I/O completion manager, CLR Hosting Managers, Loading Code Domain Neutral
IActionOnCLREvent, Receiving Application Domain Unload Events
ICLR interfaces, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost
(see also specific ICLR interfaces)
ICLRAssemblyIdentityManager, CLR Binding Identities, Obtaining Binding Identities, Obtaining Binding Identities, Obtaining Binding Identities, Obtaining Binding Identities, Obtaining Binding Identities, Obtaining Binding Identities, Step 1: Obtaining a Pointer to ICLRAssemblyIdentityManager, Step 1: Obtaining a Pointer to ICLRAssemblyIdentityManager
GetBindingIdentityFromFile method, Obtaining Binding Identities, Step 1: Obtaining a Pointer to ICLRAssemblyIdentityManager
GetBindingIdentityFromStream method, Obtaining Binding Identities
GetCLRAssemblyReferenceList method, Obtaining Binding Identities
GetProbingAssembliesFromReference method, Obtaining Binding Identities
GetReferencedAssembliesFromFile method, Obtaining Binding Identities
methods, table of, Obtaining Binding Identities
obtaining a pointer to, Step 1: Obtaining a Pointer to ICLRAssemblyIdentityManager
purpose of, CLR Binding Identities
ICLRControl, Other Unmanaged Functions on mscoree.dll, Step 2: The CLR Queries the Host Control Class, Associating an Application Domain Manager with a Process, Associating an Application Domain Manager with a Process
application managers with, Associating an Application Domain Manager with a Process
manager discovery with, Other Unmanaged Functions on mscoree.dll, Step 2: The CLR Queries the Host Control Class
SetAppDomainManagerType method, Associating an Application Domain Manager with a Process
ICLRGCManager, The ICLRMemoryNotificationCallback Interface, The ICLRMemoryNotificationCallback Interface, Configuring the CLR Garbage Collector, Configuring the CLR Garbage Collector, Partitioning the Garbage Collector’s Heap, Gathering Garbage Collection Statistics
Collect method, Gathering Garbage Collection Statistics
GetStats method, Partitioning the Garbage Collector’s Heap
methods, table of, Configuring the CLR Garbage Collector
pointers, obtaining, The ICLRMemoryNotificationCallback Interface
purpose of, The ICLRMemoryNotificationCallback Interface
SetGCStartupLimits method, Configuring the CLR Garbage Collector
ICLRHostProtectionManager, Programming Model Enforcement, Enforcing Application-Specific Programming Model Constraints, "May Leak on Abort"
ICLRMemoryNotificationCallback, Reporting Memory Status to the CLR
ICLROnEventManager, Receiving Application Domain Unload Events
ICLRPolicyManager, Specifying Escalation Policy Using the CLR Hosting Interfaces, Specifying Escalation Policy Using the CLR Hosting Interfaces, Setting Policy Using ICLRPolicyManager, Setting Policy Using ICLRPolicyManager, Setting Policy Using ICLRPolicyManager, Setting Policy Using ICLRPolicyManager, Setting Policy Using ICLRPolicyManager, Setting Policy Using ICLRPolicyManager, Step 2: Set Actions to Take on Failures, Step 2: Set Actions to Take on Failures, Step 2: Set Actions to Take on Failures, Step 2: Set Actions to Take on Failures, Step 2: Set Actions to Take on Failures, Step 2: Set Actions to Take on Failures, Step 2: Set Actions to Take on Failures, Step 2: Set Actions to Take on Failures, Step 3: Set Timeouts and the Actions to Take for Various Operations, Step 3: Set Timeouts and the Actions to Take for Various Operations, Step 4: Set Any Default Actions, Step 4: Set Any Default Actions
action enumeration for, Step 2: Set Actions to Take on Failures
actions, specifying for failures, Step 2: Set Actions to Take on Failures
default action specification, Setting Policy Using ICLRPolicyManager, Step 3: Set Timeouts and the Actions to Take for Various Operations
enumeration of escalation concepts, Specifying Escalation Policy Using the CLR Hosting Interfaces
failure enumeration for, Step 2: Set Actions to Take on Failures
fast process exits, Step 2: Set Actions to Take on Failures
methods of, Specifying Escalation Policy Using the CLR Hosting Interfaces
obtaining pointers to, Setting Policy Using ICLRPolicyManager
operation enumeration, Step 2: Set Actions to Take on Failures
operations, timeout values for, Step 2: Set Actions to Take on Failures
SetActionOnFailure method, Step 2: Set Actions to Take on Failures
SetDefaultAction method, Setting Policy Using ICLRPolicyManager, Step 3: Set Timeouts and the Actions to Take for Various Operations
SetUnhandledExceptionPolicy method, Step 4: Set Any Default Actions
steps for using, Setting Policy Using ICLRPolicyManager
