heap management, Virtual Memory Management
host control objects, Creating the Assembly Loading Manager and Host Control Object
host protection, CLR Hosting Managers, Annotate Your Libraries with the HostProtectionAttribute, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints, The Host Protection Categories, The Host Protection Categories, The Host Protection Categories, Synchronization, Synchronization, Shared State, Shared State, Self-Affecting Process Management, External Threading, External Threading, User Interface, User Interface, "May Leak on Abort", "May Leak on Abort", "May Leak on Abort", Using the Host Protection Manager, Step 1: Obtaining the ICLRHostProtectionManager Interface Pointer, Step 1: Obtaining the ICLRHostProtectionManager Interface Pointer, Step 1: Obtaining the ICLRHostProtectionManager Interface Pointer, Step 2: Specifying Which Host Protection Categories to Block, Step 2: Specifying Which Host Protection Categories to Block, Step 2: Specifying Which Host Protection Categories to Block
annotation of .NET class libraries, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints
availability guideline for, Annotate Your Libraries with the HostProtectionAttribute
CAS compared to, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints, Step 2: Specifying Which Host Protection Categories to Block
category overview, The Host Protection Categories
cocoon model with, Using the Host Protection Manager
defined, Step 2: Specifying Which Host Protection Categories to Block
EApiCategories enumeration, "May Leak on Abort"
exceptions generated by, Step 2: Specifying Which Host Protection Categories to Block
external process management category, Shared State
external threading category, External Threading
full trust exemption, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints
HostProtectionResource enumeration, The Host Protection Categories
ICLRHostProtectionManager, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints, "May Leak on Abort", Step 1: Obtaining the ICLRHostProtectionManager Interface Pointer
limited .NET library annotation for, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints
manager., CLR Hosting Managers (see )
may leak on abort category, User Interface
purpose of, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints
scalability issues, The Host Protection Categories
security infrastructure category, External Threading
self-affecting process management category, Shared State
self-affecting threading category, Self-Affecting Process Management
SetProtectedCategories method, "May Leak on Abort", Step 1: Obtaining the ICLRHostProtectionManager Interface Pointer
shared state category, Synchronization
specifying categories to block, Step 1: Obtaining the ICLRHostProtectionManager Interface Pointer
SQL Server 2005 model, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints
steps for enabling, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints
synchronization category, Synchronization
user interface category, User Interface
host protection manager, CLR Hosting Managers, Programming Model Enforcement, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints, "May Leak on Abort", Step 1: Obtaining the ICLRHostProtectionManager Interface Pointer
defined, CLR Hosting Managers
implementation, "May Leak on Abort"
pointer, Step 1: Obtaining the ICLRHostProtectionManager Interface Pointer
purpose of, Programming Model Enforcement
role, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints
host-implemented manager discovery, Other Unmanaged Functions on mscoree.dll
HostExecutionContext property, Customizing Application Domain Creation Using System.AppDomainManager
HostExecutionContextManager, Creating an Application Domain Manager, Step 4: Get the ApplicationActivator
hosting API, CLR Hosts and Other Extensible Applications, A Tour of the CLR Hosting API, A Tour of the CLR Hosting API, A Tour of the CLR Hosting API, A Tour of the CLR Hosting API, CLR Hosting Managers, CLR Initialization and Startup, Other Unmanaged Functions on mscoree.dll, Other Unmanaged Functions on mscoree.dll, Programming Model Enforcement, Memory and Garbage Collection, Loading Code Domain Neutral, Loading Code Domain Neutral, Application Domain Management, Application Domain Management, Domain-Neutral Code, Associating an Application Domain Manager with a Process
abstraction layer nature of, Programming Model Enforcement
associating application domain managers with processes, Associating an Application Domain Manager with a Process
callbacks, Application Domain Management
CorBindToRuntimeEx., Domain-Neutral Code (see )
defined, CLR Hosts and Other Extensible Applications, A Tour of the CLR Hosting API
definition file, A Tour of the CLR Hosting API
domain-neutral code loading, Loading Code Domain Neutral
event handling, Application Domain Management
ICLRRuntimeHost, A Tour of the CLR Hosting API
initial COM interface of., Loading Code Domain Neutral (see )
LockClrVersion, CLR Initialization and Startup
managers., CLR Hosting Managers (see )
memory management., Memory and Garbage Collection (see )
mscoree.dll., Other Unmanaged Functions on mscoree.dll (see )
mscoree.idl, A Tour of the CLR Hosting API
table of functions, Other Unmanaged Functions on mscoree.dll
hosting interfaces, domain-neutral assembly specification, Domain-Neutral Assemblies and the CLR Hosting Interfaces
