
Note: Locators followed by the italicized letter n indicate material found in notes.

Ackman, Bill, 42

“active investing,” 139n14

activist funds, 39–40

Aetna, 91

Affluence and Influence: Economic Inequality and Political Power in America (Gilens), 113

African Americans, liquid wealth of, 33

age, in wealth/income inequality, 109

agribusiness, industrial, 100

Alaska Permanent Fund, 62–63, 123–125

Alger, Horatio, 99

Alito, Samuel, 20

Allergan, 42

Alphabet, 16, 45–46, 92

Amazon, 16, 28, 46, 91, 100, 113

American Dream, 10, 91, 99

Americans for Prosperity, 46

American values

in Citizen Capitalism, 97–98

civic engagement, 103–105

egalitarianism, 98–100

individual liberty, 100–102

Apple, 30

The Atlantic, 107

automation, 111–112. See also rising inequality

Bakan, Joel, 21

Bangladesh, 23–24

Basic Income: A Radical Proposal for a Free Society and a Sane Economy (Van Parijs and Vanderborght), 120

Bausch & Lomb, 41

benefit corporations, 65–66

Berkshire Hathaway, 45

Bezos, Jeff, 46, 100

Biovail, 41

Blackrock mutual funds, 20, 143n7

boards of directors

in corporate governance system, 29–31

proxy advisory services and, 37–38

Boeing, 91, 100

Bogle, Paul, 139n14

Boston College (Center on Wealth and Philanthropy), 61

Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community (Putnam), 103

BP, 3. See also fossil fuel companies

Brandeis, Louis, 2, 88

Branson, Richard, 120

Buffett, Warren, 42, 45, 52, 68–69, 70, 100, 146n24

Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, 20

business corporations. See also corporate governance system

contributions/benefits of, 16–17

engaging/harnessing power of, 2–3, 6–8

market pressures and, 45–46

positive power of, 78

power/pervasiveness of, 15–16

purpose of, 6

relationship between politics and, 81

as social/economic problem-solving force, 1–2

tax strategies of, 17

undesirable contributions of, 18–19

business judgment rule, 20

campaign contributions, 90, 100

Canadian Business, 42

Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Piketty), 86, 107, 113


Adam Smith on, 85–86

declining popularity of, 87

government and, 85

public interest and, 86

capitalist principles, embrace of

belief/investment in the future, 91–93

openness/transparency and, 88–90

repayment of debts, 93–96

case studies

Grameen Danone, 23–24

Hindustan Unilever Limited, 22–23

Valeant and Value Act, 40–43

Center on Wealth and Philanthropy, 61

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 109

Charles Schwab, 57, 143n7

Chevron, 3. See also fossil fuel companies

“Chicago School” (of economics), 19–20

The Chickenshit Club (Eisinger), 115

chief executive officer (CEO). See also Pearson, Mike

boards of directors and, 30–31

corporate governance system and, 27–28, 38

Citigroup, 65

Citizen Capitalism. See also American values; capitalist principles, embrace of; donations, motivations for; Universal Fund (Fund)

