
Index entries in gray refer to XML Schema 1.1.


_ (underscore)

in NMTOKEN type, 243

in XML names, 40, 91, 167, 208, 559

- (hyphen, dash, minus sign)

in binary types, 249

in dates, 221228, 234

in durations, 229233

in NMTOKEN type, 243

in numbers, 214219

in regular expressions, 161, 165, 172176

in time values, 233234

in XML names, 40, 91, 167, 208, 559

in XPath 2.0, 356

, (comma)

in DTDs, 477

in regular expressions, 176177

; (semicolon), in regular expressions, 162

: (colon)

in NMTOKEN type, 243

in time values, 222225, 233234

in XML names, 167, 208209, 246, 559

!= operator (XPath 2.0), 356, 378

? (question mark)

in DTDs, 477

in regular expressions, 162, 165, 176177

/ (slash)

in binary types, 249

in XPath, 436437

// (XPath), 438

. (period)

in NMTOKEN type, 243

in numbers, 215216

in regular expressions, 162, 165, 175

in time values, 222225

in XML names, 40, 91, 167, 209, 559

in XPath, 436437

.// (XPath), 436437

^ (circumflex accent), in regular expressions, 165, 173175

' (apostrophe), in regular expressions, 163

" (quote), in regular expressions, 163

( ) (parentheses)

in DTDs, 476477

in regular expressions, 161162, 165, 175178

in XPath 2.0, 355

[ ] (square brackets), in regular expressions, 160162, 165, 171177

{ } (curly brackets), in regular expressions, 160162, 165, 176177

@ (commercial at), in XPath, 436437

* (asterisk)

in DTDs, 474, 477

in regular expressions, 162163, 165, 176177

operator (XPath 2.0), 356

wildcard (XPath), 436437

(backslash), in regular expressions, 161166, 175

& (ampersand)

in character entities, 206

in regular expressions, 163

in strings, 205

# (number sign)

in regular expressions, 162

in URIs, 251252

% (percent sign), in URIs, 251252

+ (plus sign)

in binary types, 249

in DTDs, 477

in numbers, 104, 214219, 254

in regular expressions, 162, 165166, 176177

in time values, 234

in XPath 2.0, 356

< (less than), 163, 206

in regular expressions, 163

in strings, 205

in XPath 2.0, 356, 378

<= operator (XPath 2.0), 356, 378

= (equals sign)

in binary types, 249

in XPath 2.0, 356, 378

> (greater than), 163

in regular expressions, 163

in XPath 2.0, 356, 378

>= operator (XPath 2.0), 356, 378

| (vertical bar)

in DTDs, 474, 477478

in regular expressions, 160162, 165, 176178

in XPath, 435, 437

-0 (negative zero), numeric value, 213214

0 (zero)

as boolean value, 247

as numeric value, 213214

in dates, 221, 226

leading/trailing, in numbers, 104, 125, 215217, 219, 254

1 (boolean value), 247


a element (HTML), 525

abstract attribute

of complexType element, 343, 346348

of element element, 418, 420

syntax of, 671

all group, 26, 276278

avoiding in web services, 548

element declarations/references in, 276, 391

extending, 310311, 606

group references in, 276, 391

in complex types, 390

in named model groups, 386, 391

occurrence constraints in, 276277, 532

restricting, 325328

in version 1.1, 625

syntax of, 277, 649

vs. DTDs, 477

wildcards in, 276

#all value

of block attribute, 344, 420

of final attribute, 152, 343

in version 1.1, 418

alternative element, 97

syntax of, 376, 650

test attribute of, 375376

type attribute of, 376

xpathDefaultNamespace attribute of, 375, 381

&amp; entity reference

in regular expressions, 163

in strings, 205

ancestor keyword (XPath), 438

and operator (XPath 2.0), 356, 378

annotation element, 31, 497498, 581, 585

syntax of, 581, 650

vs. DTDs, 497498

vs. non-native attributes, 589

anonymous complex types, 22, 9697, 260261

never equal, 269

vs. named, 550

anonymous simple types, 22, 96

definitions of, 120121, 132133

readability of, 134

vs. named, 133134, 550

ANY specifier (DTDs), 474, 480

any wildcard, 27, 285288, 480, 601

namespace attribute of, 287, 329

notNamespace attribute of, 289290

notQName attribute of, 290

processContents attribute of, 287289

syntax of, 285, 650

##any value (namespace attribute on wildcard), 287, 329

anyAtomicType type, 203

anyAttribute wildcard, 27, 298, 398, 602

namespace attribute of, 298, 315316, 336337

notNamespace attribute of, 298

notQName attribute of, 298

processContents attribute of, 298, 315316, 336337, 602603

syntax of, 299, 651

anySimpleType type, 121, 203

anyType type, 96, 203

anyURI type, 250253

facets applicable to, 253, 698

values of, 143144

&apos; entity reference, 163

appinfo element, 31, 581, 587588

syntax of, 587, 651


compatibility of, 634635

ignoring irrelevant elements and attributes in, 635

providing information for, 6, 31

appliesToEmpty attribute (defaultOpenContent element), 298

syntax of, 672

assert element, 365372

syntax of, 366, 651

test attribute of, 352, 375

xpathDefaultNamespace attribute of, 375

assertion element, 137, 150

for built-in types, 695698

syntax of, 353, 652

test attribute of, 352, 375

xpathDefaultNamespace attribute of, 375

assertions, 33, 351375

and namespaces, 372375

for complex types, 365372

for list types, 363365

for simple types, 353365

for union types, 185

inheriting, 362, 370372

multiple on the same type, 355

type errors in, 359362

using XPath 2.0 for, 352

with multistep paths, 368

with predicates, 368

assisted editing, 541

asterisk. See *

atomic types, 181183

atoms, in regular expressions, 161176

attribute declarations, 4, 18, 115122, 281284

from a different namespace, 117

global, 115117, 119120, 394, 550

local, 19, 117120, 122, 281, 339, 394, 550

location of, in type definitions, 281

overriding, 459, 466

removing, 619

restricting, 318, 333335

reusing, 597

target namespace of, 48

vs. wildcards, 619

attribute element, 115125

default attribute of, 123

fixed attribute of, 123

form attribute of, 122

inheritable attribute of, 126127

name attribute of, 117

ref attribute of, 115, 117

syntax of:

global declaration, 116, 652

local declaration, 118, 652

reference, 282, 653

targetNamespace attribute of, 339341

type attribute of, 120121, 394

use attribute of, 117, 119, 283, 394, 482483, 688

attribute group references, 395399

in attribute groups, 398399

in complex type definitions, 284, 396

location of, in type definitions, 281

attribute groups, 19, 32, 120, 392400, 544

attribute references in, 394

default, 284, 399400

definitions of, 18, 393

local attribute declarations in, 394

location of, in type definitions, 281

names of, 393, 545, 559

duplicating (illegal), 397

order of, 396

overriding, 459, 467, 491492, 613614

risks of, 470471

redefining, 449, 451, 456458, 490491, 600, 611612

risks of, 470471

reusing, 597

vs. complex type extension, 403

vs. DTDs, 485486

wildcards in, 395, 398

attribute references, 282283

in attribute groups, 394

location of, in type definitions, 281

attribute wildcards, 27, 298, 602

extending complex types with, 315

for forward compatibility, 623

in attribute groups, 395, 398

processContents attribute of, 315, 336

restricting, 335337, 458

vs. attribute declarations, 619

See also anyAttribute element

attributeFormDefault attribute (schema element), 77, 122

ignoring for attribute names, 580

qualified value of, 122

syntax of, 672

unqualified value of, 122

attributeGroup element, 393

ref attribute of, 395

syntax of:

definition, 393, 653

reference, 396, 653

attributes, 19

and default namespace declarations, 39

applicable to all elements, 7981

co-constraints for, 33

deprecated, 627, 638

empty, 124, 145

extending, 314, 490491

inherited, 126127, 283, 382383

names of, 4, 117, 545, 559563

changing, 619

duplicating (illegal), 45, 119, 397, 470

in XPath, 367, 436437, 439

qualified (prefixed), 4446, 117, 119120, 122123, 580

unprefixed, 44, 122

unqualified, 40, 119, 122123, 580

nillable, 435

non-native, 588589, 629

order of, 115, 281

prohibited, 333, 335

required vs. optional, 117, 119, 123, 143, 283, 333, 457, 482, 618619, 627

reusing, 302

types associated with, 4, 18, 21, 120121, 125, 236246, 457

enumerated, 481

vs. DTDs, 480482

units of measurement in, 130

values of:

default, 82, 114, 123124, 283, 333, 457, 482, 499, 548

fixed, 82, 123, 125, 283, 333, 457, 548

validating, 114

whitespace in, 82

vs. elements, 113

avg function (XPath 2.0), 363


b element (HTML), 525

backslash, in regular expressions, 161166, 175

backward compatibility, 618622

and version numbers, 626, 631632

base attribute (restriction) element, 136

syntax of, 672

base64 encoding, 249

base64Binary type, 248250

facets applicable to, 250, 698

values of:

empty, 143

length of, 249

BIDI elements, 207

binary types, 248250, 695

facets applicable to, 250, 698

values of:

length of, 143144, 249

valid, 145

block attribute

#all value of, 344, 420

empty value of, 345

extension value of, 344, 420

of complexType element, 343346

of element element, 322, 346, 418419

restriction value of, 344, 420

substitution value of, 420

syntax of, 672673

block element (XSL-FO), 525

block escapes, 170171

blockDefault attribute (schema element), 77, 345

syntax of, 673

boolean type, 247248, 255

facets applicable to, 698

bounds facets, 142

applicable to:

date and time types, 235

duration types, 230

integer types, 217218

simple content, 317318

changing restrictiveness of, 619620

br element (HTML), 265

branches (in regular expressions), 159161, 177178

built-in types, 23, 201255, 691695

facets applicable to, 138139, 141, 152, 695698

hierarchy of, 202203

namespace of, 50

restricting, 135, 140

byte type, 218

facets applicable to, 696


C, in category escapes, 169

c and C, multicharacter escapes, 167

camel case, 560

carriage return character

in regular expressions, 163, 165166

in strings, 151

CDATA data type specifier (DTDs), 481

chameleon namespaces, 6566, 565, 572574

character class escapes, 161, 164

block, 170171

category, 167169

multicharacter, 166

single-character, 165

character class expressions, 161, 171

escaping, 175

list of characters in, 171

negating, 173174

ranges in, 172

subtracting from, 174

character references, 162163

chatty services, 522

choice group, 26, 273276

avoiding in web services, 548

compatibility of, 619

element wildcards in, 609

extending, 309, 489490, 607608

in complex types, 390

in named model groups, 386

meaningless, 321

nesting, 275276

occurrence constraints in, 274275

restricting, 324329

syntax of, 273, 654

vs. DTDs, 477

vs. substitution groups, 414415

circumflex accent, in regular expressions, 165, 173175

class hierarchies, 518

co-constraints, 586

code generating, 541

collapse value (whiteSpace facet), 104, 125, 151152, 189, 205206, 255

colon. See :

