safe places, How a Host Gets Its Thread Back
SafeHandle class, Working with Types Requiring Special Cleanup
SafeHandle namespace, Working with Types Requiring Special Cleanup
SafeWaitHandle class, Working with Types Requiring Special Cleanup
satellite assemblies, Culture
sbyte type, Programming Language Primitive Types
scalability, threads and, Thread Overhead
scheduling tasks, Task Factories, Asynchronous Synchronization
reader/writer semantics, Asynchronous Synchronization
scheduling threads, Thread Scheduling and Priorities, Thread Scheduling and Priorities
sealed classes, Using Type Visibility and Member Accessibility Intelligently, Partial Methods
partial methods and, Partial Methods
secondary constraints, Secondary Constraints
secure strings, Secure Strings
SecureString class, Secure Strings, Secure Strings, Secure Strings, Secure Strings
FCL support for, Secure Strings
passing objects as a password, Secure Strings
security settings, thread pools and, Execution Contexts
security, class, Using Type Visibility and Member Accessibility Intelligently
SecurityCritical attribute, Execution Contexts
Semaphore class, Kernel-Mode Constructs, Semaphore Constructs
semaphores, Semaphore Constructs, Semaphore Constructs, Asynchronous Synchronization
as primitive kernel-mode thread synchronization constructs, Asynchronous Synchronization
SemaphoreSlim class, Asynchronous Synchronization
vs. auto-reset events, Semaphore Constructs
sequential queries, Parallel Language Integrated Query
serialization, Using Reflection to Build a Dynamically Extensible Application, Runtime Serialization, Runtime Serialization, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start, Making a Type Serializable, Making a Type Serializable, Controlling Serialization and Deserialization, Controlling Serialization and Deserialization, Controlling Serialization and Deserialization, How Formatters Serialize Type Instances, How Formatters Serialize Type Instances, Controlling the Serialized/Deserialized Data, Controlling the Serialized/Deserialized Data, Controlling the Serialized/Deserialized Data, Controlling the Serialized/Deserialized Data, Serializing a Type As a Different Type and Deserializing an Object As a Different Object, Surrogate Selector Chains, Overriding the Assembly and/or Type When Deserializing an Object
.NET Framework support for, Runtime Serialization
AddValue method and, Controlling the Serialized/Deserialized Data
assemblies and, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start
controlling, Controlling Serialization and Deserialization
converting types, Controlling the Serialized/Deserialized Data
matching deserialization method, Controlling the Serialized/Deserialized Data
namespace, How Formatters Serialize Type Instances
of instance types, Controlling Serialization and Deserialization
of multiple object graphs, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start
of object graph, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start
of object set, Controlling Serialization and Deserialization
of type instances, How Formatters Serialize Type Instances
of types, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start, Making a Type Serializable
of types, as different types, Serializing a Type As a Different Type and Deserializing an Object As a Different Object
overriding assembly/type, Overriding the Assembly and/or Type When Deserializing an Object
reflection and, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start
special constructor type, Controlling the Serialized/Deserialized Data
surrogate selector chains, Surrogate Selector Chains
to XML stream, Runtime Serialization, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start
when to avoid, Making a Type Serializable
SerializationBinder class, Overriding the Assembly and/or Type When Deserializing an Object
SerializationException exception, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start
SerializationInfo object, Controlling the Serialized/Deserialized Data, Controlling the Serialized/Deserialized Data
Serialize method, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start
SerializeToMemory method, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start
Server garbage collection mode, Garbage Collection Modes
Servers, asynchronous implementation, Implementing a Server Asynchronously
servicings, Components, Polymorphism, and Versioning
SetAt method, Secure Strings
SetMaxThreads method, Setting Thread Pool Limits
SetMinThreads method, Setting Thread Pool Limits
SetType method, Controlling the Serialized/Deserialized Data
SetValue method, Invoking a Type’s Members
shared data, Parallel class and, Parallel’s Static For, ForEach, and Invoke Methods
shim DLL, CLR Hosting
short type, Programming Language Primitive Types
SignalAndWait method, The Barrier Class
signed data types, Checked and Unchecked Primitive Type Operations
signing files, Giving an Assembly a Strong Name
Silverlight, threading model, Applications and Their Threading Models
SimpleHybridLock method, Spinning, Thread Ownership, and Recursion
