoom (as opposed to optical zoom) and is a common feature in many cameras. The optical zoom lenses provide flexibility by allowing the viewer to change the field of view while maintaining the same number of pixels in the resulting image, which makes it much more detailed. The security personnel usually have a remote-control component integrated within the centralized CCTV monitoring area that allows them to move the cameras and zoom in and out on objects as needed. When both wide scenes and close-up captures are needed, an optical zoom lens is best.

To understand the next characteristic, depth of field, think about pictures you might take while on vacation with your family. For example, if you want to take a picture of your spouse with the Grand Canyon in the background, the main object of the picture is your spouse. Your camera is going to zoom in and use a shallow depth of focus. This provides a softer backdrop, which will lead the viewers of the photograph to the foreground, which is your spouse. Now, let’s say you get tired of taking pictures of your spouse and want to get a scenic picture of just the Grand Canyon itself. The camera would use a greater depth of focus, so there is not such a distinction between objects in the foreground and background.

The depth of field is necessary to understand when choosing the correct lenses and configurations for your company’s CCTV. The depth of field refers to the portion of the environment that is in focus when shown on the monitor. The depth of field varies depending upon the size of the lens opening, the distance of the object being focused on, and the focal length of the lens. The depth of field increases as the size of the lens opening decreases, the subject distance increases, or the focal length of the lens decreases. So, if you want to cover a large area and not focus on specific items, it is best to use a wide-angle lens and a small lens opening.

CCTV lenses have irises, which control the amount of light that enters the lens. Manual iris lenses have a ring around the CCTV lens that can be manually turned and controlled. A lens with a manual iris would be used in areas that have fixed lighting, since the iris cannot self-adjust to changes of light. An auto iris lens should be used in environments where the light changes, as in an outdoor setting. As the environment brightens, this is sensed by the iris, which automatically adjusts itself. Security personnel will configure the CCTV to have a specific fixed exposure value, which the iris is responsible for maintaining. On a sunny day, the iris lens closes to reduce the amount of light entering the camera, while at night, the iris opens to capture more light—just like our eyes.

When choosing the right CCTV for the right environment, you must determine the amount of light present in the environment. Different CCTV camera and lens products have specific illumination requirements to ensure the best quality images possible. The illumination requirements are usually represented in the lux value, which is a metric used to represent illumination strengths. The illumination can be measured by using a light meter. The intensity of light (illumination) is measured and represented in measurement units of lux or foot-candles. (The conversion between the two is one foot-candle = 10.76 lux.) The illumination measurement is not something that can be accurately provided by the vendor of a light bulb, because the environment can directly affect the illumination. This is why illumination strengths are most effectively measured where the light source is implemented.

Next, you need to consider the mounting requirements of the CCTV cameras. The cameras can be implemented in a fixed mounting or in a mounting that allows the cameras to move when necessary. A fixed camera cannot move in response to security personnel commands, whereas cameras that provide PTZ capabilities can pan, tilt, or zoom (PTZ) as necessary.

So, buying and implementing a CCTV system may not be as straightforward as it seems. As a security professional, you would need to understand the intended use of the CCTV, the environment that will be monitored, and the functionalities that will be required by the security staff that will use the CCTV on a daily basis. The different components that can make up a CCTV product are shown in Figure 7-8.


Figure 7-8    A CCTV product can comprise several components.

Great—your assessment team has done all of its research and bought and implemented the correct CCTV system. Now it would be nice if someone actually watched the monitors for suspicious activities. Realizing that monitor watching is a mentally deadening activity may lead your team to implement a type of annunciator system. Different types of annunciator products are available that can either “listen” for noise and activate electrical devices, such as lights, sirens, or CCTV cameras, or detect movement. Instead of expecting a security guard to stare at a CCTV monitor for eight hours straight, the guard can carry out other activities and be alerted by an annunciator if movement is detected on a screen.

Intrusion Detection Systems

Surveillance techniques are used to watch an area, whereas intrusion detection devices are used to sense changes that take place in an environment. Both are monitoring methods, but they use different devices and approaches. This section addresses the types of technologies that can be used to detect the presence of an intruder. One such technology, a perimeter scanning device, is shown in Figure 7-9.


Figure 7-9    Different perimeter scanning devices work by covering a specific area.

IDSs are used to detect unauthorized entries and to alert a responsible entity to respond. These systems can monitor entries, doors, windows, devices, or removable coverings of equipment. Many work with magnetic contacts or vibration-detection devices that are sensitive to certain types of changes in the environment. When a change is detected, the IDS device sounds an alarm either in the local area or in both the local area and a remote police or guard station.

IDSs can be used to detect changes in the following:

•  Beams of light

•  Sounds and vibrations

•  Motion

•  Different types of fields (microwave, ultrasonic, electrostatic)

•  Electrical circuit

IDSs can be used to detect intruders by employing electromechanical systems (magnetic switches, metallic foil in windows, pressure mats) or volumetric systems. Volumetric systems are more sensitive because they detect changes in subtle environmental characteristics, such as vibration, microwaves, ultrasonic frequencies, infrared values, and photoelectric changes.

Electromechanical systems work by detecting a change or break in a circuit. The electrical circuits can be strips of foil embedded in or connected to windows. If the window breaks, the foil strip breaks, which sounds an alarm. Vibration detectors can detect movement on walls, screens, ceilings, and floors when the fine wires embedded within the structure are broken. Magnetic contact switches can be installed on windows and doors. If the contacts are separated because the window or door is opened, an alarm will sound. Another type of electromechanical detector is a pressure pad. This is placed underneath a rug or portion of the carpet and is activated after hours. If someone steps on the pad, an alarm can be triggered.

A photoelectric system, or photometric system, detects the change in a light beam and thus can be used only in windowless rooms. These systems work like photoelectric smoke detectors, which emit a beam that hits the receiver. If this beam of light is interrupted, an alarm sounds. The beams emitted by the photoelectric cell can be cross-sectional and can be invisible or visible beams. Cross-sectional means that one area can have several different light beams extending across it, which is usually carried out by using hidden mirrors to bounce the beam from one place to another until it hits the light receiver. These are the most commonly used systems in the movies. You have probably seen James Bond and other noteworthy movie spies or criminals use night-vision goggles to see the invisible beams and then step over them.

A passive infrared (PIR) system identifies the changes of heat waves in an area it is configured to monitor. If the particles’ temperature within the air rises, it could be an indication of the presence of an intruder, so an alarm is sounded.

An acoustical detection system uses microphones installed on floors, walls, or ceilings. The goal is to detect any sound made during a forced entry. Although these systems are easily installed, they are very sensitive and cannot be used in areas open to sounds of storms or traffic. Vibration sensors are similar and are also implemented to detect forced entry. Financial institutions may choose to implement these types of sensors on exterior walls, where bank robbers may attempt to drive a vehicle through. They are also commonly used around the ceiling and flooring of vaults to detect someone trying to make an unauthorized bank withdrawal.

Wave-pattern motion detectors differ in the frequency of the waves they monitor. The different frequencies are microwave, ultrasonic, and low frequency. All of these devices generate a wave pattern that is sent over a sensitive area and reflected back to a receiver. If the pattern is returned undisturbed, the device does nothing. If the pattern returns altered because something in the room is moving, an alarm sounds.

A proximity detector, or capacitance detector, emits a measurable magnetic field. The detector monitors this magnetic field, and an alarm sounds if the field is disrupted. These devices are usually used to protect specific objects (artwork, cabinets, or a safe) versus protecting a whole room or area. Capacitance change in an electrostatic field can be used to catch a bad guy, but first you need to understand what capacitance change means. An electrostatic IDS creates an electrostatic magnetic field, which is just an electric field associated with static electric charges. Most objects have a measurable static electric charge. They are all made up of many subatomic particles, and when everything is stable and static, these particles constitute one holistic electric charge. This means there is a balance between the electric capacitance and inductance. Now, if an intruder enters the area, his subatomic particles will mess up this lovely balance in the electrostatic field, causing a capacitance change, and an alarm will sound. So if you want to rob a company that uses these types of detectors, leave the subatomic particles that make up your body at home.

The type of motion detector that a company chooses to implement, its power capacity, and its configurations dictate the number of detectors needed to cover a sensitive area. Also, the size and shape of the room and the items within the room may cause barriers, in which case more detectors would be needed to provide the necessary level of coverage.

IDSs are support mechanisms intended to detect and announce an attempted intrusion. They will not prevent or apprehend intruders, so they should be seen as an aid to the organization’s security forces.

