Epilogue and Conclusion


During the early years at Tesla, it was a design company, a component or subsystem supplier, in some ways a typical Silicon Valley technology entrepreneurship. In order to manufacture all-battery electric vehicles (EVs) of mass-market viability, however, it needed to become another kind of company, more like the traditional system integrator, an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) in the key position in a complex and extensive supply chain, one that went all the way from raw supplies of lithium and cobalt, to a utilities-like manager of recharging infrastructure.

However, it could prove pathological if, in the pursuit of scale and mass-markets, Tesla returned to an obsolete, top-down, risk-averse, and arguably, un-innovative bygone era. The organization form and function would prove instrumental, not just technology and marketing.

Also, some of Elon Musk’s communications and style were becoming quite concerning, suggesting the need for executive succession at the very top. This is said only to point to the trauma it would cause to the entire corporation. Just reviewing events to as recently as possible suggests that something had to happen.

After Studying this Chapter, the Reader will be Able to Discuss

The need to anticipate and enact an organizational transition as external conditions evolve.

How different corporate strategies translate to specific areas of project risk.

Whether a project management organization (PMO) or portfolio might beat the technological breakthrough myth.

Co-Evolution of Industries and Firms

Tesla incorporated at about the same time it became obvious how much capital it would take to become the first manufacturer of commercially viable all-battery EVs. Yet, even this accomplishment was not as great as the ambition of doing all this for the global mass market, en route to saving the planet. It was not just a question of market size and related economies of scale and scope, it was also a question of satisfying evolving market demand characteristics.

First, unit prices had to come down very considerably—say, on the order of 25–50 percent. Second, but at the same time, range (and recharging convenience) would still dominate purchasing decisions. Third, on the other hand, consumer priorities were beginning to shift as market niches and segments advanced. In addition to being price-sensitive, mass ­markets consider things like: reliability (i.e., what quality becomes); replacement battery costs (tens of thousands of dollars) and hardware upgrades (e.g., autopilot); and in a few words, total cost of ownership (resale, subsidy effects, home power upgrades, costs of recharging). Sizzle may still be the order of the day for technophiles and wealthy environmentalists, but the more pragmatic mass market expects high quality at good prices, and is able to tell the difference. It cannot be said that the EV industry was approaching technological maturity, but demand characteristics were starting to show signs of change.

For the moment, stick with the latter notion. As an industry approaches maturity, the key is to successfully navigate the treacherous transition period; afterward, things become relatively stable. Being proactively engaged in encroaching market saturation is a significant challenge, and failing at it has caused the demise of countless firms. It often starts by the players themselves of collective over-investment during a period of optimistic growth. This shoots collective production capacity above the collective market demand, and shakeouts occur (Grant 2002; Porter 1980).

Overcapacity is one result of mistiming slowing market growth, plus underestimating similar expansion plays made by the competition, and triggers desperate strategies.

Sooner or later, the demand flattens, and that is a treacherous problem, as Wall Street is unrelenting about growth imperatives. If firms want to grow in a mature, saturated market, where firms survive based on repeat purchases made by sophisticated consumers, it means they need to wrest market share from each other. Marketing efforts emphasize repeat purchasers. Price wars are common just to sustain production economics. Self-destructive tactics often ensue to preserve market share (by slashing prices) to maintain economies of scale. The innovation emphasis shifts to incrementally improved, high-quality products produced at low unit cost.

Some players who never had a good strategy become desperate to the point of embarrassment. Meanwhile, consumers might vainly hope for a technological breakthrough.

Eventually, there is not enough profitable business to go around, and the bubble bursts. It may be time to completely abandon attempts at major product enhancements. It may be time to only improve the product if it helps to improve processes, quite a reversal from earlier phases. Short of making a jump to another product technology, a focus on process (e.g., manufacturing) technologies becomes the focus, where capital investments are more likely to make thin-but-positive, that is, acceptable returns considering the risks.

Thus, a poorly anticipated transition to maturity can be strategically catastrophic, and this includes the transition of an organization to fit best with the changing environment.

It is the anticipation that matters. Tesla needed professional management—but on the order of which profession?

