Job:06-19651 Title:RP-Creative Illustration Workshop
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Creative illustration workshop
inspire siple
he inspiration for an illustration doesn’t have to be a novel, a beautiful
animal, or famous person. It might be as simple as  a jar of mustard.
ne of my favorite colors is mustard yellow, and one day I just felt
inclined to paint a simple ode to the little mustard jar in my fridge.
ook inside your fridge.
Is there a bottle or can label that
inspires you?
o certain vegetables have personal
apture the colors, texture, or
personality of these items in
et the personalities of the items and
food you’ve picked “play” and show
you ideas. ou will see the results of
my experiment in the example on the
facing page.
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Job:06-19651 Title:RP-Creative Illustration Workshop
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Job:06-19651 Title:RP-Creative Illustration Workshop
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Job:06-19651 Title:RP-Creative Illustration Workshop
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Creative illustration workshop
our closet is full of items you love. ach item has an
entire history with you and a uniue style and personality
of its own.
ick something in your closet and create a whimsical
homage to it. ven more fun, interview that item. es,
that’s right, interview your favorite item. I guarantee
stories will evolve from that interview!
ere’s a bit of an interview I had with my shoes and a
series of drawings it inspired, which I later turned into a
promo for myself.
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Job:06-19651 Title:RP-Creative Illustration Workshop
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our own rea sols
reams can be a wonderful source of imagery. ome dreams, more than others, will resonate with you upon waking
and might deserve some attention. reams are also rich in our own internal symbols, many of which we haven’t explored,
but you might notice them popping up in your art. For me, gates and fences are important.
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Job:06-19651 Title:RP-Creative Illustration Workshop
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I was busy doing barn chores and thought I heard voices,
but the only one within eyesight was the horse. “mmm,”
I thought. “Must be hearing voices from the valley down
ut the voices continued, and I went out to look around the
barnyard. nd there was one of my chickens chatting with
one of our newest farm members, our little donkey ucia.
“ow old are you, donkey?” the chicken asked.
“I’m one, and my name is ucia.”
I stood somewhat out of sight, thinking my presence
might stop the free ow of their chat.
ut they saw me, and I’m uite pleased to tell you they
invited me over.
“I suppose you already know this is ucia,” said the
“Well, yes, I do,” I said. “I thought she would be a
wonderful addition to our barnyard family.”
oon other creatures appeared. ome I knew by name,
but some I had not ocially met, like the little chipmunk
who stood at his house door watching with curiosity. The
grasses all chimed in, “ello, ucia, nice to meet you.
lease don’t eat us.”
nd as I returned to the barn to finish chores, I saw the
chicken’s children rushing over to meet ucia.
“We really like your big ears!” the young chicks said.
Creative illustration workshop
Job:06-19651 Title:RP-Creative Illustration Workshop
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