Patrol Force and Guards

One of the best security mechanisms is a security guard and/or a patrol force to monitor a facility’s grounds. This type of security control is more flexible than other security mechanisms, provides good response to suspicious activities, and works as a great deterrent. However, it can be a costly endeavor because it requires a salary, benefits, and time off. People sometimes are unreliable. Screening and bonding is an important part of selecting a security guard, but this only provides a certain level of assurance. One issue is if the security guard decides to make exceptions for people who do not follow the organization’s approved policies. Because basic human nature is to trust and help people, a seemingly innocent favor can put an organization at risk.

IDSs and physical protection measures ultimately require human intervention. Security guards can be at a fixed post or can patrol specific areas. Different organizations will have different needs from security guards. They may be required to check individual credentials and enforce filling out a sign-in log. They may be responsible for monitoring IDSs and expected to respond to alarms. They may need to issue and recover visitor badges, respond to fire alarms, enforce rules established by the company within the building, and control what materials can come into or go out of the environment. The guard may need to verify that doors, windows, safes, and vaults are secured; report identified safety hazards; enforce restrictions of sensitive areas; and escort individuals throughout facilities.

The security guard should have clear and decisive tasks that she is expected to fulfill. The guard should be fully trained on the activities she is expected to perform and on the responses expected from her in different situations. She should also have a central control point to check in to, two-way radios to ensure proper communication, and the necessary access into areas she is responsible for protecting.

The best security has a combination of security mechanisms and does not depend on just one component of security. Thus, a security guard should be accompanied by other surveillance and detection mechanisms.


Dogs have proven to be highly useful in detecting intruders and other unwanted conditions. Their senses of smell and hearing outperform those of humans, and their intelligence and loyalty can be used for protection. The best security dogs go through intensive training to respond to a wide range of commands and to perform many tasks. Dogs can be trained to hold an intruder at bay until security personnel arrive or to chase an intruder and attack. Some dogs are trained to smell smoke so they can alert personnel to a fire.

Of course, dogs cannot always know the difference between an authorized person and an unauthorized person, so if an employee goes into work after hours, he can have more on his hands than expected. Dogs can provide a good supplementary security mechanism.


EXAM TIP    Because the use of guard dogs introduces significant risks to personal safety, which is paramount for CISSPs, exam answers that include dogs are likelier to be incorrect. Be on the lookout for these.

Auditing Physical Access

Physical access control systems can use software and auditing features to produce audit trails or access logs pertaining to access attempts. The following information should be logged and reviewed:

•  The date and time of the access attempt

•  The entry point at which access was attempted

•  The user ID employed when access was attempted

•  Any unsuccessful access attempts, especially if during unauthorized hours

As with audit logs produced by computers, access logs are useless unless someone actually reviews them. A security guard may be required to review these logs, but a security professional or a facility manager should also review these logs periodically. Management needs to know where entry points into the facility exist and who attempts to use them.

Audit and access logs are detective, not preventive. They are used to piece together a situation after the fact instead of attempting to prevent an access attempt in the first place.

Secure Resource Provisioning

The term “provisioning” is overloaded in the technology world, which is to say that it means different actions to different people. To a telecommunications service provider, it could mean the process of running wires, installing customer premises equipment, configuring services, and setting up accounts to provide a given service (e.g., DSL). To an IT department, it could mean the acquisition, configuration, and deployment of an information system (e.g., a new server) within a broader enterprise environment. Finally, to a cloud services provider, provisioning could mean automatically spinning up a new instance of that physical server that the IT department delivered to us.

For the purpose of the CISSP exam, provisioning is the set of all activities required to provide one or more new information services to a user or group of users (“new” meaning previously not available to that user or group). Though this definition is admittedly broad, it does subsume all that the overloaded term means. As you will see in the following sections, the specific actions included in various types of provisioning vary significantly, while remaining squarely within our given definition.

At the heart of provisioning is the imperative to provide these services in a secure manner. In other words, we must ensure the services themselves are secure. We also must ensure that the users or systems that can avail themselves of these services are accessing them in a secure manner and in accordance with their own authorizations and the application of the principle of least privilege.

Asset Inventory

Perhaps the most essential aspect of securing our information systems is knowing what it is that we are defending. Though the approaches to tracking hardware and software vary, they are both widely recognized as critical controls. At the very least, it is very difficult to defend an asset that you don’t know you have. As obvious as this sounds, many organizations lack an accurate and timely inventory of their hardware and software.

Tracking Hardware

Seemingly, maintaining awareness of which devices are in your organization should be an easier task than tracking your software. A hardware device can be seen, touched, and bar-scanned. It can also be sensed electronically once it is connected to the network. If you have the right tools and processes available, tracking hardware should not be all that difficult, right? Not so fast. It turns out that the set of problems ranges from supply chain security to insider threats and everything in between.

Let’s start with the basics. How do you ensure that a new device you’ve ordered is the right one and free of back doors or piracy issues? There have been multiple reports in the news media recently of confirmed or suspected back doors installed in hardware assets by either manufacturers (e.g., pirated hardware) or by third parties (e.g., government spy agencies) before they get to the organization that acquired them. In response to these and other threats, the International Organization for Standardization published ISO/PAS 28000:2007 as a means for organizations to use a consistent approach to securing their supply chains. In essence, we want to ensure we purchase from trusted sources, use a trusted transportation network, and have effective inspection processes to mitigate the risk of pirated, tampered, or stolen hardware.

But even if we can assure ourselves that all the hardware we acquire is legitimate, how would we know if someone else were to add devices to our networks? Asset monitoring includes not only tracking our known devices, but also identifying unknown ones that may occasionally pop up in our enclaves. Examples that come to mind from personal experience include rogue wireless access points, personal mobile devices, and even telephone modems. Each introduces unknown (and thus unmitigated) risks. The solution is to have a comprehensive monitoring process that actively searches for these devices and ensures compliance with your organization’s security policies.

In many cases, monitoring devices on the premises can be as simple as having a member of the security or IT team randomly walk through every space in the organization looking for things that are out of place. This becomes even more effective if this person does this after work hours and also looks for wireless networks as part of these walks. Alternatively, much of this can be done using device management platforms and a variety of sensors.

Tracking Software

Obviously, we can’t just walk around and inventory our software. Still, the risks introduced by software are every bit as significant as those introduced by hardware (and perhaps more so). Fundamentally, these risks can be grouped into those that raise liability issues and those that raise security issues.

Unlicensed or pirated software not only is unethical, but also exposes an organization to financial liability from the legitimate product vendors. This liability can manifest in a number of ways, including having the organization reported to the vendor by a disgruntled employee. It could also come up when certain software packages “phone home” to the vendors’ servers or when downloading software patches and updates. Depending on the number and types of licenses, this could end up costing significant amounts of money in retroactive licensing fees.

Pirated software is even more problematic because many forms of it include backdoors installed by the pirates or are Trojan horses. Even if this were not the case, it would almost certainly be impossible to update or patch this software, which makes it inherently more insecure. Since no IT staff in their right mind would seriously consider using pirated software as an organizational policy, its presence on a network would suggest that at least some users have privileges that are being abused and to which they may not be entitled.

The solution to the software asset inventory problem is multifaceted. It starts with an assessment of the legitimate application requirements of the organization. Perhaps some users need an expensive photo editing software suite, but it’s provisioning should be carefully controlled and only available to that set of users in order to minimize the licensing costs. Once the requirements are known and broken down by class of user, there are several ways to keep a handle on what software exists on which systems. Here are some of the most widely accepted best practices:

•  Application whitelisting    A whitelist is a list of software that is allowed to execute on a device or set of devices. Implementing this approach not only prevents unlicensed or unauthorized software from being installed, but also protects against many classes of malware.

•  Using Gold Masters    As introduced earlier in the chapter, a Gold Master is a standard image workstation or server that includes properly configured and authorized software. Organizations may have multiple images representing different sets of users. The use of Gold Masters simplifies new device provisioning and configuration, particularly if the users are not allowed to modify them.

•  Enforcing the principle of least privilege    If the typical users are not able to install any software on their devices, then it becomes a lot harder for rogue applications to show up in our networks. Furthermore, if we apply this approach, we mitigate risks from a very large set of attacks.

•  Automated scanning    Every device on your network should be periodically scanned to ensure it is running only approved software with proper configurations. Deviations from this policy should be logged and investigated by the IT or security team.

