Abenomics, 63

ACTA. See Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement

ADBI. See Asian Development Bank Institute

Advanced economies

currency wars, 21

economy crisis, 17–22

European Union, 63–68

financial repression, 19–20

fiscal deficit, 52–55

hot money, 21

impact of indebtedness, 13–17

and inflation targeting, 92–96

intertwined global economy, 16

Japan, 60–63

macroprudential regulation, 21

real interest rates frequency distributions, 17–18

United States, 55–60

Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), 12

ASEAN. See Association of South East Asian Nations

Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), 34

Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), 32–39

Bank of Brazil, 20

Bank of China, 20

Bank of Japan (BOJ), 85, 113

BOJ. See Bank of Japan

Brazil, emerging markets, 77–80

The Brazilian Economy magazine, 43

Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS), 9–10, 20–21, 35, 39–43, 69, 86, 108, 120

Bremmer, Ian, 8

BRICS. See Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa

Bureaugarchs, 102

Capital flow

control of, 87–91

effectiveness of measures, 90


global trade rebalance, 130–132

market challenges, 74–77

Chinese Communist Party, 103

CIVETS. See Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, and South Africa

Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, and South Africa (CIVETS), 7, 26, 39, 43–45, 120, 136, 149

Communist Party’s Organization Department, 101, 103

Consumer price index (CPI), 116

Corruption Perceptions Index, 102

CPI. See Consumer price index

Currency rate

and capital flows, 87–91

Bank of Japan, 85

control of, 87–91

exchange rate manipulation, 86–87

rationale, 83

WTO International Trade Statistics, 84

Currency suicide. See Currency war

Currency war, 21, 83

global economy war, 118–121


against gold, 124

other fiat currencies

exporter as wealth-transfer agent, 127

insights, 125–126

monetary expansion, 126–127

moral hazard of welfare state, 128

race to the bottom, 127

value in, 122–124

EBA. See European Banking Authority

ECB. See European Central Bank

Economic nationalism

emerging markets, 104–107

responses to, 107–108

Economist Intelligence Unit, 29

Emerging markets

Brazil, economy of extremes, 77–80

BRIC, 82

China’s challenges, 74–77

economic nationalism, 104–107

impact on global economy, 71–72

and inflation targeting, 96–97


across globe, 27–32

ASEAN bloc, 32–39

BRICS bloc, 39–43

CIVETS bloc, 43–45

institutional voids, 31

MENA countries, 45–50

new capitalism, 72–74

outperformed advanced economies, 117–118

policy priorities, 69–70

state capitalism, 97–100

EMU. See European Monetary Union

European Banking Authority (EBA), 64

European Central Bank (ECB), 1, 17, 53

European Monetary Union (EMU), 123

Every Nation for Itself: Winners and Losers in a G-Zero World (Bremmer), 8

Exchange rate manipulation, currency rate, 86–87

Exporter, wealth-transfer agent, 127

Federal Reserve Bank, 20

Financial repression, 19–20

Fiscal cliffs, 14

G-8 group

coping with multipolar world, 9–13

country list, 2

influence, global economy, 4–8

G-20 group

coping with multipolar world, 9–13

country list, 2

definition, 2

description, 1

emergence of, 144–145

growth strategies, 5

influence, global economy, 4–8

Gini index, 79

Global economic war

advanced economies, 113

Bank of Japan, 113

currency war, 112–113

liquidity, 114

Global trade rebalance

challenges, global recovery, 139–141

China, 130–132

current patterns, 132–136

description, 129–130

global economy, 137–139

multilateralism, 141–146

rebalancing is not a solution, 136–137

Group of Seven Industrialized Nations (G-7), 4

policymakers, 115–116

real government bond yields, 22

G-Zero phenomenon, 8

Happy Planet Index (HPI), 80

Hot money, 21

HPI. See Happy Planet Index

IBSA. See India, Brazil, South Africa

IMF. See International Monetary Fund

Imported inflation, 122

India, Brazil, South Africa (IBSA), 9

Inflation targeting

advantages, 92

characteristics, 92

description, 91–92

monetary-policy strategy, 92

with advanced economies, 92–96

with emerged economies, 96–97

Institutional voids, 31

Interdependence, 146

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 2

Japan, advanced economies, 60–63

Maastricht Treaty, 64

Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries, 45–50, 120, 136

Monetary expansion, 126–127

Monetary-policy strategy. See Inflation targeting

Multilateralism, 141–146

OECD. See Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 32

PBOC. See People’s Bank of China

People’s Bank of China (PBOC), 74–75

PMI. See Purchasing Manager Index

Purchasing Manager Index (PMI), 75

QE. See Quantitative easing

Quantitative easing (QE), 83, 86, 112

Relative consumer price index, 89

Reserve requirement ratio (RRR), 75

RRR. See Reserve requirement ratio

SASAC. See State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission

SOEs. See 97, 101-102

State capitalism

definition, 98

in emerging markets, 97–100

responses to, 103–104

risks associate with, 100–103

State owned enterprises (SOEs), 97, 101–102

State-directed capitalism, 98

State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), 101

Threats of devaluation, 86

TPP. See Trans-Pacific Partnership

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), 10–11

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), 10–13

TTIP. See Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

Uncivil society, 146

UNDP. See United Nations Development Program

UNESCO. See United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 78–79

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 79

United States, advanced economies, 55–60

Value in devaluation, 122–124

World Trade Organization (WTO), 11

World War I (WWI), 14, 17

World War II (WWII), 14, 17

WTO. See World Trade Organization

WTO International Trade Statistics, 84

WWI. See World War I

WWII. See World War II

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