SimpleSpinLock method, Implementing a Simple Spin Lock
SimpleWaitLock method, Event Constructs, Semaphore Constructs
simplifying applications, Reasons to Use Threads
SimulateNewMail method, Step #4: Define a method that translates the input into the desired event
single-dimensional arrays, Arrays
single-instance applications, Kernel-Mode Constructs
Singleton class, The Famous Double-Check Locking Technique
singleton types, serialization of, Serializing a Type As a Different Type and Deserializing an Object As a Different Object
SN.exe, Giving an Assembly a Strong Name, Delayed Signing
delayed signing with, Delayed Signing
Soap namespace, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start
SoapFormatter, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start
class, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start
object, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start
Software Publisher’s Digital ID for Authenticode, Unhandled Exceptions
SomeMethod method, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference
SOS Debugging Extension, Monitoring Your Application’s Memory Usage
source code, Compiling Source Code into Managed Modules, Partial Classes, Structures, and Interfaces, Generics
compiling, Compiling Source Code into Managed Modules
protection, Generics
splitting types between, Partial Classes, Structures, and Interfaces
source control, Partial Classes, Structures, and Interfaces
spin locks, Implementing a Simple Spin Lock
spin loops, thread yielding and, Implementing a Simple Spin Lock
SpinLock method, Implementing a Simple Spin Lock
spinning threads, with hybrid locks, A Simple Hybrid Lock
SpinWait method, Implementing a Simple Spin Lock
Spy++, Thread Scheduling and Priorities
stack space, How Things Relate at Run Time
stack trace, The System.Exception Class, The System.Exception Class, The System.Exception Class
complete, The System.Exception Class
stackalloc statement, Unsafe Array Access and Fixed-Size Array
StackTrace property, The System.Exception Class
Start method (Thread class), Using a Dedicated Thread to Perform an Asynchronous Compute-Bound Operation
StartNew method, Task Factories
StartsWith method, comparing strings, Comparing Strings
startup time, improving, The Native Code Generator Tool: NGen.exe, The Native Code Generator Tool: NGen.exe
starvation, thread, Thread Scheduling and Priorities
state corruption, Trading Reliability for Productivity, Trading Reliability for Productivity, Trading Reliability for Productivity
exception handling and, Trading Reliability for Productivity
managed code and, Trading Reliability for Productivity
terminating process for, Trading Reliability for Productivity
state machines, returning threading model, Applications and Their Threading Models
stateless encoding and decoding, Encoding and Decoding Streams of Characters and Bytes
statements, checked and unchecked, Checked and Unchecked Primitive Type Operations
static classes, Static Classes
static constructors, Open and Closed Types
defining on generic types, Open and Closed Types
static fields, Fields, The Garbage Collection Algorithm
memory leaks and, The Garbage Collection Algorithm
static members, Defining an Interface, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference
interfaces and, Defining an Interface
MarshalByRefObject class and, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference
static methods, How Things Relate at Run Time, Operators and Programming Language Interoperability, All Arrays Are Implicitly Derived from System.Array, Using Delegates to Call Back Static Methods, C#’s Support for Volatile Fields
calling, How Things Relate at Run Time
calling back, with delegates, Using Delegates to Call Back Static Methods
calling operator overload methods with, Operators and Programming Language Interoperability
for arrays, All Arrays Are Implicitly Derived from System.Array
for Int32 variables, C#’s Support for Volatile Fields
StaticDelegateDemo method, Using Delegates to Call Back Static Methods
Stop method (Parallel class), Parallel’s Static For, ForEach, and Invoke Methods
streaming contexts for serialization, Streaming Contexts
StreamReader type, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
streams, Interoperating Between WinRT Streams and .NET Streams
StreamWriter type, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes, An Interesting Dependency Issue, An Interesting Dependency Issue
finalization and, An Interesting Dependency Issue
String class, Strings Are Immutable, String Interning, StringBuilder Members
hash table, accessing, String Interning
methods, StringBuilder Members
sealed, Strings Are Immutable
string interning, String Interning
String objects, Demo #3: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Non-Marshalable Types
immutability of, Demo #3: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Non-Marshalable Types
String type, Programming Language Primitive Types, More About Calling Interface Methods, The System.String Type, Constructing Strings, Constructing Strings, Comparing Strings
