
Code with the Wisdom of the Crowd could not have happened without the support of my wife, Genevere, and my three children, Daniel, Juliet, and Jamie. I’m so grateful for your patience and understanding, especially when I had to spend time away from the family to be working on the book.

Many thanks to Tammy Coron for all your help throughout the writing process; your feedback and guidance was invaluable.

Thank you to my technical reviewers for your suggestions and insights—to Allan Stewart, Daniel Irvine, Eric Jutrzenka, Gareth Stephenson, and Janco Wolmarans—each of you contributed something and helped shape the book.

A special thank you to Allan, Eric, and David for taking the time to share their craft with a total stranger. Who would have thought a single day would have such a major impact on how I make software?

Finally, thank you to my original mob: Janco, Theo, Steven, Oz, Gwen, Coenie, Mandla, Lindo, Sandile, and Hendrik. We had a great run together, mobbing with you was so much fun—this one is for you.

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