
1G, 251, 254, 255

2G, 175, 236, 251, 254, 255

35mm, 42, 119, 127, 128, 131, 141, 211, 213, 216

3D, 13, 16, 75, 76, 105, 108, 113, 116, 123, 124, 126, 130140, 150, 153, 154, 161, 175, 212, 213, 256, 288, 295

4G, 55, 175, 178, 183, 236, 244, 247, 251, 254257

4K, 28, 43, 6576, 83, 84, 86, 91, 105, 109112, 116, 131, 133, 134, 139, 140, 150, 161, 205, 208, 295

8mm, 10

8-Track, 10

A Brief History of the Sign Industry, 113

A History of Communication Technology, v, 923

A La Carte, 84

Aaland, M., 211, 216

ABC, 85, 136, 200

Abdul, S. S., 229

Acquah, Nana Kofi, 226

Acquisti, A., 264, 266

Activate for Kids, 223

Activision, 190, 196

ADAS, 171

Adobe, 129, 151, 213

Adorno, T., 115, 137, 139

ADSL, 234

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, 171

Advanced Research Projects Agency, 18, 260, 285

Advanced Television Service, 68, 75, 76

Adwords, 2, 46, 47

Aetna, 223

Afflerbach, A., 82, 91

Agnese, 11, 20

Agnew, 131, 137

Aguilar, R., 146, 153

Ahlberg, L., 225, 228

Ahmed, S., 178

Ahonen, T., 214, 216

Ainkow, M., 136, 137

Ajzen, I., 28, 34, 35

Akhlaq, M., 171, 177

Albanese, A., 184, 187

Alexander Graham Bell, 12, 38, 249

Alexander, P. J., 51, 59

ALIA, 185, 187

Allen, A. 34

Alljoyn, 163

Allseen Alliance, 163, 164

Alphabet, 2, 3, 152, 155, 164

Amazon, 12, 33, 65, 72, 86, 89, 164, 182187, 205, 206, 252, 255, 276, 286, 293, 295

America Online, 260, 270

American Life Project, 22, 229, 263, 266, 267

American Marconi Company, 14

American Society of Cinematographers, 137, 139

Ameritech, 39

Amobi, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20

Ampex, 202

Analytics, 166, 229, 270, 277, 287, 289

Anderson, M., 183, 185, 187, 262, 266

Anderson, C., 32, 34

Anderson, J., 190, 199

Andrae, 115, 137

Android Auto, 174

Android, 114, 149, 150, 153, 163, 174, 179, 183, 196198, 210, 213, 214, 217, 251, 257, 272, 278, 297

Angeles, S., 287

AOL, 270

Apple App Store 252, 297

Apple CarPlay 174, 178, 197

Apple iBookstore, 185

Apple II, 18, 147, 191

Apple iPhone 253

Apple Music, 252

Apple Pay 251, 252, 257, 297

Apple TV, 86

Apple Watch 153, 161,

Apple Watch, 224, 257

Apple, 14, 18, 43, 86, 100, 129, 147155, 173, 182188, 191, 211213, 217, 251253, 255, 257,