as primitive type, Constructing Strings
constructing, Constructing Strings
interfaces and, More About Calling Interface Methods
method overloads defined by, Comparing Strings
StringBuilder class, Extension Methods, StringBuilder Members, StringBuilder Members, Formatting Multiple Objects into a Single String
members, StringBuilder Members
methods, StringBuilder Members
StringBuilder type, Constructing a String Efficiently
StringComparer class, Comparing Strings
StringComparison type, Comparing Strings
StringInfo, Examining a String’s Characters and Text Elements
strings, Constructing Strings, Constructing Strings, Constructing Strings, Comparing Strings, Comparing Strings, String Pooling, String Pooling, Examining a String’s Characters and Text Elements, Other String Operations, Constructing a String Efficiently, Obtaining a String Representation of an Object: ToString, Specific Formats and Cultures, Formatting Multiple Objects into a Single String, Formatting Multiple Objects into a Single String, Providing Your Own Custom Formatter, Parsing a String to Obtain an Object: Parse, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes, Base-64 String Encoding and Decoding, Secure Strings, Enumerated Types, WinRT Type System Core Concepts
as object representation, Obtaining a String Representation of an Object: ToString
base-64 encoding/decoding, Base-64 String Encoding and Decoding
changing case of characters in, Comparing Strings
characters, examining, Examining a String’s Characters and Text Elements
comparing, Comparing Strings
constructing, Constructing Strings
constructing efficiently, Constructing a String Efficiently
converting Unicode to MBCS, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
copying, Other String Operations
custom formatter, Providing Your Own Custom Formatter
encodings, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
formatting, Formatting Multiple Objects into a Single String
formatting multiple objects into, Formatting Multiple Objects into a Single String
in metadata, String Pooling
in source code, Constructing Strings
mapping enumerated types to, Enumerated Types
number formatting, Specific Formats and Cultures
parsing, Parsing a String to Obtain an Object: Parse
pooling, String Pooling
secure, Secure Strings
verbatim, Constructing Strings
WinRT, WinRT Type System Core Concepts
Strong Name utility (SN.exe), Giving an Assembly a Strong Name
strongly named assemblies, Giving an Assembly a Strong Name, Giving an Assembly a Strong Name, Privately Deploying Strongly Named Assemblies
creating, Giving an Assembly a Strong Name
deploying privately, Privately Deploying Strongly Named Assemblies
obtaining key for, Giving an Assembly a Strong Name
struct constraint, Primary Constraints
Structured Exception Handling (SEH), Exception-Handling Mechanics
Substring method, Other String Operations
SubstringByTextElements method, Examining a String’s Characters and Text Elements
SuppressFlow method, Execution Contexts
SuppressMessage attribute, Conditional Attribute Classes
surrogate types for serialization, Serialization Surrogates
surrogates for Unicode elements, Examining a String’s Characters and Text Elements
SurrogateSelector objects, Serialization Surrogates
suspending threads, Implementing a Simple Spin Lock
sync blocks, How Things Relate at Run Time, The Monitor Class and Sync Blocks, The Monitor Class and Sync Blocks, The Monitor Class and Sync Blocks, The Monitor Class and Sync Blocks
array, The Monitor Class and Sync Blocks
index, How Things Relate at Run Time
public indexes, The Monitor Class and Sync Blocks
type objects and, The Monitor Class and Sync Blocks
synchronization context task schedulers, Task Schedulers
SynchronizationContext class, Applications and Their Threading Models
synchronous I/O operations, Some I/O Operations Must Be Done Synchronously
System Monitor, Monitoring Your Application’s Memory Usage
System namespace, The Framework Class Library, The Framework Class Library
System.Collections.Generic namespace, Generics in the Framework Class Library
System.Decimal type, Checked and Unchecked Primitive Type Operations, Conversion Operator Methods
System.Diagnostics.ConditionalAttribute attribute, Partial Methods
System.Exception, Trading Reliability for Productivity
class, catching, state corruption and, Trading Reliability for Productivity
System.InvalidCastException type, Casting Between Types
System.Object type, The Common Type System, Type Fundamentals, All Types Are Derived from System.Object, All Types Are Derived from System.Object
protected methods, All Types Are Derived from System.Object
public methods, All Types Are Derived from System.Object
System.Reflection.AssemblyName class, Giving an Assembly a Strong Name
System.Runtime.ProfileOptimization class, Executing Your Assembly’s Code
System.Text namespace, Namespaces and Assemblies
System.Type object, type object pointer, How Things Relate at Run Time
SystemException type, FCL-Defined Exception Classes
SZ arrays, Arrays
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