Controlling the existing hardware and software on our networks should be a precondition to provisioning new services and capabilities. To do otherwise risks making an already untenable position even worse.

Configuration Management

Once we have a good handle on what hardware and software we have in our organization, we need to also ensure that we get (and keep) a handle on how these assets are configured. Sadly, most default configurations are woefully insecure. This means that if we do not configure security when we provision new hardware or software, we are virtually guaranteeing successful attacks on our systems. Configuration management (CM) is the process of establishing and maintaining consistent baselines on all of our systems.

Every company should have a policy indicating how changes take place within a facility, who can make the changes, how the changes are approved, and how the changes are documented and communicated to other employees. Without these policies in place, people can make changes that others do not know about and that have not been approved, which can result in a confusing mess at the lowest end of the impact scale, and a complete breakdown of operations at the high end. Heavily regulated industries such as finance, pharmaceuticals, and energy have very strict guidelines regarding what specifically can be done and at exactly what time and under which conditions. These guidelines are intended to avoid problems that could impact large segments of the population or downstream partners. Without strict controls and guidelines, vulnerabilities can be introduced into an environment. Tracking down and reversing the changes after everything is done can be a very complicated and nearly impossible task.

The changes can happen to network configurations, system parameters, applications, and settings when adding new technologies, application configurations, or devices, or when modifying the facility’s environmental systems. Change control is important not only for an environment, but also for a product during its development and life cycle. Changes must be effective and orderly, because time and money can be wasted by continually making changes that do not meet an ultimate goal.

Some changes can cause a serious network disruption and affect systems’ availability. This means changes must be thought through, approved, and carried out in a structured fashion. Backup plans may be necessary in case the change causes unforeseen negative effects. For example, if a server is going to be replaced with a different server type, interoperability issues could prevent users from accessing specific resources, so a backup or redundant server should be in place to ensure availability and continued productivity.

Change Control Process

A well-structured change control process should be put into place to aid staff members through many different types of changes to the environment. This process should be laid out in the change control policy. Although the types of changes vary, a standard list of procedures can help keep the process under control and ensure it is carried out in a predictable manner. The following steps are examples of the types of procedures that should be part of any change control policy:

1. Request for a change to take place    Requests should be presented to an individual or group that is responsible for approving changes and overseeing the activities of changes that take place within an environment.

2. Approval of the change    The individual requesting the change must justify the reasons and clearly show the benefits and possible pitfalls of (that is, risk introduced by) the change. Sometimes the requester is asked to conduct more research and provide more information before the change is approved.

3. Documentation of the change    Once the change is approved, it should be entered into a change log. The log should be updated as the process continues toward completion. Denied requests must also be documented, so that there is a record of the rationale for not making the change.

4. Tested and presented    The change must be fully tested to uncover any unforeseen results. Regardless of how well we test, there is always a chance that the change will cause an unacceptable loss or outage, so every change request should also have a rollback plan that restores the system to the last known-good configuration. Depending on the severity of the change and the company’s organization, the change and implementation may need to be presented to a change control committee. This helps show different sides to the purpose and outcome of the change and the possible ramifications.

5. Implementation    Once the change is fully tested and approved, a schedule should be developed that outlines the projected phases of the change being implemented and the necessary milestones. These steps should be fully documented and progress should be monitored.

6. Report change to management    A full report summarizing the change should be submitted to management. This report can be submitted on a periodic basis to keep management up-to-date and ensure continual support.

These steps, of course, usually apply to large changes that take place within an organization. These types of changes are typically expensive and can have lasting effects on a company. However, smaller changes should also go through some type of change control process. If a server needs to have a patch applied, it is not good practice to have an engineer just apply it without properly testing it on a nonproduction server, without having the approval of the IT department manager or network administrator, and without having backup and backout plans in place in case the patch causes some negative effect on the production server. Of course, these changes need to be documented.

As stated previously, it is critical that the operations department create approved backout plans before implementing changes to systems or the network. It is very common for changes to cause problems that were not properly identified before the implementation process began. Many network engineers have experienced the headaches of applying poorly developed “fixes” or patches that end up breaking something else in the system. To ensure productivity is not negatively affected by these issues, a backout plan should be developed. This plan describes how the team will restore the system to its original state before the change was implemented.

Change Control Documentation

Failing to document changes to systems and networks is only asking for trouble, because no one will remember, for example, what was done to that one server in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) six months ago or how the main router was fixed when it was acting up last year. Changes to software configurations and network devices take place pretty often in most environments, and keeping all of these details properly organized is impossible, unless someone maintains a log of this type of activity.

Numerous changes can take place in a company, some of which are as follows:

•  New computers installed

•  New applications installed

•  Different configurations implemented

•  Patches and updates installed

•  New technologies integrated

•  Policies, procedures, and standards updated

•  New regulations and requirements implemented

•  Network or system problems identified and fixes implemented

•  Different network configuration implemented

•  New networking devices integrated into the network

•  Company acquired by, or merged with, another company

The list could go on and on and could be general or detailed. Many companies have experienced some major problem that affects the network and employee productivity. The IT department may run around trying to figure out the issue and go through hours or days of trial-and-error exercises to find and apply the necessary fix. If no one properly documents the incident and what was done to fix the issue, the company may be doomed to repeat the same scramble six months to a year down the road.


Provisioning Cloud Assets

Generally, cloud provisioning is the set of all activities required to provide one or more new cloud assets to a user or group of users. So what exactly are these cloud assets? As described in Chapter 3, cloud computing is generally divided into three types of service: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). The provisioning of each type of service presents its own set of issues.

When we are dealing with provisioning IaaS assets, our user population is limited to the IT department. To see why this is true, we need only consider a noncloud (that is, physical) equivalent: provisioning a new server or router. Because these assets typically impact a large number of users in the organization, we must be very careful in planning and testing their provisioning. Accordingly, these provisioning actions often require the approval of the senior leadership or of the change control committee. Only a very small group of IT personnel should be able to perform such provisioning.

PaaS is similar to IaaS in terms of organizational impact, but oftentimes has a more limited scope. Recall that a platform, in this context, is typically a service such as a web or database management service. Though the IT team typically handles the provisioning, in some cases someone else in the organization may handle it. Consider, for example, the case of a development (intranet-only) web service that is being provisioned to test a web application that a team of coders is developing. Depending on the scope, context, and accessibility, this provisioning could be delegated to any one of the developers, though someone in IT would first constrain the platform to ensure it is accessible only to that team.

Finally, SaaS could be provisioned by a larger pool of users within the constraints established by the IT team in accordance with the organizational policy. If a given group of users is authorized to use the customer relations manager (CRM), then those users should be able to log into their accounts and self-provision that and any other applications to which they are authorized.

As you can see, the provisioning of cloud assets should be increasingly more controlled depending on the organizational impact and the risk profile of the specific asset. The key to secure provisioning is carefully setting up the cloud computing environment so that properly configured applications, platforms, and infrastructure are rapidly available to authorized users when and where they need them. After all, one of the benefits of cloud computing is the promise of self-service provisioning in near real time.

Network and Resource Availability

Secure resource provisioning is only part of the story here. Another key component of security operations is planning for and dealing with the inevitable failures of the component parts of our information systems. In the triad of security services, availability is one of the foundational components (the other two being confidentiality and integrity). Network and resource availability often is not fully appreciated until it is gone. That is why administrators and engineers need to implement effective backup and redundant systems to make sure that when something happens (and something will happen), users’ productivity will not be drastically affected.

The network needs to be properly maintained to make sure the network and its resources will always be available when they’re needed. For example, the cables need to be the correct type for the environment and technology used, and cable runs should not exceed the recommended lengths. Older cables should be replaced with newer ones, and periodic checks should be made for possible cable cuts and malfunctions.

Device backup and other availability solutions are chosen to balance the value of having information available against the cost of keeping that information available:

•  Redundant hardware ready for “hot swapping” keeps information highly available by having multiple copies of information (mirroring) or enough extra information available to reconstruct information in case of partial loss (parity, error correction). Hot swapping allows the administrator to replace the failed component while the system continues to run and information remains available; usually degraded performance results, but unplanned downtime is avoided.

•  Fault-tolerant technologies keep information available against not only individual storage device faults but even against whole system failures. Fault tolerance is among the most expensive possible solutions, and is justified only for the most mission-critical information. All technology will eventually experience a failure of some form. A company that would suffer irreparable harm from any unplanned downtime, or that would accumulate millions of dollars in losses for even a very brief unplanned downtime, can justify paying the high cost for fault-tolerant systems.

