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circular Q and, 121

in virtual meetings, 152, 155

Accuracy, 120, 163

Acknowledgement, 117–118

Action steps, 86–87

Adversaries, 33–35

Agenda checklist

creation of, 54–62, 181

distribution in, 60–62

format of, 62–70, 74

item criteria for, 59–60

item deadline for, 60–62

item submission for, 58–59

item time for, 59–60

process roles in, 62

purpose in, 58–59

summary on, 74–75

Agenda format

item expectations in, 68–69

item leader in, 65–70

item number in, 63–64

item processes in, 66–70

item purpose in, 65–66

item responsibility in, 65

item time frame in, 64–65, 74–75, 149, 151

item title in, 63–64

overview in, 63

pre-meeting information in, 67–68

vision in, 62–63

who will do what and when in, 69–70, 74

Agenda order

clustering in, 71, 75

energy in, 72, 75

priorities and, 73, 75

Agendas, 6

for conference calls, 151, 155

Agreement, 109–111, 114

criteria about, 134

Air Traffic Controller, 62

item time for, 95–96, 100

process from, 87, 94–98

Q and, 87, 91–92, 103–104, 113, 170

Robert’s Rules and, 170

topic from, 87, 92

at virtual meeting, 90, 119

visual flight recording and, 119–120

visual focus from, 87, 92, 94–95

Allies, 33–35

Amendments, motion, 169

Approval seeking, 15–16, 29

Army, U.S., 182–183

Assertive people, 101–102

Atmospheric criteria, 126

Attendee list

communication pathways formula and, 51–52

in meeting preparation, 51–56

Attention, 12, 45–47

competition and, 121–122

on process roles, 86

speaking order and, 101–102, 160

Attention seeking, 15–16

Atwood, Margaret, 147

Auditory agreement, 109–111, 114

Auditory communication, 116–118

Auditory signal, 181–182

in face-to-face meeting, 109–111, 114

Great Moments on, 112–113

Q and, 110

Auschwitz, 185–186


Bad news

criteria about, 131–134

information reporting of, 48–49

Barry, Dave, 3

Behaviors, 13

context of, 27–28

personality and, 11–12

summary on, 27–29

Berra, Yogi, 57

Board of directors, 53

Bonding, 128

Books, 181

Brains, 12, 31–32

Brainstorming, 99

as meeting process, 137–141, 148

Breathing, 101–102

Brinkman, Rick, 11–13, 37

Budget, 176–179, 184

Budgetary criteria, 127–131

Bylaws, 171–172


Cage Rattling Document, 174

books and, 181

budget in, 176–179, 184

conservativism in, 180

criteria in, 180

hypothetical example in, 179

intent in, 175–176, 184

mission statements in, 176

opener in, 176

problem solving in, 179–180, 184

role from, 177

shock therapy in, 177–179, 184

showing value in, 180

Call for question, 168–170, 172

Call-in time, 149

Cambridge Psychological Society, 45

Catch-up, 79, 81

Catering, 129–130

Caution Zone, 15–16, 28

Children, 116–117

Chinese proverb, 137

Circular Q, 113

accountability and, 121

for conference calls, 151–152

in experiments, 182

for face-to-face meetings, 106

Great Moments on, 112

for meeting processes, 140–141

for virtual meetings, 106, 119, 141

Clustering, 71, 75

Commitment, 78

Commitment Keepers, 88–89, 92

Communication pathways formula, 51–52

Competition, 36, 38

attention and, 121–122

Maybe People and, 162

speaking order and, 102–103

Conference calls, 106

agendas for, 151, 155

call-in time for, 149

circular Q for, 151–152

definition of, 147

follow-up for, 153

multitasking and, 152

mute function in, 150–151, 153

summary on, 154–156

virtual meetings compared to, 148

visual signals and, 111, 114, 141

Conflicts, 35, 38–39

cooperation from, 189

Conservativism, 180

Consultants, 53–54, 154

Context, 27–28

Control, 4, 158, 163. See also Air Traffic Controller

as stress behavior, 12–13

Controlling, 15–16, 28

Cooperation, 189

Cooperation Zone, 13–14, 28, 157–159

Copilots, 89, 92, 99

Cost counting, 49–50, 56

Costs, of meetings, 5, 49–50, 177–179

Couples, 116–117, 126


of agenda checklist, 54–62, 181

in Holographic Thinking, 36–38


about agreement, 134

about bad news, 131–134

budgetary, 127–131

in Cage Rattling Document, 180

definition of, 126–127

extraction of, 131–134, 138–139

focus on, 128–130

Great Moments on, 134

for groups, 135

ideas and, 126–127

intent and, 125–126, 129, 135

item, 59–60

negative, 132–134

positive, 132–134

roles related to, 130–131

statements of, 128–129, 135

summary on, 135

time as, 129

Curiosity, 37–38


Danger Zone, 28–29, 164

Friendly Snipers in, 18, 21, 159

Grenades in, 20–21, 26

Judges in, 22–23, 26

Maybe People in, 24–26

No People in, 22–23, 26

Nothing People in, 19, 22–26

Snipers in, 17–21, 26, 159

Tanks in, 16–18, 26

Whiners in, 22–23, 26

Yes People in, 24–26

Data additions, 73

Dealing with People You Can’t Stand: How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst (Kirschner and Brinkman), 11–13, 37