timeout methods, Setting Policy Using ICLRPolicyManager, Step 2: Set Actions to Take on Failures
unhandled exception behavior specification, Setting Policy Using ICLRPolicyManager, Step 4: Set Any Default Actions
ICLRRuntimeHost, A Tour of the CLR Hosting API, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost, CLR Initialization and Startup, Discovering Host-Implemented Managers, Loading Code Domain Neutral, Setting the Startup Options Using CorBindToRuntimeEx, Setting the Startup Options Using CorBindToRuntimeEx, The CLR and Process Lifetime, The Loadfrom Context and Dependencies
application domain manager, Loading Code Domain Neutral
CorBindToRuntimeEx parameters for, Setting the Startup Options Using CorBindToRuntimeEx
defined, A Tour of the CLR Hosting API
ExecuteApplication method, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost
ExecuteInDefaultAppDomain method, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost, The Loadfrom Context and Dependencies
ExecuteInDomain method, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost
GetCLRControl method, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost
GetCurrentAppDomainId method, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost
GetHostControl method, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost
importance of, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost
methods, table of, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost
SetHostControl method, Discovering Host-Implemented Managers
starting CLR with, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost, CLR Initialization and Startup, Setting the Startup Options Using CorBindToRuntimeEx
Stop method, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost, The CLR and Process Lifetime
UnloadAppDomain method, CorBindToRuntimeEx and ICLRRuntimeHost
ICLRSyncManager, The Synchronization Manager
ICLRTask, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, The Life Cycle of a Task, The Life Cycle of a Task, The Life Cycle of a Task, The Life Cycle of a Task
ExitTask method, The Life Cycle of a Task
instancing, The Life Cycle of a Task
methods, table of, Controlling the Execution of Tasks
purpose of, Controlling the Execution of Tasks
SwitchIn method, The Life Cycle of a Task
SwitchOut method, The Life Cycle of a Task
ICLRTaskManager, Controlling the Execution of Tasks
ICorRuntimeHost, application domain creation with, Creating Application Domains
identities, assembly., Concepts and Terminology, Version Policy, The Cocoon Deployment Model, Associating Host-Specific Data with an Assembly
(see also )
assignment by hosts, Associating Host-Specific Data with an Assembly
components of, Concepts and Terminology
string based, The Cocoon Deployment Model
IHost interfaces, CLR Hosting Managers
(see also specific IHost interfaces)
IHostAssemblyManager, Assembly Loading, Implementing an Assembly Loading Manager, Implementing an Assembly Loading Manager, Implementing an Assembly Loading Manager, Specifying Non-Host-Loaded Assemblies, Specifying Non-Host-Loaded Assemblies, Specifying Non-Host-Loaded Assemblies, Specifying Non-Host-Loaded Assemblies
binding process, Assembly Loading
CLR behavior options, Specifying Non-Host-Loaded Assemblies
GetAssemblyStore method, Specifying Non-Host-Loaded Assemblies
GetNonHostStoreAssemblies method, Specifying Non-Host-Loaded Assemblies
implementation, Implementing an Assembly Loading Manager
key capacities of, Implementing an Assembly Loading Manager
methods, table of, Implementing an Assembly Loading Manager
specifying non-host-loaded assemblies, Specifying Non-Host-Loaded Assemblies
IHostAssemblyStore, Specifying Non-Host-Loaded Assemblies, Specifying Non-Host-Loaded Assemblies, Specifying Non-Host-Loaded Assemblies, Specifying Non-Host-Loaded Assemblies, Implementing the IHostAssemblyStore Interface, Implementing the IHostAssemblyStore Interface, Implementing the IHostAssemblyStore Interface, The AssemblyBindInfo Structure, The AssemblyBindInfo Structure, The AssemblyBindInfo Structure, Resolving Module References
application domain identification, The AssemblyBindInfo Structure
assemblies identification, The AssemblyBindInfo Structure
AssemblyBindInfo, Implementing the IHostAssemblyStore Interface
form of assemblies returned, Specifying Non-Host-Loaded Assemblies
implementation overview, Specifying Non-Host-Loaded Assemblies
methods in, Implementing the IHostAssemblyStore Interface
ProvideAssembly method, Implementing the IHostAssemblyStore Interface
ProvideModule method, Resolving Module References
purpose of, Specifying Non-Host-Loaded Assemblies
