
It turns out that writing a book isn’t as straightforward as I first thought, and without the guidance and effort of the all who were involved at Manning, it’s unlikely you would be reading this book today. Thanks to Michael Stephens for setting me on this path in the first place; it’s been a fun project. Many people behind the scenes at Manning have contributed by proofreading, editing, preparing images, and performing the myriad other tasks that go into producing a book such as this—thank you all.

A special mention must also go to two people at Manning. First, thanks to Bert Bates, whose mentoring in the early days showed me how to turn what could otherwise have been a dry reference manual into something that is more pleasing to read. In the back of my mind when writing each chapter was the mantra, “Tell Bert why he should care about this subject...” Second, thanks to my editor, Susanna Kline, who kept each chapter focused and helped keep me motivated and on schedule for the best part of a year.

Dart has a vibrant developer community centered around the dartlang mailing list and Google+. From that community, John Evans and Kevin Moore deserve thanks for their technical proofreading of the subject matter, along with Adam Singer, Matthew Butler, and Ladislav Thon, whose contributions are always welcome.

Also from the developer community, thanks to all those readers who provided valuable feedback by reviewing the book at its various stages of development: André Roberge, Carl Taswell, Chad Davis, Craig Lancaster, Dylan Scott, Glenn Stokol, Jon Skeet, Olivier Nouguier, Rick Goff, Rodney Bollinger, Rokesh Jankie, Steve Pretty, Terry Birch, and Willhelm Lehman.

Thanks also to all the contributors to the book’s bulletin board, who helped spot the inevitable typos, and to the readers of Manning’s Early Access Program (MEAP).

Finally, thanks to all those on the Dart team, including Seth Ladd, who helped me and many other early adopters keep up to date with the various changes as Dart evolved from its initial release to the language you see today. Special thanks to Seth for kindly contributing the foreword to the book.

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