Archer, Frederick, 210,

Aronson, S., 12, 20

ARPANET, 18, 158, 260

Arri Group, 128, 137

Asch, 229

Ashley F. Miller, v

Aspray, 146, 147, 154

Associated Press, 15, 20

AT&T, 14, 3739, 45, 46, 48, 51, 56, 58, 68, 70, 77, 78, 8793, 109, 160, 170, 177, 234, 245, 249257, 286, 288

Atari, 190, 191, 192, 197

Atkinson, R.C., 53, 59

Atlantic, 38, 94, 103, 217

ATSC, 65, 68, 70, 73, 74, 76

Audio Recording, 14

Audit Bureau of Circulation, 11

Augmented Reality, 75, 110, 113, 114, 171, 265, 293, 297

Ault, S., 202, 207

Austen, I., 251, 256

Automatic Collision Notification, 170

Automotive Telematics, v, 169179

Avatar, 126, 127

AVG, 226, 228

B.B., 137

Baar, A., 87, 91

Babbage, Charles, 146

Babcock, C., 286, 287

Baby Bells, 38

Bae, C. H., 169, 177

Baer, Ralph, 190

Bagdikian, B. H., 34

Bailey, 137

Bain, Alexander, 29

Balanced Budget Act of 1997, 75

Baldwin, T., 20, 79, 91

Bale, C., 207

Ball-Rokeach, S., 4, 7, 31, 34, 35

Bandura, A., 31, 32, 34

Banks, M.A, 277

Bankston, 122, 126, 137

Bartkowski, F., 34, 35

Basnicki, 136, 137

Battaglio, S., 207

Baumgartner, F., 66, 70, 76

Baumgartner, J., 86, 92, 205, 207

Bayer, 222, 228

BBC, 76, 192, 199

BBS, 270

Beaumont, C., 14, 20, 271, 277

Belafonte-Young, Denise, v, 169

Bell Atlantic, 38, 39

Bell System, 38, 257

Bellis, M. 108, 113

Bellos, C., 224, 228

Bellsouth, 38, 39, 251

Belson, D., 233, 245

Belton, J., 115120, 123125, 137

Beniger, J., 1, 7, 26, 34

Benner, K., 255, 256

Berkowitz, D., 185, 187

Berliner, Emile, 14

Berners-Lee, T., 233, 246, 260

Bernstein, J., 91,

Bernstein, P., 137, 273

Berquist, Lon, v, 49, 53, 60

Besen, S. M., 79, 92

Best Buy, 43

Betamax, 17, 163, 202

Big Data, vi, vii, 281289

Bikers, J., 109, 113

Billington, A., 134, 135, 137

Biometric Monitoring

Bioprinting Bitcoin, 297

Bittorrent, 56

Blackberry, 251

Blockbuster Blog, 137, 139, 199, 216, 218

Blotky, R. 132, 137

Bluetooth, 109, 149, 170174, 237240, 245, 246, 256

Blumberg, S.J., 253, 256

Blumler, J., 35

Blu-Ray, 17, 149, 194, 202204, 239

BMI, 256

BMW, 170, 172, 175

Bomboy, S., 124, 137

Bonaguro, E. W., 229

Bonds-Raack, J., 31, 35

Bonneville International Corp, 15, 20

Bonnington, C., 145, 153

Book Industry Study Group, 12

Bookfinder, 184

Books, 11, 12, 22, 35, 61, 154, 155, 188, 216, 230, 264, 266

Bor, Stephanie, v, 259, 262, 266

Bordwell, D., 123, 137

Bowker, R. R. 11, 21

Box Office Mojo, 125, 130, 132, 137, 138, 189, 199

boyd, d. m. 269, 270, 277, 284, 288

Boylan, C., 136, 138

Bradley, E. M., 122, 138

Bradley T., 241, 245

Bradshaw, J., 85, 92

Brady, H., 266

Brannon, M., 107, 113

Bray, H., 86, 92

Bredow, R., 125, 138

Brenner, D. L., 49, 60

Brenner, J., 181, 188

Brewster, B., 97, 103

Bright, P, 154

Brin, Sergey, 2

Brinkley, J., 68, 76

Broadband & Home Networks, vi, 233247

Broadband, 6, 22, 39, 5360, 69, 91, 92, 196, 208, 233236, 240247, 263, 266

Broderbund, 191

Brodkin, J., 241, 246

Brook, P., 209, 216

Brown, B., 281, 283, 284, 287, 288

Brown, Dan, 9, 15, 20, 21

Brown, K., 51, 59

Brown, S., 264, 266

Brown, T., 296, 297

Brueck, H., 185, 187

Brunner, C., 241, 246

Bryant, J., 9, 20, 35

Bryant, R. E., 284, 288

Buchanan, M., 182, 187

Buckley, S., 91, 92

Buckman, R., 195, 199

Bughin, J., 281, 283, 284, 287, 288

Bui, Q., 225, 228

Bureau of Labor Statistics, 153, 155, 215, 216, 227

Burstein, J., 193, 199

Bushnell, Nolan, 190

Business Wire, 114, 178, 223, 228

BusinessWeek, 270, 277

Butler, B., 286, 288

Butts, 72, 76

BW Online Bureau, 131, 133, 138

Byers, A. H., 281, 283, 284, 287, 288

Byford, S., 152, 154

C/Net, 210, 216

Cable Communications Act of 1984, 52

Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, 80, 92

Cable Modem, 235

Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992, 52, 78, 80, 92, 202

Cable Television, 16, 52, 78, 80, 92, 202

Cablevision, 81, 86, 89, 90, 92, 94

CAD, 295

Call of Duty, 189, 196, 199

Cameron, James, 125, 126, 130142

Campbell, Heidi D. v, 95, 97, 98, 219, 222

Campbell, R. 1016, 19, 21,

Campbell-Kelly, M. 146, 147, 154,

Cannarella, J., 266,

Canon, 128, 129, 133, 211, 212, 216, 217, 295, 298

Car Navigation, 169

Carecloud, 285, 288

Carmody, T., 182, 187

Carplay, 174, 178, 179

Carroll, E., 111, 113

Carroll, L., 213

Carter, R. L., 211, 217

Carter, S., 295, 297

Carter, T., 250

Carterfone, 250, 257

Cashen, M. S., 219, 228

Caslon Analytics, 277

Cassidy, E. D., 185, 187

Castells, M., 19, 21

Caulfield, K., 101, 103

CBS, 14, 85, 93, 189, 206

CD Player, 169

CDMA, 251

Cds, 33, 43, 149, 181, 202

Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 228

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 228

Chomsky, N., 34, 35

Chan, T, 196, 199

Chang, 138, 215

Channel1031.Com, 15

Charter Communications, 89, 93

Chau, P.Y.K., 29, 34

Cheney, M., 96, 103

Cheng, J., 99, 103

Cheng, R., 147, 154, 244, 246

Chevrolet, 172, 175, 177

Child Online Protection Act, 53

Cho, K. Y., 169, 177

Choksey, J.S. 175, 177

Chow, D, 297

Christensen, C. M., 296, 297

Chu, Y, 169, 177

Chui, M., 281, 283, 284, 287, 288

CIA Factbook, 152, 154

Cicala, R., 213, 217

Cicero, M. T., 9, 21

Cieply, 130, 138

CIGNA, 223

Cinema Technologies, v, 115142

Cinema Technology Magazine, 138

Cingular, 39

Cisco, 58, 59, 109, 146, 154, 157, 160, 163, 166, 220, 228, 255

Cityzen Sciences, 224, 228

Claricoats, A., 238, 246

Clark, L., 287, 288

Clark, M., 172, 177

Classification and Rating Administration, 132, 138

Clear Channel, 109, 113, 114

Clinciu, D. L., 229

CMTS, 235

CNN, 140, 154, 177, 178, 199, 298

Coap, 158

Coaxial, 82

Coca-Cola, 106, 114, 285, 288

Coe, J., 96, 103, 170, 174, 177

Cohen, N., 61, 72

Colao, J. J., 271, 277

Cold War, 260

Colecovision, 190

Collen, M. F., 221, 228

Collin, 136, 138

Colmenares, A., 185, 187

Columbus, L., 162, 166

Comcast, 39, 45, 5661, 70, 78, 87, 89, 90, 92, 94, 236, 241, 254

Commercial Mobile Radio Service, 12

Commodore, 191

Communication Act of 1934, 51

Communication Decency Act, 53

Communication Policy & Technology, v, 4961

Communication Technology Update, 20, 35, 37, 47, 76, 297

Compact Discs, 97

Compuserve, 260, 270, 271

Computers & Consumer Electronics, v, 6, 143

Concierge Services, 170

Conclusions, vi, 47, 291

Connors, W., 251, 256

Conrad, Frank, 14

Constrained Application Protocol, 158

Consumer Electronics Association, 72, 203, 208

Consumer Reports, 206, 208

Control Revolution, 26

Convergence, 52, 90, 219, 287

Cook, D.A, 138

Copyright, 15, 22, 99

Corlett-Rivera, K., 185, 187

Corning, 75, 82, 92

Corpuz, J., 214, 217

Costello, S., 220, 228

Courtney, M., 236, 246

Cox Communications, 89

Cox, J. 97, 103

Craig, M., 96, 103,

Crandall, R. W., 79, 92

Crime Feed, 215, 217

Crisis Assistance, 170

Critical Mass, 29

Crook, J, 277

Crow, J, 138

CrowdboxTV, 199

Crowley, S. J., 81, 83, 92

CRT, 108, 203, 204

CTA, 223, 224, 228

CTIA, 12, 29, 34, 252, 256

Cukier, K., 283, 284, 288

Cunningham, 132, 138

Curtin, D., 211, 217

Curtis, 138

Cyberbullying, 278

Dabbish, L., 264, 266

Daguerre, L., 210

Dahlberg, L., 263, 266

Daily Muse, 277, 278

Dancedancerevolution, 223

Danowitz, E. S., 185, 187

Darrow, B., 113, 166

Dave, P., 272, 278

David, E., 272, 278

Davie, William R., vi, 249

Davis, F. D., 28, 34, 35

Davis, G. 28, 35

Davis, K., 261, 266

Daye, Stephen, 11

De La Merced, 115, 138

de Martinville, L. S., 14

De Semlyen, 138

Deficit Reduction Act, 69, 76

Defleur, 31, 34, 259, 266

Deforest Phonofilm, 122

DeHaven, M., 82, 91

Dell, 106, 113, 128, 152

DeMars, Tony R., vi, 281

DeMauro, A., 281, 288

Denise Belafonte-Young, v

Denison, 127, 138

Dennis, E. E., 259, 266

Deregulation, 16, 49, 58, 79, 92

Dermal Devices, 224

Dewey, J. P., 281, 288

Dexcom, 225, 229

Dezego, R., 12, 21

Dhawan, S, 176, 177

Diagnostic Analysis, 170

Dick, Steven J., v, 201

Dickson, William/W.K.L., 13, 117

Diebold, F. X., 283, 284, 288

Difference Engine, 146

Diffusion Curve, 27, 28

Diffusion Threshold, 43

Digitag, 73

Digital Audio, 95, 98, 102, 103

Digital Cable, 16

Digital Camera(s), 116, 135, 148, 198, 211128, 135, 148, 198, 215

Digital Divide, 50

Digital Imaging & Photography, v, 209218

Digital Imaging, 210216

Digital Photography, 211, 213, 216

Digital Rights Management, 43

Digital Signage, v., 6, 105114

Digital Still Camera, 211

Digital Television & Video, v, 6576

Digital Television, 15, 16, 43, 52, 6576, 242

Digital Video, 16, 40, 67, 75, 8285, 134, 149, 203, 237, 282

Digital, 6, 14, 17, 18, 23, 33, 46, 48, 6568, 71, 72, 75, 76, 89, 9598, 102116, 127133, 137141, 145, 161, 170, 192, 208210, 214218, 228, 230, 234, 251, 264, 267, 278

