CompTIA® Security+

SY0-201 Practice Questions Exam Cram, Second Edition

Diane Barrett

CompTIA® Security+ SY0-201 Practice Questions Exam Cram, Second Edition

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Table of Contents


Who This Book Is For

What You Will Find in This Book

Hints for Using This Book

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Chapter 1: Domain 1.0: Systems Security

Practice Questions

Objective 1.1: Differentiate among various systems security threats.

Objective 1.2: Explain the security risks pertaining to system hardware and peripherals.

Objective 1.3: Implement OS hardening practices and procedures to achieve workstation and server security.

Objective 1.4: Carry out the appropriate procedures to establish application security.

Objective 1.5: Implement security applications.

Objective 1.6: Explain the purpose and application of virtualization technology.

Quick-Check Answer Key

Objective 1.1: Differentiate among various systems security threats.

Objective 1.2: Explain the security risks pertaining to system hardware and peripherals.

Objective 1.3: Implement OS hardening practices and procedures to achieve workstation and server security.

Objective 1.4: Carry out the appropriate procedures to establish application security.

Objective 1.5: Implement security applications.

Objective 1.6: Explain the purpose and application of virtualization technology.

Answers and Explanations

Objective 1.1: Differentiate among various systems security threats.

Objective 1.2: Explain the security risks pertaining to system hardware and peripherals.

Objective 1.3: Implement OS hardening practices and procedures to achieve workstation and server security.

Objective 1.4: Carry out the appropriate procedures to establish application security.

Objective 1.5: Implement security applications.

Objective 1.6: Explain the purpose and application of virtualization technology.

Chapter 2: Domain 2.0: Network Infrastructure

Practice Questions

Objective 2.1: Differentiate between the different ports & protocols, their respective threats, and mitigation techniques.

Objective 2.2: Distinguish between network design elements and components.

Objective 2.3: Determine the appropriate use of network security tools to facilitate network security.

Objective 2.4: Apply the appropriate network tools to facilitate network security.

Objective 2.5: Explain the vulnerabilities and mitigations associated with network devices.

Objective 2.6: Explain the vulnerabilities and mitigations associated with various transmission media.

Objective 2.7: Explain the vulnerabilities and implement mitigations associated with wireless networking.

Quick-Check Answer Key

Objective 2.1: Differentiate between the different ports & protocols, their respective threats, and mitigation techniques.

Objective 2.2: Distinguish between network design elements and components.

Objective 2.3: Determine the appropriate use of network security tools to facilitate network security.

Objective 2.4: Apply the appropriate network tools to facilitate network security.

Objective 2.5: Explain the vulnerabilities and mitigations associated with network devices.

Objective 2.6: Explain the vulnerabilities and mitigations associated with various transmission media.

Objective 2.7: Explain the vulnerabilities and implement mitigations associated with wireless networking.

Answers and Explanations

Objective 2.1: Differentiate between the different ports & protocols, their respective threats, and mitigation techniques.

Objective 2.2: Distinguish between network design elements and components.

Objective 2.3: Determine the appropriate use of network security tools to facilitate network security.

Objective 2.4: Apply the appropriate network tools to facilitate network security.

Objective 2.5: Explain the vulnerabilities and mitigations associated with network devices.

Objective 2.6: Explain the vulnerabilities and mitigations associated with various transmission media.

Objective 2.7: Explain the vulnerabilities and implement mitigations associated with wireless networking.

Chapter 3: Domain 3.0: Access Control

Practice Questions

Objective 3.1: Identify and apply industry best practices for access control methods.

Objective 3.2: Explain common access control models and the differences between each.

Objective 3.3: Organize users and computers into appropriate security groups and roles while distinguishing between appropriate rights and privileges.

Objective 3.4: Apply appropriate security controls to file and print resources.

Objective 3.5: Compare and implement logical access control methods.

Objective 3.6: Summarize the various authentication models and identify the components of each.

Objective 3.7: Deploy various authentication models and identify the components of each.

Objective 3.8: Explain the difference between identification and authentication (identity proofing).

Objective 3.9: Explain and apply physical access security methods.

Quick-Check Answer Key

Objective 3.1: Identify and apply industry best practices for access control methods.

Objective 3.2: Explain common access control models and the differences between each.

Objective 3.3: Organize users and computers into appropriate security groups and roles while distinguishing between appropriate rights and privileges.

Objective 3.4: Apply appropriate security controls to file and print resources.

Objective 3.5: Compare and implement logical access control methods.

Objective 3.6: Summarize the various authentication models and identify the components of each.

Objective 3.7: Deploy various authentication models and identify the components of each.

Objective 3.8: Explain the difference between identification and authentication (identity proofing).

Objective 3.9: Explain and apply physical access security methods.

Answers and Explanations

Objective 3.1: Identify and apply industry best practices for access control methods.

Objective 3.2: Explain common access control models and the differences between each.

Objective 3.3: Organize users and computers into appropriate security groups and roles while distinguishing between appropriate rights and privileges.

Objective 3.4: Apply appropriate security controls to file and print resources.

Objective 3.5: Compare and implement logical access control methods.

Objective 3.6: Summarize the various authentication models and identify the components of each.

Objective 3.7: Deploy various authentication models and identify the components of each.

Objective 3.8: Explain the difference between identification and authentication (identity proofing).

Objective 3.9: Explain and apply physical access security methods.

