raising events, in thread-safe way, Step #3: Define a method responsible for raising the event to notify registered objects that the event has occurred
Rational type, Conversion Operator Methods
RCWs (Runtime Callable Wrappers), Interoperating with WinRT Components
Read method, How Windows Performs I/O Operations, FileStream-Specific Issues
in I/O operations, How Windows Performs I/O Operations
Read method (Volatile class), Volatile Constructs, C#’s Support for Volatile Fields, Interlocked Constructs
read-only files, setting attribute for, Bit Flags
ReadAsync method, How Windows Performs I/O Operations, C#’s Asynchronous Functions
ReadBlockAsync method, Async Functions in the Framework Class Library
reader-writer locks, The ReaderWriterLockSlim Class, The OneManyLock Class
ReaderWriterLock class, The ReaderWriterLockSlim Class
ReaderWriterLockSlim class, The ReaderWriterLockSlim Class
ReadLineAsync method, Async Functions in the Framework Class Library
readonly fields, Fields
ReadToEndAsync method, Async Functions in the Framework Class Library
real-time operating systems, Thread Scheduling and Priorities
Realtime priority class, Thread Scheduling and Priorities
recursive locks, avoiding, Thread Synchronization Construct Summary
recursive thread locks, Mutex Constructs
ref keyword, Passing Parameters by Reference to a Method
vs. out keyword, Passing Parameters by Reference to a Method
ref parameter, Generic Methods
reference counting, The Garbage Collection Algorithm
reference tables in metadata, A Brief Look at Metadata
reference tracking, The Garbage Collection Algorithm
reference type variables, setting to null, Primary Constraints
reference types, Reference Types and Value Types, Reference Types and Value Types, Reference Types and Value Types, Reference Types and Value Types, Reference Types and Value Types, Boxing and Unboxing Value Types, Type Constructors, Passing Parameters by Reference to a Method, Generics, Code Explosion, Primary Constraints, The System.String Type, Arrays, Making a Type Serializable
arrays of, Arrays
as primary constraints, Primary Constraints
converting value types into, Boxing and Unboxing Value Types
example code, Reference Types and Value Types
generic, Generics
overlapping with value types, Reference Types and Value Types
performance issues, Reference Types and Value Types
ref keyword vs. out keyword, Passing Parameters by Reference to a Method
serializing, Making a Type Serializable
sharing code, Code Explosion
vs. value types, Reference Types and Value Types
with type constructors, Type Constructors
ReferenceEquals method, Object Equality and Identity, String Interning
References, checking, Member Accessibility
referencing, Giving an Assembly a Strong Name, Building an Assembly That References a Strongly Named Assembly, How the Runtime Resolves Type References, Namespaces and Assemblies
assemblies, Giving an Assembly a Strong Name, Namespaces and Assemblies
strongly named assemblies, Building an Assembly That References a Strongly Named Assembly
types, How the Runtime Resolves Type References
referencing types, Building Types into a Module
reflection, Object Equality and Identity, The dynamic Primitive Type, Detecting the Use of a Custom Attribute, Hiding an Implementation Detail to Maintain a “Contract”, Reflection Performance, Reflection Performance, Discovering a Type’s Members, Discovering a Type’s Members, Invoking a Type’s Members, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start
discovering type members, Discovering a Type’s Members
exception handling and, Hiding an Implementation Detail to Maintain a “Contract”
object model, discovering, Discovering a Type’s Members
serialization and, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start
type discovery with, Reflection Performance, Invoking a Type’s Members
type safety and, Reflection Performance
reflection API for .NET Framework, Assembly Loading and Reflection
reflection members, generics and, Generics Infrastructure
reflection methods, Detecting the Use of a Custom Attribute
Reflection namespace, Detecting the Use of a Custom Attribute, Using Reflection to Build a Dynamically Extensible Application
reflection types, Using Reflection to Build a Dynamically Extensible Application, Using Reflection to Build a Dynamically Extensible Application, Discovering a Type’s Members
hierarchy of, Discovering a Type’s Members
ReflectionOnlyGetType method, What Exactly Is a Type Object?
ReflectionOnlyLoad method, Assembly Loading
ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom method, Assembly Loading
regional settings, Comparing Strings
Register method, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout
CancellationToken class, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout
CancellationTokenSource class, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout
RegisterForFullGCNotification method, Forcing Garbage Collections
registering assemblies, The Global Assembly Cache
relational operators, nullable types and, C#’s Support for Nullable Value Types
relative thread priority classes, Thread Scheduling and Priorities
ReleaseMutex method, Mutex Constructs
Reliability Monitor, Unhandled Exceptions
problem signatures, Unhandled Exceptions
reliability vs. productivity in error handling, Trading Reliability for Productivity
ReliabilityContract attribute, Constrained Execution Regions (CERs)
Remove method, Designing a Type That Listens for an Event, StringBuilder Members, Using Delegates to Call Back Many Methods (Chaining)
RemoveAt method, Secure Strings
RemoveEventHandler method, Invoking a Type’s Members
RemoveMemoryPressure method, Other GC Features for Use with Native Resources
RemoveParticipant method, The Barrier Class
Replace method, StringBuilder Members
ReportStatus method, Interlocked Constructs
ResetAbort method, How a Host Gets Its Thread Back
resolving types, Building a Hierarchy of Exception-Derived Types
resource files, adding to assemblies, Adding Resource Files to an Assembly
resource leaks, Working with Types Requiring Special Cleanup
resources, accessing, Managed Heap Basics
response files, Response Files, Response Files
resurrected objects, Finalization Internals
return types, discovering information on, Discovering a Type’s Members
returning arrays, Passing and Returning Arrays
reverse engineering, protecting against, Unsafe Code
roots, The Garbage Collection Algorithm
Run method, Other Async Function Features
Runtime, The dynamic Primitive Type, Using Binding Handles to Reduce Your Process’s Memory Consumption
binders, The dynamic Primitive Type
handles, Using Binding Handles to Reduce Your Process’s Memory Consumption
Runtime Callable Wrappers (RCWs), Interoperating with WinRT Components
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