Digitalsmiths, 84, 85, 88, 92

Dillon, 12, 21

Direct Broadcast Satellite, 17, 52, 81, 83

DirecTV, 40, 45, 77, 78, 81, 8793, 202

Dirks, 126, 138

DISH Network, 81, 8588, 202

Disintermediation, 41

Dizard, W., 38, 48

DNA, 228

Dobbs, R., 281, 283, 284, 287, 288

DOCSIS, 235, 246

Dolby, 67, 72, 127130, 136, 138, 139, 141

Domain Name Server, 260

Domingo, R., 171, 177

Donald, W. H., 11, 17, 20, 22

Donner, A., 222, 223, 229

Doperalski, 134, 138

Dorsey, J. 271, 277

Douglas, S. J., 96, 103, 283

Dreier, T., 17, 21, 88, 92

Driscoll, Paul, v, 77, 8183, 97, 104,

Driverless Car, 172

DRM, 188

Drone(s), 293, 295, 297, 298

DSL Access Multiplexer, 234

DSL, 19, 234237, 242, 243

Dsouza, K., 271, 278

DTV, 6576, 208, 242

DuBoff, R. B., 50, 59

Duggan, M., 242, 246, 262, 264, 266, 275, 278

Duignan-Cabrera, A., 139

Dulac, S., 80, 92

Duncan, D. T., 220, 229

Dupagne, Michel, v, 68, 69, 76, 77, 8183

Durant, D. M., 185, 187

Duverney, D. D., 80, 92

DVD, 18, 151, 204, 207

DVR, 18, 85, 207

Dykes, P., 219, 228

Early Adopters, 27, 28, 183

Early Majority, 27, 28

Eastman, 13, 116, 117, 122, 138, 213

E-Books, v, 12, 181188

E-Business, 261

ECG (Electrocardiogram), 220, 225

Echostar, 81, 86, 92

Eco, U., 34

E-Commerce, 35, 113, 261

Economist, 160, 250, 256, 283, 288

EDGE, 251

Edison Laboratories, 117

Edison Research, 103

Edison, Thomas, 13, 14, 95, 96, 116122, 125

Eggert, D., 108, 113

Eggerton, J., 56, 58, 59, 70, 76, 78, 89, 90, 92, 242, 246

eHealth, v, 219230

EHR, 219, 227

Elahi, A., 149, 154

Electrocardiograms (see ECGs)

Electronic Arts, 196

Electronic Health Records, 219, 227, 230

Electronic Mass Media, v, 6, 63

Ellison, N. B., 269, 270, 277

Eloqua, 263, 266

Elsea, P., 97, 103

Email, 260

Emarketer, 161, 164, 166, 226, 229

Emergency Messaging, 111, 113

e-money, 297

Enderle, R., 183, 187

Engebretson, J., 245, 246

ENIAC, 146, 153

Entertainment Software Association, 197, 199

EPS Geofoam, 125, 138

Epstein, 138

Eric Topol,, 228

Ericsson, A. B., 220, 229

Ernst & Young, 175, 177

ESPN, 92

Etefa, A, 31, 35

Etherington, D., 212, 217

Ethernet, 193, 237, 238, 239, 240


Eureka, 98

Euromonitor International, 174, 177

Evans, D., 157, 166

EVDO, 236, 251, 254

Eveleth, R., 214, 217

Exabyte, 282

Exergame, 223

Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol, 158

Facebook, 35, 66, 103, 110, 136, 194196, 209, 210, 213, 216, 218, 221, 252, 255, 262264, 269281, 286, 293

Fairness Doctrine, 51

Falk, H., 191, 199

FAQ, 233, 246, 298

Farace, J., 215, 217

Farago, P., 196, 199

Farnsworth, Philo, 15

Farrell, 90, M., 92

Fax, 257

FCC, 12, 1519, 43, 4861, 6870, 7481, 8487, 9093, 98, 102, 103, 201, 202, 233, 238, 240247, 250257

FDA, 223

FDM, 237

Featured Technology, 246

Federal Aviation Administration, 295, 297

Federal Communications Commission, 12, 21, 43, 51, 58, 59, 60, 61, 68, 70, 76, 77, 79, 92, 93, 201, 208, 246, 249, 254

Federal Highway Administration, 108, 113

Federal Radio Act, 51

Feltman, R., 139

Ferguson, D., 31, 35

Fessenden, 14, 96, 104

Fiber Optic, 82, 152, 234, 235, 250

Fiber-To-The-Home, 74, 77, 91

Fiber-To-The-Node, 234

Fiegerman, S., 271, 272, 278

Filev, D., 172, 173, 174, 178

Financial Action Task Force, 297

Fingas, J., 173, 178

Finn, 85, 93

Fios, 77, 78, 82, 89, 234, 236, 247

Firewire, 129

Fishbein, M., 28, 34, 35

Fitbit, 161, 223, 228, 230

Fitchard, K, 172, 176, 178, 242, 246, 254, 256

Fitzpatrick, K., 112, 113

Flash, 70, 106108, 148, 149, 211, 285, 288

Fleet tracking system, 178

Fleming, M., 128, 139

Flextronics, 40

Flv, 108

FM Radio, 41

Focal Press, 7, 20, 21, 76, 114, 140, 141, 208, 297

Food and Drug Administration, 229

Forbes, 104, 152, 154, 166, 167, 199, 277, 279, 288

Force of Nature, 112, 113

Ford Sync, 170

Ford, 178, 179, 169, 170175, 178, 179

Foster, G. D., 230

Four Thirds, 211, 217

Fowler, G.A., 88, 93

Fowler, M. S., 49, 60,

Fox (Pictures), 120, 123, 130, 132

Fox News 207

Fox, S., 263, 265, 266

Franken, 109, 110, 114

Frazer, B. 128, 136, 139

Freeman, J. P., 117, 119, 122, 123, 124, 125, 139

Freiberger, P., 147, 154

Frieden, R. M., 50, 52, 60, 61, 79, 94

Friedman, W., 91, 93

Friendster, 278

FTTH, 74, 82, 91, 92, 234, 235, 241, 246

Fuchs, A., 132, 139

Fujita, 73, 76

Fulford, R., 139, 141

Fulk, J., 30, 35

Fundamentals, 6, 7, 47, 297, 299, V, Vi, Viii

Gagnier, S, 178

Galaxy, 133, 197, 251, 253, 293, 297

Game Boy, 192, 193

Gamegear, 192

Gamification, 219, 221, 230

Gandomi, A., 281, 288

Gandy, O. H., 49, 60

Gannes, 2L., 71, 278

Ganz, 288

Gara, T., 273, 278

Garmin, 161, 176, 224

Gartner, 145, 150154, 157, 162, 163, 166, 252, 253, 256, 283

Gasser, U., 145, 155

Gelatin-Bromide Dry Plate, 210

Gelt, J., 125, 139

General Accounting Office, 60

General Instrument Corporation, 68

Gerber, B., 219, 228

Gershgorn, D., 213, 215, 217

GfK, 87, 93

Giardina, C., 127, 134, 139

Gif, 108

Gilbert, D., 150, 154

Gilder, G., 284, 289

Gilroy, A. A., 55, 56, 58, 60

Gladwell, M., 29, 35

Gleason, S. 46, 48

Global Health Workforce Alliance & World Health Organization, 229

Glucose, 175, 222226

Godwin, J., 80, 92

Goldman, 198, 199

Goldstein, D., 222, 229

Goldstein, P., 254, 256,

Goodwin, Hannibal, 13, 116,

Google Cardboard, 197, 199, 293, 214

Google Fiber, 82, 91, 235, 244, 246

Google Glass, 136, 138, 153, 216, 224, 229, 252

Google Lens, 224, 229

Google Play, 99, 100, 174, 185, 252, 272, 297

Google, 13, 7, 4547, 56, 82, 114, 134, 147, 149155, 160, 163, 164, 172174, 178, 179, 184, 185, 188, 194, 196199, 205, 206, 214, 216, 235, 242, 246, 251, 252, 255, 257, 260, 281, 286288, 294, 297,

Goovaerts, D., 255, 257

GoPro, 66, 294, 295

GPS, 47, 110, 169171, 196, 210, 216, 224, 252,

Grabois, A., 11, 21

Grant, August. E., v, vi 14, 7, 1921, 29, 31, 3436, 37, 4448, 53, 60, 76, 159, 282, 289, 297, 299