•  Service level agreements (SLAs) help service providers, whether they are an internal IT operation or an outsourcer, decide what type of availability technology is appropriate. From this determination, the price of a service or the budget of the IT operation can be set. The process of developing an SLA with a business is also beneficial to the business. While some businesses have performed this type of introspection on their own, many have not, and being forced to go through the exercise as part of budgeting for their internal IT operations or external sourcing helps the business understand the real value of its information.

•  Solid operational procedures are also required to maintain availability. The most reliable hardware with the highest redundancy or fault tolerance, designed for the fastest mean time to repair, will mostly be a waste of money if operational procedures, training, and continuous improvement are not part of the operational environment: one slip of the finger by an IT administrator can halt the most reliable system.

We need to understand when system failures are most likely to happen….

Mean Time Between Failures

Mean time between failures (MTBF) is a measure of how long we expect a piece of equipment to operate reliably. MTBF is normally calculated by staking the average of the time between failures of a system. For example, suppose you buy a lot of 100 hard disk drives, install them, and start using them on the same day. You subsequently note that one of them fails after 10 days, a second fails after 500 days, and a third fails after 600 days. At that point, you could calculate your MTBF for the lot to be 370 days (1110 days / 3 failures). Normally, however, we rely on the vendor of the equipment or a third party to calculate this value, since they have access to information on many more devices than we do. The reason for using MTBF is to know approximately when a particular device will need to be repaired or replaced. It is used as a benchmark for reliability.


EXAM TIP    MTBF implies that the device or component is repairable. If it isn’t, then we use the term mean time to failure (MTTF).

Organizations trending MTBF over time for the devices they use may be able to identify types of devices that are failing above the averages promised by the devices’ manufacturers and take action. For example, if the devices are still under warranty, an organization may proactively contact the manufacturer to seek replacement; if not under warranty, the organization may decide to replace the devices preemptively before larger-scale failures and operational disruptions occur.

Mean Time to Repair

Mean time to repair (MTTR) is the expected amount of time it will take to get a device fixed and back into production after its failure. For a hard drive in a redundant array, the MTTR is the amount of time between the actual failure and the time when, after noticing the failure, someone has replaced the failed drive and the redundant array has completed rewriting the information on the new drive. This is likely to be measured in hours. For a nonredundant hard drive in a desktop PC, the MTTR is the amount of time between when the user emits a loud curse and calls the help desk, and the point at which the replaced hard drive has been reloaded with the operating system, software, and any backed-up data belonging to the user. This is likely to be measured in days. For an unplanned reboot, the MTTR is the amount of time between the failure of the system and the point in time when it has rebooted its operating system, checked the state of its disks (hopefully finding nothing that its file systems cannot handle), and restarted its applications, and its applications have checked the consistency of their data (hopefully finding nothing that their journals cannot handle) and once again begun processing transactions. For well-built hardware running high-quality, well-managed operating systems and software, this may be only minutes. For commodity equipment without high-performance journaling file systems and databases, this may be hours, or, worse, days if automated recovery/rollback does not work and a restore of data from tape is required:

•  The MTTR may pertain to fixing a component of the device, or replacing the device, or perhaps refers to a vendor’s SLA.

•  If the MTTR is too high for a critical device, then redundancy should be used.

The MTBF and MTTR numbers provided by manufacturers are useful in choosing how much to spend on new systems. Systems that can be down for brief periods of time without significant impact may be built from inexpensive components with lower MTBF expectations and modest MTTR. Higher MTBF numbers are often accompanied by higher prices, but can be justified for mission-critical systems. Systems that cannot be allowed to be down at all need redundant components with high MTBF values.

Single Points of Failure

A single point of failure poses a lot of potential risk to a network, because if the device fails, a segment or even the entire network is negatively affected. Devices that could represent single points of failure are firewalls, routers, network access servers, T1 lines, switches, bridges, hubs, and authentication servers—to name a few. The best defenses against being vulnerable to these single points of failure are proper maintenance, regular backups, redundancy, and fault tolerance.

Multiple paths should exist between routers in case one router goes down, and dynamic routing protocols should be used so each router will be informed when a change to the network takes place. For WAN connections, a failover option should be configured to enable an Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) connection to be available if the WAN router fails. Figure 7-10 illustrates a common e-commerce environment that contains redundant devices.


Figure 7-10    Each critical device may require a redundant partner to ensure availability.

The following sections address technologies that can be used to help prevent productivity disruption because of single points of failure.


Redundant array of independent disks (RAID) is a technology used for redundancy and/or performance improvement that combines several physical disks and aggregates them into logical arrays. Redundancy and speed are provided by breaking up the data and writing it across several disks so different disk heads can work simultaneously to retrieve the requested information. Control data is also spread across each disk—this is called parity—so that if one disk fails, the other disks can work together and restore its data. A RAID appears as a single drive to applications and other devices.


When data is written across all drives, the technique of striping is used. This activity divides and writes the data over several drives. The write performance is not affected, but the read performance is increased dramatically because more than one head is retrieving data at the same time. It might take the RAID system six seconds to write a block of data to the drives and only two seconds or less to read the same data from the disks.

Various levels of RAID dictate the type of activity that will take place within the RAID system. Some levels deal only with performance issues, while other levels deal with performance and fault tolerance. If fault tolerance is one of the services a RAID level provides, parity is involved. If a drive fails, the parity is basically instructions that tell the RAID system how to rebuild the lost data on the new hard drive. Parity is used to rebuild a new drive so all the information is restored. Most RAID systems have hot-swapping disks, which means they can replace drives while the system is running.

When a drive is swapped out, or added, the parity data is used to rebuild the data on the new disk that was just added.



EXAM TIP    The term RAID 10 is sometimes used to refer to a combination of levels 1 and 0. The CBK may refer to this as either RAID 0+1 or RAID 1+0.

The most common RAID level used today is level 5. Table 7-2 describes each of the possible RAID levels.


Table 7-2    Different RAID Levels


NOTE    RAID level 5 is the most commonly used mode.

Direct Access Storage Device

Direct access storage device (DASD) is a general term for magnetic disk storage devices, which historically have been used in mainframe and minicomputer (mid-range computer) environments. RAID is a type of DASD. The key distinction between DASDs and sequential access storage devices (SASDs) is that any point on a DASD may be promptly reached, whereas every point in between the current position and the desired position of a SASD must be traversed in order to reach the desired position. Tape drives are SASDs. Some tape drives have minimal amounts of direct access intelligence built in. These include multitrack tape devices that store at specific points on the tape and cache in the tape drive information about where major sections of data on the tape begin, allowing the tape drive to more quickly reach a track and a point on the track from which to begin the now much shorter traversal of data from that indexed point to the desired point. While this makes such tape drives noticeably faster than their purely sequential peers, the difference in performance between SASDs and DASDs is orders of magnitude.

Massive Array of Inactive Disks

A relatively recent entrant into the medium-scale storage arena (in the hundreds of terabytes) is massive array of inactive disks (MAID). MAID has a particular (possibly large) niche, where up to several hundred terabytes of data storage are needed, but it carries out mostly write operations. Smaller storage requirements generally do not justify the increased acquisition cost and operational complexity of a MAID. Medium-to-large storage requirements where much of the data is regularly active would not accomplish a true benefit from MAID since the performance of a MAID in such a use case declines rapidly as more drives are needed to be active than the MAID is intended to offer. At the very highest end of storage, with a typical write-mostly use case, tape drives remain the most economical solution due to the lower per-unit cost of tape storage and the decreasing percent of the total media needed to be online at any given time.

In a MAID, rack-mounted disk arrays have all inactive disks powered down, with only the disk controller alive. When an application asks for data, the controller powers up the appropriate disk drive(s), transfers the data, and then powers the drive(s) down again. By powering down infrequently accessed drives, energy consumption is significantly reduced, and the service life of the disk drives may be increased.

Redundant Array of Independent Tapes

Redundant array of independent tapes (RAIT) is similar to RAID, but uses tape drives instead of disk drives. Tape storage is the lowest-cost option for very large amounts of data, but is very slow compared to disk storage. For very large write-mostly storage applications where MAID is not economical and where a higher performance than typical tape storage is desired, or where tape storage provides appropriate performance and higher reliability is required, RAIT may fit.

As in RAID 1 striping, in RAIT, data is striped in parallel to multiple tape drives, with or without a redundant parity drive. This provides the high capacity at low cost typical of tape storage, with higher-than-usual tape data transfer rates and optional data integrity.