Through 1Q 2019: A Work in Progress

As 2018 turned into 2019, here are some facts and figures concerning Tesla and EVs more generally (Eisenstein 2019):

  • Tesla had 83 percent of the battery-only EV market share in the United States;
  • As much as 200 billion U.S. dollars could be spent on all-battery EVs in the coming decade;
  • The totals were still small compared to the global market for all autos and was only 4 percent of the Chinese market;
  • By 2022, 207 EV models were projected to be on the roads; and
  • By 2023, 225 billion U.S. dollars would be spent on combined EV R&D; altogether.

This section follows events of the time chronologically, and at the same time, divides things according to the major kind of risk.

Capital Risk

In the final month of 2018, the entire stock market had experienced a crash of its own, that in the early months of 2019 began to revive, but not without some nervous trepidation. From the perspective on Wall Street, much of the first quarter news about Tesla was just a continuation of the expectations that closed out 2018. One thing that became thematic in the media was that demand for Tesla EVs specifically looked to be weakening. While the previous problem was making enough cars to meet demand, stay ahead of the competition, honor car down-payments, and beat the expiration of tax benefits, now the danger of not having enough customers in the first place became a concern. At least, Tesla cut vehicle prices by several thousand dollars at a time it could hardly spare the cash.

Meanwhile, driven by popular appeal and a surge in the ability of the United States to provide of its own energy, demand for regular cars waned—but was partly replaced by a surge in demand for pickup trucks and SUVs. Also, considering all the announcements made across the global industry, overcapacity of vehicles and batteries types seemed inevitable:

(Eisentstain January 31, 2019).

close dialog

… vehicles using all the various forms of electrified powertrain technologies — including conventional hybrids — will reach the “tipping point,” early in the 2020s …

…“It’s going to be a battle” out there … especially in the next five years. Declining costs, longer range, the increased availability of fast chargers and other factors may eventually help win buyers over to EVs. But, for now, almost everyone seems to agree that plugging in will be, despite Musk’s enthusiasm, a recipe for losing money.

Procurement Risk

This was a time when the trade war with China, as well in the EU and NAFTA, seemed to make progress and then, degenerate quickly. Tariffs on steel and aluminum were continued, despite loud calls from industries like auto, but later were revoked to stoke the chances of NAFTA 2.0 being ratified by the respective three governments. This was important first, because of the component cost of steel and aluminum in all autos; secondly, the massively complex auto supply chains across all borders; and third, the import-export costs of whole autos themselves. The tariffs cost GM and Ford each one billion U.S. dollars in just a portion of 2018. In a matter of months, the trade war shifted emphasis from things like the current account (balance of trade) and job losses to intellectual property—forced technology transfer as a condition for market entry, and the much more insidious issue of intellectual property theft.

(Krishner January 03, 2019).

… one [Model Y] production location is known: the Tesla Gigafactory 3 in Shanghai … All of the vehicles produced [there, including
Model 3] will be built for the Chinese market ...

… the Fremont, Calif., car factory is maxed out with Model 3 production, and Gigafactory 1 in Nevada isn’t fit for auto production
(without expensive upgrades), so it’s possible that the production for the rest of the world could be switched to a Tesla factory in Europe ...

As for production itself, Musk claims the Model Y will bring a “manufacturing revolution” in 2020. Much of this has to do with fixing ­mistakes the company made in producing the Model 3.

Procurement risk rose to the highest strategic levels. Tesla’s moves regarding China had more the appearance of what academics call a multidomestic or multinational strategy; the point of which is to not only produce where the markets are, but also source locally.

As far as practical, in a multidomestic strategy, each market’s supply chain would be self-contained and self-serving. Procurement risks vary accordingly.

Scale was achieved through networks, consortia, partnerships, and the like, which in turn were innovating new means of financing high-tech ventures. Even technology development develops locally in many cases. Science itself is no longer the exclusive province of advanced countries with the best university systems and traditional corporate powerhouses.

In a matter of months, the trade war shifted emphasis from things like the current account (balance of trade) and job gains and losses, to intellectual property—forced technology transfer as a condition for market entry, and the different and much more insidious issue of intellectual property theft. A more multinational approach would thus obviate the trade tensions that were dividing up the world that way anyway:

(Shepardson January 4, 2019).

Tesla Inc. has asked the Trump administration to exempt the Chinese-made car computer “brain” of its new Model 3 sedan from 25 percent tariffs imposed in August …

Tesla … added that “choosing any other supplier would have delayed the (Model 3) program by 18 months with clean room setup, line validation, and staff training.”