Grant, R. 40, 42

Gray, C. 169, 178,

Gray, E., 249

Gray, R., 111, 114

Greco, M., 281, 288

Green, A., 58, 60

Greenberg, J., 103

Griffis, 221, 229

Grimaldi, M., 281, 288

Grimmelmann, J., 251, 257

Gross, D, 149, 154,

Gross, R., 210, 264, 266

Grubb, J., 197, 199

Gruenwedel, E., 17, 21

GSM, 170, 236, 251

GSMA, 169, 179, 252, 253, 257

Guilford, D., 170, 178

Guillory, Brant, v, 189, 191

Gurevitch, M., 35

Guthrie, K., 35

Guttenberg, N., 184, 188

Gwung, H., 261, 266

Gyrta, T., 91, 93

Habermas, J., 19, 21

Hackman, T., 185, 187

Hadland, H., 216, 217

Hagey, K., 88, 90, 93

Hai, Y., 178,

Haider, M., 281, 288

Haines, R. W., 125, 139

Hales, M, 176, 179

Hall, C. 106, 114

Hall, J. 163, 166, 296, 297

Hall, K, 100, 103

Hall, S. 34, 35

Hall, T. 220, 229

Halsey, A., 173, 178

Hamilton, L., 58, 60

Hancock, D., 131, 132, 136, 139

Hands-Free, 170, 172, 174

Hangout, 273

Hanks, D., 296, 298

Hannley, S., 197, 199

Hansen, C., 100, 103

Hard Drive(s), 17, 86, 131, 132, 146, 148, 150, 181, 193, 203

Harris, P., 182

Harris, S, 85, 93,

Harry Ransom Center, 210, 217

Hart, H., 135, 139

Hart, Michael, 181, 183, 187,

Hart, S., 190, 199

Hartman-Caverly, S., 185, 188

Hartwig, 203, 208

Harvey, A., 215, 217

Hass, J., 97, 103

Hatten, J., 59, 60

HBO, 17, 78, 80, 206

HD Radio, 41, 101

HD-DVD, 17, 202

HDDVD, 202, 208

HD-MAC, 68

Heads-Up Display, 171

Health Data, 175, 178, 223, 227

Health Egames, 219, 229

Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act, 220

Healthcare, 161, 224, 226, 229, 230, 285288

Helgeson, B, 171, 177

Heliography, 210

Helmrich, B., 274, 278

Herman, E. S., 34, 35

Herring, Troy, 145

Hershey, 229

Hesseldahl, A., 152, 154

Heuring, D., 139

Hewlett-Packard, 251

Heyman, S., 214, 217

Hickey, M., 195, 199

Higgins, S., 122, 139

Higinbotham, W, 190

Hill, B, 100, 103

Hill, S, 217, 229

Hill, S., 217, 229

Himelboim, I., 263, 266

HIMSS, 220, 229

Hinkle, D., 199

HIPAA, 220

Hirsch, J., 175, 178

History of OOH, 107, 114

Hitachi, 73, 202

Hi-Vision, 68, 73, 76

Hoeg, W., 98, 103

Hoffelder, N., 181, 184, 187, 188

Hofstra University, 18, 21

Hogan, T., 216, 217

Holloway, D., 86, 93

Hollywood Reporter, 94, 130, 139, 140

Holmes, M. A., 48

Holmes, R., 273, 274, 278,

HoloLens, 295, 297

Home Networks, 239

Home Phone Line Networking Alliance, 238

Home Satellite Dish, 17

Home Video, v, 13, 17, 84, 190, 191, 199, 201208

Honda, 170

Horaczek, S., 211, 216, 217

Horava, T., 185, 187

Horkheimer, M., 115, 139

Hormby, T., 192, 199

Hornyak,, T., 212, 217

Horrigan, J. B., 53, 60, 242, 246

Hoskins, 85, 89, 93

Hotspot(s), 25, 236

Howard, B, 169, 172, 178

HP, 159

Hrovat, D, 172, 173, 174, 178

Hsu, M., 29, 35

HTML, 184, 270, 277

Hu, P. J., 29, 34

Huang, L., 145, 154

Huddleston, T., 87, 93

Hughesnet, 236, 246

Huiner, C., 225, 229

Hull, J., 127, 139

Hulu, 17, 25, 57, 65, 77, 78, 86, 93, 205, 206, 234

Humana, 223

Huntzicker, W., 10, 21

Hurley, L., 186, 188

Hush-A-Phone, 38, 48

Hybrid Fiber, 82

Hyperlink, 260

Hyundai, 170

Ibiquity Digital

IBM, 5, 44, 109, 146, 147, 154, 160, 162, 166, 251, 286, 287, 288, 289

IBOC, 98

ICANN, 260, 266

IDC, 12, 18, 21, 145, 150, 154, 284

IHS, 111, 139, 163

IITSEC, 198, 199

Ilife 08

Indiewire, 129, 137, 139

Industry News Item, 114

Infiniti, 170, 171

Infocom, 191

Information Society, 26

Infotainment, 170, 173, 174, 176

Infotechlead, 150, 154

Ingham, T., 100, 103

Ink, 182, 183, 184, 187

Ink, G, 11, 21

Inland Empire Health Plan, 223

Innova Solutions Helps Virginia Tech Acquire Instant Emergency Notification Capability, 114

Innovators, 27, 28

Innoventions Dream Home, 159

Instagram, 110, 194, 209, 210, 213218, 252, 262, 271281

Integrated Circuit, 148

Intel, 105, 109, 157, 160, 163, 255

Intellectual Property Rights, 26

Intellivision, 190

Interlaced Scanning, 203

International Data Corporation, 21

International Telecommunication(s) Union, 21, 50, 68, 72, 80, 146, 154, 236, 242, 246, 253, 254, 257

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, 260

Internet of Things (IoT), v, 157167, 175, 255, 265, 283, 286, 287

Internet Radio, 104

Internet Service Provider(s), 56, 57, 260

Internet, 2, 7, 1522, 26, 32, 33, 4149, 5261, 6571, 74, 75, 78, 82, 84, 87, 90, 91, 95, 99108, 115, 134, 141, 146160, 163167, 172177, 181, 188, 195198, 204207, 212, 219221, 224229, 233242, 246, 247, 252255, 259277, 283286, 289, 296

InternetLiveStats, 146, 154

Interstate Commerce Act, 51

Interstate Commerce Commission, 51

In-Vehicle Display, 171

Inventor of the Week, 114, 257

Ion, F., 108, 114

IoT (see Internet of Things)

