

access control policies, 263-264

AccessData FTK

Forensics Toolkit, 363

Imager, 356-358

ACK (ACKnowledge) bits, 41

active code scanning, virus scanners, 223

active IDS, 230

active scanning techniques, hacking

enumeration, 142-144

port scanning, 139-142

vulnerability assessment, 142

activities, IDS, 231

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), 291

addresses (IP), 34, 41

CIDR (classless interdomain routing), 37-39

IPv4, 35-37

IPv6, 38-39

loopback addresses, 36

NAT (network address translation), 37

packets, 40

private, 36

public, 37

subnetting, 37

URLs (uniform resource locators), 39-40

addresses (MAC), 49-50

AddRoundKey step (AES), 198

Adlema, Len, 202

advance-fee scam, 59

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 197-199

Blowfish, 199

cipher-block chaining, 200

electronic codebook, 200

math, 199

RC4, 199

Serpent, 199

Skipjack, 200

advanced persistent threats (APTs), 126, 312

Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), 41

AFCC (Air Force Cyber Command), 311

age, passwords, 283

Agent.btz worm, 311

Agnitum firewalls, 227

AHs (Authentication Headers), IPsec, 243

Air Force Cyber Command (AFCC), 311

alerts, IDS, 231

algorithms, 193

Atbash cipher, 189

binary operations, 192-193

Caesar cipher, 188

Enigma machine, 191-192

hashing, 207-208

multi-alphabet substitution, 189-190

PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), 205-206

public key, 201-205

rail fence cipher, 190-191

single-key encryption, 194

AES, 197-200

DES (Data Encryption Standard), 194-196

triple DES, 197

Allen, James, 67

analyzers, IDS, 230

AND operation, 192

Android, computer forensics, 377-378

Anonymous DDoS attacks, 98

antispyware, 172, 228-229

antivirus software, 221-224, 250

application gateway, firewalls, 226

Application log (Windows), 365

applications, patching, 277

Applications and Services log (Windows), 365

APTs (advanced persistent threats), 126, 312

armored viruses, 110

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), 291

ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency), 41


AS (authentication server), Kerberos, 238

Assange, Julian, 99

assessing systems, 277

firewalls, 281-282

IDS, 281-282

patches, 277-278

physical, 284-285

policies, 282-284

ports, 278-281

probing, 284

asset identification, 163

asymmetric cryptography, 185

asymmetric encryption, 201

Diffie-Hellman, 204-205

digital signatures, 207

Elliptic Curve, 205

fraudulent methods, 206-207

PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), 205-206

RSA, 202-204

Atbash cipher, 189

attachments, email, 255

scanning, virus scanners, 222

attack phase (NIST 800-115 security assessment), 151


advanced persistent threats (APTs), 126

assessing likelihood, 14-15

brute force, 188

buffer-overflow, 119-121

chosen plaintext, 213

ciphertext-only, 213

cross-site scripting, 146

DNS poisoning, 6, 13

DoS (denial of service), 6-9, 86-89

DDoS, 97-99

defending against, 99-100

ICMP flood attacks, 96

land attack, 97

LOIC (low orbit ion cannon), 89

ping of death (PoD), 96

security policies, 262

Smurf IP attack, 94-95

Stacheldraht tool, 91

TCP SYN flood attack, 91-94

teardrop attack, 96

TFN (Tribal Flood Network), 90-91

UDP flood attacks, 96

weaknesses, 91

XOIC, 89-90

economic, 315-317

general, 318

hacking, 338

security policies, 262-263

identifying, 6

identity theft, 338

increase, 3-4

insider threats, 6, 11-12

known plaintext, 212

logic bombs, 125-126

malicious web-based code, 125


logic bombs, 7

login as system, 150

net user script, 149-150

pass the hash, 149

spyware, 7

TeraBIT virus maker, 148-149

Trojan horses, 7

viruses, 6

military operations, 317-318

new, 13-14

password cracking, 146-148

related-key, 213

rootkits, 124

security breaches, 6-8

session hijacking, 6, 11

social engineering, 170

spam, 126

spear phishing, 175-176


detection and elimination, 127-129

legal uses, 121

obtaining, 122-123

target delivery, 122

SQL script injection, 144-146

Trojan horses, 116-118


armored, 110

avoiding, 115-116

Bagle, 114

CryptoLocker, 111

CryptoWall, 112

detection and elimination, 127-129

FakeAV, 112

Flame, 115

Gameover ZeuS, 111

MacDefender, 112

macro, 110

memory-resident, 110

Mimail, 114

Morris worm, 115

multi-partite, 110

MyDoom, 116

nonvirus, 114-115

polymorphic, 111

propagation, 109-110

Rombertik, 111

Sobig, 113-114

sparse infector, 110

Troj/Invo-Zip, 112

virus scanners, 116

W32/Netsky-P, 112

web, 6, 9

cross-site scripting, 10-11

SQL injection, 9-10

auctions, fraudulent, 62-63

auditing, 17

audit monitors, cloud, 384

authentication, 17, 236-238

Authentication Headers (AHs), IPsec, 243

authentication server (AS), Kerberos, 238

Autostart locations, Windows Registry, 374

AVG AntiVirus, 224

AVG virus scanner, 116

Aykroyd, Dan, 16


Back Orifice Trojan horse, 117

backbones, 34

background checks, 338

civil court records, 344

employees, 173

prospective employees, general searches, 339-342

respecting privacy, 342

sex offender registries, 342-344

state court records, 345

Usenet, 346-347

backup media, handling old, 288-289

backups, types, 267

Bagle virus, 114

bandwidth, 30

BCP (business continuity plan), 266

Bellaso, Giovan Battista, 190

Berners-Lee, Tim, 42

BIA (business impact analysis), 266-267

bid shielding, auctions, 63

bid siphoning, auctions, 63

binary operations, 192-193

BitLocker, 173

black hat hacking, 15

reconnaissance phase, 137

active scanning, 139-144

passive scanning, 137-138

BlackEnergy malware, 315

block ciphers, 194

blocking ICMP packets, 99

Bloomberg, Inc., industrial espionage, 167

Bloomberg, Michael, 167

Blowfish block cypher, 199

Bogachev, Evgeniy, 111

Bosselaers, Antoon, 208

botnets, 97, 111

breaches, system administration policies, 261

Briney, Andrew, 171


finding evidence in, 364

secure settings, 74-78

brute force attacks, 188

buffer-overflow attacks, 119-120

Sasser virus, 120-121

buffers, 119

bugs, industrial espionage, 172

business continuity plan (BCP), 266

business impact analysis (BIA), 266-267

BYOD (bring your own device), security policies, 256-257


CA (certificate authority), 239

cables, 29-30

Caesar cipher, 188

Cain and Abel enumeration tool, 143-144

carriers, steganography, 210

CASP (Certified Advanced Security Practitioner), 5

Category 6 cable, 30

CBC (cipher-block chaining), 200

cell phone forensics, 375-378

Cellebrite tool, 364

CENTCOM (Central Command), 311

Center for Internet Security, 285

Central Command (CENTCOM), 311

Cerf, Vince, 41

CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team), 21, 115

Information Assurance in Small Organization workbook, 163-165

certificate authority (CA), 239

certificates, digital, 238

X.509, 239-240


CASP (Certified Advanced Security Practitioner), 5

Certified Cyber Forensics Professionals, 300

Certified Ethical Hacker, 300

Certified Forensics Analyst (GCFA), 381

Certified Forensics Examiner (GCFE), 381

Certified Hacking Investigator, 300

CISSP (Certified Information System’s Security Professional), 5

CNE (Certified Novel Engineer), 299

computer forensics, 380-381

IT (information technology), 299-300

penetration testing, 136

Security+, 5

chain of custody, computer forensics, 360

Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), 236

Chang, Jeremy, 166

change requests, system administration policies, 259-261

channel, steganography, 210

CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol), 236

checklists, policies, 283

children, cyber stalking, 70-71

China Eagle Union, 312

Chinese Military, APTs, 126

chosen plaintext attacks, 213

Christenson, Kai, 68

CIA triangle, 18

CIDR (classless interdomain routing), 37-39

cipher-block chaining (CBC), 200

cipher text, encryption, 193

ciphertext-only attacks, 213

CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor), 5

Cisco Systems

certifications, 299

firewalls, 227

CISSP (Certified Information System’s Security Professional), 5, 300

Citrix firewalls, 282

civil court record searches, 344

classes, networks, 35

classification, data, 265

classless interdomain routing (CIDR), 37-39

client errors, 39

cloud forensics, 384

CNE (Certified Novel Engineer), 299


Fc, 370

ipconfig, 43

net sessions, 369

Netcat, 356

netstat, 46

Netstat, 370

nslookup, 47

Openfiles, 369

ping, 39, 45, 87-88

Snort, 234

SQL, 9

traceroute, 39

tracert, 45-46

WhoIS, 33

Computer Crime Acts, 20

Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), 21, 115

computer forensics, 354-355

cell phone, 375-378

certification, 380-381

chain of custody, 360

documentation, 359

EU guidelines, 362

expert witnesses, 381-382

FBI guidelines, 360-361

finding evidence in browser, 364

finding evidence in system logs, 365-366

handling suspect drive, 355-356

imaging drive, 356-358

live machines, 358-359

Locard’s principle of transference, 363

network, 382

operating system utilities, 369-370

retrieving deleted files, 366-369

securing evidence, 359

SWGDE (Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence), 362-363

tools, 363-364

U.S. Secret Service guidelines, 361-362

virtualization, 382-384

Windows Registry, 371-374

Computer Security Act of 1987, 20

Computer Security Institute survey, 14

computer systems. See system security


desktop, security policies, 256

firewalls, 226-227

Internet Explorer, 74-78

connect scans (Nmap), 140

connection speeds, Internet, 32

cookies, 7

RST, 93

spyware, 121

SYN, 92-93

co-prime numbers, 202

corporate espionage. See industrial espionage

costs, cybercrime, 3

Counterpane Internet Security, 324

Cox, William, 68

crackers, 137

cracking, 7

credibility, cyber stalking, 69

CRL (certificate revocation list), 240

cross-site scripting, 10-11, 146

cryptanalysis, 211-213

cryptography, 184

asymmetric, 185

cryptanalysis, 211-213

decryption, 185

distinguishing algorithm, 212

encryption, 185-187

AES, 197-200

Atbash cipher, 189

binary operations, 192-193

Caesar cipher, 188

cipher text, 193

digital signatures, 207

Enigma machine, 191-192

fraudulent methods, 206-207

hashing, 207-208

keys, 193

MAC (Message Authentication Code), 208-209

multi-alphabet substitution, 189-190

PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), 205-206

plain text, 193

public key, 201-205

rail fence cipher, 190-191

rainbow tables, 209-210

single-key, 194-196

steganography, 210-211

triple DES, 197

global deduction, 212

information deduction, 212

instance deduction, 212

Internet, 213

steganography, 210-211

symmetric, 185

total breaks, 212, 187

CryptoLocker virus, 111

CryptoWall virus, 112


cyber stalking, 65-68, 79

crimes against children, 70-71

evaluating, 69-70

cyber terrorism, 310, 322-326

Agent.btz worm, 311

APT (Advanced Persistent Threat), 312

China Eagle Union, 312

Dark Web, 331-332

defending against, 329-330

economic attacks, 315-317

future trends, 326-329

general attacks, 318

India/Pakistan, 313

information warfare, 319-322

military operations attacks, 317-318

recruiting, 330

Russia, 313

SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisitions), 318

TOR (The Onion Router), 330-331

weapons, 313-315

cyber warfare

economic attacks, 315-317

general attacks, 318

military operations attacks, 317-318

SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisitions), 318

weapons, 313-315

cybercrime. See attacks

Cybersecurity Research and Education Act of 2002, 326-327

Cyberterrorism Preparedness Act of 2002, 326-327


Daemen, Joan, 197

DAM (database activity monitoring), 235

DAMP (database activity monitoring and prevention), 235

Dark Web, 331-332

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), 41

data classification, 265

Data Encryption Standard (DES), 194-196

data partitions, iOS, 377

data sources, IDS, 231

data transmission, networks, 32-34

databases, 235

relational, SQL script injection, 144-146

Daubert standard, expert witnesses, 382

DBMS (database management system), 235

DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks, 97

defending against, 99-100

MyDoom, 97-99

decryption, 185

DefCon convention, war-driving contest, 8

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 41

deleted files, retrieving, 366-369

demilitarized zone (DMZ), 289-290

denial of service (DoS) attacks. See DoS (denial of service) attacks

departing employees, system administration policies, 258-259

DES (Data Encryption Standard), 194-196

desktop configuration, security policies, 256

developmental policies, 264

differential backups, 267

Diffie, Whitfield, 204

Diffie-Hellman encryption, 204-205

digital certificates, 238-240

digital forensics. See computer forensics

digital signatures, 207

PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), 239

disaster recovery plan (DRP), 266

disaster recovery policies, 266-268

discovery phase (NIST 800-115 security assessment), 151

disinformation, 322

DiskDigger, retrieving deleted files, 366-369

disks, RAID levels, 268

distinguished names, X.509 certificates, 239

distributed denial of service (DDoS). See DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks

DMZ (demilitarized zone), 289-290

DNS (Domain Name Service), 33, 42

DNS poisoning, 6, 13

Dobbertin, Hans, 208

documentation, computer forensics, 359

documents, shredding, 173

DOD attacks, clearances, 265

Domain Name Service (DNS), 33, 42

doomjuice virus, 116

DoS (denial of service) attacks, 6-9, S86

DDoS, 88, 97-99

defending against, 99-100

land, 97

LOIC (low orbit ion cannon), 89

ping of death (PoD), 96

security policies, 262

Smurf IP, 94-95

Stacheldraht tool, 91

TCP SYN flood, 91-94

teardrop, 96

TFN (Tribal Flood Network), 90-91

UDP flood, 96

weaknesses, 91

XOIC, 89-90

download scanning, virus scanners, 222

doxing, 13


handling for forensics, 355-356

imaging, 356-358

DRP (disaster recovery plan), 266

dual-homed host firewalls, 226

Duronio, Roger, 125


EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol), 237

Easttom, Chuck, contact information, 342

corollary, 206

EC Council, penetration testing certifications, 136

ECB (electronic codebook), 200

economic attacks, 315-317

economic espionage. See industrial espionage

EDGE (Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution), 376

Edwards, John, 326

EFS (Encrypted File System), 173-175

electronic codebook (ECB), 200

eLiTeWrap, 118

EliteWrapper, 117

Elliptic Curve encryption, 205

Ellison, Larry, 168


scanning, 222

security policies, 254-255


access control policies, 263-264

background checks, 173, 338

civil court records, 344

general searches, 339-342

respecting privacy, 342

sex offender registries, 342-344

state court records, 345

Usenet, 346-347

developmental policies, 264

disaster recovery policies, 266-268

nondisclosure and noncompete agreements, 162

security policies, 251, 258

BYOD (bring your own device), 256-257

desktop configuration, 256

email usage, 254-255

installing/uninstalling software, 255

instant messaging, 255-256

Internet usage, 253-254

passwords, 252-253

system administration policies, 258

change requests, 259-261

departing employees, 258-259

new employees, 258

Encapsulating Security Payloads (ESPs), IPsec, 243

EnCase tool, 364

Encrypted File System, 173-175

encryption, 184-187

asymmetric, 185

Atbash cipher, 189

binary operations, 192-193

Caesar cipher, 188

cipher text, 193

cryptanalysis, 211-213

digital signatures, 207

Enigma machine, 191-192

fraudulent methods, 206-207

hashing, 207-208

Internet, 213

key schedules, 195

keys, 193

MAC (Message Authentication Code), 208-209

multi-alphabet substitution, 189-190

PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), 205-206

plain text, 193

public key, 201

Diffie-Hellman, 204-205

Elliptic Curve, 205

RSA, 202-204

rail fence cipher, 190-191

rainbow tables, 209-210

single-key, 194

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), 197-200

DES (Data Encryption Standard), 194-196

triple DES, 197

symmetric, 185

Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE), 376

Enigma machine, 191-192

enumeration, 142-144

Error 404: File Not Found, 39

espionage, industrial, 160-162

Bloomberg, Inc., 167

FBAR technology, 165

General Motors, 166

Houston Astros, 165

Industrial Espionage Act, 175

information as asset, 162-165

Interactive Television Technologies, Inc., 167

low-tech, 168-171

phone taps and bugs, 172

protecting against, 172-175

spear phishing, 175-176

spyware, 171

steganography, 171

trends, 167-168

VIA Technology, 166

ESPs (Encapsulating Security Payloads), IPsec, 243

ethical hacking, 16

EU guidelines, computer forensics, 362

Euhler’s totient, 202-203

events, IDS, 231

evidence, 361

evidence, securing, 359

exit interviews, 162

expert witnesses, computer forensics, 381-382

Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), 237



background checks, 340

productivity, 258

FakeAV virus, 112

false negatives, virus scanners, 223

false positives, virus scanners, 222-223

Fannie Mae, logic bomb attack, 126

FastMail, DDoS attacks, 99

fault tolerance, 267-268

FBAR technology, industrial espionage, 165

FBI guidelines, computer forensics, 360-361

FBI state registry of sex offenders, 342-344

Fc command, 370

federal rule 702, expert witnesses, 381

Feistel ciphers, 194

file scanning, virus scanners, 222

File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 33

files, retrieving deleted, 366-369

FIN (FINish) bits, 41

FIN scans (Nmap), 140

FinFisher spyware, 314

firewalls, 17, 48, 172

application gateway, 226

choosing, 281-282

commercial, 227-228

configurations, 226-227

limitations, 224

logs, 228

packet filtering, 225

stateful packet inspection, 225

Flame virus, 115, 314

footprinting, 316

forensics, 354-355

cell phone, 375-379

certification, 380-381

chain of custody, 360

documentation, 359

EU guidelines, 362

expert witnesses, 381-382

FBI guidelines, 360-361

finding evidence in browser and system logs, 364-366

handling suspect drive, 355-356

imaging drive, 356-358

live machines, 358-359

Locard’s principle of transference, 363

network, 382

operating system utilities, 369-370

retrieving deleted files, 366-369

securing evidence, 359

SWGDE (Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence), 362-363