Storage Area Networks

Drawing from the local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), and metropolitan area network (MAN) nomenclature, a storage area network (SAN) consists of numerous storage devices linked together by a high-speed private network and storage-specific switches. This creates a “fabric” that allows users to attach to and interact in a transparent mode. When a user makes a request for a file, he does not need to know which server or tape drive to go to—the SAN software finds it and provides it to the user.

Many infrastructures have data spewed all over the network, and tracking down the necessary information can be frustrating, but backing up all of the necessary data can also prove challenging in this setup.

SANs provide redundancy, fault tolerance, reliability, and backups, and allow the users and administrators to interact with the SAN as one virtual entity. Because the network that carries the data in the SAN is separate from a company’s regular data network, all of this performance, reliability, and flexibility comes without impact to the data networking capabilities of the systems on the network.

SANs are not commonly used in small or midsized companies. They are for companies that have to keep track of terabytes of data and have the funds for this type of technology. The storage vendors are currently having a heyday, not only because everything we do business-wise is digital and must be stored, but because government regulations are requiring companies to keep certain types of data for a specific retention period. Imagine storing all of your company’s e-mail traffic for seven years…that’s just one type of data that must be retained.


NOTE    Tape drives, optical jukeboxes, and disk arrays may also be attached to, and referenced through, a SAN.



Clustering is a fault-tolerant server technology that is similar to redundant servers, except each server takes part in processing services that are requested. A server cluster is a group of servers that are viewed logically as one server to users and can be managed as a single logical system. Clustering provides for availability and scalability. It groups physically different systems and combines them logically, which provides immunity to faults and improves performance. Clusters work as an intelligent unit to balance traffic, and users who access the cluster do not know they may be accessing different systems at different times. To the users, all servers within the cluster are seen as one unit. Clusters may also be referred to as server farms.

If one of the systems within the cluster fails, processing continues because the rest pick up the load, although degradation in performance could occur. This is more attractive, however, than having a secondary (redundant) server that waits in the wings in case a primary server fails, because this secondary server may just sit idle for a long period of time, which is wasteful. When clustering is used, all systems are used to process requests and none sit in the background waiting for something to fail. Clustering is a logical outgrowth of redundant servers. Consider a single server that requires high availability, and so has a hot standby redundant server allocated. For each such single server requiring high availability, an additional redundant server must be purchased. Since failure of multiple primary servers at once is unlikely, it would be economically efficient to have a small number of extra servers, any of which could take up the load of any single failed primary server. Thus was born the cluster.

Clustering offers a lot more than just availability. It also provides load balancing (each system takes a part of the processing load), redundancy, and failover (other systems continue to work if one fails).

Grid Computing

Grid computing is another load-balanced parallel means of massive computation, similar to clusters but implemented with loosely coupled systems that may join and leave the grid randomly. Most computers have extra CPU processing power that is not being used many times throughout the day. So some smart people thought that was wasteful and came up with a way to use all of this extra processing power. Just like the power grid provides electricity to entities on an as-needed basis (if you pay your bill), computers can volunteer to allow their extra processing power to be available to different groups for different projects. The first project to use grid computing was SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), where people allowed their systems to participate in scanning the universe looking for aliens who are trying to talk to us.

Although this may sound similar to clustering, where in a cluster a central controller has master control over allocation of resources and users to cluster nodes and the nodes in the cluster are under central management (in the same trust domain), in grid computing the nodes do not trust each other and have no central control.

Applications that may be technically suitable to run in a grid and that would enjoy the economic advantage of a grid’s cheap massive computing power, but which require secrecy, may not be good candidates for a grid computer since the secrecy of the content of a workload unit allocated to a grid member cannot be guaranteed by the grid against the owner of the individual grid member. Additionally, because the grid members are of variable capacity and availability and do not trust each other, grid computing is not appropriate for applications that require tight interactions and coordinated scheduling among multiple workload units. This means sensitive data should not be processed over a grid, and this is not the proper technology for time-sensitive applications.

A more appropriate use of grid computing is projects like financial modeling, weather modeling, and earthquake simulation. Each of these has an incredible amount of variables and input that need to be continually computed. This approach has also been used to try and crack algorithms and was used to generate rainbow tables.


NOTE    Rainbow tables consist of all possible passwords in hashed formats. This allows attackers to uncover passwords much more quickly than carrying out a dictionary or brute-force attack.


Backing up software and having backup hardware devices are two large parts of network availability. You need to be able to restore data if a hard drive fails, a disaster takes place, or some type of software corruption occurs.

A policy should be developed that indicates what gets backed up, how often it gets backed up, and how these processes should occur. If users have important information on their workstations, the operations department needs to develop a method that indicates that backups include certain directories on users’ workstations or that users move their critical data to a server share at the end of each day to ensure it gets backed up. Backups may occur once or twice a week, every day, or every three hours. It is up to the company to determine this interval. The more frequent the backups, the more resources will be dedicated to it, so there needs to be a balance between backup costs and the actual risk of potentially losing data.

A company may find that conducting automatic backups through specialized software is more economical and effective than spending IT work-hours on the task. The integrity of these backups needs to be checked to ensure they are happening as expected—rather than finding out right after two major servers blow up that the automatic backups were saving only temporary files. (Review Chapter 6 for more information on backup issues.)


Hierarchical Storage Management

Hierarchical storage management (HSM) provides continuous online backup functionality. It combines hard disk technology with the cheaper and slower optical or tape jukeboxes. The HSM system dynamically manages the storage and recovery of files, which are copied to storage media devices that vary in speed and cost. The faster media holds the files that are accessed more often, and the seldom-used files are stored on the slower devices, or near-line devices, as shown in Figure 7-11. The storage media could include optical discs, magnetic disks, and tapes. This functionality happens in the background without the knowledge of the user or any need for user intervention.


Figure 7-11    HSM provides an economical and efficient way of storing data.

HSM works, according to tuning based on the trade-off between the cost of storage and the availability of information, by migrating the actual content of less used files to lower-speed, lower-cost storage, while leaving behind a “stub,” which looks to the user like it contains the full data of the migrated file. When the user or an application accesses the stub, the HSM uses the information in the stub to find the real location of the information and then retrieve it transparently for the user.

This type of technology was created to save money and time. If all data was stored on hard drives, that would be expensive. If a lot of the data was stored on tapes, it would take too long to retrieve the data when needed. So HSM provides a terrific approach by providing you with the data you need, when you need it, without having to bother the administrator to track down some tape or optical disc.

Backups should include the underlying operating system and applications, as well as the configuration files for both. Systems are attached to networks, and network devices can experience failures and data losses as well. Data loss of a network device usually means the configuration of the network device is lost completely (and the device will not even boot up), or that the configuration of the network device reverts to defaults (which, though it will boot up, does your network little good). Therefore, the configurations of network and other nonsystem devices (for example, the phone system) in the environment are also necessary.


CAUTION    Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) servers are commonly used to save the configuration settings from network devices. However, TFTP is an insecure protocol, some network settings are sensitive and should be kept confidential, and a coordinated attack is possible against network devices that load their configurations using TFTP by first causing the network device to fail and then attacking the TFTP download of the configuration to cause a malicious configuration to be loaded. Alternatives to TFTP should be sought.

Contingency Planning

When an incident strikes, more is required than simply knowing how to restore data from backups. Also necessary are the detailed procedures that outline the activities to keep the critical systems available and ensure that operations and processing are not interrupted. Contingency management defines what should take place during and after an incident. Actions that are required to take place for emergency response, continuity of operations, and dealing with major outages must be documented and readily available to the operations staff. There should be at least three instances of these documents: the original that is on site; a copy that is also on site but in a protective, fireproof safe; and a copy that is at an offsite location.

Contingency plans should not be trusted until they have been tested. Organizations should carry out exercises to ensure that the staff fully understands their responsibilities and how to carry them out. Another issue to consider is how to keep these plans up-to-date. As our dynamic, networked environments change, so must our plans on how to rescue them when necessary.

Although in the security industry “contingency planning” and “business continuity planning (BCP)” are commonly used interchangeably, it is important that you understand the actual difference for the CISSP exam. BCP addresses how to keep the organization in business after a disaster takes place. It is about the survivability of the organization and making sure that critical functions can still take place even after a disaster. Contingency plans address how to deal with small incidents that do not qualify as disasters, as in power outages, server failures, a down communication link to the Internet, or the corruption of software. It is important that organizations be ready to deal with large and small issues that they may run into one day.