Deciders, 52–54

Decision-making, 138, 143

Depersonalization, 134

Detailed minutes, 88, 182

Direct managers, 48–49

Disagreement, 110

process for, 134

Discussion, 138, 142

Disney, Walt, 101

Distractions, 51–52

criteria on, 130

internal, 45–47

Distribution, 60–62

Doctors, 3–4

efficiency for, 73

time for, 81

Documentation, 47. See also Cage Rattling Document

after verbal presentations, 175

Doers, 52–54


Efficiency, 73

Einstein, Albert, 11

Ellison, Larry, 85

Email, 60

commitment in, 78

follow-up in, 121

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 93

Empowerment, 162, 181

End times, unusual, 149

Energy, 72, 75

Engineers, 27, 122, 182–183

Equipment, 181. See also Visual devices

Erasable visual devices, 94

Experiments, 181–182, 184

External distractions, 46–47


Face-to-face meetings, 50

auditory agreement in, 109–111, 114

auditory signal in, 109–111, 114

circular Q for, 106

process roles in, 89

visual devices in, 94–95, 100, 118–120, 123

voluntary Q in, 104–105, 120

Facilitators, 182

Family, 116–117, 126, 185–188

Fear, 173

Federal regulations, 140

Feedback, 110, 117

Filtering, 46–47

Financial penalties, 79, 91

Fire departments, 134

Flight Recorder, 62

accuracy of, 120, 163

Commitment Keepers as, 89, 92

detailed minutes and, 88, 182

follow-up and, 86–87, 92, 120–123, 143–144, 152–153

Great Moments on, 163

Know-it-alls and, 160, 163–164

notations from, 88, 92, 133

summary on, 122–123

Think-they-know-it-alls and, 160

at virtual meeting, 90, 148, 152–154

visual totality and, 153

Flip chart, 134

matching on, 139–140

PowerPoint compared to, 118–119, 123

Focus, 7, 36, 38, 87, 92

on criteria, 128–130

for Holographic Thinking, 93

lateness and, 78

need as, 93

purpose as, 93

visual devices for, 94–99, 115

Follow-up, 69–70

Flight Recorder and, 86–87, 92, 120–123, 143–144, 152–153

as meeting process, 138, 143–144

Ford, Henry, 125

Format, 132–133, 148. See also Agenda format

of agenda checklist, 62–70, 74

in meeting preparation, 50, 56

Franklin, Ben, 157

Friendly snipers, 18, 21, 159


Generalization point, human, 179

Geographic criteria, 126

Get along, 13–16, 158

Get appreciated, 13–16, 29, 158–161

Get it done, 13–18, 33–35, 157–158

Get it right, 13–16, 29, 33–35, 158

Global consulting firm, 154

Good-Bye, 153

Great Moments

on auditory signal, 112–113

on circular Q, 112

on criteria, 134

on data additions, 73

on Flight Recorder, 163

on humor, 154, 171–172

on integration, 37–38

on interrupting, 91

on Know-it-alls, 99

on lateness, 81–82

on restroom, 27

on solitaire, 9