tools, 363-364

U.S. Secret Service guidelines, 361-362

virtualization, 382-384

Windows Registry, 371-374

Forensics Toolkit (FTK), 363

ForwardedEvents log (Windows), 365

fraud, 58-59, 79

auction, 62-63

identity theft, 63-64

phishing, 65

protecting against, 73

investment offers

advice, 60-61

Nigerian advance-fee scam, 59

protecting against, 72

laws against, 72

frequency analysis, cryptanalysis, 212

frequency, cyber stalking, 69

F-Secure website, 21

FTK (Forensics Toolkit), 363

Imager, 356-358

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 33

full backup, 267


Gameover ZeuS virus, 111

GCFE (Certified Forensics Examiner), 381

General Motors, industrial espionage, 166

GIAC (Global Information Assurance Certification), 300

global deduction, cryptography, 212

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), 376

GM (General Motors), industrial espionage, 166

Gonzalez, Amy, 68

gray hat hackers, 15, 137

guidelines, security policies, 264


hackers, 338

black hat, 15, 137

Certified Ethical Hacker certification, 300

gray hat, 15, 137

hacktivists, 323

Jack, Barnaby, 14

Mitnick, Kevin, 8

script kiddies, 16, 137

skillful, 4-5

slang, 15

white hat, 15, 137

hacking, 6-8, 338

cross-site scripting, 146

ethical, 16

industrial espionage, 160-162

Bloomberg, Inc., 167

FBAR technology, 165

General Motors, 166

Houston Astros, 165

Industrial Espionage Act, 175

information as asset, 162-165

Interactive Television Technologies, Inc., 167

low-tech, 168-171

phone taps and bugs, 172

protecting against, 172-175

spear phishing, 175-176

spyware, 171

steganography, 171

trends, 167-168

VIA Technology, 166

malware, 148

login as system, 150

net user script, 149-150

pass the hash, 149

TeraBIT virus maker, 148-149

password cracking, 148

penetration testing, 151-153

phreaking, 16-17, 137

reconnaissance phase

active scanning, 139-144

passive scanning, 137-138

security policies, 262-263

social engineering, 8

SQL script injection, 144-146

war-driving, 8

white hat, 136

hacktivists, 323

half-open scans (SYN), 140

Hao Zhang, 165

harassment, 67

hardening computer systems, 286

hash values, 93

hashing, 93, 207-208

headers, packets, 40

Hebert’s cryptography website, 187

Hellman, Martin, 204, 209

heuristic scanning, virus scanners, 222

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), 269

history, passwords, 283

hives, Windows Registry, 371-372

honey pots, 235-236

hosts, 41

Houston Astros, industrial espionage, 165

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 42

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 33, 42

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), 33

hubs, networks, 31

Hutchinson, Shawn Michael, 67

hypervisors, cloud, 384


ICCI (integrated circuit card identification), 375

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), 33

packets, 94

blocking, 99

iDEN (integrated Digitally Enhanced Network), 376-377

identifying threats, 6

identity theft, 63-64, 79, 338

laws against, 72

phishing, 65

protecting against, 73

IDS (intrusion detection system), 17, 229, 281-282

active, 230

activities, 231

alerts, 231

analyzers, 230

DAM (database activity monitoring), 235

data sources, 231

events, 231

honey pots, 235

intrusion identification, 230

managers, 230

notification, 231

operators, 230

passive, 229

sensors, 230

Snort, 231-235

IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), 42

IKE (Internet key exchange), IPsec, 243

IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity), 375

Imitation Game, The, 192

IMSI (international mobile subscriber identity), 375

incremental backups, 267

industrial espionage, 160-162

Bloomberg, Inc., 167

FBAR technology, 165

General Motors, 166

Houston Astros, 165

Industrial Espionage Act, 175

information as asset, 162-165

Interactive Television Technologies, Inc., 167

low-tech, 168-171

phone taps and bugs, 172

protecting against, 172-175

spear phishing, 175-176

spyware, 171

steganography, 171

trends, 167-168

VIA Technology, 166

Industrial Espionage Act of 1996, 175

Infobel, 341

Information Assurance in Small Organization workbook (CERT), 163-165

information deduction, cryptography, 212

Information Systems Security Architecture Professional (ISSAP), 300

Information Systems Security Engineering Professional (ISSEP), 300

Information Systems Security Management Professional (ISSMP), 300

information warfare, 319-326

insider threats, 6, 11-12

installing software, security policies, 255

instance deduction, cryptography, 212

instant messaging, security policies, 255-256

integrated circuit card identification (ICCI), 375

integrated Digitally Enhanced Network (iDEN), 376-377

intensity, cyber stalking, 70

Interactive Television Technologies, Inc., industrial espionage, 167

International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI), 375


connection speeds, 32

cryptography, 213

establishment of, 41

expansion, 3

IP addresses, 34-41

ISPs (Internet service providers), 34

security policies, 253-254

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP). See ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 42