Preventative Measures

A good way to reduce the likelihood of contingencies and disasters is to ensure your defensive architectures include the right set of tools. These technical controls need to be carefully considered in the context of your own conditions to decide which are useful and which aren’t. Regardless of the tools you employ, there is an underlying process that drives their operation in a live environment. The steps of this generalized process are described here:

1. Understand the risk. Chapter 1 presented the risk management process that organizations should use. The premise of this process is that you can’t ever eliminate all risks and should therefore devote your scarce resources to mitigating the most dangerous risks to a point where their likelihood is acceptable to the senior leaders. If you don’t focus on that set of risks, you will likely squander your resources countering threats that are not the ones your CEO is really concerned about.

2. Use the right controls. Once you are focused on the right set of risks, you can more easily identify the controls that will appropriately mitigate them. The relationship between risks and controls is many to many, since a given risk can have multiple controls assigned to it and a given control can be used to mitigate multiple risks. In fact, the number of risks mitigated by one control should give you an indicator of the value of that control to the organization. On the other hand, having multiple controls mitigating a risk may be less efficient, but may provide resiliency.

3. Use the controls correctly. Selecting the right tools is only part of the battle. You also need to ensure they are emplaced and configured correctly. The network architectures covered in Chapter 4 place some very significant limitations on the effectiveness of tools based on where they are plugged in. If an IDS is deployed on the wrong subnet, it may not be able to monitor all the traffic from the threat sources against which it is supposed to defend. Similarly, that same IDS with the wrong configuration or rule set could well become an expensive ornament on the network.

4. Manage your configuration. One of the certainties in life is that, left alone, every configuration is guaranteed to become obsolete at some point in the future. Even if it is not left alone, making unauthorized or undocumented changes will introduce risk at best and at worst quietly render your network vulnerable to an immediate threat. Properly done, configuration management will ensure you have ground truth about your network so that you can better answer the questions that are typically asked when doing security operations.

5. Assess your operation. You should constantly (or at least periodically) be looking at your defensive plan, comparing it with your latest threat and risk assessments, and asking yourself: are we still properly mitigating the risks? You should test your controls using cases derived from your risk assessment. This verifies that you are correctly mitigating those risks. However, you should also occasionally test your controls against an unconstrained set of threats in order to validate that you are mitigating the correct risks. A good penetration test (pen test) can both verify and validate the controls.

This process can yield a huge amount of possible preventative controls. There are some controls, however, that are so pervasive that every information security professional should be able to incorporate them into a defensive architecture. In the following sections, we describe the most important ones.


Among all preventative measures, perhaps none is more popular than the firewall. Back in Chapter 4, we discussed firewalls as network devices. We now revisit them as a common tool in many security toolkits. We should stress that this is just one tool and that it is not universal. In fact, stand-alone firewalls have been replaced in many cases by security appliances or software solutions that subsume the traditional firewall functionality and add significant other capabilities.

As always, you should start with the threat and how it creates specific risks to your organization. From there, you should clearly define the subset of risks that is appropriately mitigated by firewalls. Once you have this control-risk pairing done, you can look at your network and decide where are the best places to locate firewalls to mitigate those risks. Do you have the right number (and kind) of firewalls? Are they in the right places? In some cases, the answer to one or the other question is “no,” which will allow you to reposition or requisition your assets to better defend yourself.

Obviously, the placement of firewalls is not the only concern. Firewalls operate by enforcing rules, and those rules are mostly static. The operational challenge is to both accurately track the current sets of rules and have a process to identify rules that must be added, modified, or deleted. We already touched on this idea when we discussed configuration management earlier in this chapter, and the concept is particularly applicable to firewalls. It is difficult to overstate the number of firewalls with obsolete and ineffective rules that are operating on live networks. While the use of a next-generation firewall (NGFW) simplifies this process by using connections to external data sources (like policy servers and Active Directory), even they need a formal process to ensure that the right rules get to the right places at the right time.

Finally, you need a plan to routinely assess the effectiveness of your firewall defenses. To this end you simply go back to the first step in this process and look again at your threats and risks. These will drive what should be a fairly obvious set of test cases with which you will be able to answer the question we should always be asking ourselves: are we still properly mitigating the risk?

Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems

We already covered intrusion detection systems in the context of facility security earlier in this chapter. We also covered IDSs and intrusion prevention systems (IPSs) in detail within the context of access control monitoring in Chapter 5. Let’s now turn our attention to how we might employ IDSs and IPSs in the context of network security operations.

As a refresher, the main difference between an IDS and an IPS is that an IDS will only detect and report suspected intrusions, while an IPS will detect, report, and stop suspected intrusions. The types of intrusions given the highest priority should be those that have the potential to realize the risks we identified in our risk management plan. Accordingly, we must ensure that we address those threats first before we open our aperture to include others. Some organizations incorrectly assume that deploying the latest IDS/IPS technology will keep them safe, but this really depends on what exactly it is that they want to be safe from.

Once we are clear on the risk we are trying to mitigate, we can start deciding which intrusion detection and prevention controls offer the best return on investment. The options include host-based intrusion detection systems (HIDSs), network intrusion detection systems (NIDSs), and wireless intrusion detection systems (WIDSs). Each may operate in detection or prevention mode depending on the specific product and how it is employed. Finally, each may be rule or anomaly based, or, in some cases, a hybrid of both.


NOTE    Any inline network security device (e.g., firewall, IDS, IPS) will have a maximum rated throughput. It is imperative to match that throughput with the load on the network segment on which the device is deployed. Doing otherwise risks creating a bottleneck and/or dropping packets.

Of course, the placement of network sensors is critical with IDSs/IPSs just as it is with firewalls. In principle, we want to start as close to the edge routers as we can while staying inside the perimeter. As resources and needs dictate, we can then place additional IDSs and IPSs in and/or between subnets. In most cases, we will want protection from the edge all the way to the end point (i.e., the workstation or server).


NOTE    The term “perimeter” has lost some of its importance of late. While it remains an important concept in terms of security architecting, it can mislead some into imagining a wall separating us from the bad guys. A best practice is to assume the adversaries are already “inside the wire,” which downplays the importance of a perimeter in security operations.

As with any other detection system, it is important to take steps to make the IDS or IPS less error-prone. False positives—that is, detecting intrusions when none happened—can lead to fatigue and desensitizing the personnel who need to examine each of these alerts. Conversely, false negatives are events that the system incorrectly classifies as benign, delaying the response until the intrusion is detected through some other means. Obviously, both are bad outcomes.

Perhaps the most important step toward reducing errors is to baseline the system. Baselining is the process of establishing the normal patterns of behavior for a given network or system. Most of us think of baselining only in terms of anomaly-based IDSs because these typically have to go through a period of learning before they can determine what is anomalous. However, even rule-based IDSs should be configured in accordance with whatever is normal for an organization. There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all set of IDS/IPS rules, though some individual rules may very well be applicable to all (e.g., detecting a known specimen of malware).

Even after the initial configuration of the systems in the context of their specific networks or systems, we need to have a process in place for tuning our IDS/IPS to reduce false positives. Like any other change away from an established baseline, this should be part of our broader configuration management plan. This is particularly important for IDSs/IPSs, because of their dependence on whitelists and blacklists. A whitelist is a set of known-good resources such as IP addresses, domain names, or applications. Conversely, a blacklist is a set of known-bad resources. The operation of an IDS/IPS benefits tremendously from using these lists, partly because a whitelist will likely reduce the number of false positives. Another way in which we improve the performance of these systems is by maintaining accurate asset inventories. It is very useful for an IDS to know that a specific device is authorized (or not) to run a specific application.


Antimalware (commonly called antivirus) software is designed to detect and neutralize malicious software, including viruses, worms, and Trojan horses. The vast majority of commercially available antimalware software is rule based, with new malware definition files automatically downloaded from the vendor on a weekly (or shorter) basis. The way this software works is by identifying a distinctive attribute of the malware, extracting that as its signature, and then updating all software systems with it. Antimalware software works by identifying malware that is already known to the vendor, which means that it may not detect new malware (or “old” malware that has been modified).

There are at least a dozen major antimalware products in the market at the time of this writing. While none offers 100 percent protection against malicious software, all fall in the range of 90 to 99.9 percent effectiveness rate against known malware according to independent testing. Combine this with a relatively low price compared to other security solutions, and antimalware products offer very cost-effective protection. Still, it is not difficult to develop malware that is specifically designed to be invisible to any one product. This means that if a sophisticated adversary knows which antimalware product you use, they will not have much difficulty bypassing it.