“Greater Rick,” 37

Greetings, 150

Grenades, 20–21, 26, 160–161

Gretzky, Wayne, 185

Group Format, 132–133

Groups, 135

“Grunt,” 112–113


Harris Poll, 5, 178

Harvard Business Review, 4, 179

Higher-ups, 4, 79, 178

Holographic Thinking, 31

creation in, 36–38

focus for, 93

integration in, 35–39

Judges and, 161–162

Meeting Preparation for, 43–56

summary on, 38–39

survey in, 32–34

visual devices and, 116–118, 133

“Hot topic,” 142

Human generalization point, 179

Human Resource, 177–178

Humor, 144–145, 154, 171–172

Hypothetical example, 179


Ideas, 126–127


Cage Rattling Document for, 174–181, 184

equipment for, 181

experiments for, 181–182, 184

fear and, 173

responsibility for, 174

steps for, 174

summary on, 183–184

Individuals, 135

Information, pre-meeting, 67–68

Information reporting, 44–47

of bad news, 48–49

Initial reactions, 49


Great Moments on, 37–38

in Holographic Thinking, 35–39

of Robert’s Rules, 170–172


in Cage Rattling Document, 175–176, 184

criteria and, 125–126, 129, 135

Interaction, 45–48

Internal distractions, 45–47

Interpretation, 46

Interrupting, 91

breathing and, 101–102


depersonalization of, 134

membership, 32–33

Item criteria, 59–60

Item deadline, 60–62

Item expectations, 68–69

Item leader, 65–70

Item number, 63–64

Item processes, 66–70

Item purpose, 65–66

Item responsibility

in agenda format, 65

in follow-up, 121

Item submission, 58–59

Item time

for agenda checklist, 59–60

for Air Traffic Controller, 95–96, 100

Pilots and, 86, 107–108

Item time frame

in agenda format, 64–65, 74–75, 149, 151

for voluntary Q, 104–105

Item title, 63–64



in Danger Zone, 22–23, 26

Holographic Thinking and, 161–162


Kirschner, Rick, 11–13, 37

Know-it-alls, 17

Flight Recorder and, 160, 163–164

Great Moments on, 99

Think-they-know-it-alls, 19–20, 26, 160



catch-up for, 79, 81

commitment against, 78

cycle of, 77–79

focus and, 78

Great Moments on, 81–82

by higher-ups, 79

procrastination in, 61

summary on, 82

techniques against, 79–82

travel time and, 80–81

unusual start times and, 80–81

validity for, 79

virtual meetings and, 80–81

Laws, 140

Leaders, 65–70

volunteering as, 144–145

Lens of Understanding, 13–14

Llama dung, 182–183

Lock-outs, 79, 82

Log in time, 149

Lucid Meetings, 5


Malicious sniping, 18

Marketing meeting, 54


in experiments, 182

on flip chart, 139–140

as meeting process, 137, 139–140

Maybe People

competition and, 162

in Danger Zone, 24–26

Mead, Margaret, 189

Meeting formats, 148. See also Conference calls; Face-to-face meetings; Virtual meetings