IP Address, 158, 239, 260

Iphone, 26, 29, 127, 129, 141, 153, 183185, 210, 213, 228, 251258, 265, 297

Ipod, 14, 127, 162, 184, 228, 251

IPTV, 44, 65, 234, 284

Ipv4, 158, 261, 266

Ipv6, 158, 261, 266

Isaac D. Pletcher, 157, v

ISBN, 11, 258

ISDB-T, 73

ISP, 241

Isps, 56, 236, 237, 241, 244, 254, 257, 260

ITU, 12, 68, 80, 83, 154, 233, 236, 242, 253, 254, 257

Itunes, 14, 33, 41, 43, 95, 99, 100, 152, 174, 261

J.D. Power, 253, 257, 274, 279

Jackson, P., 134, 139, 141

Jacobson, B., 120, 139

James, M., 88, 93

Jan Boehmer, vi, 259,

Jawbone, 223

Jest, R, 170, 174, 177

Jiang, J. J., 29, 35

Jin, 229

Jin, X., 229

John J. Lombardi, vi

John, R, 249, 257

Johnson, 9, 294, 298

Johnson, E. 294, 298

Jones, 126, 139, 187

Jones, B. 126, 139

Jones, G., 185, 187

Jowett, G., 120, 123, 139

Jpeg, 108

Juniper Research, 167

JVC, 202

Kadner, N., 128, 139

Kaiser Permanente, 223

Kaleidoscope, 294, 298

Kang, C., 56, 60, 89, 90, 93

Kang, R., 264, 266

Kansas City is Fiber-Ready, 235, 246

Kaplan, D. A., 139, 211, 217

Kapost, 263, 266

Karagosian, M., 127, 140

Katz, E., 31, 35

Katz, R. H., 284, 288

Kaufman, D., 128, 134, 135, 140

Keith, M. C., 101, 103

Keller, K., 28, 35, 41, 48

Kelsen, K., 107, 114

Kemp, S, 276, 278

Kendrick, J., 183, 188

Kenneally, C., 141

Kennedy, S., 196, 199

Kent, S., 190, 200

Kermeliotis, T., 177, 178

Kessler, S. H., 18, 19, 21

Keydrives, 148

Kickstarter, 194, 199, 200, 296

Kiesler, S., 264, 266

Kilaru, 229

Kilgannon, T., 225, 229

Kim, 209

Kim, D. H. 225, 229,

Kim, R. H. 225, 229,

Kim, Y. S. 225, 229,

Kindersley, D., 122, 140

Kinetoscope, 117, 125

King, I., 151, 154

King, J., 109 114

King, R., 145, 154

Kittross, J., 97, 104

Klein, G., 29, 35

Klonoff, D. C., 224, 229

Kneale, D., 283, 286, 288

Knight, H., 173, 177, 178

Knight-Ridder, 46

Know Before You Fly, 295, 298

Kodak, 115, 116, 128, 138, 139, 211, 212, 217

Koh, Y., 271, 278

Kolesnikov-Jessop, S., 116, 140

Koll, N., 136, 140

Kolmar, W., 34, 35

Komorowski, M., 98, 103

Koo, R., 140

Kottler, P., 28, 35, 41, 48

Kozlowski, M., 182, 185, 188

Krebs, P., 220, 229

Kreps, G. L., 220, 229

Kristinsson, J. G., 170, 178

Krueger, A, 296, 297

Kruger, L. G., 58, 60

Ku-Band, 80

Kubota, 73, 76

Lacey, J., 198, 200

Lackey, R., 133, 136, 140

Lafayette, J., 86, 88, 93

Laggards, 27

Lai, C., 261, 266

Lala, S, 176, 179

Lally, K., 128, 140

LaMagna, M., 185, 188

LaMonica, M. 162, 166

LAN, 158

Laney, 281284, 288

Langer, A., 272, 278

Langley, H., 163, 166

Larry Page, 2

Lasar, M., 250, 257

Laser, 172

Late Majority, 27, 28

Lauterbach, T., 103

Lawson, S., 164, 166

LCD, 67, 71, 72, 75, 105, 108, 111, 113, 124, 130, 204

Lee, J., 10, 21, 151, 154, 225, 229

Lee, K. H. 184, 188,

Lee, N., 239, 246

Leichtman Research Group, 69, 71, 76, 84, 85, 88, 93, 206, 208

Leitner, D., 140

Lemels, 251, 257

Lenhart, A., 262, 266, 274, 275, 278

Lenoir, T., 85, 86, 88, 93, 94

Lenovo, 44, 147, 152, 155, 253

Lent, M. R., 230

Leopold, T., 131, 140

Leos, C. R., 29, 35

Lester, P., 210, 217

Letterbox, 204

Leuth, K. L., 166

Lev-Ram, M., 160, 164, 166

Levy, O., 159, 166

Lewis, T., 213

Lexus Enform, 170

LG Electronics, 72

Li, Y. C., 166, 229

Libraries, 187, 188

Library of Congress, 11, 22, 211, 282

Library, 21, 188, 284

Light-Field Forum, 135, 140

Lilly, P, 154

Lin, C. W. 226, 229

Lin, J., 249, 257

Linotype, 11

Linshi, J., 101, 103

Linux, 149, 170

Liquid Crystal Display, 71, 113

Littleton, C., 205, 208

Live365, 100, 103

Livengood, D., 249, 257

Lloyd, P., 111, 114

Local Area Network, 158

Localism, 51, 52

Lochen, E., 127, 140

Lohr, 147, 154, 283, 284, 288

Lombardi, John J. vi, 233, 240

Long Distance, 38, 39, 45, 51

Long Tail, 32, 33, 34

Lorenzetti, L., 253, 257

Los York, 110, 112, 113, 114

Loughran, J., 222, 229

LSST, 212, 218

Lu, H. 229

Lu, J. 172174, 178,

Lu, N. 229

Lubin, G., 131, 140

Lubrano, A., 50, 60

Lucent, 39

Luke, J. V., 253, 256

Lule, J., 96, 97, 103

Lyft, 249, 296

Lynch, J., 90, 93, 207, 208

Lynx, 192

Lytro, 135, 140, 212

Ma, 38, 229

Macintosh, 30, 147, 191, 196

Mackintosh, P.S.J., 183, 185, 188

Madden, M. 181, 188, 264, 266

Maddox, Richard, 210

Magazines, 10

Magic Leap, 294, 295, 298

Magnavox Odyssey, 190

Magnavox, 190

Mainelli, T., 145, 154

Majaski, C., 274, 278

Maloney, J., 183, 185, 188

Malseed, M., 2, 7

Maltz, A., 129, 140

Manolovitz, T., 185, 187

Mansell, W, 295, 298

Manyika, J., 281, 283, 284, 287, 288

Marconi, 12, 14, 96

Marek, H.M.V., vii, 99

Marissa Roth, 130

Markey, E., 90, 93

Markoff, J., 255, 256

Markus, M., 29, 35

Marr, B., 281, 283, 286, 287, 288

Marshall, G., 238, 247

Martin, 161, 166,

Martin, G. 40, 42,

Martin, K. 125, 126, 140

Martindale, J., 172, 175, 178

Maschwitz, S., 212, 218

Mashey, 283, 284

Matofska, 295, 298

Matt, 209

Maughan, S., 185, 188


Mayer-Schönberger, V., 283, 288

Mayes, S., 212, 213, 218

Mazmanian, A., 57, 60

MCA, 202

McAdams, 70, 73, 76

McCaw Communications, 39

McClatchy, 46, 48

McClintock, P., 132, 140

McCombs, M., 33, 35

McCord, L., 85, 93

McCrary, V., 184, 188

McCray, 242

McCreery, S., 263, 266

McCullagh, D., 53, 61

McDowell, W., 97, 104

McFadyen, 85, 93

McGee, R. A., 170, 178

McGreevy, 295, 298

McGregor, M., 97, 104

McGuire, T., 283, 287, 288

McHugh, M., 213, 218

MCI, 38

McIntyre, H., 100, 104

McKay, H. C., 140

McKinsey, 146, 154, 284, 288

McMahan, A., 118, 140

McMillan, R., 145, 155

m-Commerce (see Mobile Commerce)

McQuail, D., 49, 61

McVoy, D., 16, 20, 79, 91

Meadows, Jennifer H., v, vi, viii, 7, 20, 21, 25, 31, 34, 35, 76, 105, 107, 240, 293, 294, 297

Mearian, L., 172, 178

Media Player, 86, 101, 107

Media System Dependency, 31

MediaOne, 39

Mediaone, 39

Méliès, George, 13, 118, 120, 125, 141

Mercedes-Benz, 173

Merchant, 229

Mesenbourg, 261, 266

Message Queue Telemetry Transport, 158

Metz, R., 165, 166

Meyrowitz, J., 19, 21

MGM, 120, 123, 124

Mhealth, 219, 220, 221, 226, 228, 229, 230

Microprocessor, 18, 147, 189, 190

Microsoft, 40, 44, 147, 155, 159, 160, 163, 167, 189, 193198, 202, 222, 245, 251, 295, 298

