Writing the third edition of Change Your Questions, Change Your Life has provided a gratifying and generative opportunity. There are many to whom I am deeply grateful.

Hal Zina Bennett again brought his editorial brilliance and collaborative generosity to my writing. The spirit and possibility of inquiry are animated by his expertise. My appreciation for his contribution is beyond words.

The Inquiry Institute home team continues to provide an invaluable foundation of friendship, support, and expertise. With Kim Aubry, our Executive Director, as the cornerstone and Anna Barrett as Director of Learning as well as being on our Board of Advisors, I am also grateful to the others on our Board: Walter K. Booker, Scott DiGiammarino, David Goldsmith, Mark Miani, Jeremy Seligman, and Harold Weinstein.

I am grateful to the professionals who support the Inquiry Institute and our work in the world: Terri Andrews, Lina Avallone, Janet Cho, Susan Critelli, Denise Eaton, Eleanor Guare, G. Shawn Hunter, Becky Robinson, Ron Sherman, Marina Sinclair, and Carla Van Dyk. I again thank Diane Chew for the title and Stewart Levine for introducing me to Berrett-Koehler.

Berrett-Koehler exemplifies “publisher as partner,” and all BK authors and readers are the beneficiaries. I am most appreciative to their visionary founder and publisher, Steve Piersanti, as well as to Maria Jesús Aguilo, Charlotte Ashlock, Shabnam Banerjee-McFarland, Marina Cook, Michael Crowley, Kristen Frantz, David Marshall, Stacey C. Sawyer, Courtney Schonfeld, and Jeevan Sivasubramaniam. It has been a special pleasure to work again with Detta Penna, the inimitable designer of everything between the covers of this book.

Robert Kramer assigned Change Your Questions, Change Your Life to his students at American University’s Key Executive Leadership Program in the School of Public Affairs. Little could he have known that that would change my life. Eventually I was tapped as an adjunct professor in that program, which for years has been a stimulating environment in which to grow my work on inquiring leadership and learn from fellow faculty members and students. Resounding thanks to Robert as well as Sophie Idilbi, Patrick Malone, Robert Tobias, Ruth Zaplin, and Don Zauderer.

Each of these—friends, family, and colleagues—has also contributed generously to me and my work. I am grateful to you all: Rose and Edward J. Adams, Des Black, Val Cambre, Kathy Carmean, Carol Cartaino, Eric Cheong, Ira Cohen, Lisa Devenish, Ellen Duffield, Kylah Frazier, LeRoy and Selma Crockin Goldberg, Carmella Granado, Walter Haake, Robert Hall, Jim Harrison, Melinda Harrison, Stephanie Harrison, Popsy Kanagaratnam, Kanu Kogod, Landmark Worldwide, Michael Leech, Kathy Leech, Mark Levy, John McAuley, Elianne Obadia, Linda J. Page, Stephanie Parker, Ellyn Phillips, Brad Pressman, Gemma Qin, Babak Rajaee, Marcia Reynolds, Shana Ring, Ellen Neiley Ritter, Cynda Rushton, Marthine Satris, Cynthia Sexton, Michele Shay, Melinda Sinclair, Lindsay Burr Singla, Henry Toi, Gen Kelsang Wangden, Patrick Williams, and Jim Wilson.

As always, those whom I learn from the most are my students and clients. Inquiry Institute’s Chief Question Officer® Certificate Program and our QT workshops bring us students who become our teachers. They come from all over the United States as well as many other countries, including Brazil, Canada, China, Norway, Singapore, and Taiwan. I thank you all.

I am appreciative of Inquiry Institute’s global partners, the Leadership Studio at Muskoka Woods—an Inquiry Institute Center of Excellence—in Ontario, Canada, as well as the Brain Capital Group, and Nurture Craft in Singapore.

I am blessed to travel through this life with Ed Adams, my husband and most ardent and stalwart supporter. He brings creativity, wisdom, and fun into our lives every day.

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