Internet Explorer, secure settings, 74-78

Internet fraud. See fraud

Internet key exchange (IKE), IPsec, 243

Internet Relay Chat (IRC), 33

Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP), 243

Internet service providers (ISPs), 34

intrusion deflection, 235-236

intrusion detection system (IDS). See IDS (intrusion detection system)

intrusion deterrence, 236

investment offers, fraudulent, 59-61, 72

Invisible Secrets, 171, 211

iOS computer forensics, 377

IP addresses

CIDR (classless interdomain routing), 37-39

IPv4, 35-37

IPv6, 38-39

loopback addresses, 36

NAT (network address translation), 37

packets, 40

private, 36

public, 37

subnetting, 37

URLs (uniform resource locators), 39-40

ipconfig command, 43

IPsec, 243-244

IRA (Irish Republican Army), 319

IRC (Internet Relay Chat), 33

Irish Republican Army (IRA), 319

ISAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol), 243

ISPs (Internet service providers), 34

ISSAP (Information Systems Security Architecture Professional), 300

ISSEP (Information Systems Security Engineering Professional), 300

ISSMP (Information Systems Security Management Professional), 300

issuer, X.509 certificates, 239


Jack, Barnaby, 14

Johnson, Jeffery, 14

Kane, Heather, 68

Kapersky antivirus software, 224

Kaspersky virus scanner, 116

KDC (key distribution center), Kerberos, 238

Kerberos, 237-238

Kerckhoff, Auguste, 206

Kerckhoff’s principle, 206

key distribution center (KDC), Kerberos, 238

key loggers, 7

key schedules, 195

key space, 188

keyed cryptographic hash function, 209

keys, encryption, 193

Knight, Scott, 68

known plaintext attacks, 212

Koblitz, Neil, 205


L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol), 243

land attacks, 97

Lauffenburger, Michael, 125

laws against fraud, 72

Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), 243

layered security approach, 18

LEAP (Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol), 237

least privileges, 18, 172

letter frequency distribution, 188

Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP), 237

LinkedIn, background checks, 340

Linux logs, finding evidence in, 366

listing USB devices, 373

live machines, conducting forensics, 358-359

local deduction, cryptography, 212

local networks, 29-31

Locard, Edmond, 363

Locard’s principle of transference, 363

logic bombs, 7, 125-126

logical network perimeter, cloud, 384

login as system attacks, 150


firewalls, 228

routers, 291

system, finding evidence in, 365-366

LOIC (low orbit ion cannon), 8, 89

Long Term Evolution (LTE), 376

loopback addresses, 36

Lopez, Inaki, 166

Low Earth Orbit Ion Cannon tool, 16

low orbit ion cannon (LOIC), 8, 89

low-tech industrial espionage, 168-171

LsaLogonUser, 149

LTE (Long Term Evolution), 376

Luhnow, Jeff, 165


MAC (Message Authentication Code), 208-209

MAC addresses, 49-50

MacDefender virus, 112

macro viruses, 110

Makwana, Rajendrasinh, 126

malicious web-based code, 125

malware, 6, 148

advanced persistent threats (APTs), 126

BlackEnergy, 315

buffer-overflow attacks, 119-121

cyber warfare, 313

FinFisher, 314

Flame, 314

logic bombs, 7, 125-126

login as system, 150

malicious web-based code, 125

net user script, 149-150

NSA ANT Catalog, 315

pass the hash, 149

rootkits, 124

spam, 126

spyware, 7, 121

detection and elimination, 127-129

industrial espionage, 171

legal uses, 121

obtaining, 122-123

target delivery, 122, 314

Stuxnet, 313-314

TeraBIT virus maker, 148-149

Trojan horses, 7, 116-118

viruses, 6, 109-111

armored, 110

avoiding, 115-116

Bagle, 114

CryptoLocker, 111

CryptoWall, 112

detection and elimination, 127-129

FakeAV, 112

Flame, 115

Gameover ZeuS, 111

MacDefender, 112

macro, 110

memory-resident, 110

Mimail, 114

Morris worm, 115

multi-partite, 110

MyDoom, 116

nonvirus, 114-115

polymorphic, 111

propagation, 109-110

Rombertik, 111

Sobig, 113-114

sparse infector, 110

Troj/Invo-Zip, 112

virus scanners, 116

W32/Netsky-P, 112

Malwarebytes antivirus software, 224

managers, IDS, 230

Matusiewicz, David, 68

Matusiewicz, Lenore, 68

maximum tolerable downtime (MTD), 267

MBSA (Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer), 291-293


antivirus software, 224

Personal Firewall, 281

virus scanner, 116

MCITP (Microsoft Certified Information Technology Professional), 299

MD5 encryption, 208

mean time to repair (MTTR), 267

Medico, Joseph, 67

memory-resident viruses, 110

Message Authentication Code (MAC), 208-209

micro blocks, TCP SYN flood attack, 92

microdots, 211

Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA), 291-293

Microsoft Outlook viruses, 109

Microsoft Security Advisor website, 21

military operations attacks, 317-318

Miller, Victor, 205

Mimail virus, 114

Mitnick, Kevin, 8

MixColumns step (AES), 198

mobile malicious code, 125

modulus operations, 202-203

mono-alphabet substitution method, 188

Morris, Robert Tappan, 11, 115

Mosaic browser, 42

MP3Stego, 171, 211

MS Exchange templates, 285

MTD (maximum tolerable downtime), 267

MTTR (mean time to repair), 267

multi-alphabet substitution, 189-190

multi-partite viruses, 110

Murphy, Robert James, 66

MyDoom attacks, 97-99, 116, 311


NAPs (network access points), 34

National Center for State Courts, 345

National Security Agency (NSA). See NSA (National Security Agency)