comma. See ,

comments, 497498

common components libraries, 597598

compatibility, 617626

application, 634635

backward, 618622, 626, 631632

forward, 623626

complex content

deriving complex types from, 304305

extending, 307316

restricting, 318329

in version 1.1, 320

vs. database tables, 504

vs. DTDs, 476

complex type definitions

attribute group references in, 396

attribute groups in, 394, 397

attribute wildcards in, 298, 398, 602

attributes in, 115119, 281, 283284, 397

element declarations in, 93, 266268, 387

element wildcards in, 601

ID attributes in, 236

named model groups in, 278279, 387, 389

repeating element names in, 415416

complex types, 19, 257298

abstract, 346, 348

anonymous, 22, 9697, 260261, 269, 550

assertions for, 365372

associating with element names, 96

base type of, 302, 314315, 319

extending, 22, 27, 302303, 305316, 403, 606

global vs. local, 19, 22

named, 258260, 484485, 550, 559560, 597

overriding, 459, 465

risks of, 468470

preventing derivation of, 343344

redefining, 449, 451, 453454, 600, 609

risks of, 468470

restricting, 22, 27, 301303, 316337, 455, 603

reusing, 597

vs. named model groups, 403404

vs. OO classes, 514

vs. simple types, 21

with open content, 604

complexContent element, 304

syntax of, 304, 654

complexType element, 28, 96, 258261

abstract attribute of, 343, 346348

block attribute of, 343346

defaultAttributes attribute of, 400

final attribute of, 343344

mixed attribute of, 265

no direct element declarations in, 270

syntax of:

anonymous definition, 261, 655

named definition, 259, 654

composition, 519522

conditional expressions (XPath), 369370

conditional inclusion, 642

conditional type assignment, 375383

and namespaces, 381382

inherited attributes in, 382383

validation errors in, 380381

with declared types, 378

with default types, 377

contains function (XPath 2.0), 357

content models, 26, 261269

absence of, for empty content, 479

and web services, 548

deterministic, 279280

eliminating meaningless groups in, 320321

extending, 27, 305313, 607

in DTDs, 473480

location of extensions in, 600, 611

named model groups in, 390

nondeterministic, 280, 470, 602

open, 27, 292298, 311, 600, 619

restricting, 318333, 455

reusability of, 302, 385

reusing, 484485

content types, 2526, 266, 473480

See also complex, element-only, empty, mixed, simple content

Coordinated Universal Time. See UTC

Costello, Roger, 550

count function (XPath 2.0), 363

curly brackets, in regular expressions, 160162, 165, 176177


D, in durations, 229233

d multicharacter escape, 160161, 166167, 173

D multicharacter escape, 166

dash. See -

data binding tools

and generic elements, 520

complex types in, 517518

processing relationships in, 511


coupling with XML messages, 504

foreign keys in, 32, 430, 510

generating instances from, 82

mapping elements to, 586587

names in, 560

tables and columns in, 504

datatypes, 201

date and time types, 221235, 693

comparing dates in, 235

facets applicable to, 142, 235, 696697

date type, 221

facets applicable to, 696

dateTime type, 223224

facets applicable to, 697

dateTimeStamp type, 224225

facets applicable to, 697

dayTimeDuration type, 232233

facets applicable to, 697

DCD (Document Content Description), 11

DDML (Document Definition Markup Language), 11

debugging, 6, 542

decimal point, 215216

decimal type, 145, 213216

canonical representation of, 215

facets applicable to, 216, 696

declarations, 18

See also attribute, element, namespace declarations

default attribute

of attribute element, 123, 283, 482

of element element, 101

syntax of, 673

default values

avoiding in web services, 548

for nils, 107

of attributes, 82, 114, 123124, 283, 333, 457, 482, 499

of elements, 82, 101103, 110, 269

of occurrence constraints, 477

defaultAttributes attribute (schema element), 284, 399400

syntax of, 674

defaultAttributesApply attribute (schema element), 284, 400

syntax of, 674

##defaultNamespace value (xpathDefaultNamespace attribute), 375

defaultOpenContent element, 295298

mode attribute of, 296

syntax of, 295, 655

##defined value (notQName attribute), 290291, 625

##definedSibling value (notQName attribute), 290291, 625

definitions, 18

order of, 19

See also complex type definitions

deprecated element, 638

derivation. See type derivation

descendant keyword (XPath), 438

deterministic content models, 279280


in binary types, 249

in NMTOKEN type, 243

in regular expressions, 161162, 166, 168

in XML names, 40, 91, 208, 559

distinct-values function (XPath 2.0), 363

div operator (XPath 2.0), 356

DocBook, 526

documentation, 67, 31, 580592

generating from schemas, 541, 545, 584

human-readable, 497498, 541, 545, 581

metadata in, 582, 585

on namespaces, 589592

reusing, 584

separate authoring, 527

documentation element, 497498, 581584

source attribute of, 582

syntax of, 583, 655

documents. See schema documents

double type, 213215

canonical representation of, 213

facets applicable to, 215, 696

DTDs (Document Type Definitions), 910, 473499

#PCDATA in, 474475, 478

attributes in, 475

types of, 480482

values of, 114, 482

comments in, 497498

converting to schemas, 10

elements in, 476, 478

empty content in, 479

extensibility of, 486492

general entities in, 493, 499

groups in, 476484

limited support of namespaces in, 564

occurrence constraints in, 477

parameter entities in, 483492


attributes, 485486

content models, 484485

unparsed entities in, 240, 242, 493, 496

using with schemas, 499

whitespace handling in, 474

wildcards in, 480

duration type, 229231

facets applicable to, 697


e or E (exponent), in numbers, 213214

e-book readers, 524

element declarations, 4, 18, 89110

abstract, 420

duplicating names of, 268269

global, 19, 8992, 550, 578

identity constraints in, 425

in content models, 266269

in model groups, 270, 276279, 387, 391

in substitution groups, 95, 114

multiple, 413414

local, 19, 9396, 99, 266, 339, 550, 578

missing external components in, 76

occurrence constraints in, 94

overriding, 459, 466

referencing types in, 96

removing, 619

restricting, 321322

reusing, 597

target namespace of, 48

vs. OO instance variables, 514

vs. wildcards, 280, 604, 619, 624

element element, 28, 8995

abstract attribute of, 418, 420

block attribute of, 322, 346, 418419

default attribute of, 101

final attribute of, 418419

fixed attribute of, 101

form attribute of, 100

name attribute of, 266, 339

nillable attribute of, 109

ref attribute of, 267, 388

substitutionGroup attribute of, 410412

syntax of:

global declaration, 9091, 656

local declaration, 93, 656

reference, 267, 656

targetNamespace attribute of, 339341

type attribute of, 9697, 267, 387

element references, 267268

duplicating names of, 268269

in model groups, 270, 276279, 388, 391

occurrence constraints in, 92

element substitution groups. See substitution groups

element wildcards, 27, 285288, 601

for forward compatibility, 623

in choice groups, 609

overlapping values of, 280

restricting, 322324

vs. element declarations, 604, 619

in version 1.1, 624

in version 1.1., 280

See also any, replacement elements

elementFormDefault attribute (schema element), 77, 99, 101, 578

overriding, 100

qualified value of, 99, 402, 576

syntax of, 674

unqualified value of, 77, 99, 101, 577578

element-only content, 25, 264

extending, 305

restricting, 317

elements, 19, 89110

absent, 101, 105

block vs. inline, 525

co-constraints for, 33

container, 531532

deprecated, 627, 638

empty, 101, 105106, 143, 145

for relationships, 512514

generic, 520

intermediate, 527531, 546

mapping to databases, 586587

names of, 4, 96, 545, 559563, 597

changing, 619

generic vs. specific, 533537

in XPath, 439

qualified, 91, 98100, 575, 580

searching in content, 525

unprefixed, 39, 94

unprefixed qualified, 40

unqualified, 40, 96, 576580

unqualified local, 98101

vs. names of rows in databases, 506

nillable, 103, 106110, 115, 143, 435

and identity constraints, 110

of derived declarations, 322

order of, 115, 270272, 506, 536, 619

in narrative content, 526

repeating, 114, 506, 536

in all groups, 532

replacement, 285291, 323

required vs. optional, 143, 271, 531, 536, 618619, 627

root, 87, 95, 523

separate vs. composite values, 532533

types associated with, 4, 18, 2021, 96

values of:

and units of measurement, 130

data types for, 535

default, 82, 101103, 107, 110, 269, 548

fixed, 82, 101104, 110, 321, 548

whitespace in, 82

vs. attributes, 114

else keyword (XPath 2.0), 369370

empty attribute values, 124, 145

empty content, 2526, 265266

applying default open content to, 298

extending, 305, 313

restricting, 317, 332333

vs. DTDs, 479

empty function (XPath 2.0), 358

EMPTY specifier (DTDs), 474, 479

ends-with function (XPath 2.0), 358

ENTITIES type, 242243

facets applicable to, 243, 697

in DTDs, 481

ENTITY type, 240241

facets applicable to, 241, 697

in DTDs, 481, 483492

enumeration facet, 137, 145148, 481

case-insensitive, 155

extending, 146147

for built-in types, 695698

for derived types, 140

for list types, 192194, 240, 243244

for union types, 185

syntax of, 138, 657

error built-in type (XML Schema namespace), 380381

escapes. See character class escapes

exists function (XPath 2.0), 358

explicitTimezone facet, 137138, 150

for built-in types, 695698

syntax of, 657

value attribute of, 150, 234

exponent, in numbers, 213214

extensibility, 8, 542543, 599614

and anonymous types, 134

in DTDs, 486492

intermediate elements for, 531


of all groups, 606

of attributes, 314, 490491

of choice groups, 489490, 607608

of complex types, 22, 27, 302303, 305316, 403, 516, 606

of content models, 27, 305313, 607

of enumerations, 146147

of schemas, 8, 531, 542543, 599614

of sequence groups, 486, 488, 606607

extension element, 303, 305, 625

syntax for:

complex content, 307, 658

simple content, 306, 657

extension value

of block attribute, 344, 420

of final attribute, 153, 343, 419


facetAvailable attribute (Version Control namespace), 645646

syntax of, 675

facets, 24, 135152

applicability of, 138, 204, 695

changing restrictiveness of, 619620

fixed, 140141

implementation-defined, 155, 642

inheriting, 139, 204

order of, 136

prelexical, 151, 643, 646

facetUnavailable attribute (Version Control namespace), 645646

syntax of, 675

false function (XPath 2.0), 358

field element

syntax of, 435, 658

xpath attribute of, 435

xpathDefaultNamespace attribute of, 375

final attribute

#all value of, 152, 343

in version 1.1, 418

empty value of, 343, 419

extension value of, 153, 343, 419

list value of, 153

of complexType element, 343344

of element element, 418419

of simpleType element, 152153

restriction value of, 153, 343, 419

syntax of:

on complex type, 675

on element, 676

on simple type, 676

union value of, 153

finalDefault attribute (schema element), 77, 153, 344

overriding, 153, 419

syntax of, 676

fixed attribute

of attribute element, 123, 283, 482, 631

of element element, 101

of facets, 140141

syntax of:

on declaration, 677

on facet, 677

fixed values

avoiding in web services, 548

of attributes, 82, 123, 125, 283, 333, 457

of elements, 82, 101104, 110, 321

of schema’s version, 631

#FIXED specifier (DTDs), 483

float type, 213215

canonical representation of, 213

facets applicable to, 215, 696

floating-point numbers, 213

form attribute

ignoring for attribute names, 580

of attribute element, 122

of element element, 100

qualified value of, 100, 122

syntax of, 677

unqualified value of, 100, 122

forward compatibility, 623626

in version 1.1, 625, 641642

fractionDigits facet, 137, 145

applicability of, 138

fixed, 141

for built-in types, 695698

for numeric types, 219

syntax of, 138, 658

fragment identifiers, in URIs, 251


Garden of Eden design, 555557

gDay type, 228

facets applicable to, 697

general entities (DTDs), 493, 499

gMonth type, 227

facets applicable to, 697

gMonthDay type, 227228

facets applicable to, 697

granularity of data, 130

Gregorian calendar, 221, 225

group element, 386390

ref attribute of, 388389, 519

syntax of:

definition, 387, 659

reference, 389, 659

group references, 388

in all groups, 276, 391

in complex types, 387, 390

nested, 392

occurrence constraints in, 386, 390

self-referencing, 456

&gt; entity reference, 163

gYear type, 225

facets applicable to, 697

gYearMonth type, 226

facets applicable to, 697


H, in durations, 229233

hexadecimal encoding, 162, 248

hexBinary type, 248250

facets applicable to, 250, 698

values of:

comparing, 255

empty, 143

length of, 249

hyperlinks, 525

hyphen. See -


i-, in language names, 211

i and I, multicharacter escapes, 167

IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), 211

id attribute, 678

ID type, 236237

facets applicable to, 237, 697

for containment relationships, 511

in attribute groups, 394

in DTDs, 481

limitations of, 424

unique values of, 236

using attributes for, 115

identity constraints, 19, 32, 238, 423444

and namespaces, 54, 439440

changing restrictiveness of, 322

definitions of, 18

fields in, 110, 426, 434

for containment relationships, 511

location of, in element declarations, 425

names of, 426, 559

referencing, 442444

scope of, 424, 426

selectors in, 426, 433

XPath subset for, 435438

IDREF type, 237238

comparing values of, 254

facets applicable to, 238, 697

for containment relationships, 511

in DTDs, 481

limitations of, 424

using attributes for, 115

IDREFS type, 239240

comparing values of, 254

facets applicable to, 240, 697

in DTDs, 481

if keyword (XPath 2.0), 369370

#IMPLIED specifier (DTDs), 483

import element, 30, 6674

and namespaces, 49, 85, 568572

chained, 7074

namespace attribute of, 68

schemaLocation attribute of, 68, 85

syntax of, 6768, 659

top-level location of, 68

vs. DTDs, 492

include element, 29, 6266, 450, 565568

chameleon, 6566, 565, 572574

schemaLocation attribute of, 63

syntax of, 63, 660

top-level location of, 63

vs. DTDs, 492

indexes, for narrative content, 525

INF (infinity), numeric value, 213214

-INF (negative infinity), numeric value, 213214

+INF (positive infinity), numeric value, 213214

inheritable attribute (attribute element), 126127, 283, 382383

syntax of, 678

instances, 30, 7987

augmenting, 8283

upgrading with XSLT, 639

XHTML representation of, 587

xsi:schemaLocation attribute of, 30

int type, 217

canonical representation of, 204

facets applicable to, 696

integer type, 51, 217

comparing values of, 254255

facets applicable to, 141, 217, 696

preceding sign rule for, 217

restricting, 142

whitespace in, 104, 125

integer types, 217220

canonical representation of, 217

facets applicable to, 217219

values of:

comparing, 220, 253

length of, 144145

vs. strings, 220

interleave value (mode attribute), 293, 311

internationalization, 582

IRIs (Internationalized Resource Identifiers), 251

Is (in block escapes), 170

ISO 11179 standard, 584

ISO 3166 standard, 211

ISO 639 standard, 211

ISO 8601 standard, 221

ISO/IEC 19757-2 standard, 12

item types, 182, 188

anonymous, 189

facets applicable to, 192193

length of, 192

lists for (illegal), 196197

restricting, 198

unions for, 196

whitespace in, 189, 195

itemType attribute, 189

syntax of, 678


key constraints, 423, 428429

changing restrictiveness of, 322

fields in, 426, 428429

names of, 426

referencing, 442444

scope of, 426, 429, 432

selectors in, 426

key element

for containment relationships, 511

syntax of:

definition, 429, 660

reference, 442, 660

key references, 423, 430433

changing restrictiveness of, 322

fields in, 426, 431, 433

names of, 426

referencing, 442444

scope of, 426, 432

selectors in, 426

keyref element

for containment relationships, 511

refer attribute of, 430

syntax of:

definition, 430, 661

reference, 442, 661


L, in category escapes, 168

lang attribute (XML namespace), 59, 120, 211

syntax of, 678

language type, 211213

facets applicable to, 213, 696

last function (XPath 2.0), 364

lax value (processContents attribute), 288, 291, 602603

in open content, 605

length facet, 137, 143

changing restrictiveness of, 619620

for binary types, 249

for built-in types, 695698

for list types, 192, 240, 243244

syntax of, 138, 661


in binary types, 249

in NMTOKEN type, 243

in regular expressions, 161, 168

in XML names, 40, 91, 167, 208, 559

line feed character

in regular expressions, 163166

in strings, 151

list element, 188189

syntax of, 188, 662

list types, 181183, 188198

assertions for, 363365

comparing, 253

derived from string-based types, 195

disadvantages of, 190

empty, 192

facets applicable to, 182, 189194, 240, 243244, 698

item types of, 182, 188, 196197

length of, 143, 192

no absent or nil items in, 189190

restricting, 136, 182, 190194

list value (final/finalDefault attributes), 153

local names, 40

##local value

of namespace attribute, 287

of notNamespace attribute, 289

of xpathDefaultNamespace attribute, 375

localization, 582

long type, 217

facets applicable to, 696

lower-case function (XPath 2.0), 357

&lt; entity reference

in regular expressions, 163

in strings, 205



in category escapes, 168

in durations, 229233

mantissa, in numbers, 213

marks, in regular expressions, 168

matches function (XPath 2.0), 358

max function (XPath 2.0), 363

maxExclusive facet, 137, 142

for built-in types, 695698

for date and time types, 235

for duration types, 230

syntax of, 138, 662

maxInclusive facet, 137, 142

fixed value of, 140

for built-in types, 695698

for date and time types, 235

for duration types, 230

for integer types, 217218

for simple content, 317318

syntax of, 138, 662

maxLength facet, 137, 143

changing restrictiveness of, 619620

for built-in types, 695698

for list types, 192, 240, 243244

syntax of, 138, 663

maxOccurs attribute

changing restrictiveness of, 321, 324329

default value of, 477

for replacement elements, 286

in all groups, 277

in element declarations, 94, 267, 322

in element references, 92, 267

in element wildcards, 602

in group references, 386, 390, 456

syntax of, 679

unbounded value of:

in all groups, 276

in choice groups, 274

vs. DTDs, 477

maxVersion attribute (Version Control namespace), 641

syntax of, 679

member types, 182, 184187

memberTypes attribute, 184185

syntax of, 679

metacharacters, 162

metadata, 114115, 582, 585

using attributes for, 526

min function (XPath 2.0), 363

minExclusive facet, 137, 142

for built-in types, 695698

for date and time types, 235

for duration types, 230

syntax of, 138, 663

minInclusive facet, 137, 142

fixed value of, 140

for built-in types, 695698

for date and time types, 235

for duration types, 230

for integer types, 217218

for simple content, 317318

syntax of, 138, 663

minLength facet, 137, 143

changing restrictiveness of, 619620

for built-in types, 695698

for list types, 192, 240, 243244

syntax of, 138, 664

minOccurs attribute

changing restrictiveness of, 321, 324329

default value of, 477

for defaulted elements, 102

for replacement elements, 286

in all groups, 276277, 310

in choice groups, 275

in element declarations, 94, 267

in element references, 92, 267

in element wildcards, 602

in group references, 386, 390, 456

in sequence groups, 271

syntax of, 680

vs. DTDs, 477

minus sign. See -

minVersion attribute (Version Control namespace), 641

syntax of, 680

missing values, 105106

mixed attribute, 331, 478

of complexContent element, 305

of complexType element, 265

syntax of, 680

mixed content, 2526, 207208, 264

avoiding in web services, 548

default/fixed values for, 102

extending, 305, 312313

restricting, 317, 331332

vs. DTDs, 478

mod operator (XPath 2.0), 356

mode attribute

interleave value of, 293, 311

none value of, 293, 331

of defaultOpenContent element, 296

of openContent element, 293, 311

restricted, 329330

suffix value of, 293, 296, 311, 329

syntax of, 681

model groups, 26, 270279

definitions of, 18

meaningless, 320321

named. See named model groups nesting, 26, 275276

restricting, 324329

See also all, choice, sequence group

modifiers, in regular expressions, 168

multicharacter escapes, 166


N, in category escapes, 168169

single-character escape, 163165

name attribute

of attribute element, 117

of element element, 92, 339, 387

of group element, 386

syntax of, 681

Name type, 208209

facets applicable to, 209, 695

named complex types, 22, 258260

extending, 606

names of, 258, 559560

referencing in element declarations, 96

reusing, 597

vs. anonymous, 550

vs. DTDs, 484

named model groups, 19, 32, 385392, 544

all groups in, 391

and namespaces, 401403

definitions of, 386388

element declarations in, 387

element references in, 388

names of, 386, 545, 559

occurrence constraints in, 386

overriding, 459, 467, 613614

risks of, 470471

redefining, 449, 451, 454456, 600, 611612

risks of, 470471

referencing, 388392, 456

in complex types, 278279, 389391

in named model groups, 392

reusing, 597

target namespace of, 48

vs. DTDs, 476484

vs. OO concepts, 519

vs. type derivation, 403404, 520

See also all, choice, sequence group

named simple types, 22, 121

definition of, 131132

in local attributes, 120

names of, 131, 559560

referencing in element declarations, 96

reusing, 597

vs. anonymous, 133134, 550

names, 3546

capitalization in, 560

case sensitiveness of, 40, 559

changing, 619

disallowed for replacement elements, 289291

duplicating (illegal), 45, 119, 397, 470

good practice of, 545, 559563

in databases and programming languages, 560

length of, 560

non-colonized, 37, 40, 91, 210

prefixed, 40

qualified, 40, 246

of attributes, 4446, 117, 119120, 122123, 580

of elements, 91

uniqueness of, 7576, 117

qualified local, 98100, 575, 580

searching in content, 525

separators in, 560

terms and abbreviations in, 561562

uniqueness of, 19, 557, 568, 574

unprefixed, 40, 94

of attributes, 122

of elements, 39

undeclaring default namespace with, 43

unqualified, 40

of attributes, 119, 122123, 580

of elements, 96

unqualified local, 98101, 576580

valid XML, 208, 559

namespace attribute

##any value of, 287, 329

##local value of, 287

##other value of, 287, 323, 602

##targetNamespace value of, 287

of attribute wildcard, 298, 315316, 336337

of derived attribute declaration, 335336

of derived element declaration, 322

of element wildcard, 287

of import element, 68

of restricted open content, 329330

syntax of:

on import, 682

on wildcard, 681

namespace declarations, 29, 3739

default, 3943

and attributes, 39

undeclaring, 4344

overriding, 4243

scope of, 41

setting in schema documents, 5254

namespace-qualified names. See qualified names

namespaces, 2829, 3554

advantages of, 36, 564

and assertions, 372375

and conditional type assignment, 381382

and imports, 6667, 568572

and includes, 565568

and named model groups, 401403

and schemas, 48, 565

chameleon, 6566, 565, 572574

default, 52, 101, 571, 578

for path expressions, 60

disallowed for replacement elements, 289291

documenting, 589592

in path expressions, 440441

limited support in DTDs for, 564

multiple in an instance, 85

names of, 3544

case sensitiveness of, 36

version numbers in, 632

of overridden schema documents, 459462, 572

of redefined schema documents, 448, 450, 572, 600

of replacement elements, 287

organizing, 565574

prefixes for, 28, 37, 41

target. See target namespace

Namespaces in XML recommendation, 3637

NaN (Not a Number), numeric value, 213214

narrative content, 524527

NCName type, 210, 236

comparing values of, 254

facets applicable to, 210, 695

NCNames. See non-colonized names

NDR (Naming and Design Rules), 548, 601

negation, in regular expressions, 165, 173175

negative infinity. See -INF

negative sign. See -

negativeInteger type, 217

facets applicable to, 696

newline. See line feed character

nil attribute (XSI namespace), 51, 80, 103, 107110, 143

syntax of, 682

nil values, 103, 106110, 115

nillable attribute (element element), 109

of derived element declarations, 322

syntax of, 682

NLM XML, 526

NMTOKEN type, 243244

facets applicable to, 244, 697

in DTDs, 481

NMTOKENS type, 244

facets applicable to, 245, 697

in DTDs, 481

noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute (XSI namespace), 51, 80, 8384, 86

syntax of, 683

non-colonized names (NCNames), 37, 40, 91, 210

nondeterministic content models, 280, 470, 602

none value (mode attribute), 293, 331

non-native attributes, 588589, 629

nonNegativeInteger type, 217

facets applicable to, 696

nonPositiveInteger type, 217

facets applicable to, 696

normalizedString type, 205208, 481

empty value of, 103, 143, 206

facets applicable to, 205207, 695

whitespace in, 151152, 205206

normalize-space function (XPath 2.0), 357

not function (XPath 2.0), 358, 378

notation element, 494

syntax of, 664

NOTATION type, 245246

facets applicable to, 246, 697

in DTDs, 481482

restricting, 495

notations, 19, 245246, 493496

and unparsed entities, 496

declarations of, 18, 494495

names of, 494, 559563

overriding, 459

reusing, 597

target namespace of, 48

notNamespace attribute

##local value of, 289

##targetNamespace value of, 289

of attribute wildcard, 298

of element wildcard, 289290

syntax of, 683

notQName attribute

##defined value of, 290291, 625

##definedSibling value of, 290291, 625

of attribute wildcard, 298

of element wildcard, 290, 625

syntax of, 683

number sign. See #


decimal, 215

floating-point, 213

in regular expressions, 168

number of digits in, 137, 139, 144145, 148149

number of fractional digits in, 137, 145

numeric types, 213220, 692693

enumerating, 147148

facets applicable to, 142, 148, 696


OASIS international consortium, 12

object-oriented concepts, 514522

occurrence constraints

changing restrictiveness of, 321, 324329, 618620

for defaulted elements, 102

for replacement elements, 286

in all groups, 276, 310

in choice groups, 275

in element declarations, 94, 267, 322

in element references, 92, 267

in element wildcards, 602

in group references, 386, 390, 456

in sequence groups, 271

vs. DTDs, 477

open content, 292298, 604605

adding/removing, 619

and forward compatibility, 625

default, 295298

extending, 311312

restricting, 329331

vs. other extension mechanisms, 600

openContent element, 292, 311, 604

mode attribute of, 293, 311, 329330

removing in restriction, 331

syntax of, 292, 664

optional value

of use attribute, 283

of value attribute, 150

or operator (XPath 2.0), 356, 378

##other value (namespace attribute on wildcard), 287, 323, 602

override element, 459463, 612614

annotations in, 581, 585

order of new definitions in, 463

syntax of, 463, 665

top-level location of, 462

overrides, 33, 459471, 612614

and target namespace, 459462, 572

of attribute groups, 467, 491492

of complex types, 465

of global declarations, 466

of named model groups, 467

of simple types, 464465

ripple effect of, 461462

risks of, 468471

vs. DTDs, 488

vs. other extension mechanisms, 600



in category escapes, 168

in durations, 229233

p element (HTML), 525

p multicharacter escape, 161, 169170, 177

P multicharacter escape, 169171

parameter entities (DTDs)

external, 492

for attribute extensions, 490491

for extensibility, 486492

for reuse, 483486

internal, 483491

parent keyword (XPath), 438

parentheses. See ( )

particles (of complex type), 262

path expressions (XPath), 367369, 435440

default namespace for, 60

unprefixed names in, 440441

pattern facet, 137, 139, 148149

changing restrictiveness of, 619620

for built-in types, 695698

for derived types, 140

for duration types, 231

for list types, 194

for numeric types, 219

for union types, 185

multiple occurrences of, 148

syntax of, 138, 665

#PCDATA specifier (DTDs), 474475, 478

percent sign, in URIs, 251252

performance, 82

period. See .

