

1. Ayamonte

Andalucía’s westernmost town is located at the mouth of Río Guadiana, and just to the east are the beach resorts Isla Canela and Isla Cristina. Isla Canela has a long, broad beach and a laidback array of bars and bungalows, while Isla Cristina boasts a fine sandy stretch and an attractive harbour.

2. Mazagon

Huelva Province’s Costa de la Luz has several appealingly remote beaches, and Mazagón is one of them. Located 23 km (14 miles) southeast of Huelva City, this low-key resort is surrounded by pines and has lovely dune beaches. Deserted in winter, it comes alive in summer, mostly with Spanish families, but there’s plenty of empty expanse to find solitude.

3. Chipiona

Cádiz Province has some very special beach resorts that lack the high tourism of further along the coast, and Chipiona is one of the nicest. The beaches are excellent and, as an added plus, the town has retained its age-old traditions. It’s still a thriving fishing port, for example, as well as a renowned producer of the local sweet muscatel wine. In addition, historic attractions include the longest jetty in the Guadalquivir estuary, known as Turris Caepionis to the Romans and these days as Torre Scipio.

4. Tarifa

Cádiz Province’s – and Europe’s – southernmost point is one of the best spots in the world for devotees of the West Wind. The wind practically never ceases blowing here, which makes it a top beach for windsurfers and the like, but something of a misery for sunbathers. Still, it is possible to find protected niches that shelter you from the wind, and the nightlife and sense of fun here are second to none.

5. Marbella

The Costa del Sol’s smartest town naturally has several fine beaches to recommend. To the east there are Cabo Pino, a nudist beach, and Las Dunas, sand dunes beside a modern marina. To the west is a string of party beaches, good for barbecues and dancing, including Victor’s Beach and Don Carlos, perhaps Marbella’s best.

6. Torremolinos

Considering that they are in the main Costa del Sol nightlife magnet, Torremolinos’s beaches come as a pleasant surprise. Because of the steep streets, most of the action remains above as you make your way down to the sand.

7. Torre del Mar

Very much off the beaten Costa del Sol track, this area – frequented mostly by local Spanish families – has quite a bit going for it if you want a more low-key time (for further details see Torre del Mar).

8. Nerja

This little town is a favourite for those who want an alternative to the brash Costa del Sol. It’s a welcoming spot, with a wonderful position on top of an imposing cliff and palm-fringed beaches down below (for further details see Nerja).

9. Almunecar

The main resort on the Costa Tropical of Granada Province is a more relaxed alternative to the intensity of the Costa del Sol. The two central beaches are the Playa San Cristóbal and the Playa Puerto del Mar, separated by a headland. Good diving and windsurfing spots can be found along here (for further details see Almuñécar & Around).

10. Cabo de Gata

Almería Province offers some of the finest unspoilt beaches in the region, centred on this natural park. The main resort town is San José, and from here you can walk to a number of perfect finds, including the Cala de la Media Luna and the Playa de Mónsul (for further details see Cabo de Gata-Níjar).

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