Transform your inner critic


Your harsh inner critic can be turned into a constructive inner guide

Most people carry a harsh inner critic around with them. It can take one or more forms: a voice in your head, a feeling in the pit of your stomach or elsewhere, or a visual image of some kind.

It tends to pop up when you think big or get excited about doing something new or different. Its message usually is something like these:

‘What makes you think you can do this?’

‘This has never been done before – there must be a good reason!’

‘You’ll botch this just like you botch most things.’

‘Nobody will want this.’

In other words, it sends you negative messages that are far harsher than any you’d ever send to a friend. Like an overly protective parent, it’s trying to save you from disappointment and rejection, but in the process it also ‘saves’ you from success.

It’s time to turn your harsh critic into a constructive guide who knows when to chime in (unlike the critic, who often shows up way too early and nips any new ideas in the bud).

Begin by imagining what your constructive inner guide would sound/feel/look like. Get a strong sense of when and how it would give you feedback. Then, the next time your inner critic pops up, imagine it changing into the inner guide you have imagined. This inner guide may choose to be silent (if it’s too early for feedback), or it may have a specific suggestion, or it may just give you encouragement.

Your inner critic may be stubborn at first, but if you transform it each time it shows up, eventually it will yield to the constructive inner guide and you’ll find a new freedom of thought coming to you naturally.

Website bonus

At, click on the ‘Creativity Now!’ button. Bonus 7 is an audio track giving you more information on the inner critic and how to transform it.


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