Chapter 4: Domain 4.0: Assessments & Audits

Practice Questions

Objective 4.1: Conduct risk assessments and implement risk mitigation.

Objective 4.2: Carry out vulnerability assessments using common tools.

Objective 4.3: Within the realm of vulnerability assessments, explain the proper use of penetration testing versus vulnerability scanning.

Objective 4.4: Use monitoring tools on systems and networks and detect security-related anomalies.

Objective 4.5: Compare and contrast various types of monitoring methodologies.

Objective 4.6: Execute proper logging procedures and evaluate the results.

Objective 4.7: Conduct periodic audits of system security settings.

Quick-Check Answer Key

Objective 4.1: Conduct risk assessments and implement risk mitigation.

Objective 4.2: Carry out vulnerability assessments using common tools.

Objective 4.3: Within the realm of vulnerability assessments, explain the proper use of penetration testing versus vulnerability scanning.

Objective 4.4: Use monitoring tools on systems and networks and detect security-related anomalies.

Objective 4.5: Compare and contrast various types of monitoring methodologies.

Objective 4.6: Execute proper logging procedures and evaluate the results.

Objective 4.7: Conduct periodic audits of system security settings.

Answers and Explanations

Objective 4.1 Conduct risk assessments and implement risk mitigation.

Objective 4.2: Carry out vulnerability assessments using common tools.

Objective 4.3: Within the realm of vulnerability assessments, explain the proper use of penetration testing versus vulnerability scanning.

Objective 4.4: Use monitoring tools on systems and networks and detect security-related anomalies.

Objective 4.5: Compare and contrast various types of monitoring methodologies.

Objective 4.6: Execute proper logging procedures and evaluate the results.

Objective 4.7: Conduct periodic audits of system security settings.

Chapter 5: Domain 5.0: Cryptography

Practice Questions

Objective 5.1: Explain general cryptography concepts.

Objective 5.2: Explain basic hashing concepts and map various algorithms to appropriate applications.

Objective 5.3: Explain basic encryption concepts and map various algorithms to appropriate applications.

Objective 5.4: Explain and implement protocols.

Objective 5.5: Explain core concepts of public key cryptography.

Objective 5.6: Implement PKI and certificate management.

Quick-Check Answer Key

Objective 5.1: Explain general cryptography concepts.

Objective 5.2: Explain basic hashing concepts and map various algorithms to appropriate applications.

Objective 5.3: Explain basic encryption concepts and map various algorithms to appropriate applications.

Objective 5.4: Explain and implement protocols.

Objective 5.5: Explain core concepts of public key cryptography.

Objective 5.6: Implement PKI and certificate management.

Answers and Explanations

Objective 5.1: Explain general cryptography concepts.

Objective 5.2: Explain basic hashing concepts and map various algorithms to appropriate applications.

Objective 5.3: Explain basic encryption concepts and map various algorithms to appropriate applications.

Objective 5.4: Explain and implement protocols.

Objective 5.5: Explain core concepts of public key cryptography.

Objective 5.6: Implement PKI and certificate management.

Chapter 6: Domain 6.0: Organizational Security

Practice Questions

Objective 6.1: Explain redundancy planning and its components.

Objective 6.2: Implement disaster recovery procedures.

Objective 6.3: Differentiate between and execute appropriate incident response procedures.

Objective 6.4: Identify and explain applicable legislation and organizational policies.

Objective 6.5: Explain the importance of environmental controls.

Objective 6.6: Explain the concept of and how to reduce the risks of social engineering.

Quick-Check Answer Key

Objective 6.1: Explain redundancy planning and its components.

Objective 6.2: Implement disaster recovery procedures.

Objective 6.3: Differentiate between and execute appropriate incident response procedures.

Objective 6.4: Identify and explain applicable legislation and organizational policies.

Objective 6.5: Explain the importance of environmental controls.

Objective 6.6: Explain the concept of and how to reduce the risks of social engineering.

Answers and Explanations

Objective 6.1: Explain redundancy planning and its components.

Objective 6.2: Implement disaster recovery procedures.

Objective 6.3: Differentiate between and execute appropriate incident response procedures.

Objective 6.4: Identify and explain applicable legislation and organizational policies.

Objective 6.5: Explain the importance of environmental controls.

Objective 6.6: Explain the concept of and how to reduce the risks of social engineering.

About the Author

Diane Barrett has been involved in the IT industry for about 20 years. She spent 7 years in software development before becoming involved in education, security, and forensics. Currently she is the Faculty Council Chair for the Systems Development Group at the University of Advancing Technology and both develops curriculum and teaches in the Computer Forensics and Network Security programs. In addition, she does contract forensic and security work. Diane belongs to the local chapters of several security user groups, including HTCIA, ISSA, and InfraGard. She holds about 15 industry certifications, including CISSP, ISSMP, and Security+. She has also authored several other security and forensic books. Diane received her master of science degree in computer technology with a specialization in information security from Capella University and is currently working on a Ph.D. in business administration with a specialization in information security.


To my nephew Ryan, who is always a bright spot in my day.


Publishing a book takes the collaboration and teamwork of many individuals. Thanks to everyone involved in this process at Pearson Education, especially Betsy and Chris. To the editorial and technical reviewers, thank you for making sure that my work was sound and on target. Special thanks to my husband for all his support and patience while I worked on this project.

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