basic elements of, 4–6

as intervention, 115–118

next step toward, 131–134

obstacles/hurdles to, 11, 127–129

vs. other reform proposals, 6

racial/gender divides and, 117

shareholder value and, 10

societal problems and, 1, 10

UBI comparison, 11

“citizens’ dividend,” 122–125

citizen shareholders, loyalty of, 64–67

civic engagement

Citizen Capitalism and, 1, 10, 97, 105, 118

demographic differences and, 109

Putnam on, 103

Tocqueville on, 103

climate change

business corporations and, 2

fossil fuel companies and, 3, 18–19, 21

responsibility to future generations, 94

as social problem, 1

Coca-Cola, 65

community loyalty, 64–67

Corning Incorporated, 17

corporate governance system

boards of directors in, 29–31

broader participation in, 9

Citizen Capitalism and, 3

corporate entities in, 28–29

decision making in, 28

description of, 27–28

fixing the system, 44–47

fund portfolio managers in, 35–36

hedge funds in, 39–40

proxy advisory services and, 37–38

corporations/business corporations

contributions/benefits of, 16–17

engaging/harnessing power of, 2–3, 6–8

market pressures and, 45–46

positive power of, 78

power/pervasiveness of, 15–16

purpose of, 6

relationship between politics and, 81

as social/economic problem-solving force, 1–2

stock ownership in, 7

tax strategies of, 17

undesirable contributions of, 18–19

Costco, 65

Cultivating Conscience: How Good Laws Make Good People (Stout), 82, 128

customer loyalty, 64–67

Danone/Grameen Danone, 23–24, 137n27

debts, repayment of, 93–96

Dell, Michael, 45

Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 103

Dick’s Sporting Goods, 65

dividends/dividend yield

“citizens’ dividend,” 122–125

corporate governance and, 27

corporations and, 17

gifting of, 55

institutional shareholders and, 32

performance and, 36, 63–64

right to receive, 31

typical range of, 62

in Universal Fund, 11, 53, 122–125

donations, motivations for

customer/employee/community/national loyalty, 64–67

immediate advantages, 63–64

of individuals, 68–69

long-term shareholder acquisition, 67–68

nonfinancial benefits, 70–73

Dutch East India Company, 92

economic inequality, 7, 19, 108, 110. See also rising inequality

The Economist, 107

egalitarianism, in Citizen Capitalism, 98–100

Eisinger, Jesse, 115

employee loyalty, 64–67

environmental, social and governance (ESG) funds, 140n16, 145n10

environmental destruction. See climate change

Environmental Protection Agency, 137n14

EpiPen, 43

estate taxes, 69

exchange traded funds (ETFs), 44, 57, 143n7

Exxon, 3, 91. See also fossil fuel companies

Facebook, 15, 19, 45–46, 65, 72, 120, 138n9

Fair Shot: Rethinking Inequality and How We Earn (Hughes), 72, 107, 120

fiduciary duties, 30, 139n12

Fink, Larry, 20

Foroohar, Rana, 86

fossil fuel companies, 3, 18–19, 21

Frank, Robert, 122

Franklin, Benjamin, 102–103

Freedom of Information Act, 88

free markets, problem solving and, 8, 11, 13, 44

Friedman, Milton, 19, 120, 121, 127

fund managers

“active investing” by, 139n14

compensation of, 36

in corporate governance system, 35–36

influence of, 33

“futility thesis,” 129

future, hope for the, 91–93

future generations, responsibility to, 72, 80, 94–96, 132

Gallo, Alberto, 111

Gates, Bill, 52, 70, 146n24

Gates, Melinda, 70

gender, in wealth/income inequality, 109

General Electric, 16, 91, 95

General Motors, 92

Gilens, Martin, 113–114

Giving Pledge, 52, 70, 146n21, 146n24

Glass Lewis, 28, 37–38, 78

Good-Guide, 64

Google, 16, 45, 91, 92, 138n9

Government in the Sunshine Act, 88

Graeber, David, 94

Grameen Danone, 23–24

Green Globe, 64

Griftopia (Tiabbi), 114

Hammond, Jay, 124

Harari, Yuval Noah, 112

“Harrison Bergeron” (Vonnegut), 98–99

hedge funds, 4, 39–43, 45

Henry, Patrick, 100–101

Hindustan Unilever Limited, 22–23

Hirschman, Albert, 128–129

Hobby Lobby Stores, Burwell v., 20

Hudson’s Bay Company, 92

Hughes, Chris, 72, 107, 120–121

income gap, 3, 115

income insecurity, 1. See also rising inequality

index funds, 44–45, 57

individual (retail) shareholders, 32, 34–35, 37. See also shareholders

individual liberty, 100–102

industrial agribusiness, 100

inequality. See rising inequality

infrastructure decay, 4


capitalism and, 86

Citizen Capitalism as, 51, 92

egalitarianism and, 99

long-term results and, 78

long-term shareholders and, 88, 95

low levels of, 1

social contributions from, 17

value of corporations and, 131

In Our Hands: A Plan to Replace the Welfare State (Murray), 120

institutional shareholders, 6, 25, 32. See also shareholders

Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), 28, 37–38, 42, 78, 141n20