NAT (network address translation), 37

Nessus vulnerability scanner, 293-298

net sessions command, 369

net user script, 149-150

NetBIOS, 33

netcat command, 356

netstat command, 46, 370

network access points (NAPs), 34

network address translation (NAT), 37

network administrators, background checks, 339

network host-based firewalls, 226

network interface cards (NICs), 29

Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP), 33

network utilities, 42

ipconfig, 43

netstat, 46

nslookup, 47

ping, 45

tracert, 45-46

networks, 29

backbones, 34

cellular, computer forensics, 376-377

classes, 35

data transmission, 32-34

DMZ (demilitarized zone), 289-290

firewalls, 48, 224-228

forensics, 382

Internet connection speeds, 32

local, 29-31

MAC addresses, 49-50

NAPs (network access points), 34

OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model, 48-49

scanning, 291-298

system security, 277, 285, 289-291

firewalls, 281-282

hardening systems, 286

IDS, 281-282

individual workstation, 285-287

patches, 277-278

physical, 284-285

policies, 282-284

ports, 278-281

probing, 284

professional help, 298-301

servers, 287-289

technologically secured, 250

VPNs (virtual private networks), 242-244

new employees, system administration policies, 258

New Hacker’s Dictionary, 16

newsgroups, Usenet, 346-347

NICs (network interface cards), 29

Nigerian advance-fee scam, 59

NIST 800-115 security assessments, 151

Nmap port scanner, 139-142

NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol), 33

nodes, 41

nondisclosure and noncompete agreements, 162

nonvirus viruses, 114-115

Norton antivirus, 6

Norton antivirus software, 127-128, 224

Norton Personal Firewall, 281

Norton virus scanner, 116

notification, IDS, 231

NSA (National Security Agency), 285

information assessment methodology, 151-152

NSA ANT Catalog, 315

nslookup command, 47


Offensive Security, 300

penetration testing certifications, 136

OMB Circular A-130, 20

on-demand virus scanners, 222

ongoing virus scanners, 222

The Onion Router (TOR), 330-331

online security resources, 21

Openfiles command, 369

operating system utilities, computer forensics, 369-370

Operation Ababil, 325

operators, IDS, 230

OphCrack password cracker, 147-148

OR operation, 192

Oracle Virtual Box, 383

OSForensics tool, 364

OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model, 48-49

Outlook viruses, 109

Outpost Firewall, 227, 281

Oxley, Michael, 269

Oxygen tool, 364


packets, 40-41

filtering and Inspection, firewalls, 225

headers, 40

ICMP, 94

blocking, 99

Pakistan Cyber Army, 312

PAP (Password Authentication Protocol), 236

pass the hash attacks, 149

passive IDS, 229

passive scanning techniques, hacking, 137-138

Password Authentication Protocol (PAP), 236

password cracking, 146-148


age, 283

history, 283

policies, 252-253

quality, 283, 290

patches, checking for, 277-278

payload, steganography, 210

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS), 269

Payment Card Industry (PCI) penetration testing standard, 152-153

PCI (Payment Card Industry) penetration testing standard, 152-153

PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards), 269

PEAP (Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol), 237

penetration testers, 16

penetration testing, 136

NIST 800-115, 151

NSA information assessment methodology, 151-152

PCI standard, 152-153

Professional Penetration Tester, 300

perimeter security approach, 18

PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)

