Jonathan Bartlett

Cloud Native Applications with Docker and Kubernetes

Design and Build Cloud Architecture and Applications with Microservices, EMQ, and Multi-Site Configurations

Jonathan Bartlett
Tulsa, OK, USA
ISBN 978-1-4842-8875-7e-ISBN 978-1-4842-8876-4
© Jonathan Bartlett 2023
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Source Code

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There are a lot of people I would like to thank for this book. However, the most influential people that inspired this book were Clark Ritchie and Tyler Brown (and Chris Zenthoefer for introducing me to them). Both Clark and Tyler helped me to think more explicitly about clouds and cloud services and move my thinking from traditional forms of system administration and system architecture to more cloud native ways of thinking. I actually want to thank all my friends at Specialized Bicycles for the time I spent with them. You all were a great crew to work with, and I am extremely thankful for the time I spent with you all.

Table of Contents
Part I: An Introduction to Containers9
Part II: Introducing Kubernetes45
Part III: Architecting for the Cloud143
Index 263
About the Author
Jonathan Bartlett

A photo of Jonathan Bartlett.

is a senior software developer at McElroy Manufacturing. His career has had a primary focus on developing data models and web APIs for both internally and externally facing business applications. He has worked with a large variety of languages, platforms, and development styles in his more than 20 years of experience in the industry.

Jonathan has been educating programmers for well over a decade. His first book, Programming from the Ground Up, is an Internet classic and was endorsed by Joel Spolsky, cofounder of StackExchange. It was one of the first open source books and has been used by a generation of programmers to learn how computers work from the inside out, using assembly language as a starting point. After more than 15 years, Programming from the Group Up was recently updated and rereleased as Learn to Program with Assembly: Foundational Learning for New Programmers.

Recently, Jonathan released Programming for Absolute Beginners which is focused on teaching brand new programmers about computers, the Internet, and JavaScript programming, based on his experience teaching programming to high-school and college students. Additionally, Jonathan has written several books on the interplay of philosophy, math, and science, including Calculus from the Ground Up, Engineering and the Ultimate, and Naturalism and Its Alternatives in Scientific Methodologies. For those interested in the more physical aspects of computing, he wrote Electronics for Beginners.

Jonathan also writes developer-focused articles for a number of technology websites. He is currently a writer for the technology blog MindMatters, and you can find his articles at . He has also written for IBM’s DeveloperWorks,,, and Classical Conversations.

Jonathan also participates in a variety of academic work. He is an associate fellow of the Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence. There he does research into fundamental mathematics and the mathematics of artificial intelligence. He also serves on the editorial board for the journal Bio-Complexity, focusing on reviewing information-theoretic papers for the journal. Jonathan also served as editor of the book Controllability of Dynamic Systems: The Green’s Function Approach, which received the RA Presidential Award of the Republic of Armenia in the area of technical sciences and information technologies. Jonathan also spends time teaching at a homeschool co-op through Classical Conversations.

Jonathan is married to his wife Christa. They have been together for over 20 years and have had five children.

About the Technical Reviewer
Shivakumar R. Goniwada

A photo of Shivakumar R. Goniwada.

is a chief enterprise architect, technology leader, and inventor with more than 24 years of experience focusing on Cloud Native Elements, Enterprise Architecture Setup, and Big Transformation Projects. He currently works at Accenture and leads a highly experienced technology enterprise and cloud architects. In his 24 years of experience, he has led many highly complex projects across industries and geographic regions. He has ten software patents to his name in the areas of cloud, microservices architecture, software engineering, and IoT (a few yet to publish). He has been a speaker at multiple global and in-house conferences. He holds Master Technology Architecture Accenture, Google Professional, AWS, and data science certifications. His executive MBA is from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

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