Microwave Communications, Inc., 38, 48

Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, 56, 69, 76

Milian, M., 270, 278

Miller M., 209, 215, 218

Miller, A. D. 209, 215, 218

Miller, Ashley F., v, 181

Miller, C., 252, 257,

Miller, E., 171, 178

Milliot, J., 184, 187

MIT, 20, 21, 68, 166, 182, 190, 257, 267

Mitchell Camera, 119

Mitchell, B., 238, 247

MITS Altair, 18, 147

Mixed Reality, 199, 293, 294

Mlot, B. S., 186, 188

Mlot, S., 173, 178

MMDS, 17, 77, 78

Mobile Commerce 251, 252, 293, 296

Mobile Health, 229, 230

Mobile Marketing Association, 108, 296, 298

Mobile Wallet(s), 296, 297,

MobiThinking, 253, 257

Modem, 56, 234, 235, 236

Moffett, 246

Mokoena, T., 99, 104

Mondello, B., 121, 124, 140

Monsanto Home of the Future, 159

Moore, G., 28, 35

Moore, L. K., 56, 61

Moore’s Law, 152, 154, 215, 218

Moorman, L. G., 12, 22

Morozov, E., 263, 266

Morran, C., 91, 94

Morris, M., 28, 35

Morrison, 209, 218

Motion Picture Association of America, 131, 140

Motion Pictures, 13, 116, 137

Motorola, 147, 224, 250253, 257

Mottl, J., 107, 114

Mov, 108

Movie Insider, 130, 140

MP3, 20, 98, 104, 108, 170, 282

MPAA, 13, 22, 124, 131, 132, 133, 140

MPEG, 70, 72, 83, 98, 237

MQTT, 158

MREAL, 295, 298

MRI, 226

MS-DOS, 44

MSO, 85

Mullin, J. 194, 200

Multichannel Television Services, v, 7794

Muñoz, L., 126, 140

Murray, J., 12, 22

Musburger, R., 136, 140

MUSE, 68

Museum of the Moving Image, 141

Music Download, 26

Musk, 162, 173, 178

MVPDs, 17, 57, 58, 65, 68, 74, 7791

Myspace, 35, 194, 270, 271, 277, 279

NABLabs, 101, 104

Nagarkar, V., 99, 104

Nagy, E., 115, 141

Napoli, 49, 51, 52, 53, 61

Nash, 13, 157, 167

National Association of Broadcasters, 69, 92, 98, 101, 129

National Association of Theater Owners, 131, 136, 141

National Broadcasting Co. v. United States, 61

National Business Group On Health, 230

National Cable & Telecommunications Association, 80, 94

National Center for Education Statistics

National Conference of State Legislatures, 84, 94

National Cyber Security Alliance, 264, 266

National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration, 176

National Park Service, 107, 114

National Press Photographers Association, 210, 218

National Science Foundation, 19, 161, 260

Nayar, 215

Nazarian, R., 212, 218

NBC V. United States, 52

NBC, 52, 85

NCR Computers, 39

NCTA, 92, 202, 206, 208

Neagle, C., 163, 167

Neale, S., 115119, 122, 141

Negroponte, 69, 76

Netflix, 15, 17, 22, 25, 33, 41, 45, 57, 61, 65, 72, 77, 78, 85, 86, 89, 173, 186, 194, 196, 199, 205, 206, 234, 241, 245, 285

Netmarketshare, 147, 155

Network Neutrality, 56

Networked Cars, 172

Networked Gaming, 193

Networking Technologies, vi, 6, 231, 240

Newspapers, 10, 46

Newsroom fact sheet, 278

Newsroom timeline, 278

Newton, C., 129, 141, 177, 272, 278

Ng, 135, 141

NHK, 68, 73, 76

NHTSA, 171, 176, 178

Nickson, C., 270, 278

Nielsen, 12, 15, 16, 22, 85, 88, 9396, 102104, 112, 114, 207, 208, 215

Niepce, 210

Nike, 110, 112, 223, 274

Nintendo, 33, 191200, 222, 229

Nipkow, Paul, 15

Nissan, 171, 174, 175

Nokia, 251, 294, 298

Nolan, J., 33, 35,

Novartis Foundation, 226

Noyes, K., 285, 288

NPD, 196, 199


NTSC, 68, 203, 211

Nynex, 38, 39

O’Neal, J. E., 96, 104

O’Neill, B., 98, 104

O’Reilly, T., 284, 286, 288

Oculus Rift, 28, 65, 135, 195, 197, 200, 276, 277, 293298

OECD, 19, 22, 54, 56, 61, 233, 235, 242244, 247

Oehmk, T., 251, 257

Office of Program Policy Analysis & Government Accountability, 84, 94

Ogden, Michael R., v, 115, 118123, 136, 140, 141

Oldscomputers, 147, 155

OLED, 67, 69, 71, 72, 75, 105, 109, 111, 112, 113, 204

Olgeirson, I., 78, 88, 94

Online Marketing, 263

Onstar, 170, 172, 178

Open Connectivity Foundation, 163

Open Interconnect Consortium, 163

Open Skies, 79

Open.Sen.Se, 158

Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, 54, 61, 235, 247

OS X, 149, 151, 190

Other New Technologies, vi, 293298

Outdoor Advertising Association of America, 111, 114

Outerwall, 206, 208

Out-Of-Home Viewing, 86

Owen, D., 80, 94

Oxman, J. 53, 61,

Ozo, 294, 298

P2P, 284

Pacific Telesis, 39

Page, L, 2

Pagers, 251

Palfrey, J., 145, 155

Panasonic, 129, 163

Pandora, 95, 99104, 174, 178, 252

Pappas, S., 274, 278

Papper, R. E., 47, 48

Paramount, 120, 123, 124, 130

Parce qu’on est des geeks, 118, 141

Pariser, E., 263, 266

Parker, J. G., 84, 94

Parr, B., 261, 266

Parsons, P. R. 50, 52, 61, 79, 94,

Patel, M., 182, 188

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 226

Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton, & Garrison, 208

Pay Television, 78

PC(s), 9, 18, 21, 44, 128, 145155, 166, 192, 193, 196, 198, 217, 245, 294

PDA, 251

Pebble, 224, 296

Peck, M., 198, 200

Pedometer, 223

Pegoraro, T., 253, 257

Perignon, S., 167

Perlroth, N., 255, 256

Perrin, A., 185, 188, 221, 229, 263, 266, 274, 275, 278

Perse, E., 31, 35

Personal Computers, v, 145155, 222

Petabyte, 282

Peters, J., 11, 22

Pew Research, 12, 22, 95, 104, 145, 146, 155, 205, 208, 229, 257, 261, 263, 266, 267, 274, 275, 278, 279

