
Named the “Jewish Mountain”, after an important Jewish cemetery that existed here in the Middle Ages, this sizeable and mountainous park rises 213 m (700 ft) above the port. The park itself was first landscaped for the 1929 International Exhibition, when the elegant Palau Nacional and the strikingly modern Mies van der Rohe Pavilion were also built. During the following decade, the area fell into general disuse and soon became synonymous with decline. Together with the grim shadow cast over the hill by the castle, which for years acted as a slaughterhouse for Franco’s firing squads, it is little short of miraculous that Montjuïc is now one of Barcelona’s biggest tourist draws. However, as the main site for the 1992 Olympics, held on its southern slopes, Montjuïc was given a comprehensive face-lift and the area was transformed into a beautiful green oasis, with two fabulous art museums and a host of stunning sports facilities. All these elements are interconnected by a network of exterior escalators and interlaced with quiet, shady gardens, which offer dazzling views over Barcelona and a welcome respite from the bustle of the city.

The funicular connects Metro Parallel with the Fundació Joan Miró and the cable cars that continue up to the Castell de Montjuïc.


For more information see Stages in Barcelona's History


You can board the Montjuïc Bus Turístic (see Tours & Trips), which ferries visitors up the hill from Plaça d’Espanya and back (April to October).


  1. Palau Nacional & Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya

    The Palau Nacional is home to the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya which exhibits Catalonia’s historic art collections. Boasting one of Europe’s finest displays of Romanesque art, the museum includes a series of breathtaking, 12th-century frescoes, rescued from Catalan Pyrenean churches and painstakingly reassembled in a series of galleries here. See Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya.

    Palau Nacional
  2. Fundació Joan Miró

    One of Catalonia’s most representative painters, Joan Miró (1893–1983), donated many of the 11,000 works held by the museum. Housed in a stark, white building designed by his friend, architect Josep Lluís Sert, the collection – the world’s most complete array of Miro’s work – was recently extended to include 25 new pieces by him. See Fundació Joan Miró.

  3. Font Màgica

    Below the cascades and fountains that splash down from the regal Palau Nacional is the Magic Fountain, designed by Carles Buigas for the International Exhibition of 1929. As darkness descends, countless jets of water are choreographed in a mesmerizing sound and light show. When the water meets in a single jet it can soar to 15m (50ft). The extravagant finale is often accompanied by a recording of Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballé singing the anthem Barcelona as the fountain fades from pink to green and back to white before silently and gracefully disappearing.

    • Av de la Reina Maria Cristina

    • May–Sep: every 30 minutes 9:30–11:30pm Thu–Sun; Oct–Apr: every 30 minutes 7–8:30pm Fri & Sat

    • Free

    • DA

  4. Castell de Montjuïc

    Dominating Montjuïc’s hill, this gloomy castle was once a prison and torture centre for political prisoners. At the end of the Spanish Civil War, 4,000 Catalan nationalists and republicans were shot in the nearby Fossar de la Pedrera, now a grassy field overlooked by thick stone walls. After such a tragic history, the castle is entering a happier phase: it is being developed into an international peace centre, but visitors can still climb the sturdy bastions for superb views of the port below.

    • C/Castell

    • Open Tue–Sun

    • Free

    Statue, Castell de Montjuïc

    Castell de Montjuïc
  5. Estadi Olímpic

    The Olympic Stadium was first built for the 1936 Workers’ Olympics, which were cancelled with the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War (see 1936-1975: Civil War & Franco). Today, the original Neo-Classical façade is still in place, though the stadium was entirely rebuilt for the 1992 Olympic Games. It is home to Espanyol football team (see FC Barcelona Football). The nearby Museu Olímpic i de l’Esport is a modern interactive museum dedicated to all aspects of sport.

    • Av de l’Estadi

    • Open 10am–6pm (to 8pm Apr–Sep) Tue–Sat, 10am–2pm Sun

    • Adm

    • DA

    Estadi Olímpic
  6. Teatre Grec

    This beautiful, open-air amphitheatre (see Swimming) was inspired by the Classical ideas of what was known as Noucentisme. This late 19th-century architectural movement was a reaction to the overly-decorative nature of Modernisme. With its leafy, green backdrop and beautiful gardens, there are few places more enchanting than this to watch Swan Lake or listen to some jazz. The theatre is used for shows during the summertime Festival del Grec (see Teatre Grec), when it also becomes home to a luxurious outdoor restaurant.