Meeting Jet process, 7–8. See also specific topics

Meeting preparation, 43

agenda creation in, 54–56

attendee list in, 51–56

cost counting in, 49–50, 56

format in, 50, 56

purpose in, 44–49

Meeting processes

brainstorming as, 137–141, 148

circular Q for, 140–141

decision-making as, 138, 143

discussion as, 138, 142

follow-up as, 138, 143–144

formats related to, 148

matching as, 137, 139–140

mismatching as, 138–140

presentation as, 138, 141

Q&A as, 138, 141–142

rating as, 138, 140, 143

summary on, 145

voluntary Q in, 140–141

voting as, 138, 143

Meetings. See also specific topics

costs of, 5, 49–50, 177–179

greetings before, 150

problem categories of, 5–8

time in, 4, 36, 38–39, 48, 53

Membership issue, 32–33

Memory, 45, 47

unusual start times and, 149

visual devices for, 115

Middle management, 4, 178

Minutes, detailed, 88, 182

Mismatching, 161

in experiments, 182

as meeting process, 138–140

Mission statements, 176

Motion amendments, 169

Motions, 168–172

Multitasking, 152

Mute function, 150–151, 153



as focus, 93

in process box, 96

Need-to-know people, 52–54

Negative criteria, 132–134

Negativity, 6–7

No People, 22–23, 26, 161

Nonerasable visual devices, 94

Notations, 88, 92, 133

Nothing People

in Danger Zone, 19, 22–26

empowerment of, 162

Number, item, 63–64


Opener, 176

Opportunities, 11

for survival, 185–188

Options, 135

Overview, 63


Passive people, 101–102


financial, 79, 91

lock-outs, 79, 82

People, 6

Perfectionist, 15–16, 29

Personality, 11–12

Pilots, 62

action steps from, 86–87

copilots, 89, 92, 99

item time and, 86, 107–108

on process, 108

Robert’s Rules and, 170

speaking time limit and, 86, 91–92, 108–109

Tarmac and, 98

at virtual meeting, 90

Point of view, 31–32, 38

allies in, 33–35

Polarization, 35, 38

Positive criteria, 132–134

Post-meeting actions, 69–70

Postponement, 108


flip chart compared to, 118–119, 123

for presentation, 141

process box in, 97, 105, 119

review by, 119

topic box in, 97, 105, 119

whiteboard compared to, 118

Preflight Checklist. See Meeting Preparation

Pre-meeting information, 67–68

Preparation, 5–6. See also Meeting preparation


as meeting process, 138, 141

Q&A related to, 141–142

seating for, 171–172

verbal, 174–175

Prime time, 72

Priorities, 73, 75

Problem categories

people as, 6

preparation as, 5–6

process as, 6–7

time as, 7–8

Problem solving

in Cage Rattling Document, 179–180, 184

questions in, 182–183

Procedure manual, 171–172

Process, 6–7, 170–171

from Air Traffic Controller, 87, 94–98

clustering related to, 71, 75

copilots and, 99

for disagreement, 134

item processes, 66–70

Pilots on, 108

Tanks and, 159

Process box, 163–164

needs in, 96

in PowerPoint, 97, 105, 119

time in, 95–97

in visual devices, 94–98, 138

on whiteboard, 97

who will do what and when in, 96

Process comments, 91

Process roles, 85. See also Air Traffic Controller; Flight Recorder; Pilot

in agenda checklist, 62

attention on, 86

in face-to-face meeting, 89

rotation of, 90

summary on, 91–92

in virtual meetings, 89–90

Procrastination, 61

Professional orientations, 32

Punishments. See Penalties

Purpose, 65–66

in agenda checklist, 58–59

as focus, 93

in meeting preparation, 44–49


Q. See Queue

Question and answer (Q&A)