returning, Specifying Non-Host-Loaded Assemblies
versioning, The AssemblyBindInfo Structure
IHostAutoEvent, The Synchronization Manager
IHostControl, Other Unmanaged Functions on mscoree.dll, Loading Code Domain Neutral, Domain-Neutral Assemblies and the CLR Hosting Interfaces
domain-neutral code loading, Loading Code Domain Neutral
GetDomainNeutralAssemblies method, Domain-Neutral Assemblies and the CLR Hosting Interfaces
manager discovery with, Other Unmanaged Functions on mscoree.dll
IHostCrst, The Synchronization Manager
IHostGCManager, Initiating Garbage Collections
IHostMalloc, Virtual Memory Management
IHostManualEvent, The Synchronization Manager
IHostMemoryManager, Managing How the CLR Uses Memory, Managing How the CLR Uses Memory, Virtual Memory Management, Heap Management, Reporting Memory Status to the CLR, Reporting Memory Status to the CLR
CreateMalloc method, Virtual Memory Management
defined, Managing How the CLR Uses Memory
file mapping, Heap Management
GetMemoryLoad method, Reporting Memory Status to the CLR
RegisterMemoryNotificationCallback method, Reporting Memory Status to the CLR
virtual memory methods, Managing How the CLR Uses Memory
IHostPolicyManager, Step 5: Specify Unhandled Exceptions Behavior
IHostSemaphore, The Synchronization Manager
IHostSyncManager, The Synchronization Manager
IHostTask, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, The Life Cycle of a Task, The Life Cycle of a Task
methods, table of, Controlling the Execution of Tasks
purpose of, Controlling the Execution of Tasks
SetCLRTask method, The Life Cycle of a Task
Start method, The Life Cycle of a Task
IHostTaskManager, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, The Life Cycle of a Task, Hooking Calls That Enter and Leave the CLR
BeginDelayAbort method, Controlling the Execution of Tasks
BeginThreadAffinity method, Controlling the Execution of Tasks
CreateTask method, Controlling the Execution of Tasks, The Life Cycle of a Task
defined, Controlling the Execution of Tasks
EndDelayAbort method, Controlling the Execution of Tasks
EndThreadAffinity method, Controlling the Execution of Tasks
EnterRuntime method, Controlling the Execution of Tasks
GetCurrentTask method, Controlling the Execution of Tasks
LeaveRuntime method, Controlling the Execution of Tasks
managed to unmanaged code notification methods, Hooking Calls That Enter and Leave the CLR
methods, table of, Controlling the Execution of Tasks
ReverseEnterRuntime method, Controlling the Execution of Tasks
ReverseLeaveRuntime method, Controlling the Execution of Tasks
SetCLRTaskManager method, Controlling the Execution of Tasks
SetLocale method, Controlling the Execution of Tasks
SetUILocale method, Controlling the Execution of Tasks
Sleep method, Controlling the Execution of Tasks
SwitchToTask method, Controlling the Execution of Tasks
IHostThreadPoolManager, Loading Code Domain Neutral, The Synchronization Manager
ImageRuntimeVersion property, Versioning Considerations for Extensible Applications
IMembershipCondition, Step 3: Create a Custom Membership Condition
implicit loading of CLR, CLR Initialization and Startup
initialization of CLR, CLR Hosting Managers, CLR Hosting Managers, CLR Hosting Managers, CLR Initialization and Startup, CLR Initialization and Startup, CLR Initialization and Startup, CLR Initialization and Startup, CLR Initialization and Startup, CLR Initialization and Startup, CLR Initialization and Startup, Initializing the CLR
build settings, CLR Hosting Managers
cocoon example, Initializing the CLR
CorBindToRuntimeEx for, CLR Hosting Managers
domain-neutral code settings, CLR Initialization and Startup
garbage settings, CLR Initialization and Startup
implicit loading, CLR Initialization and Startup
side-by-side architecture, CLR Initialization and Startup
specifying configuration settings, CLR Initialization and Startup
starting CLR, CLR Initialization and Startup
(see also )
startup shims, CLR Initialization and Startup
(see also )
version settings, CLR Hosting Managers
InitializationFlags method, Creating an Application Domain Manager
InitializationFlags property, The CLR Hosting APIs
InitializeNewDomain method, Application Domain Managers, Step 1: Call AppDomainManager.CreateDomain
interface definition generation, Step 2: Implement IHostControl::SetAppDomainManager
Internet Explorer, CLR Hosts and Other Extensible Applications, SQL Server
application domains with, SQL Server
extensibility of, CLR Hosts and Other Extensible Applications
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