Pew, 101, 242, 246, 252

Philips, 68

Phillips, A. M., 170, 178,

Photoshop, 213, 218

Pictures that lie, 210, 218

Pierce, D., 273, 279

Pike, S., 85, 94

Pino, 72, 76, 205, 208

Pioneer, 122, 202

Piracy, 141

Plasma, 67, 108

PLC, 170

Plenoptic Camera, 141

Plenoptic, 141

Pletcher, Isaac D. v, 157

PMA, 214, 215, 218

Podcast, 101, 104

Poladian, C., 197, 200

Pool, I. S., 49, 51, 52, 61

Poole, I., 238, 247

Poor’s industry surveys, 20, 21, 22

Popa, B, 155

Popovich, M., 48

Portable Media Players, 170

Porup, J., 164, 165, 167

Poster, S., 115, 135, 141

Postscapes, 158, 159, 167

Potter, N., 193, 200

Power Line Communication, 170

Power, B, 160, 167

Power, J., 35

PPACA, 226

PPV, 78, 82, 207

PR Newswire, 130, 141, 179

Pre-Diffusion Theory

Press, G., 167, 288

Prigg, M., 101, 104

Prime, R., 177, 179

Principle of Relative Constancy, 32, 33

Private Goods, 26

Prodigy, 260

Progressive Scan, 73, 203

Protalinski, E., 271, 279

Publick Occurrences, Both Foreign & Domestick, 10

Purewal, S. J., 210, 218

Purcell, K., 181, 188

PWC, 221, 222, 229

QNX, 158, 167

QOL, 222

Quadraphonic Sound, 10

Quality of Life, 222

Qube, 6, 141

Query Jr, J. L., 229

Qwest, 39

R. R. Bowker, 11

RAB, 99, 104

Raack, J., 31, 35

Radar/RADAR, 96, 109, 113, 114

Radio & Digital Audio, v, 95104, 202

Radio Advertising Bureau, 208

Radio Broadcasting, 51, 98, 99

Radio Shack, 18

Radio, 1215, 1822, 41, 42, 51, 80, 85, 92, 95104, 120, 141, 169, 174, 247, 281

Radionomy, 100, 103, 104

Radiophone, 250

Radiophones, 12

Radioplayer, 174

Rafter, M. V., 171, 178

Rainbow DBS, 81

Rainie, L., 12, 22, 181, 182, 185, 188, 259, 261267

Ramachandran, S., 17, 22, 88, 90, 91, 93, 94

Random Access Memory, 18, 148, 149

Ranii, D., 147, 155

Ranosa, T., 174, 179

Raphael, J., 15, 22

Ravenhill, J., 19, 22

Rawlinson, 10, 22

RCA, 14, 15, 122, 202

Real, 136

Reardon, M., 182, 183, 188

Red Lion Broadcasting V. FCC, 52, 61

Redspin, 227, 229

Reeves, K., 141

Register of Copyrights, 20, 22

Reifel, J., 176, 179

Reinsel, 284, 288

Reinvention, 27, 95

Reis, R., 212, 218

Remote Door Lock, 171

Renée, V., 128, 141

Reno V. ACLU, 53

Reportlinker, 170, 179

Residential Gateway(s), 239

Retransmission Consent, 59

Reuters, 147, 155, 188, 217

Reverse Auction, 61, 70

Reyes, J., 285, 289

Rice, R. E., 61

Richtel, M., 108, 114

Rick Sparks, 95, v

Ritchin, F., 209, 213, 216, 218

Rizov, V., 128, 141

Roadside Assistance, 171

Roberts, Chris, v, 145,

Robinson, L., 29, 35

Robson, S., 88, 94

Roeder, O., 194, 200

Rogers, E., 4, 7, 26, 27, 29, 30, 35, 43, 48, 260, 267

Rogers, J. A. 225, 229

Rogers, P., 125, 141

Roos, G., 111, 114

Rossino, A., 285, 289

Roth, Marissa, Cameron/Pace Group

Rouse, M, 169, 179

Row, S, 179

Rowgowsky, M.

Roxburgh, C., 281, 283, 284, 287, 288

RSS, 105

Rubin, A., 31, 35,

Rubin, B. F., 251, 257,

Rubin, Ben, 272

Rubin, M., 129, 141, 213, 218,

Rubin, P., 293, 298

Rutkin, A., 209, 218

Samsung Gear, 197, 292, 294, 257

Samsung, 44, 66, 7174, 91, 94, 154, 159, 160, 163, 166, 197, 224, 251253, 257, 293, 294, 297, 298

Sarnoff, 68

Satellite Broadband, 236

Satellite Communications, 83

Satellite Home Viewer Act, 81, 94

Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act of 2004, 59

Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act, 81, 94

Satellite Television, 77, 94

Satellites, 81

Savage, D., 195, 200

Savvides, 297, 298

SBC, 39

SBD, 169, 179

Scala, 109, 113, 114

Scannell, P., 97, 104

Schaefer, 1S., 35, 141

Schaeffler, J., 15, 22

Schank, R., 115, 141

Schauer, P., 269, 279

Schlozman, K. L., 266

Schmitz, J, 35

Schneier, 295, 298

Schofield, J., 184, 188

Scholl, J, 229

Schreier, J., 194, 200

Schubin, M., 141

Schulhuf, M., 82, 91

Schultz, I.E 53, 59

Schwartz, J., 150, 155

Science & Technology Council, 129, 141

Scott, C., 96, 104

SDTV, 68

Sedeskey, S., 200

See Your Power, 162, 167

Seel, Peter B., v, 65–73, 76

Sefton, D., 244, 247

Sega, 191, 192, 193

SelfieCity, 209, 213, 218

Sellars, P., 98, 104

Sensor Rings, 223

Shakshuki, E. M., 171, 177

Shanklin, W., 252, 257

Sharing Economy, 293298

Sharing Economy, 295

Shaw, H., 98, 104

Shazam, 214, 218

Sheerin, Michael Scott, v, 209

Sheltami, T. R., 171, 177

Shen, L., 185, 187

Shields, M., 271, 279

Shirky, C., 262, 267

Shishikui, 73, 76

Sierra, 191

SignAd Network, 114

Simmons, 74, 76

Singer, M, 141

SIRI, 172

Sirius XM, 15, 22

Siriusxm, 22, 101, 104

Sivanandan, A., 147, 155

Sky Angel, 78

Skype, 29

Slater, 262, 267

Smart Clothing, 224

Smart Homes, 159, 167

Smart Monitor, 224, 229

Smartphone(s), 12, 21, 95, 101104, 146151, 161, 170, 172, 175, 183186, 195, 196, 207, 217, 218, 220, 223, 229, 234, 236, 249253, 257, 264267, 286, 294, 297

Smartwatch, 296


Smith, A. 220, 229, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 275, 279,

Smith, B. 191, 200,

Smith, J., 244, 247,

SMS, 273, 282

Snapchat, 209, 213, 214, 218, 271, 273, 275278, 281

SNL Kagan, 17, 8589, 206

Social Cognitive Theory, 31, 34

Social Information Processing, 29

Social Interaction(s), 30, 31, 194, 259, 261, 274

Social Learning Theory, 31

Social Listening, 263

Social Networking, 262

Social Networks, vi, 269279

Social Presence Theory, 30

Social Security Number(s), 164, 264, 284

Software as a Service, 106

Sohail, H., 131, 141

Solomon, B., 167

Sony Pictures Entertainment, 164

Sony Pictures, 134, 164

Sony Playstation, 86, 293,

Sony, 45, 66, 71, 72, 86, 100, 103, 128, 130, 134, 160, 163, 164, 181184, 187, 192202, 211, 212, 217, 218, 222, 224, 293, 294

Sorrell, S., 167

Soundexchange, 100

Spam, 30

Spangler, T., 86, 94

Sparks, Rick, v, 95

Spechler, J. A., 266

Spectatoritis, 157

Spencer, D., 147, 155

Spotify, 14, 95, 99104, 174

Sprint, 236, 247, 253257

Stahl, T., 192, 200

Stanton, L., 61

Starr, P., 50, 51, 61

Starr, V., 100

Starz, 78

State Administration of Press, 14, 22

Statista, 12, 15, 17, 22, 94, 104, 145, 150, 155, 176, 179, 195, 200, 227, 229, 278, 296, 298

Steam, 193, 194, 196, 200

Steinfield, C., 30, 35

Steinhubl, 229

STELA Reauthorization Act of 2014, 93, 94

Sterling, C. 97, 104

Stevens, M., 141

Stockholm, T., 14

Stone, A, 109, 114

Stone., B., 271, 277

Stott, R., 149, 155

Stray Angel Films, 128, 141

Streaming, 92, 99, 101, 173, 205, 208

Stross, R., 271, 279

Stuart, Rachel A., vi, 269

subreddits, 272, 278

Subscription Video, 206

Sugawara, 73, 76

Suh, M.W., 169, 177

Sundal, D., 230

Sutritch, N., 253, 257

Suvarna, S., 223, 230

Swaine, M., 147, 154

Swanson, B., 284, 289

Systrom, Kevin, 272

Szalai, G., 90, 94

Szlasa, J., 141

Tae-gyu, K., 247

Takahashi, D.

