late-bound assemblies, Strong and Weak Assembly Names
leaking on aborts, User Interface
LicenseFile property, Miscellaneous Settings
load contexts, Subtleties of Assembly.LoadFrom
load event capture, Capturing Assembly Load Events
Load method of AppDomain, System.Reflection.Assembly and CLR Remote Calls, Step 3: The Application Domain Manager in the Target Domain Is Called to Load the Add-In
Load method of Assembly, Using Assembly.Load and Related Methods, Step 5: Assign Custom Evidence to Assemblies in the Cocoon
Load(byte[]) method of AppDomain, Customizing How Assemblies Are Loaded Using Only Managed Code
Load(byte[]) method of Assembly, Customizing How Assemblies Are Loaded Using Only Managed Code
Load(byte[]) methods, Customizing How Assemblies Are Loaded Using Only Managed Code
LoaderOptimization API, Miscellaneous Settings, CorBindToRuntimeEx
LoadFile method of Assembly class, The Loadfrom Context and Dependencies
loadfrom contexts, Subtleties of Assembly.LoadFrom
LoadFrom method of Assembly class, Loading Assemblies by Filename
loading assemblies, Recommendations for Loading Assemblies in Extensible Applications, Loading Assemblies by Filename, The Loadfrom Context and Dependencies, Customizing How Assemblies Are Loaded, Customizing How Assemblies Are Loaded, Specifying Non-Host-Loaded Assemblies, The AssemblyBindInfo Structure, The AssemblyResolve Event, Domain-Neutral Assemblies
blocking, Specifying Non-Host-Loaded Assemblies
by filename., Loading Assemblies by Filename (see )
by identify., Recommendations for Loading Assemblies in Extensible Applications (see )
customization., Customizing How Assemblies Are Loaded (see , )
default scenario limitations, Customizing How Assemblies Are Loaded
domain neutral., Domain-Neutral Assemblies (see )
managed code method., The AssemblyResolve Event (see )
manager for., The AssemblyBindInfo Structure (see )
using ICLRRuntimeHost, The Loadfrom Context and Dependencies
loading assemblies by filename, Partially Specified Assembly References, Loading Assemblies by Filename, Loading Assemblies by Filename, Loading Assemblies by Filename, Loading Assemblies by Filename, Subtleties of Assembly.LoadFrom, LoadFrom’s Second Bind, LoadFrom’s Second Bind, LoadFrom’s Second Bind, Binding Contexts and Type Identity, Binding Contexts and Type Identity, The Loadfrom Context and Dependencies
APIs for, Loading Assemblies by Filename
binding contexts, Subtleties of Assembly.LoadFrom, LoadFrom’s Second Bind
dependency loading order issues, Loading Assemblies by Filename
difficulties with, Partially Specified Assembly References
directories searched issues, Binding Contexts and Type Identity
LoadFrom method, Loading Assemblies by Filename
multiple files with duplicated names, Binding Contexts and Type Identity
ReflectionOnly APIs for, The Loadfrom Context and Dependencies
regasm.exe, Loading Assemblies by Filename
second binding of LoadFrom, LoadFrom’s Second Bind
type casting issues, LoadFrom’s Second Bind
loading assemblies by identity, Version Policy, Version Policy, Loading Assemblies by Assembly Identity, Loading Assemblies by Assembly Identity, Loading Assemblies by Assembly Identity, Architecture of an Extensible Application Revisited, System.Reflection.Assembly and CLR Remote Calls, System.Reflection.Assembly and CLR Remote Calls, System.Reflection.Assembly and CLR Remote Calls, System.Reflection.Assembly and CLR Remote Calls, System.Reflection.Assembly and CLR Remote Calls, Recommendations for Loading Assemblies in Extensible Applications, Recommendations for Loading Assemblies in Extensible Applications, Step 3: The Application Domain Manager in the Target Domain Is Called to Load the Add-In, Using Assembly.Load and Related Methods, Using Assembly.Load and Related Methods, Using Assembly.Load and Related Methods, Using Assembly.Load and Related Methods, Using Assembly.Load and Related Methods, Using Assembly.Load and Related Methods, Using Assembly.Load and Related Methods, Specifying Assembly Identities as Strings, Specifying Assembly Identities as Strings, Specifying Assembly Identities as Strings, Specifying Assembly Identities as Strings, Specifying Assembly Identities as Strings, Specifying Assembly Identities as Strings, Specifying Assembly Identities Using System.Reflection.AssemblyName, How the CLR Locates Assemblies, How the CLR Locates Assemblies, How the CLR Locates Assemblies, How the CLR Locates Assemblies, How the CLR Locates Assemblies, How the CLR Locates Assemblies with Weak Names, How the CLR Locates Assemblies with Weak Names, How the CLR Locates Assemblies with Strong Names, How the CLR Locates Assemblies with Strong Names, Using System.Reflection.Assembly to Determine an Assembly’s Location on Disk, Using System.Reflection.Assembly to Determine an Assembly’s Location on Disk, Using Fuslogvw.exe to Understand How Assemblies Are Located, Partially Specified Assembly References