as meeting process, 138, 141–142

presentation related to, 141–142

Questions, 107, 168–170, 172

in problem solving, 182–183

Queue (Q). See also Circular Q

Air Traffic Controller and, 87, 91–92, 103–104, 113, 170

auditory signal and, 110

closure of, 108–109, 113

for discussion, 142

questions for participants and, 107

random order in, 106, 113, 152, 155

Snipers and, 159

voluntary, 104–105, 113, 120, 140–141


Radar, 12

Random order, 106, 113, 152, 155

RAS. See Reticular activating system

Rating, 138, 140, 143

Refugees, 185–188

Relationships, 12, 28


auditory signal and, 110

speaking order and, 103

understanding and, 117–118

Research, 4, 177–179, 184

Resource people, 52–54

Respect, 78

Responsibility, 65, 121, 174

Restroom, 27

Reticular activating system (RAS), 12

Review, 119

Robert, Henry M., 167

Robert’s Rules of Order (Robert’s Rules) (Robert), 167

Air Traffic Controller and, 170

call for question in, 168–170, 172

integration of, 170–172

motion amendments in, 169

motions in, 168–172

order summary in, 169

Pilot and, 170

second the motion in, 168–172

summary on, 172

voting in, 169, 171–172

Roles, 130–131, 177. See also Process roles

Ruth, Babe, 173


Seating, 82

for presentations, 171–172

Second the motion, 168–172

Self-esteem, 18–19

Senior executives, 4, 178

Shock therapy, 177–179, 184

Showing value, 180


in Danger Zone, 17–21, 26, 159

Q and, 159

Solitaire, 9

Speaking order. See also Queue

attention and, 101–102, 160

competition and, 102–103

repetition and, 103

in virtual meetings, 102–103

Speaking time limit, 170–171

Pilots and, 86, 91–92, 108–109

Stand-up meetings, 82

Start times, 80–81, 149–150

Stress behavior, 12–13

Summary, 169

on agenda checklist, 74–75

on behaviors, 27–29

on conference calls, 154–156

on criteria, 135

on Flight Recorder, 122–123

on Holographic Thinking, 38–39

on implementation, 183–184

on lateness, 82

on meeting processes, 145

on process roles, 91–92

on Robert’s Rules, 172

on virtual meetings, 154–156

on visual devices, 100

Survey, 32–34


Tanks, 16–18, 26, 159

Tarmac, 98, 100

Team meetings, 9, 44–45

Teamwork, 34–35, 128

Think-they-know-it-alls, 19–20, 26

Flight Recorder and, 160

Time. See also Item time; Lateness

auditory signal and, 110

for couples, 126

as criteria, 129

for discussion, 142

for doctors, 81

energy and, 72, 75

of information reporting, 48

in meetings, 4, 36, 38–39, 48, 53

as problem category, 7–8

in process box, 95–97

start, 80–81, 149–150

visual communication over, 116–118

Time/benefit ratio, 49–50, 55, 59

Topic box, 163–164

in PowerPoint, 97, 105, 119

in visual devices, 94–95, 138

on whiteboard, 97

Topics, 87, 92, 142

clustering of, 71, 75

Copilots and, 99

energy and, 72, 75

Travel time, 80–81


Understanding, 13–14

repetition and, 117–118

Unusual end times, 149

Unusual start times

lateness and, 80–81

memory and, 149


Value, showing, 180

Verbal presentations, 174–175

Verbal sniping, 18

Virtual meetings, 50

accountability in, 152, 155

Air Traffic Controller at, 90, 119

circular Q for, 106, 119, 141

conference calls compared to, 148

definition of, 147

Flight Recorder at, 90, 148, 152–154

follow up for, 153

lateness and, 80–81

log in time for, 149

multitasking and, 152

mute function in, 150–151, 153

Pilots at, 90

process roles in, 89–90

speaking order in, 102–103

summary on, 154–156

Tarmac on, 98

visual device in, 94–95, 100, 118–119

visual signals and, 111, 114

Vision, 62–63

Visual communication, 116–118

Visual devices, 121

in face-to-face meeting, 94–95, 100, 118–120, 123

for focus, 94–99, 115

Holographic Thinking and, 116–118, 133

for memory, 115

outlining program on, 140

process box in, 94–98, 138

summary on, 100

Tarmac on, 98, 100

topic box in, 94–95, 138

in virtual meetings, 94–95, 100, 118–119

Visual flight recording, 115. See also Flight Recorder

Air Traffic Controller and, 119–120

auditory communication compared to, 116–118

visual devices for, 118–119

Visual focus, 87, 92, 94–95

Visual recording, 36, 38. See also Visual devices

Visual signals, 111, 114, 141

Visual totality, 153

Voluntary Q, 113

in face-to-face meeting, 104–105, 120

in meeting processes, 140–141

Volunteering, 144–145


as meeting process, 138, 143

in Robert’s Rules, 169, 171–172


Wharton Center for Applied Research, 4, 178–179

Whiners, 22–23, 26, 161

Whiteboard, 134

in face-to-face meetings, 120

PowerPoint compared to, 118

process box on, 97

topic box on, 97

Who will do what and when

in agenda format, 69–70, 74

in process box, 96

World War II, 185–188

Wujec, Tom, 115


Yes People

in Danger Zone, 24–26

empowerment of, 162

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