Using a new supplier “substantially increases the risk of poor part quality that could lead overall vehicle quality issues that would impact the safety of our vehicles and the consumer acceptance.”

A few days later:

(No author January 06, 2019).

… Tesla Inc. is finally breaking ground on its $5 billion factory in the world’s biggest auto market …

A fully owned facility also would mean Tesla won’t need to share its profits and technology with Chinese partners, unlike other foreign carmakers who are required to form a domestic joint venture.

Domestic production would help shield Tesla against import duties as the U.S. and China find ways to wriggle out of the tariff quandary.

The most obvious downside of a multinational strategy in the new era is the sacrifice of some global economies of scale, but after all, China was by far the largest EV market in the world with scale economies all its own that would subsidize unit costs globally. As well, robotics, artificial intelligence, and other production advances were continuing to change the very nature of parameters like facility capacity, economies of scope, and so forth.

In contrast, a true global strategy means much more than just doing business all over the world. A global strategy views the entire world as one market, where products can be standardized as much as possible, in turn aiming to consolidate as much as possible where production scale can be maximized, with supply chains structured with as little regard to political boundaries as possible.

Altogether, in the present story, more sensible hybrid strategies were seeking to optimize the pros and cons of global scale versus local responsiveness. Pure strategies of any kind are generally difficult in such a complex and dynamic world.

Technology Risk

First, General Motors seemed to be taking the challenge even more seriously than it had prior. Despite the more famous Volt and Bolt, much of its EV strategy seemed focused on institutional markets for autonomous vehicles and altogether, compliance with regulations at all levels. Still, early in 2019, it made an announcement that finally seemed directly responsive to Tesla:

(Shepardson January 10, 2019).

… a Cadillac will be the first vehicle based on its forthcoming “BEV3” platform … the basis for vehicle underpinnings, including the battery system and other structural and mechanical parts …

… [CEO] Barra has said that GM aims to sell 1 million electric vehicles a year by 2026, many of them in China, which has set strict production quotas on such vehicles.

Several days later, with a bit more drama:

(Carey, and White January 14, 2019).

General Motors Co.’s strategy to make its luxury Cadillac marque its lead electric vehicle brand is the automaker’s final opportunity to turn the unit around and make it a success …

[The official] did not elaborate on what would happen if the multi-year effort to make the Cadillac brand more profitable failed …

… [He] said “one of the first” fully electric Cadillac models using the new platform would be on the market around 2022.

Second, but related, even as small as the EV market still was as a percentage of the whole, the availability of recharging solutions was not keeping up. In 2019, the global EV fleet reached million cars, and there were 632,000 public charging outlets worldwide. It was forecast that between 14 and 30 million would be needed by 2030 (Eckhouse, Stringer, and Hodges 2019). This assumes EVs would reach 30 percent of the global market share. Clearly, the U.S. EV industry was not going to be determined by a battle between two American companies, Tesla and GM. It was possible—through very unlikely given their savvy—that either one or both could be locked out!

In the commercial evolution of markets and industries, there is no greater technology risk than being locked out of technology standards and dominant designs.

It was still far from true that any charger would do the trick for any EV owner under any of a set of common conditions. Some chargers provided only 10 miles of range for 30 minutes of charge time. Regular household power could need 12 hours to charge from 20 percent back to full charge, in effect overnight. In the middle, some roadside chargers could provide 10–60 miles of range in a 60-minute charge. Fast chargers could provide 75 miles in 30 minutes, and of course, was most expensive; eight charges a day would reach the breakeven point for each charger:

(Eckhouse, Stringer, and Hodges February 17, 2019).

... An alliance of Volkswagen AG, Daimler AG, Ford Motor Co. and BMW AG … plans to build a total of 400 charging stations across Europe by next year …

Volkswagen’s Electrify America unit plans to spend $2 billion … $800 million in California ... it had 105 electric-vehicle charging sites in the U.S. and plans to have 484 built by July 1 ...

[But] Charging network operators need to prepare for new consumers in the next decade who’ll be less tolerant than early adopters ...

For EVs to go from “crazy boutique small to mainstream,” the industry needs cheaper vehicles that can drive further on a single charge … “there has to be charging infrastructure everywhere.”

