12 Powerful Tools for Leadership, Coaching, and Life

In these pages, you’ll find the 12 Question Thinking tools that Joseph introduced to Ben, in approximately the same order as they occur in the story. I’ve also included page references so you can refer back to see how Ben applied and benefited from each one.

Each tool is an integral facet of the Question Thinking system, so you may notice that the 12 tools overlap as well as complement one another.

Just as with developing any new skill, the more you use these tools, the more proficient you become. Think of this process as similar to what athletes do, practicing and strengthening to be at their best. Using the exercises in this workbook you will be strengthening and refining your Question Thinking muscles.

You may notice as you read through the workbook that the formats of the last two tools—Coaching and Leadership—are somewhat different from the others. The purpose of the last two tools is to summarize and condense the core concepts of the book, mentally imprinting the lessons so they may be easily accessed at any time. Many coaches, leadership development professionals, and other change agents have found that the tools in this workbook are easily integrated with their own unique work.

Here are some ideas for becoming more skillful in using the tools yourself as well as in sharing them with others, especially in the workplace, contributing to the creation of a Learner culture. Many organizations use Change Your Questions, including the tools in this workbook, to focus discussion groups on areas such as team collaboration, productivity, communication, and innovation. It can be helpful to post copies of the Choice Map in offices and conference rooms to serve as reminders and guides.

Time and time again, readers tell me how Question Thinking has made a positive difference throughout their lives—with their closest relationships, their finances, their health, in their athletic endeavors, in weight management, and even with the challenges of raising teenaged children! Self-help groups, nonprofit groups, book clubs, and church groups also actively use the ideas and principles in Change Your Questions, Change Your Life as guidance.

I love hearing from my readers, especially stories about how Question Thinking has made a difference in their lives—at work as well as in personal relationships. I invite you to join our learning community ( for access to blogs and other resources and to be connected with others as a dynamic and growing Learner alliance.

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