Tool 8: Build Learner Teams

See Chapter 8, “Learner Teams and Judger Teams”

Purpose: To learn about the benefits of applying Question Thinking and the Learner/Judger distinctions for teams as well as for organizations.

Discussion: In Chapter 8, Joseph uses the Choice Map to explain the difference between Learner teams and Judger teams. Ben realizes that Learner teams are far more effective and high-performing than Judger ones are. He begins to consider ways of turning his Judger team into a Learner one.

The experience of working on teams can be challenging, and people often deal with these difficulties in Judger ways. They might stop listening, try to push their own agenda, or just blame others when things don’t work out. They could go Judger on themselves by assuming they have nothing to contribute, by shutting down, and/or by not fully engaging. Or they could become overtly demeaning or critical of another person or of others’ ideas. Whatever the case, nobody wins. By introducing the notion of Learner teams, each participant can follow guidelines to suspend Judger and simply step into Learner, which has a positive effect on everyone’s experience, productivity, and results.

Practice 1: Ask people whether they’ve ever been on a Judger team. (They usually laugh.) Then ask if they’ve ever been on a Learner one. Then simply ask them to describe the differences in terms of experience, collaboration, productivity, and results.

Practice 2: Show people the Choice Map and have a conversation about the effects of Learner and Judger mindsets on the success or failure of the team. Include the notions of Judger costs and Judger stand-offs in your conversation. Then introduce the importance of a Learner Alliance and discuss what it would take for your team to create and commit to that.

Practice 3: Ask people on your team to generate guidelines based on the Choice Map about how best to communicate and collaborate during meetings. Do this as a group process, encouraging each person’s contribution.

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