However, the growth problem now was about standardization as much as recharging time. In the United States, there were still three charging standards, and within each, payment schemes varied. One competing standard was Tesla’s, which already had 12,000 chargers at over 1,400 sites worldwide, including China. China had one standard, mandated by the government. In the United States, auto makers were playing a larger role than in other countries where governments were more active, though state governments continued to vary greatly in their support. At any rate, Tesla’s massive capital investments hinged on delivering EVs that must be compatible with the recharging standard in China. But, the three standards that already existed in the United States were largely being resolved by depending on market forces, which do not, history shows, always pick the best technology.

Mass markets demand dependability, of both the companies they patronize and enough product technology predictability that their decisions will not suddenly become obsolete.

Competing products do not need to be functionally identical (which would work against differentiation anyway), but they should at least be technologically compatible (and perhaps create network externalities). Therefore, overall mass-market growth itself is often inhibited by a lack of technology standards and a dominant design.

Contracting Risk

VW had announced great EV plans, but it did not plan on going alone. Of course, it must be said that some of it was a result of VW’s settlement with the U.S. government over an egregious emissions-monitoring software scandal. On the other hand, WV already targeted becoming completely carbon-free by the year 2050, so perhaps motives did not matter much. The news brought Tesla—otherwise a clear nemesis—into their emerging business ecosystem:

(McGee February 4, 2019).

Volkswagen will purchase and install more than 100 Powerpack battery recharging stations from Tesla in the US this year, as it rolls out infrastructure for the coming wave of electric cars.

… “Tesla’s Powerpack system is a natural fit given their global expertise in both battery storage development and EV charging” …

…Volkswagen is also beginning mass production next year of a ­giant “powerbank” designed to charge electric cars at places where ­infrastructure is lacking, such as concerts and other large-scale events.

Then, again:

(No author March 4, 2019).

Volkswagen has signed German start-up e.GO Mobile as the first external partner for its modular platform for electric vehicles (EV), as it seeks to simplify production ...

The platform seeks the cost advantages of large production numbers by standardizing as much as possible even across very different models.

Volkswagen … said it was exploring joint development of e-vehicles with Ford, under a wide-ranging partnership …

The carmaker’s electric-vehicle investment budget outstrips that of its closest competitors, in pursuit of profitable mass-production of electric vehicles.


(Whitley and Behrmann March 7, 2019).

… By doubling power at Tesla’s stations … charging times will drop to around 15 minutes …

… After debuting in North America, the [V3] technology will reach Europe and the Asia-Pacific region in the fourth quarter ...

… The company is looking to ward off a wave of [recharging] competition from … Ionity GmbH, a consortium of Volkswagen AG, Mercedes Benz-maker Daimler AG, Ford Motor Co. and BMW AG, [which] will have 400 station across Europe’s major highways ....

VW-owned brand Porsche … is also adding 350 kW chargers to its dealerships in the U.S. and Europe.

And as if the reminder was necessary:

(Taylor March 13, 2019).

… The company plans to become the world’s biggest producer of electric cars by 2025, with the VW brand alone aiming to build more than 20 models on the group’s electric vehicles platform ...

VW will start building the ID [first platform model] at a factory in Zwickau, Germany, which has maximum annual production capacity of 330,000 models. Zwickau will also build electric cars for Volkswagen’s Seat and Audi brands.

After Zwickau, Volkswagen will roll out production of electric vehicles to seven other factories worldwide including two plants in China and a factory in Chattanooga, United States, VW said.

Or, in other words, VW was content to partner with Tesla about some of its recharging issues, but in a limited fashion, and no doubt, politically motivated. Given Tesla’s history and Musk’s personality, perhaps that was entirely suitable—even for the best. VW seemed to have its hand in everything, and it was clearly hedging its bets when it came to battery technology, as well as higher-level issues.

In an era of rapidly shifting alliances, managing contracting risk should also consider the pass-through of intellectual property to third parties.

Dropping down a level of analysis—to batteries that is—much the same story continued:

(Frangoul March 8, 2019).

[While] Japanese car giant Nissan says its compact hatchback called Leaf has become the first electric car to exceed 400,000 in sales …

Volvo Group Venture Capital, a subsidiary of the Volvo Group, invested in a company that specializes in the “high power wireless charging of electric vehicles.”