certificates, 239

encryption, 205-206

phishing, 65

spear, 175-176

phone taps, industrial espionage, 172

phreaking, 16-17, 137

physical connections, local networks, 29-31

ping command, 39, 45, 87-88

ping of death (PoD), 96

ping scans (Nmap), 140

plain text, 193

planning phase (NIST 800-115 security assessment), 151

plug-ins, Nessus, 296

PoD (ping of death), 96

Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), 242-243

Poitier, Sidney, 16

policies, security, 250-251, 282-284

access control, 263-264

checklists, 283

data classification, 265

developmental, 264

disaster recovery, 266-268

guidelines, 264

legal issues, 268-269

Nessus, 296

passwords, 283

procedures, 264

severity, 283

standards, 264

system administration, 258

change requests, 259-261

departing employees, 258-259

DoS attacks, 262

hacker intrusion, 262-263

new employees, 258

security breaches, 261

virus infection, 261-262

user, 251, 258

BYOD (bring your own device), 256-257

desktop configuration, 256

email usage, 254-255

installing/uninstalling software, 255

instant messaging, 255-256

Internet usage, 253-254

passwords, 252-253

termination/expulsion, 257

polymorphic viruses, 111

POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3), 33, 39

ports, 31

checking for, 278-281

routers, 278

scanning, 139-142

PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol), 242-243

Preneel, Bart, 208

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) encryption, 205-206

prime numbers, 202

principal, Kerberos, 238

private information, data classification, 265

private IP addresses, 36

privileges, least, 18, 172

procedures, security policies, 264

professional help, system security, 298-301

Professional Penetration Tester certification, 136

Professional Penetration testers, 300

propaganda, 319

prospective employees, background checks, 338

civil court records, 344

general searches, 339-342

respecting privacy, 342

sex offender registries, 342-344

state court records, 345

Usenet, 346-347

Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP), 237

protocols, 33, 41. See also specific protocols

proxy servers, 17, 48

public information, data classification, 265

public IP addresses, 37

public key encryption, 201

Diffie-Hellman, 204-205

digital signatures, 207

Elliptic Curve, 205

fraudulent methods, 206-207

PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), 205-206

RSA, 202-204

X.509 certificates, 239

pump and dump, online stock bulletins, 60


Quick Stego, 171

QuickStego, 211

RA (registration authority), 240

Radio Free Europe, 320

RAID levels, 268

rail fence cipher, 190-191

rainbow tables, 209-210

Rand Corporation cyber terrorism report, 328

ransomeware, 111

RC4 block cypher, 199

reconnaissance phase, hacking, 137

active scanning, 139

enumeration, 142-144

port scanning, 139-142

vulnerability assessment, 142

passive scanning, 137-138

recovering deleted files, 366-369

recruiting, cyber terrorism, 330

Redford, Robert, 16

Registry (Windows), 371-374

Rejewsky, Marrian, 191

related-key attacks, 213

relational databases, SQL script injection, 144-146

repeaters, networks, 31

reporting phase (NIST 800-115 security assessment), 151

reports (MBSA), 293

resources, online, 21

retrieving deleted files, 366-369

Richardson, Edward, 68

Rijmen, Vincent, 197

Rijndael block cipher, 197-200

RipeMD, 208

Rivest, Ron, 199, 202, 208-209

RJ-11 jacks, 29

RJ-45 jacks, 29-31

Rombertik virus, 111

rootkits, 124

router-based firewalls, 227


hardening, 286

logging, 291

networks, 31

ports on, 278

TOR (The Onion Router), 330-331

Rozycki, Jerzy, 191

RSA encryption, 202-204

RST cookies, TCP SYN flood attack, 93

Rubin, Andy, 378

Rutkowsky, Benjamin, 68


SAs (Security Associations), IPsec, 243

sandbox approach, virus scanners, 223

SANS Institute, 285

penetration testing certifications, 136

website, 21

Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 269

Sasser virus/buffer overflow, 120-121

s-boxes, 196

SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisitions), 318

scams. See fraud

scanning networks, 291-298

scareware, 112

Scherbius, Arthur, 191

Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence (SWGDE), 362-363

screened host firewalls, 227

script kiddies, 16, 137

Sears, Nick, 378

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 240-242

security alerts, 116

Security Associations (SAs), IPsec, 243

security breaches, 6-8

Security log (Windows), 365

security policies, 250-251

access control, 263-264

checklists, 283

data classification, 265

developmental, 264

disaster recovery, 266-268

guidelines, 264

legal issues, 268-269

password quality, 283

procedures, 264

severity, 283

standards, 264

system, 282-284

system administration, 258

change requests, 259-261

departing employees, 258-259

DoS attacks, 262

hacker intrusion, 262-263

new employees, 258

security breaches, 261

virus infection, 261-262

user, 251-252, 257-258

BYOD (bring your own device), 256-257

desktop configuration, 256

email usage, 254-255

installing/uninstalling software, 255

instant messaging, 255-256

Internet usage, 253-254

passwords, 252-253

termination/expulsion, 257

Security+ certifications, 5

sensors, IDS, 230

serial number, X.509 certificates, 239

Serpent block cypher, 199

server rooms, securing, 284


errors, 39

hardening, 286

Nessus, starting, 293-295

proxy, 17, 48

securing, 287-289

services, Windows, shutting down, 279-281

session hijacking, 6, 11

sex offender registries, 342-344

SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm), 208

Shamir, Adi, 202

Shannon, Claude, 206

ShiftRows step (AES), 198

shill bidding, auctions, 62-63

Shiva Password Authentication Protocol (SPAP), 236

signature algorithm identifier, X.509 certificates, 239

Silk Road, 332

SillyFDC worm, 312

SIM (subscriber identity module), 375

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 33

single-key encryption, 194

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), 197-200

DES (Data Encryption Standard), 194-196

triple DES, 197

Sinn Fein, 319

Skipjack block cypher, 200

Sleuth Kit tool, 364

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 33, 39

Smurf IP attacks, 94-95

Sneakers, 16

Snort, 231-235

Snow tool, 211

Snowden, Edward, 12

Sobig virus, 113-114

social engineering, 8, 170

software. See also malware

antispyware, 228-229

firewalls, 224-227

IDS (intrusion detection system), 229-235

Norton AntiVirus, 127-128

security policies, 255

virus scanners, 221-224

spam, 126

SPAP (Shiva Password Authentication Protocol), 236

sparse infector viruses, 110

spear phishing, 175-176

specificity, cyber stalking, 69

Specter, 235

spread of viruses, 109-110

spying, industrial. See industrial espionage

spyware, 7, 121

antispyware, 228-229

detection and elimination, 127-129

FinFisher, 314-315

Flame, 115, 314

industrial espionage, 171

legal uses, 121

obtaining, 122-123

target delivery, 122

Troj/Invo-Zip, 112


SQL (Structured Query Logic)

