You may not know this, but writing a book is a time-consuming undertaking. Most authors don’t make it rich by writing books. We write these books simply to help others who are new in the field learn from our mistakes and experiences. (We also write them so you’ll buy us a beer if you see us!)
I’d also like to thank those people in my life who made it possible for me to write this book. I’d like to thank my wife, Mireya, for motivating me, supporting me, and giving me time away from our lives together to work on the book. I’d also like to thank my kids for (usually) going to sleep at a decent hour so I could write a couple hours at night.
It always takes longer than one thinks it will to write a book! I need to thank Amy Jollymore, my editor, and her colleagues for their patience with me in the process. I’ll admit, this book wasn’t written on its original schedule, and it doesn’t contain what I originally imagined it would, but I can say that, thanks to Amy and her colleagues, it was completed—and the finished book contains everything I wish someone told me when I started my first forensic investigation.
I’d like to thank my coworkers at G-C: David Dym, Ralph Gorgal, and Rudi Peck, who all stepped up to help get chapters done and flesh out those details and lessons we’ve shared over the years. Lastly I’d like to thank Joseph Shaw, who not only made time to be my technical editor but also stepped up when I needed him by contributing a chapter.
—David Cowen, 2013
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