Applying Memory Techniques
If you can, make a PIN memorable, perhaps by
using a familiar date, such as a relative’s birthday. If
you use a password and PIN together, use a word
and number already related in your memory—for
example, a friends road and zip code. Alternatively,
use the images from your Number System, and
another that relates to the password. For a string
of letters use the Phonetic Letter Technique. In all
cases, make up a story that links the images and
what you need to access—for example, an ATM.
There are two stages to mastering memory techniques:
learning them and applying them. Familiarize yourself with
the range of practical situations in which they can be applied.
Applying Memory
Improving Memory
Day to Day
he ability to memorize accurately
pieces of information that you need
on a regular basis is a valuable one. Having
such crucial information at your fingertips
not only increases your confidence and
efficiency, it also saves time.
Use the examples of
applications given here to
spark ideas for your own
particular requirements.
Using PINs
A PIN is one
example of a
number you cannot
afford to forget.
A mental notebook is useful for memorizing
your tasks for the day. To plan ahead four or five
days, use the Journey Technique and design four
or five journeys. Using Image Creation Principles,
make a mental image for each task, and insert it
into the journey for that day. So if you have to
pick up dry-cleaning, for example, you might
imagine the clothes dancing around, accompanied
by music and singing. If you have to do a task
at a particular time, use your preferred Number
System to add a number image. Start filling in
your notebook two or three days ahead to fix it
in your memory. If a new task arises, add it to the
end of your journey. It is vital to review the tasks
regularly—go through the journey in your head
three times a day to ensure nothing is left out.
Type of Information
Recommended Memory Technique
Anniversaries, birthdays, PINs
Number Rhyme or Number Shape System
Image Creation Principles
String of random letters
Phonetic Letter Technique
To remember a date that crops up
regularly, use your preferred Number
System. For example, to remember
April 19, use the images for the four
digits 0419. To add a year, making
six digits, such as 041966, use the
technique for long numbers, splitting
it into two three-digit numbers.
Improving Memory Day to Day
Creating a Mental
Go over the journey in your
mind several times a day
As new tasks arise, add
them to the end of the journey
Put images for tasks
into each journey
Choosing an Appropriate Technique
special dates
The Number Systems
make it easy to recall
an anniversary or
birthday. Link the
image for the date
with an image for the
person whose birthday
or anniversary it is.
Create different
journeys for each day
Applying Memory Techniques
Most people rely totally on a written or
computerized planner for organizing their time on
a monthly basis. Neither system is infallible, and
you will find it very useful and time-efficient to
have your planner with you, in your head, at all
times. Learning your planner enables you to make
immediate decisions when making appointments
or other arrangements. The basis for a mental
planner is the Journey Technique. Setting it up
takes a little time initially, but once your system
is in place, it is relatively simple to keep updated.
NAME: Englim
ISSUE: Missing
improve time
Englim has missed
several appointments
in the last three months at
work, and has become known
among his colleagues and
clients as a bad timekeeper. He
frequently forgets his PDA, and
when he does have it with him,
he does not use it as often as
he should. He is good at his
job in other respects, and
wants to change this aspect
of his working life. Englim
decides to create a mental
planner into which he
can slot in the dates and
times of his appointments. He
implements the technique, and
now all the dates he needs to
remember are literally “inside
his head,” instead of being
detached in his PDA. He
checks his mental planner first
thing every morning while he
is having his breakfast. Englim
knows his time management
has improved, and clients and
colleagues have remarked on
the change in his performance.
Practice designing journeys with your family—
it introduces them indirectly to memory skills.
Put a calendar on the fridge door and look at
the date when you get your breakfast. Go
through what you have memorized for that day.
Experiment with different journeys for your
planner—then drop the ones that do not work
well enough and use them for something else.
Useful Exercises
Transfers dates from
calendar to mental planner
Setting up a mental planner
Once you realize the benefits of having a mental diary with you
wherever you are—and how it improves your efficiency—you
will appreciate its advantages over, for example, wall calendars.
Case Study
If you find it easy to work with three journeys,
you can increase the size of your planner and
create more journeys, perhaps enough for six
months or even for the whole year. You can keep
the same imaginary routes year after year. Start
each month with a significant image that denotes
that month. If you are more comfortable using
just three months at a time, you can write down
dates that are more than three months ahead and
insert them into a journey later.
For a three-month planner, you need to
create three journeys (one for each month), with
one stage for each day of the month. To make it
easier to find individual days within each journey,
make definite breaks at stage 10 and stage 20.
Use the three journeys in rotation. For each entry
in the planner, create an image and insert it at the
correct stage. So, for a dentist appointment on
the 18th, for instance, your image might be a
dentist drilling holes in his chair. Insert the image
at the 18th stage. If you need to add a time, add
the appropriate image from your Number System.
what she is
doing on
any day
three months
Remember that it is
important to learn the
journeys really well before
using them as a planner.
Keep a constant eye
open for places in which
to create new journeys.
Improving Memory Day to Day
Using a mental planner
People who have set up a mental planner
are efficient and reliable because they
are able to check on appointments at any
time, in any place. They can instantly call
up any particular day or week to check
entries or add in any new ones.
Affirmations are important
in mastering any skill, in that
your positive self-talk prompts
positive thoughts, which lead
to positive actions. Use these
affirmations whenever you are
memorizing your planner.
I can memorize as much or as
little of my planner as I want.
I do not have to rely on
memory aids to help me
run my daily life.
Memorizing my planner will
improve my time-keeping and
make me more efficient.
Memorizing my planner
improves all my mental skills.
Always has
planner with her
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