Iroquois Nation, 94–95

“jeopardy thesis,” 129

job losses, automation and, 111–112

Jobs, Steve, 30

Journal of the American Medical Association, 3, 109

Kalanick, Travis, 30

Keynes, John Maynard, 112

King Arthur Flour, 65

Koch, Charles, 46

Koch, David, 46

Koch Industries, 46

“legal person,” corporations as, 28

Levi Strauss, 65

liberty, individual, 100–102

life expectancy, differences in, 3, 108, 143n6

liquid wealth, 33

lobbying/campaign contributions, 18, 87–88, 90, 100

Lockheed Martin, 100

“lock-up” period, 39

loyalty, as donation motivation, 64–67

Makers and Takers (Foroohar), 86

management fees, 57, 143n7

Marathon Pharmaceuticals, 41

Martha Stewart Living, 30

McKinsey, 111

means testing, 50, 104

Medicaid/Medicare, 51, 114, 121–122, 148i11

Microsoft, 24, 28, 65

middle class, erosion of, 110. See also rising inequality

Munger, Charlie, 42, 45

Murray, Charles, 120, 121–122, 154n6

Musk, Elon, 46, 120

mutual fund managers, compensation of, 25

mutual funds

BlackRock, 20

hedge funds and, 39

indexed funds and, 44

institutional shareholders and, 32–34

ownership of, 7, 138n8

performance of, 143n1

as pooled investment vehicles, 57

proxy advisory services and, 38

share repurchases by, 63

vs. Universal Fund, 9, 49

Mylan (pharmaceutical company), 43

national loyalty, 64–67

National Philanthropic Trust, 70

“negative income tax,” 120

New Deal, 127

New York Times, 100

Norquist, Grover, 101

Norway, sovereign wealth fund of, 125

Occupy Wall Street, 86, 110–111

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 110

Otis Elevator Company, 95

Oxfam International, 108

Page, Benjamin, 114

Paine, Thomas, 122, 123

“Panama Papers,” 89

Parkland High School, 65

“passive” shareholders, 44

Patagonia, 65

Pearson, Mike, 40–41, 43

pension funds, 32, 39, 59

“perpetual entities,” corporations as, 29

Pershing Square (hedge fund), 42

personal liberty, 100–102

“perversity thesis,” 129

Pew Charitable Trust, 108

Pew Research Center, 91, 117

Piketty, Thomas, 86, 107, 113

Pirsig, Robert, 131

political power/influence, 113–115

politics, relationship between business and, 81

popular discontent, reduction of, 1

poverty/poverty reduction

Alaska Permanent Fund and, 62

asset poverty rates, 151n10

business corporations and, 2, 4, 18, 22

extreme inequality and, 110

as social problem, 1

UBI proposals and, 120, 122

The Price of Inequality (Stiglitz), 99, 107

“primordial debt,” repayment of, 93–96

private donations, availability of, 61–63. See also donations, motivations for

private ordering

Citizen Capitalism and, 8–9, 101–102

as governing force, 13

vs. open marketplace, 14

power of, 4

private organizations, examples of, 13–14, 127–128

private property, vs. individual property, 87

productive capital, ownership of, 112

Project Shakti (Unilever), 22–23

“prosocial” behavior, 21

proxy advisory services

in corporate governance system, 37–38

as nonprofit enterprises, 79

SEC rules and, 139n12

selection/payment of, 75–77

transparency of, 78

Universal Fund shares and, 58–59

public companies

“going private,” 45

vs. private companies, 28

Putnam, Robert, 103

racial tensions/divide, 1, 109, 117

Raising the Floor: How a Universal Basic Income Can Renew Our Economy and Rebuild the American Dream (Stern), 119–120

religious traditions, 70

repurchased shares

by Corning Incorporated, 17

corporate spending on, 61, 64

donation of, 67–68

fund managers and, 36

shareholder value and, 39, 139n16

in Universal Fund, 5, 53, 63

responsibility, to pay debts, 93–96

retail shareholders. See shareholders Rewriting the Rules of the American Economy: An Agenda for Growth and Shared Prosperity (Stiglitz), 114