hosting managers, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost, CLR Hosting Managers, CLR Hosting Managers, CLR Hosting Managers, CLR Hosting Managers, CLR Hosting Managers, CLR Hosting Managers, CLR Hosting Managers, CLR Hosting Managers, CLR Hosting Managers, CLR Hosting Managers, CLR Hosting Managers, Other Unmanaged Functions on mscoree.dll, Other Unmanaged Functions on mscoree.dll, Other Unmanaged Functions on mscoree.dll, Other Unmanaged Functions on mscoree.dll, Discovering Host-Implemented Managers, Discovering Host-Implemented Managers, Step 1: The Host Supplies a Host Control Class, Step 1: The Host Supplies a Host Control Class, Step 2: The CLR Queries the Host Control Class, Step 2: The CLR Queries the Host Control Class, Customizing Failure Behavior, Programming Model Enforcement, Programming Model Enforcement, Memory and Garbage Collection, Memory and Garbage Collection, Memory and Garbage Collection, Loading Code Domain Neutral, Loading Code Domain Neutral, Loading Code Domain Neutral, Customizing Application Domain Creation Using System.AppDomainManager, The AssemblyBindInfo Structure, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints, "May Leak on Abort", Integrating the CLR with Custom Schedulers and Thread Pools, Hooking Calls That Enter and Leave the CLR, The Synchronization Manager
application domains., Customizing Application Domain Creation Using System.AppDomainManager (see )
assembly loading., The AssemblyBindInfo Structure (see )
CLR events manager, CLR Hosting Managers
CLR implemented, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost
CLR queries of host control classes, Step 1: The Host Supplies a Host Control Class
debugging manager, CLR Hosting Managers, Loading Code Domain Neutral
defined, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost
discovery of, Other Unmanaged Functions on mscoree.dll
failure policy manager, CLR Hosting Managers, Customizing Failure Behavior
garbage collection., CLR Hosting Managers (see )
GetCLRManager method, Step 2: The CLR Queries the Host Control Class
GetHostManager method, Other Unmanaged Functions on mscoree.dll, Step 1: The Host Supplies a Host Control Class
host implemented, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost
host protection manager, CLR Hosting Managers, Programming Model Enforcement, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints, "May Leak on Abort"
host-supplied host control classes, Discovering Host-Implemented Managers
I/O completion manager, CLR Hosting Managers, Loading Code Domain Neutral
ICLRControl, Other Unmanaged Functions on mscoree.dll, Step 2: The CLR Queries the Host Control Class
IHostControl, Other Unmanaged Functions on mscoree.dll
interface nomenclature, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost
memory., Memory and Garbage Collection (see )
optional nature of, CLR Hosting Managers
primary interfaces of, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost
programming model enforcement, Programming Model Enforcement
SetHostControl method, Discovering Host-Implemented Managers
synchronization managers, CLR Hosting Managers, Memory and Garbage Collection, Integrating the CLR with Custom Schedulers and Thread Pools, Hooking Calls That Enter and Leave the CLR
table of, CLR Hosting Managers
thread pool managers, CLR Hosting Managers, Loading Code Domain Neutral, The Synchronization Manager
threading managers, CLR Hosting Managers, Memory and Garbage Collection
HostRuntime assemblies, Cross-Domain Communication
hosts, CLR Hosts and Other Extensible Applications, CLR Hosting Managers, Programming Model Enforcement, Using the Default CLR Host, Cross-Domain Communication, Creating an Application Domain Manager, Customizing Application Domain Creation Using System.AppDomainManager, Step 4: Get the ApplicationActivator, Creating the Assembly Loading Manager and Host Control Object, Customizing the Code Access Security System Using a HostSecurityManager, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints
API for., Programming Model Enforcement (see )
control objects, Creating the Assembly Loading Manager and Host Control Object
default., Using the Default CLR Host (see )
defined, CLR Hosts and Other Extensible Applications
HostExecutionContext, Creating an Application Domain Manager, Customizing Application Domain Creation Using System.AppDomainManager, Step 4: Get the ApplicationActivator
HostRuntime assemblies, Cross-Domain Communication
managers., CLR Hosting Managers (see )
protection., Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints (see )
security., Customizing the Code Access Security System Using a HostSecurityManager (see )
HostSecurityManager class, Creating an Application Domain Manager, Customizing Application Domain Creation Using System.AppDomainManager, Step 4: Get the ApplicationActivator, Runtime Enforcement of Permissions: Permission Demands and the Stack Walk, Runtime Enforcement of Permissions: Permission Demands and the Stack Walk, Runtime Enforcement of Permissions: Permission Demands and the Stack Walk, Customizing the Code Access Security System Using a HostSecurityManager, Customizing the Code Access Security System Using a HostSecurityManager, Customizing the Code Access Security System Using a HostSecurityManager, Code Access Security in the Cocoon Host, Code Access Security in the Cocoon Host, Step 4: Create an Application-Domain-Level Policy Tree
application domain managers with, Customizing the Code Access Security System Using a HostSecurityManager
calling with AppDomainManager, Customizing Application Domain Creation Using System.AppDomainManager, Step 4: Get the ApplicationActivator
cocoon sample implementation, Code Access Security in the Cocoon Host
DetermineApplicationTrust method, Customizing the Code Access Security System Using a HostSecurityManager
DomainPolicy method, Runtime Enforcement of Permissions: Permission Demands and the Stack Walk
Flags method, Customizing the Code Access Security System Using a HostSecurityManager
Flags property, Code Access Security in the Cocoon Host
HostSecurityManager method, Creating an Application Domain Manager
ProvideAssemblyEvidence method, Runtime Enforcement of Permissions: Permission Demands and the Stack Walk, Step 4: Create an Application-Domain-Level Policy Tree
purpose of, Runtime Enforcement of Permissions: Permission Demands and the Stack Walk
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