    • Pg Santa Madrona

    • 10am– dusk

    • Free (when there are no shows)

  7. Palau Sant Jordi

    The star of all the Olympic installations is this steel-and-glass indoor stadium (see Palau Sant Jordi) designed by Japanese architect Arata Isozaki. Holding around 17,000 people, the stadium is the home of the city’s basketball team (see FC Barcelona Basketball). The esplanade – a surreal forest of concrete and metal pillars – was designed by Aiko Isozaki, Arata’s wife. Further down the hill are the indoor and outdoor Bernat Picornell Olympic pools (see Swimming); both open to the public.

    • Av de l’Estadi

    • Open 10am–6pm (to 8pm May–Sep) Sat & Sun

    • Free

    • DA

    Palau Sant Jordi
  8. Pavelló Mies van der Rohe

    You might wonder exactly what this box-like pavilion of stone, marble, onyx and glass is doing bang in the middle of Montjuïc’s monumental architecture. Years ahead of its time, this surprisingly rationalist gem represents Germany’s contribution to the 1929 Exhibition. Built by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886–1969), the elegant pavilion was soon demolished, only to be reconstructed in 1986. Inside, the elegant sculpture Morning by Georg Kolbe (1877–1947) is reflected in a small lake.

    • Av Marquès de Comillas

    • Open 10am–8pm daily

    • Adm

    Barcelona Chairs, Pavelló Mies van der Rohe
  9. Poble Espanyol

    This Spanish poble (village) has been recreated from a hotchpotch of scaled-down famous buildings and streets from around Spain. Although a bit tacky, it has become a centre for arts and crafts, including an impressive glass-blowers’ workshop. There are restaurants and cafés aplenty, and a couple of trendy nightclubs (see La Terrrazza).

    • Av Marquès de Comillas

    • Open 9am–8pm Mon, 9am–2pm Tue–Thu, 9am–4am Fri, 9am–5pm Sat, 9am–midnight Sun

    • Adm

    Poble Espanyol
  10. Caixa Forum

    The Fundació La Caixa’s impressive collection of contemporary art is housed in a former textile factory, designed by Modernista architect Puig i Cadafalch. The collection began in 1985 and assembles some 800 works by Spanish and foreign artists, which are shown in rotation along with temporary international exhibitions.

    • Av Marquès de Comillas

    • Open 10am–8pm Tue–Sun

    • Free

    • DA

A Day in Montjuïc


To get to the Fundació Joan Miró before the crowds and with energy to spare, hop on the funicular from Parallel metro station. From here it is a short walk to the museum, where you’ll need an hour and a half to absorb the impressive collection of Miró paintings, sketches and sculptures. When you’ve had your fill of contemporary art, refuel with a cafè amb llet on the restaurant terrace before backtracking along Av de Miramar and jumping on the cable car up to Castell de Montjuïc . Wander the castle gardens and look out over the city and the bustling docks. Return to Av de Miramar by cable car and follow the signs to the Palau Nacional , where you can lunch on typical Catalan cuisine with a modern twist in the elegant Oluem.


Afterwards, spend an hour perusing the MNAC ‘s extraordinary Romanesque art collection. When you exit, turn right and then follow the signs to the Olympic complex. The Estadi Olímpic is worth a look, but the silver-domed Palau Sant Jordi steals the limelight. Nearby, at Bernat Picornell, spend the late afternoon cooling down with a dip in the fantastic open-air pool. If it’s summer, there may even be a film showing. From here it is just a short stroll to the Poble Espanyol where you can settle in at a terrace bar in Plaça de Mayor and sip a cuba libre as night descends.

Parks & Gardens

  1. Jardins Mossèn Costa i Llobera

    These are among Europe’s most important cactus gardens. They are particularly impressive as the sun sets, when surreal and shapes and shadows emerge.