Patch Management

According to NIST Special Publication 800-40, Revision 3, “Guide to Enterprise Patch Management Technologies,” patch management is “the process for identifying, acquiring, installing, and verifying patches for products and systems.” Patches are software updates intended to remove a vulnerability or defect in the software, or to provide new features or functionality for it. Patch management is, at least in a basic way, an established part of organizations’ IT or security operations already.

Unmanaged Patching

One approach to patch management is to use a decentralized or unmanaged model in which each software package on each device periodically checks for updates and, if any are available, automatically applies them. While this approach may seem like a simple solution to the problem, it does have significant issues that could render it unacceptably risky for an organization. Among these risks are the following:

•  Credentials    Installing patches typically requires users to have admin credentials, which violates the principle of least privilege.

•  Configuration management    It may be difficult (or impossible) to attest to the status of every application in the organization, which makes configuration management much more difficult.

•  Bandwidth utilization    Having each application or service independently download the patches will lead to network congestion, particularly if there is no way to control when this will happen.

•  Service availability    Servers are almost never configured to automatically update themselves because this could lead to unscheduled outages that have a negative effect on the organization.

There is almost no advantage to decentralized patch management, except that it is better than doing nothing. The effort saved by not having management overhead is more than balanced by the additional effort you’ll have to put into responding to incidents and solving configuration and interoperability problems. Still, there may be situations in which it is not possible to actively manage some devices. For instance, if you have a highly mobile workforce or if your users are allowed to work from home using personal devices, then it would be difficult to implement the centralized approach we discuss next. In such situations, the decentralized model may be the best to take, provided you also have a way to periodically (say, each time users do connect back to the mother ship) check the status of their updates.

Centralized Patch Management

Centralized patch management is considered a best practice for security operations. There are multiple approaches to implementing it, however, so you must carefully consider the pluses and minuses of each. The most common approaches are

•  Agent based    In this approach, an update agent is installed on each device. This agent communicates with one or more update servers and compares available patches with software and versions on the local host, updating as needed.

•  Agentless    Another way to manage patches is to have one or more hosts that remotely connect to each device on the network using admin credentials and check the remote device for needed updates. A spin on this is the use of Active Directory objects in a domain controller to manage patch levels.

•  Passive    Depending on the fidelity that an organization requires, it may be possible to passively monitor network traffic to infer the patch levels on each networked application or service. While minimally intrusive to the end devices, this approach is also the least effective since it may not always be possible to uniquely identify software versions through their network traffic artifacts.

Regardless of the approach you take, you want to apply the patches as quickly as possible. After all, every day you delay is an extra day that your adversaries have to exploit your vulnerabilities. The truth is that you can’t (or at least shouldn’t) always roll out the patch as soon as it comes out. There is no shortage of reports of major outages caused by rolling out patches. Sometimes the fault lies with the vendor, who, perhaps in its haste to remove a vulnerability, failed to properly test that the patch wouldn’t break any other functionality of the product. Other times the patch may be rock solid and yet have a detrimental second or third order effect on other systems on your hosts or networks. This is why testing the patch before rolling it out is a good idea.

Virtualization technologies make it easier to set up a patch test lab. At a minimum, you want to replicate your critical infrastructure (e.g., domain controller and production servers) in this virtual test environment. Most organizations will also create at least one virtual machine (VM) that mimics each deployed operating system, with representative services and applications.


NOTE    It is often possible to mitigate the risk created by a software vulnerability using other controls, such as rules for your firewalls, IDS, or IPS. This can buy time for you to test the patches. It also acts as a secondary control.

Whether or not you are able to test the patches before pushing them out (and you really should), it is also a good idea to patch your subnets incrementally. It may take longer to get to all systems, but if something goes wrong, it will only affect a subset of your users and services. This gradual approach to patching also serves to reduce network congestion that could result from all systems attempting to download patches at the same time. Obviously, the benefits of gradual patching need to be weighed against the additional exposure that the inherent delays will cause.


We introduced honeypots in Chapter 4. As a refresher, a honeypot is a device that is developed in order to deceive attackers into believing it is a real production system, entice and allow these adversaries to compromise it, and then monitor their activities on the compromised honeypot to observe and learn their behaviors. Wow! That was a mouthful! Think of honeypots as marketing devices; they are designed to attract a segment of the market, get them to buy something, and keep them coming back. Meanwhile, friendly threat analysts are keeping tabs on their adversaries’ tactics, techniques, and procedures. Let’s now look at how we can leverage this concept in other related ways.

A honeynet is an entire network that is meant to be compromised. While it may be tempting to describe honeynets as networks of honeypots, that description might be a bit misleading. Some honeynets are simply two or more honeypots used together. However, others are designed to ascertain a specific attacker’s intent and dynamically spawn honeypots that are designed to be appealing to that particular attacker. As you can see, these very sophisticated honeynets are not networks of preexisting honeypots, but rather adaptive networks that interact with the adversaries in order to keep them engaged (and thus under observation) for as long as possible.

Wrapping up the honey collection, honeyclients are synthetic applications meant to allow an attacker to conduct a client-side attack while also allowing the friendly analysts an opportunity to observe the techniques being used by their adversaries. Honeyclients are particularly important in the honey family, because most of the successful attacks happen on the client side, and honeypots are not particularly well suited to track client-side attacks. Suppose you have a suspected phishing or spearphishing attack that you’d like to investigate. You could use a honeyclient to visit the link in the e-mail and pretend it is a real user. Instead of getting infected, however, the honeyclient safely catches all the attacks thrown at it and reports them to you. Since it is not really the web browser it is claiming to be, it will be impervious to the attack and will provide you with information about the actual tools the attacker is throwing at you. Honeyclients come in different flavors, with some being highly interactive (meaning a human has to operate them), while others involve low interaction (meaning their behavior is mostly or completely automated).


NOTE    Black holes are sometimes confused with honeynets, when in reality they are almost the opposite of them. Black holes typically are routers with rules that silently drop specific (typically malicious) packets without notifying the source. They normally are used to render botnet and other known-bad traffic useless. Whereas honeypots and honeynets allow us to more closely observe our adversaries, black holes are meant to make them go away for us.

It should be clear from the foregoing that honeypots and honeynets are not defensive controls like firewalls and IDSs, but rather help us collect threat intelligence. In order to be effective, they must be closely monitored by a competent threat analyst. By themselves, honeypots and honeynets will not improve your security posture. However, they can give your threat intelligence team invaluable insights into your adversaries’ methods and capabilities.

Of course, honeynets and honeypots are only useful insofar as they convince the attackers that they are real production systems and not sting operations. The first key to success is to ensure that the typical probing used by attackers to determine whether or not they are being watched is thwarted. This is a game of leapfrog wherein one side makes an advance and then the other learns how to exploit it. Still, the harder you make it for attackers to notice they are in a honeypot, the more time you have to observe them.

Another key to honeypot success is to provide the right kind of bait. When someone attacks your organization, what is it that they are after? Is it credit card information, patient files, intellectual property? Your honeypots should look like systems that would allow them to access the assets for which they are searching. Once compromised, the directories and files containing this information must appear to be credible. It should also take a long time to extract the information, so that we maximize the contact time with our “guests.”

The Incident Management Process

There are many incident management models, but all share some basic characteristics. They all require that we identify the event, analyze it to determine the appropriate counteractions, correct the problem(s), and, finally, keep the event from happening again. (ISC)2 has broken out these four basic actions and prescribes seven phases in the incident management process: detect, respond, mitigate, report, recover, remediate, and learn. Your own organization will have a unique approach, but it is helpful to baseline it off the industry standard.

Although we commonly use the terms “event” and “incident” interchangeably, there are subtle differences between the two. An event is any occurrence that can be observed, verified, and documented, whereas an incident is one or more related events that negatively affect the company and/or impact its security posture. This is why we call reacting to these issues “incident response” (or “incident handling”), because something is negatively affecting the company and causing a security breach.

Many types of incidents (viruses, insider attacks, terrorist attacks, and so on) exist, and sometimes an incident is just human error. Indeed, many incident response individuals have received a frantic call in the middle of the night because a system is acting “weird.” The reasons could be that a deployed patch broke something, someone misconfigured a device, or the administrator just learned a new scripting language and rolled out some code that caused mayhem and confusion.