Talbot, William, 210

Tannert, C., 163, 167

Tanz, J., 195, 200

Target, 43

Tarlton, Robert J., 16

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), 159162, 167

Tattoo, 225

Taylor, P., 203, 208

TCI, 39

TCS, 159, 167

TDG, 88, 94

Technology Futures, Inc., 11, 27, 28, 35, 160, 184, 191, 204, 250

Techweb, 200

Ted Turner, 79

Telecommunications Act of 1996, 5053, 5658, 61, 80

Telecommunications Act, 50, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58, 61, 80, 94

Telegraph, 20, 38, 50, 138, 249, 277

Telematics, 169, 170, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179

Telemedicine, 221

Telephony, vi, 249258

Telepresence, 73, 74

Television, 15, 22, 35, 6577, 80, 86, 91, 93, 96, 201204, 208, 281

Tesla, 96, 103, 162, 170175, 178

Texas Instruments, 148

The Bay Psalm Book, 11

The Communication Technology Ecosystem, v, 17

The Internet (also see Internet), vi 259267

The New York Times, 93, 94, 134, 138, 141, 247, 256, 279

The Numbers, 128, 132, 141, 142

The Saturday Evening Post, 10

The Structure of the Communication Industries, v, 3748

Thermometers, 220

Thierer, A., 161, 167, 249, 257

Thingworx, 158

This American Life, 101, 104

Thompson, A., 123, 126, 130, 142

Thompson, K, 137

Thomson, 68, 129, 142

Thorpe, J., 196, 200

Thorsen, T., 200

THX, 127, 138, 142

Time Magazine, 257

Time Shifting, 18

Time Warner, 17, 45, 58, 78, 89, 92, 93

Tipping Point, 29, 35

T-Mobile, 70, 253

T-Mobile,, 70, 253

Tony R. DeMars, 281, vi

Topol, E., 219, 221, 228, 229, 230

Toshiba, 202

Towers, W. 31, 35,

Toyota, 170, 173, 175, 179

Transportation Act of 1920, 51

Tribbey, 72, 76, 88, 94

Trost, S. G., 223, 230

TRS, 18

Trujillo, M., 58, 61

Tumblr, 262

Tune-In Radio, 174

Turner Broadcasting, 52, 61

TV Whitespace, 242, 247

Twitter, 110, 167, 221, 252, 255, 262, 263, 266, 270279, 284

U S West, 39

U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, 146, 151, 155

U.S. Bureau of The Census, 1113, 16, 18, 22, 146

U.S. Census Bureau, 145, 155

U.S. Department of Commerce, 10, 13, 23

U.S. Department of Justice, 81, 89, 124

U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), 172, 178

U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce, 59, 61

U.S. v. Southwestern Cable Co, 79, 94

Uber, 25, 161, 167, 249, 296298

Ultra HD, 76, 111, 208

Umbrella Perspective, 4

Understanding Communication Technologies, v, 2535

Unitedhealth Group, 223


Universal Service, 54, 55, 58, 254

Universal, 54, 55, 58, 60, 100, 103, 120, 130, 132, 158, 229, 254

University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, 172, 179

University of South Florida, 227, 230

University of Texas, Austin, 171

UNIX, 149, 183

Uptake, 160, 162, 167

USB, 148, 150, 152, 172

USC Annenberg, 264, 267

USDOT, 172, 179


Uses and Gratifications, 31

USSB, 81

U-Verse, 78, 87

V2I, 170

V2V, 170

Vail, 38, 39, 51, 249, 257

Vaishnav, C., 249, 257

Van Boom, 294, 298

van Cuilenburg, J., 49, 61

Vaughan-Nichols, S. J., 238, 247

V-Chip, 203

VCR, 17, 27, 108, 163, 202, 207

Vehicle Diagnostics, 171, 176

Vehicle to Infrastructure, 173

Vehicle to Vehicle, 173

Vehicle Tracking, 171

Venkatesh, V., 28, 35

Verba, S., 266

Verizon, 39, 45, 57, 61, 70, 77, 78, 82, 89, 91, 176, 206, 234, 236, 241, 244, 246, 247, 252257

Verrier, J., 125, 139

VHS, 17, 163, 202

Viacom, 45

Victor, D., 165, 167

Video Camera(s), 6567, 211

Video Compression, 83

Video Franchising, 84

Video Games, v, 189200, 229, 230

Video On Demand, 208

Video Phone, 234

Videoconferencing, 198

Vieira, S., 185, 187

Vine, 271, 272, 277, 278, 279

Vinyl, 14, 97, 215

Virtual Currency, 293, 296, 297

Virtual Reality, 28, 135, 136, 140, 149, 150, 153, 154, 175

Vise, D., 2, 7

Viswanathan, T., 250, 258

Vitascope, 13

Vivendi, 100, 104

Vivofit, 161

Vock, 296, 298

VOD, 16, 78, 8287, 207

Vogelstein, F., 251, 258

Vogt, N., 95, 101, 104

Voice Activation, 170, 177

Voice Commands, 252

Voice Over Internet Protocol, 16, 45, 56, 198

Voice Recognition, 174

VoIP, 16, 56, 82, 198, 234

Vojta, D., 230

Vonage, 56

Vranova, Z., 220, 230

Vreeswijk, S., 126, 142

Waegemann, 227, 230

Wallenstein, A., 16, 23

Wallsten, S., 55, 61

Walmart, 43, 274

Walsh, P., 161, 167

Walters, L., 195, 197, 200

Wang, S., 229

Waniata, 72, 76

Warner Bros, 120, 122, 124, 132

Warner Communications, 190

Warner, W. B., 61

Wathne, E., 29, 35

Watson, J. 16,

Watson., T., 221, 230

Wearable(s), 167, 222, 223, 228, 229

Webcam(s), 164

Webcaster(s), 100, 103

Weber, H., 271, 279

Webster, 155

Webtv, 45

Wei, R., 31, 35

Weintraub, A., 221, 230

Wellman, B., 259, 261, 267

WEP, 238

Werner, 229

Western Electric, 38

Western Union, 50

Westinghouse, 14

Weston, E., 213, 218

Wet-Collodion Plates, 213

What is Apache Hadoop, 289

Whatsapp, 209, 213, 273, 278

Whitacre, 39, 56

White House, 55, 61, 215, 218

White, L., 23

Whitehouse, G., 201, 208

Whitlock, 295, 298

Wi-Fi Alliance, 238, 247

Wi-Fi, 170, 237, 238, 239

Wii Fit, 222

Wii U, 194, 198, 222

Wii, 193, 194, 196, 198, 222, 229

Wikimedia Commons, 120, 122

Wikimedia, 120, 122

Wild, C., 210, 218

Wiley, J., 21, 103,

Wilkinson, Jeffrey S., v., 2, 7, 21, 35, 47, 48, 157, 160, 282, 289

Wilkinson, K. T., 35

Willens, M., 13, 23

Williams, D., 112, 114

Williams, E., 271, 277

Williams, J, 88, 94

Williams, Z., 183, 184, 188

Wimax, 236, 247

Windows 7, 151

Windows Vista, 190

Windows, 30, 147152, 155, 163, 190, 192, 196, 198, 251

Windows, 8/8.1

Winslow, G., 87, 94

Winston, B., 51, 61

Wired Telephones, 250

Wireless Broadband, 19, 5456, 59, 61, 69, 233236, 252

Wireless Telecommunication Modules, 169

Wireless Telephony, 30, 236

Wirth, E., 82, 91

Wood, J., 133, 142

Woods, M. 220, 230

Woods, M. B., 220, 230,

Woollaston, V., 276, 279

Wootten, A., 142

World Wide Web, 31, 35, 233, 259, 260, 269

Worthington, P., 209, 218

WPA, 238

WPA2, 238, 247

Wyatt, E., 61, 241, 247

Xbox, 40, 45, 174, 193200, 293

XFINITY, 236, 247

XMPP, 158

Xu, G, 176, 179

Yahoo, 45, 152, 155, 252, 255, 278

Yang, C., 56, 61

Yelp, 221

Yicheng Zhu, 9, v

Yottabyte, 282

Your Future & Communication Technologies, vi, 299301

YouTube, 67, 76, 186, 194, 277, 281

Yu, R, 179

Zahniser, D., 110, 114

Zenith, 68

Zettabyte, 154, 282

Zhang, M., 212, 218

Zhu, Yicheng v, 9

Zickuhr, K., 181, 188, 264, 267

ZigBee, 237240, 247

Z-Wave, 240

Zworykin, Vladimir, 15

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