also a surface operator by the same argument. The formula
~s Us" grads q°s = -~s q°s divs Us + ~s q°s v. u s
(where v now refers to the rim of S), is proved by the same technique as
in dimension 3, but (35) suggests to also introduce a rot operator acting
surface fields, as follows:
rot s q0 s = - n x grad s q0s,
hence the formula
~s q°s rots Us = ~s Us" r°tsq°s- ~s q°s I:. u S,
the nice symmetry of which compensates for the slight inconvenience s
of overloading the symbol rot s .
REFERENCES and Bibliographical Comments
The search for complementarity, a standing concern in computational electro-
magnetism [HP, HT], is related to the old "hypercircle" idea of Prager and Synge
[Sy]. In very general terms, this method consisted in partitioning the set of
equations and boundary conditions into two parts, thus defining two orthogonal
subsets in the solution space, the solution being at their intersection. Finding
two approximations within each of these subsets allowed one (by the equivalent
of the Pythagoras theorem in the infinite dimensional solution space, as was
done above in 6.3.1) to find the center and radius of a "hypercircle" containing
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8The risk of confusion, not to be lightly dismissed, will be alleviated by careful definition
of the types of the fields involved: The first rot is
(fields), the other
one is
Various devices have been proposed to make the distinction,
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A. Di Carlo has proposed to denote the second operator by "grot", which would solve this
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