
A LOT HAS PROGRESSED since the initial pressing of this little green book. All good things! Many of the CSS3 properties discussed now have wider browser support, which means you can feel even more confident putting them to use. Several new properties have emerged. The economy is looking—wait.

In this second edition, I’ve brought everything up to present day. I’ve removed old hacks that are no longer necessary. And I’ve added a chapter at the end of the book on micro layouts. While we wait patiently for a true cross-browser layout system, work carries on. Fortunately, new specifications such as Flexbox and Multi-column Layout are usable today, when applied to smaller components of the overall design. The new chapter explores those options and how they dovetail our existing CSS3 toolbox.

There’s never been a better time to dive into CSS3. I hope you enjoy this updated version of what was a very fun book to write, and I look forward to the myriad ways you’ll creatively use CSS3. Onward!

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