  2. Jardí Botànic

    These wild gardens offer splendid vistas and hundreds of examples of typical Mediterranean vegetation.

    • Open Feb, Mar, Oct: 10am–6pm daily; Apr, May, Sep: 10am–7pm daily; Jun–Aug: 10am–8pm daily; Nov–Jan: 10am–5pm daily

    • Adm; free last Sun of month & every Sun from 3pm

  3. Jardins Mossèn Cinto Verdaguer

    The best time to visit these wonderfully elegant gardens is in spring when the plants are in blossom and the colours and aromas are in full force.

    Jardins Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer
  4. Jardins del Castell

    Cannons among the rose bushes, and pathways along the walls of a flower-filled moat, are the highlights of these gardens, which ring the castle.

    Castell Jardins
  5. Jardins del Teatre Grec

    Reminiscent of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, this gracious oasis surrounding the Greek amphitheatre is officially known as La Rosadela.

  6. Jardins de Miramar

    Opposite the Miramar, these gardens are scattered with stairways leading to enchanting leafy groves with vistas.

  7. Jardins Laribal

    This multi-level park hides a small Modernista house, by Puig i Cadafalch, and the Font del Gat – a drinking fountain, which has inspired many local songs.

  8. Jardins de Joan Maragall

    An avenue lined with sculptures by Frederic Marès and Ernest Maragall is the main delight here. The garden also has the last of the city’s ginjoler trees.

    • Open 10am–3pm Sat & Sun

  9. Muntanya de Montjuïc

    A multitude of secret paths leads through wild gardens on Montjuïc’s south side, the only part of the mountain that remains untamed.

  10. El Mirador del Llobregat

    A viewing area with small gardens nearby, this is the only place in the city where you can see the plains of the Llobregat stretching below.

    • DA

Unless otherwise stated, parks & gardens are usually open 10am-dusk daily.

Restaurants, Cafés, Bars & Clubs

  1. Oleum

    Dine on refined Mediterranean cuisine under the dome of the Palau Nacional and enjoy amazing views across the city.

    • Palau Nacional

    • 93 289 06 79

    • Closed Mon, eves

    • DA

    • €€€

  2. Brasería Cañota

    Cañota’s superb, traditional, and supremely economical cooking includes excellent game dishes and chargrilled fresh fish and meats.

  3. Fundació Joan Miró Restaurant

    A great terrace, views of Miró’s sculptures, plus well-presented modern food with an Italian accent.

    • Parc de Montjuïc

    • 93 329 07 68

    • Closed eve

    • DA

    • €€

  4. Rias de Galicia

    A giant aquarium is full of lobster, crabs and more, all waiting to be plucked out and served up sizzling on a plate.

  5. La Tomaquera

    A neighbourhood classic that serves Catalan home cooking at bargain prices. Arrive early or be prepared to queue.

    • C/Margarit 58

    • Closed dinner Sun, Mon, Aug, Easter week

    • €€

  6. El Lliure

    The Lliure theatre has a good-value café with an adjoining restaurant. In summer there are tables on the terrace.

    • Passeig Santa Madrona 40-46

    • Closed Mon eve, Sat lunch, Sun

    • €€€

  7. La Terrrazza

    Techno music rules at one of Barcelona’s most popular nightclubs, housed in a Balearic-style mansion inside the Poble Espanyol.

    Poble Espanyol

    • Closed Sun, mid-Oct–mid-Jun

    • Adm

  8. Font de Prades

    By far the best food in the Poble Espanyol.

    Poble Espanyol

    • 93 426 75 19

    • Closed Mon, three weeks Jan

    • €€€

    Interior, Font de Prades
  9. Restaurant Forestier

    Located in the AC Miramar, this elegant restaurant has wonderful views over the harbour and city.

  10. Quimet & Quimet

    This tiny bodega has standing room only, but serves tasty tapas and wonderful wines.

    • C/Poeta Cabanyes

    • 93 442 31 42

    • Closed Sat eve, Sun, Aug

Unless otherwise stated, all restaurants accept credit cards. Admission to Poble Espanyol is free if you have a restaurant reservation.

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