commands, 9

script injection, 9-10, 144-146

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 240-242

Stacheldraht tool, 91

stack tweaking, TCP SYN flood attack, 93-94

stalking, cyber, 65-70

standards, security policies, 264

Stanford University cryptography history website, 187

state court record searches, 345

stateful packet inspection, firewalls, 225

Stealth Files 4, 211

steganography, 210

industrial espionage, 171

tools, 211

StegVideo, 211

stocks, pump and dump, 60 forum, 314

stream ciphers, 194

Stuxnet virus, 313-314

SubBytes step (AES), 198

subnetting, 37

subscriber identity module (SIM), 375

substitution alphabet, 188

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisitions (SCADA), 318

SWGDE (Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence), 362-363

switches, networks, 31


cryptography, 185

viruses, 6

symmetric encryption, 194

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), 197-198

Blowfish, 199

cipher-block chaining, 200

electronic codebook, 200

math, 199

RC4, 199

Serpent, 199

Skipjack, 200

DES (Data Encryption Standard), 194-196

fraudulent methods, 206-207

triple DES, 197

SYN (SYNchronize) bits, 41

SYN cookies, TCP SYN flood attack, 92-93

SYN scans (Nmap), 140

system administration policies, 258

change requests, 259-261

departing employees, 258-259

DoS attacks, 262

hacker intrusion, 262-263

new employees, 258

security breaches, 261

virus infection, 261-262

System log (Windows), 365

system logs, finding evidence in, 365-366

system security, 277, 285

firewalls, 281-282

hardening systems, 286

IDS, 281-282

individual workstation, 285-287

networks, 289-291

scanning, 291-298

patches, 277-278

physical, 284-285

policies, 282-284

ports, 278-281

probing, 284

professional help, 298-301

servers, 287-289


TCP SYN flood attack, 91-94

TCP/IP protocols, 33-34

teardrop attacks, 96

technologically secured networks, 250

Telnet, 33

TeraBIT virus maker, 148-149

Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) program, 221

terminators, 29

terrorism. See cyber terrorism

testing, penetration, 136, 151-153

TFN (Tribal Flood Network), 90-91

TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), 33

The Onion Router (TOR), 330-331

threats. See attacks

ticket-granting server (TGS), Kerberos, 238

TLS (Transport Layer Security), 240-242

EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol), 237

Tomlinson, Ray, 41

TOR (The Onion Router), 330-331

total breaks, cryptography, 212

traceroute command, 39

tracert command, 45-46

Transport Layer Security (TLS). See TLS (Transport Layer Security)

triple DES, 197

Trithmeus, Johannes, 171, 211

Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), 33

Trojan horses, 7, 116-118

Back Orifice, 117

eLiTeWrap, 118

EliteWrapper, 117

MyDoom, 116

Troj/Invo-Zip, 112

TrueCrypt, 173

TSG (ticket-granting server), Kerberos, 238

TSPY_FAREIT.YOI spyware, 112

TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) program, 221

Turing, Alan, 192


UDP flood attacks, 96

Ugray, Zolt, 14

Ulbricht, Ross, 332

UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems), 376

uniform resource locators (URLs), 39-40

uninstalling software, security policies, 255

unique name of issuer, X.509 certificates, 239

Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems (UMTS), 376

UNIX operating system, 42

unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable, 30

URLs (uniform resource locators), 39-40

USB devices, listing, 373

Usenet, 346-347

user security policies, 251

BYOD (bring your own device), 256-257

desktop configuration, 256

email usage, 254-255

installing/uninstalling software, 255

instant messaging, 255-256

Internet usage, 253-254

passwords, 252-253

termination/expulsion, 257

U.S. Secret Service guidelines, computer forensics, 361-362

UTP (unshielded twisted-pair) cable, 30


validity period, X.509 certificates, 239

VIA Technology, industrial espionage, 166

Vigenere cipher, 190

Virtual Box (Oracle), 383

Virtual PC, 383

virtual private networks (VPNs). See VPNs (virtual private networks)

virtual servers, 384

virtualization, forensics, 382-384

virulence, 113

virus scanners, 116, 127, 221-224, 250

viruses, 6, 98, 109-111

armored, 110

avoiding, 115-116

Bagle, 114

BlackEnergy, 315

CryptoLocker, 111

CryptoWall, 112

detection and elimination, 127-129

FakeAV, 112

Flame, 115-314

Gameover ZeuS, 111

MacDefender, 112

macro, 110

memory-resident, 110

Mimail, 114

Morris worm, 115

multi-partite, 110

MyDoom, 116, 311

nonvirus, 114-115

polymorphic, 111

propagation, 109-110

Rombertik, 111

Sasser, 120-121

Sobig, 113-114

sparse infector, 110

Stuxnet, 313-314

system administration policies, 261-262

Troj/Invo-Zip, 112

versus worms, 117

virus scanners, 116

W32/Netsky-P, 112

VMware Workstation, 383

VPNs (virtual private networks), 242

IPsec, 243-244

L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol), 243

PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol), 242-243

vulnerability assessments, 142


W32/Netsky-P virus, 112

war-driving, 8

weapons, cyber warfare, 313

BlackEnergy, 315

FinFisher, 314

Flame, 314

NSA ANT Catalog, 315, 314

Stuxnet, 313-314

web attacks, 6, 9-11

web-based mobile code, 125

WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), 244

white hat hackers, 15, 137

white hat hacking, 136

WhoIS command, 33

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), 244

Wi-Fi Protected Access2 (WPA2), 244

Wi-Fi security, 244

Wi-Fi sniffing, 8

Williamson, Malcolm J., 205


computer forensics, 378

finding evidence in logs, 365

shutting down services, 279-281

Windows Registry, 371-374

Windows Security templates, 285

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), 244

wireless communication, 29

workstations, securing, 284-287

World Wide Web, 42

worms, 98. See also viruses

Agent.btz, 311

Morris, 115

SillyFDC, 312

Troj/Invo-Zip, 112

versus viruses, 117

W32/Netsky-P, 112

WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), 244

WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access2), 244


X.509 digital certificates, 239-240

XOIC tool, 89-90

XOR operation, 192-193


news boards, information control, 321

People Search, 340


Zezev, Oleg, 167

Zhang, Hao, 165

Zimmerman, Phil, 205

Zone Labs firewalls, 227

zone transfers, DNS, 50

ZoneAlarm Security Suite, 227

Zygalski, Henryk, 191

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