Recommended Reading

Some of these books are alluded to or directly referenced in mine, but all of them make up a screenwriter’s essential library, whether you are just learning the craft or you’re a seasoned professional.

Ackerman, Hal Write Screenplays That Sell
Aristotle Poetics
Bradbury, Ray Zen in the Art of Writing
Campbell, Joseph The Hero with a Thousand Faces
Chitlik, Paul Rewrite
Egri, Lajos The Art of Dramatic Writing
Field, Syd Screenplay
Goldman, William Adventures in the Screen Trade
Hunter, Lew Screenwriting 434
King, Stephen On Writing
McKee, Robert Story
Price, Brian Classical Storytelling and Contemporary Screenwriting
Suber, Howard The Power of Film and Letters to Young Filmmakers
Vogler, Christopher The Writer’s Journey
Walter, Richard Screenwriting and The Whole Picture

And any screenplay you can get your hands on! Produced, unproduced, first drafts, shooting scripts, it’s all good. Reading HOW to write a screenplay is valuable, but seeing what a successful finished product actually looks like is priceless.

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