The wireless charging business, called Momentum Dynamics, is based in Pennsylvania. It is developing and commercializing “high power inductive charging for the automotive and transportation ­industries.”

VW was never far from the conversation:

(Scheyder March 12, 2019).

… Ford has also announced a commercial vehicle alliance with ­Germany’s Volkswagen AG, with plans to jointly develop electric and self-driving vehicles ...

… it is considering forging supply deals with lithium producers, Ford said …

Ford rival Tesla Inc. has a lithium supply deal with Australia’s Kidman Resources Ltd.

“We are looking at the entire supply chain and where we want to play” … Albemarle Corp and SQM are the world’s largest lithium producers.


(Zaleski March 17, 2019).

… “Lithium is pretty much hitting a wall right now. If you really want to increase energy density, you have to go to a completely different paradigm” …

…. Starting this year, several start-ups with batteries they believe are big improvements over current lithium-ion technology will introduce their cells to the commercial market.

“It’s taken us eight years and probably 35,000 iterations of our material synthesis just to have something that’s commercially ready” ….

… about 10 years of research. Only now are start-ups gearing up for the commercial spotlight, a rollout that will take at least a few years, and possibly even another full decade.

Like several others like it, that article went on to discuss solid-state battery technology being developed by a promising start-up. VW was again involved, with a 100 million U.S. dollar investment. The new battery might increase the range of the VW E-Golf from 186 to 466 miles, and competitive with gas model ranges. If true, that would be a stupendous jump in range, anyway.

However, these observations are typical of the mirage called “technological breakthrough.”

An interesting quip came from one of the principles:

The long development timeline for these start-ups is a sign of how difficult pushing battery technology can be … You’re talking about a generational technological shift that has to happen … In 150 years of batteries existing, there have been four commercially relevant chemistries to come to market. And every time you go to these new chemistries, they get harder (Zaleski 2019).

Critique: The Ultimate Deliverable

It is difficult to pick just one kind of risk that the rest of the period depicts, so perhaps it all comes down to managing integration and scope.

In the middle of the first quarter, Tesla announced long awaited and happy news. To this point, Tesla had been making the Model 3, delivering 145,610 in fact, but still priced much too high. With a base range of 220 miles:

(Ferris and Kopecki February 28, 2019).

… Tesla is finally launching its long-awaited standard Model 3 starting at $35,000 …

We think it’s a mistake from a strategic perspective and are skeptical of the gross margins on that $35,000 vehicle. In our view, they would be better served sticking to premium electric vehicles instead of this mass market, Henry Ford-type mentality of affordable vehicles for all.

... It might be different if Tesla had the production capacity to drive volume and margin for this lower priced version, but they don’t currently and to add the incremental capacity would require significant additional capital investment.

That represented the major deliverable: a viable mass-marketable all-battery EV. But, free cash flow (FCF) and EVA were certainly negative, and deadlines were missed. In addition to the obvious, discounting effects on cash flow and the cost of capital amplify the point about deadlines.

With that, Musk admitted to structurally obstinate cost problems, and that the company would not be announcing a quarterly (accounting) profit. He had hopes for sustained profitability afterward, but of course, he always did. Evidently and by Musk’s own admission, the mass-market Model 3 was now a consumer reality, but the business model it represented was still not sustainably profitable in real economic terms. Yet, there was no sign of slowing the firm’s expansion goals.


The purpose of this chapter was to help all sides of the controversy about the need for Tesla to become more professionally managed or in kinder academic terminology, to transition to a more mature state as strategically best fitted its evolving operating environment. It would be in nobody’s interest for Tesla to regress to a bygone era of organizational structure and style, but the very real possibility of executive succession alone painted a picture of likely chaos. Nevertheless, something had to happen, and the project management literature is rich with ideas for all modern industries, companies, and situations.

Corporate cash flow is largely determined by capital project FCFs. There, project cost risks derive from project hurdle rates, which derive from the cost of capital itself. To close the circle, cost of capital is a function of other kinds of project risk. This all “happens” at the nexus of capital planning and project management. These are the foremost points in this series.

Questions for Discussion

How does the evolution of external conditions impact organizational form and function?

How can risks (see section subtitles) impact capital project hurdle rates?

Is a diversified project portfolio the best approach to technological uncertainty?

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