When a company is victimized by a computer crime, it should leave the environment and evidence unaltered and contact whomever has been delegated to investigate these types of situations. Someone who is unfamiliar with the proper process of collecting data and evidence from a crime scene could instead destroy that evidence, and in doing so destroy all hope of prosecuting individuals and achieving a conviction. Companies should have procedures in place for many issues in computer security, such as enforcement procedures, disaster recovery and continuity procedures, and backup procedures. It is also necessary to have a procedure for dealing with computer incidents, because they have become an increasingly important issue for today’s information security departments to address. This is a direct result of the ever-increasing number of attacks against networks and information systems. Although specific numbers aren’t available due to a lack of universal reporting and reporting in general, it is clear that the volume of attacks is increasing. Just think about all the spam, phishing scams, malware, distributed denial-of-service, and other attacks you see on your own network and hear about in the news.

Unfortunately, many companies are at a loss as to who to call or what to do right after they have been the victim of a cybercrime. Therefore, all companies should have an incident response policy that indicates who has the authority to initiate an incident response, with supporting procedures set up before an incident takes place. This policy should be managed by the legal department and security department. They need to work together to make sure the technical security issues are covered and the legal issues that surround criminal activities are properly dealt with.

The incident response policy should be clear and concise. For example, it should indicate whether systems can be taken offline to try to save evidence or must continue functioning at the risk of destroying evidence. Each system and functionality should have a priority assigned to it. For instance, if the file server is infected, it should be removed from the network, but not shut down. However, if the mail server is infected, it should not be removed from the network or shut down because of the priority the company attributes to the mail server over the file server. Tradeoffs and decisions will have to be made, but it is better to think through these issues before the situation occurs, because better logic is usually possible before a crisis, when there’s less emotion and chaos.

All organizations should develop an incident response team, as mandated by the incident response policy, to respond to the large array of possible security incidents. The purpose of having an incident response team is to ensure that there is a group of people who are properly skilled, who follow a standard set of procedures, and who are singled out and called upon when this type of event takes place. The team should have proper reporting procedures established, be prompt in their reaction, work in coordination with law enforcement, and be an important element of the overall security program. The team should consist of representatives from various business units, such as the legal department, HR, executive management, the communications department, physical/corporate security, IS security, and information technology.

There are three different types of incident response teams that an organization can choose to put into place. A virtual team is made up of experts who have other duties and assignments within the organization. This type of team introduces a slower response time, and members must neglect their regular duties should an incident occur. However, a permanent team of folks who are dedicated strictly to incident response can be cost prohibitive to smaller organizations. The third type of incident response team is a hybrid of the virtual and permanent models. Certain core members are permanently assigned to the team, whereas others are called in as needed.

The incident response team should have the following basic items available:

•  A list of outside agencies and resources to contact or report to.

•  An outline of roles and responsibilities.

•  A call tree to contact these roles and outside entities.

•  A list of computer or forensic experts to contact.

•  A list of steps to take to secure and preserve evidence.

•  A list of items that should be included in a report for management and potentially the courts.

•  A description of how the different systems should be treated in this type of situation. (For example, the systems should be removed from both the Internet and the network and powered down.)

When a suspected crime is reported, the incident response team should follow a set of predetermined steps to ensure uniformity in their approach and make sure no steps are skipped. First, the incident response team should investigate the report and determine that an actual crime has been committed. If the team determines that a crime has been carried out, senior management should be informed immediately. If the suspect is an employee, a human resources representative must be called right away. The sooner the documenting of events begins, the better. If someone is able to document the starting time of the crime, along with the company employees and resources involved, that provides a good foundation for evidence. At this point, the company must decide if it wants to conduct its own forensic investigation or call in experts. If experts are going to be called in, the system that was attacked should be left alone in order to try and preserve as much evidence of the attack as possible. If the company decides to conduct its own forensic investigation, it must deal with many issues and address tricky elements. (Forensics will be discussed later in this chapter.)

Computer networks and business processes face many types of threats, each requiring a specialized type of recovery. However, an incident response team should draft and enforce a basic outline of how all incidents are to be handled. This is a much better approach than the way many companies deal with these threats, which is usually in an ad hoc, reactive, and confusing manner. A clearly defined incident-handling process is more cost effective, enables recovery to happen more quickly, and provides a uniform approach with certain expectation of its results.

Incident handling should be closely related to disaster recovery planning and should be part of the company’s disaster recovery plan, usually as an appendix. Both are intended to react to some type of incident that requires a quick response so the company can return to normal operations. Incident handling is a recovery plan that responds to malicious technical threats. The primary goal of incident handling is to contain and mitigate any damage caused by an incident and to prevent any further damage. This is commonly done by detecting a problem, determining its cause, resolving the problem, and documenting the entire process.

Without an effective incident-handling program, individuals who have the best intentions can sometimes make the situation worse by damaging evidence, damaging systems, or spreading malicious code. Many times, the attacker booby-traps the compromised system to erase specific critical files if a user does something as simple as list the files in a directory. A compromised system can no longer be trusted because the internal commands listed in the path could be altered to perform unexpected activities. The system could now have a back door for the attacker to enter when he wants, or could have a logic bomb silently waiting for a user to start snooping around only to destroy any and all evidence.

Incident handling should also be closely linked to the company’s security training and awareness program to ensure that these types of mishaps do not take place. Past issues that the incident recovery team encountered can be used in future training sessions to help others learn what the company is faced with and how to improve response processes.

Employees need to know how to report an incident. Therefore, the incident response policy should detail an escalation process so that employees understand when evidence of a crime should be reported to higher management, outside agencies, or law enforcement. The process must be centralized, easy to accomplish (or the employees won’t bother), convenient, and welcomed. Some employees feel reluctant to report incidents because they are afraid they will get pulled into something they do not want to be involved with or accused of something they did not do. There is nothing like trying to do the right thing and getting hit with a big stick. Employees should feel comfortable about the process, and not feel intimidated by reporting suspicious activities.

The incident response policy should also dictate how employees should interact with external entities, such as the media, government, and law enforcement. This, in particular, is a complicated issue influenced by jurisdiction, the status and nature of the crime, and the nature of the evidence. Jurisdiction alone, for example, depends on the country, state, or federal agency that has control. Given the sensitive nature of public disclosure, communications should be handled by communications, human resources, or other appropriately trained individuals who are authorized to publicly discuss incidents. Public disclosure of an event can lead to two possible outcomes. If not handled correctly, it can compound the negative impact of an incident. For example, given today’s information-driven society, denial and “no comment” may result in a backlash. On the other hand, if public disclosure is handled well, it can provide the organization with an opportunity to win back public trust. Some countries and jurisdictions either already have or are contemplating breach disclosure laws that require organizations to notify the public if a security breach involving personally identifiable information is even suspected. So it’s to your benefit to make sure you are open and forthright with third parties.

A sound incident-handling program works with outside agencies and counterparts. The members of the team should be on the mailing list of the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) so they can keep up-to-date about new issues and can spot malicious events, hopefully before they get out of hand. CERT is an organization that is responsible for monitoring and advising users and companies about security preparation and security breaches.


NOTE    Resources for CERT can be found at


The first and most important step in responding to an incident is to realize that you have a problem in the first place. Despite an abundance of sensors, this can be harder than it sounds for a variety of reasons. First, sophisticated adversaries may use tools and techniques that you are unable to detect (at least at first). Even if the tools or techniques are known to you, they may very well be hiding under a mound of false positives in your SIEMs. In some (improperly tuned) systems, the ratio of false positives to true positives can be ten to one (or higher). This underscores the importance of tuning your sensors and analysis platforms to reduce the rate of false positive as much as possible.


Having detected the incident, the next step is to determine what the appropriate response might be. Though the instinctive reaction may be to clean up the infected workstation or add rules to your firewalls, IDS, and IPS, this well-intentioned response could lead you on an endless game of whack-a-mole or, worse yet, blind you to the adversary’s real objective. What do you know about the adversary? Who is it? What are they after? Is this tool and its use consistent with what you have already seen? Part of the early stages of a response is to figure out what information you need in order to restore security.

This is the substage of analysis, where more data is gathered (audit logs, video captures, human accounts of activities, system activities) to try and figure out the root cause of the incident. The goals are to figure out who did this, how they did it, when they did it, and why. Management must be continually kept abreast of these activities because they will be making the big decisions on how this situation is to be handled.

The group of individuals who make up the response team must have a variety of skills. They must also have a solid understanding of the systems affected by the incident, the system and application vulnerabilities, and the network and system configurations. Although formal education is important, real-world applied experience combined with proper training is key for these folks.

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