The Rhetoric of Reaction (Hirschman), 128

rising inequality

automation and, 111–112

Citizen Capitalism as intervention, 115–118

harms of, 110–111

political power/influence and, 113–115

returns to capital/labor, 111–112, 118

as social/critical problem, 1, 107–109

UBI proposals and, 119

wealth tax and, 113

Rolling Stone, 107

Roosevelt, Franklin, 127

Roosevelt Institute, 114

Rosett, Claudia, 86

Royal Dutch Shell, 2–3, 135n3. See also fossil fuel companies

rural unemployment, 22

Rushkoff, Douglas, 111

Sanders, Bernie, 87

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 41, 76, 139n12

Seventh Generation Principle (Iroquois Nation), 94–95


categories of, 32

individual (retail) shareholders, 32, 34–35, 37

institutional shareholders, 6, 25, 32

rights of, 31

voting by, 34–35

shareholder value

activist funds and, 39

Citizen Capitalism and, 10, 92

executive incentivization and, 140n16

ISS and, 42

mistaken mantra of, 19–22

proxy advisory services and, 82

tyranny of, 7

The Shareholder Value Myth: How Putting Shareholders First Harms Companies, Investors, and the Public (Stout), 19

share repurchases

by Corning Incorporated, 17

corporate spending on, 61, 64

donation of, 67–68

fund managers and, 36

shareholder value and, 39, 139i16

in Universal Fund, 5, 53, 63

shares, classes of, 45, 138n9

Shell/Royal Dutch Shell, 2–3, 135n3. See also fossil fuel companies

Shkreli, Martin, 43

Simon, Herbert, 94, 124

Smith, Adam, 85–86

“Smoker’s Rights” movements, 100

socially responsible investment (SRI) funds, 140n16

social purpose corporations, 66

social stock exchanges, 66

socioeconomic mobility, 3, 107

sovereign wealth funds, 50–51, 125

SpaceX, 45, 46, 120

Starbucks, 15, 65

Stern, Andy, 120, 122

Stewart, Martha, 30

Stiglitz, Joseph, 99, 107, 114

stock ownership

concentration of, 7, 33

differences in, 108, 117, 138n8

Stout, Lynn, 19, 47, 82, 128

Students for Academic Choice, 89

Sunshine Act, 88

Supplemental Security Income (SSI), 121

sustainability, corporate governance system and, 45

sustainability reports, 65–66

tax deductions, 51–52

tax “inversion,” 41, 43

Tesla, 16, 28, 46, 92, 120

Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus: How Growth Became the Enemy of Prosperity (Rushkoff), 111

Tiabbi, Matt, 114

tithing, 70, 94

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 91, 103

transparency, capitalist system and, 88–90

Transparency International, 89

Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), 115

Turing Pharmaceutical, 43

Uber, 14, 18, 30, 45


company layoffs and, 21

in rural villages, 22

as social problem, 1

supplemental income and, 118

UBI proposals and, 121

Unilever, 22–23, 24

Union Pacific, 95

Universal Basic Income (UBI)

Citizen Capitalism comparison, 11, 58, 119–122

rising inequality and, 113

Universal Fund (Fund). See also Citizen Capitalism; donations, motivations for

as aggregator of collective interests, 25

anticipated accomplishments of, 132

asset donations to, 51–52

basic elements of, 5–6

citizen-share ownership criteria, 49–50

as community of influence, 118

dividend proposals for, 11, 53, 122–125

eligibility for, 115

framework for, 9

fund administration, 56–58

government program eligibility and, 148n11

income availability from, 62

long-term results focus of, 10

means testing and, 50

mutual fund comparison, 49

pass-through of income, 53

payment of proxy services, 75–77

reversion of interests on death, 52, 54

sovereign wealth fund comparison, 50

tax deductibility and, 51–52

trading/gifting/bequeathing shares, 54–55

voting of shares, 58–59

wealth creation and, 116

“universal investor,” 142n1

“universal owner,” 142n1

“Unlimited Potential Group” (Microsoft), 24

UPS, 65

US Government Accountability Office (GAO), 37–38

US Supreme Court, 20, 88

Valeant Pharmaceuticals, 40–43

ValueAct (hedge fund), 40–43

Vanderborght, Yannick, 120

Vanguard Funds, 57, 139n14, 143n7

Van Parijs, Philippe, 120

Vodafone, 24

Vonnegut, Kurt, 98–99


citizen capitalism and, 79–83

of shares, 24–25, 34–35

of Universal Fund shares, 58–59

Walmart, 15–16, 34, 46

Walton family, 34, 46

Warren, Elizabeth, 124

Washington Post, 46

wealth holders, gap between, 3, 33, 138n8

wealth inequality, 107, 116–117. See also rising inequality

wealth tax, 113

women, wealth/income inequality and, 109

World Economic Forum, 111

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (Pirsig), 131

Zuckerberg, Mark, 46, 120

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