Training Your Memory
Using Mind Maps
ind Mapping is a method of expressing
information using color, images, and
key words in a structure that radiates from
a central core. Its myriad uses include group
brainstorming, problem-solving, studying for
exams, note-taking, and decision-making.
Mind Mapping increases recall significantly
during and after the learning process simply
because use of color and images together gives
the memory more information to hook into than
black words printed in linear fashion. The use
of key words reduces the amount of information
by up to 90 percent, thereby minimizing the
amount you are required to remember. The
key words trigger other information in the brain.
The radiant structure of a Mind Map accurately
reflects the structure of the brain and the way we
think and learn. The pattern it creates as one large
picture allows for excellent memory recall. What
is more, making a Mind Map is easy and fun.
Master Mind Mapping
and you acquire a learning
instrument that is used by
over 100 million people.
Following natures patterns
The treelike branches of a Mind Map
mirror the natural structure of the
brain’s neurons.
Beginning to Mind Map
At the hub of a Mind Map is one word
or image—for example, a house,
representing home. The main branches
show the principal areas into which the
subject is broken down. Planning content
focuses the mind on the subject, allows
you to think creatively, and helps recall.
Using Mind Maps
The strength of a Mind Map is in its structure:
it gives a snapshot view of the information, and
the links and relationships between topics and
groups of topics are visually evident. A Mind
Map begins with a central image and develops
with branches emanating from it. Each branch
represents one area to be explored within the
main topic. Each main branch has smaller branches
radiating from it, and sub-branches may be added,
covering further subtopics within that area.
Allowing plenty of space, start in the middle
of the page and work outward. Draw thick lines
for the main branches, each in a different color.
Use single key words (rather than a sentence)
to represent information, and highlight the main
topics by using capital letters. Some people prefer
to use pictorial images. Draw lines radiating from
each main topic for smaller subjects. Add any
detailing you like—perhaps pictures, or an
outline for certain words.
The concept of Mind Mapping
was first developed in London
in the 1970s by Tony Buzan.
Mind Maps have since proved
highly popular with people of
all ages as an effective method
of taking notes, a creative way
to generate new ideas, and
a technique for improving
memory and concentration.
Fact File
Develop your own
Mind Mapping style, always
choosing your own words
and/or images and colors.
Filling in the detail
Using one color for each of the main
branches and its smaller branches helps
you think in a organized way.
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