application domain manager calling step, Recommendations for Loading Assemblies in Extensible Applications
application domain manager role, Loading Assemblies by Assembly Identity
application domain role, Loading Assemblies by Assembly Identity
application domain selection step, Recommendations for Loading Assemblies in Extensible Applications
ApplicationBase property, How the CLR Locates Assemblies, How the CLR Locates Assemblies
architecture of extensible applications, Loading Assemblies by Assembly Identity
Assembly Binding Log Viewer, Using System.Reflection.Assembly to Determine an Assembly’s Location on Disk
AssemblyName class, Version Policy
AssemblyName for specifying, Specifying Assembly Identities as Strings
codebases, How the CLR Locates Assemblies, How the CLR Locates Assemblies with Strong Names
culture identification, Specifying Assembly Identities as Strings
determining assembly locations on disk, How the CLR Locates Assemblies with Strong Names
domain to call from, importance of, System.Reflection.Assembly and CLR Remote Calls
exceptions, Using Fuslogvw.exe to Understand How Assemblies Are Located
ExecuteAssemblyByName method of AppDomain, Using Assembly.Load and Related Methods
FileLoadExceptions, Specifying Assembly Identities as Strings
friendly names, Using Assembly.Load and Related Methods, Specifying Assembly Identities as Strings
GAC for, How the CLR Locates Assemblies with Weak Names
goal for design, Architecture of an Extensible Application Revisited
Load method of AppDomain, System.Reflection.Assembly and CLR Remote Calls, Using Assembly.Load and Related Methods
Load method of Assembly, Using Assembly.Load and Related Methods
loading by application domain manager step, Step 3: The Application Domain Manager in the Target Domain Is Called to Load the Add-In
LoadWithPartialName method of Assembly, Using Assembly.Load and Related Methods
location of assemblies by CLR, Specifying Assembly Identities Using System.Reflection.AssemblyName
logging of, Using System.Reflection.Assembly to Determine an Assembly’s Location on Disk
marshaling issues, System.Reflection.Assembly and CLR Remote Calls
overview of, Version Policy
partially specified references, Partially Specified Assembly References
public key token identification, Specifying Assembly Identities as Strings
recommendations, System.Reflection.Assembly and CLR Remote Calls
remote calls, System.Reflection.Assembly and CLR Remote Calls
specification as strings, Using Assembly.Load and Related Methods
strong-named assemblies, How the CLR Locates Assemblies with Weak Names
type creation on loading, Using Assembly.Load and Related Methods
version identification, Specifying Assembly Identities as Strings
version policy, How the CLR Locates Assemblies
weak-named assemblies, How the CLR Locates Assemblies
loading assemblies using ICLRRuntimeHost ExecuteInDefaultAppDomain method, The Loadfrom Context and Dependencies
loading assemblies, customization of, Customizing How Assemblies Are Loaded, Customizing How Assemblies Are Loaded, Customizing How Assemblies Are Loaded, The AssemblyBindInfo Structure, The AssemblyBindInfo Structure, The AssemblyResolve Event
approaches to, overview, Customizing How Assemblies Are Loaded
cocoon model., The AssemblyBindInfo Structure (see )
default scenario limitations, Customizing How Assemblies Are Loaded
managed code method., The AssemblyResolve Event (see )
manager for., The AssemblyBindInfo Structure (see )
storage format issues, Customizing How Assemblies Are Loaded
loading settings., Controlling CLR Startup and Shutdown (see )
LoadWithPartialName method of Assembly, Using Assembly.Load and Related Methods
LockClrVersion, CLR Initialization and Startup, Other Unmanaged Functions on mscoree.dll, Deferring CLR Initialization and Startup
defined, Other Unmanaged Functions on mscoree.dll
function, Deferring CLR Initialization and Startup
implicit loading callbacks, CLR Initialization and Startup
loose version binding, Fully Specified and Partially Specified References
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