Perl programming language, 159

plus sign. See +

position function (XPath 2.0), 364

positiveInteger type, 217

comparing values of, 254255

facets applicable to, 696

prefixed names, 40

of attributes, 4446, 120, 122

prefixes, 28, 37, 98

in path expressions, 439

mapping to:

target namespace, 29, 53

XML Schema Namespace, 38, 5052

naming rules for, 41

prelexical facets, 151

preprocess facet (Saxon), 155

preserve value (whiteSpace facet), 104, 125, 151152, 205, 254

primitive types, 203

additional, 203

processContents attribute

and forward compatibility, 623

lax value of, 288, 291, 602603

in open content, 605

of attribute wildcard, 298, 315316, 336337, 602603

of element wildcard, 287289

skip value of, 287289

strict value of, 288289

syntax of, 684

prohibited value

of use attribute, 283

of value attribute, 150

proxy schemas, 74

public attribute (notation element), 493

syntax of, 684

punctuation signs, in category escapes, 168

purchase orders, 503, 507

intermediate elements for, 527531


QName type, 246

comparing values of, 254

facets applicable to, 247, 698

qualified names (QNames), 40, 98100, 246

local, 575, 580

local part of, 40

of attributes, 4446, 122, 580

of elements, 40, 91

uniqueness of, 7576, 91, 117

qualified value

of attributeFormDefault attribute, 122

of elementFormDefault attribute, 99, 402, 576

of form attribute, 100, 122

quantifiers (in regular expressions), 161, 165166, 176177

question mark. See ?

&quot; entity reference, 163


single-character escape, 163, 165

RDDL (Resource Directory Description Language), 590592


and named/anonymous types, 134

and namespace prefixes, 37

of smaller schema documents, 557

redefine element, 448452

annotations in, 581, 585

syntax of, 451, 665

top-level location of, 451

redefinition, 33, 448459

and target namespace, 448, 450, 572

avoiding in web services, 548

of attribute groups, 456458, 490491

of complex types, 453454

of named model groups, 454456

of simple types, 452453

ripple effect of, 451

risks of, 468471

vs. DTDs, 486487

ref attribute

of attribute groups, 395

of attributes, 115, 117

of elements, 91, 267, 388

of identity constraints, 442

of named model groups, 388389

syntax of, 684

refer attribute (keyref element), 430

syntax of, 684

regular expressions, 148149, 159178

atoms in, 161176

branches in, 159161, 177178

characters in, 161162, 173

nested, 175

pieces in, 159, 161

quantifiers in, 161, 165166, 176177

ranges in, 173

relational models, 503514

relationship elements, 512514

relationships, 507514

many-to-many, 507514

one-to-many, 507

one-to-one, 507

with references, 510512

with relationship elements, 512514

with repetition, 508509

RELAX NG schema language, 1214

rendition, 525526

replace value (whiteSpace facet), 151152, 205

replacement elements, 285291

disallowed namespaces and names of, 289291

in derived element declarations, 323

namespaces of, 287

occurrence constraints for, 286

any number of, 293

validating, 289

See also element wildcards

representation, 525

required value

of use attribute, 283

of value attribute, 150, 234

#REQUIRED specifier (DTDs), 483

restriction, 303, 305

assertions in, 353354, 371

of all groups:

in version 1.1, 625

of attribute wildcards, 458

of complex types, 455, 603

of content models, 455

of integer types, 142

of item types, 198

of list types, 136, 182, 190194

of notations, 495

of simple types, 135136, 138140, 182

of union types, 185

with regular expressions, 148149

restriction element

base attribute of, 136

syntax for:

complex content, 319, 667

list type, 191, 666

simple content, 318, 667

simple type, 136, 666

union type, 186, 666

restriction value

of block attribute, 344, 420

of final attribute, 153, 343, 419

reusability, 8

and anonymous types, 134

of content models, 302, 385

of schemas, 543, 597

reusable groups. See named model groups

RFC 2396 standard, 251

RFC 3066 standard, 211

RFC 3548 standard, 249

RFC 3987 standard, 251

RFC 4646 standard, 211

RFC 4647 standard, 211

root element, 87, 95

specific for individual operations, 523

round function (XPath 2.0), 358

round-half-to-even function (XPath 2.0), 358

Ruby annotations, 207

Russian Doll design, 551552



in category escapes, 169

in durations, 229230, 232233

s and S, multicharacter escapes, 166

Salami Slice design, 553554

SAX (Simple API for XML), 635

saxon:preprocess facet, 155, 643, 646

schema documents, 5777

combining, 6177

comments in, 497498

defaults of, 77

location of, 83, 630

missing external components of, 76

modularizing, 2830, 57, 62, 492, 557559, 565574, 597

namespace declarations in, 52

natural language of, 59, 211

overriding, 461

readability of, 37, 134, 557

redefining, 448, 450

reusing, 544

structure of, 5861

sections in, 585586

top level of, 19

global declarations at, 89, 115

imports at, 68

includes at, 63

named model groups at, 386

overrides at, 462

redefines at, 451

version numbers of, 59, 628629

fixed, 631

schema element, 28, 5860, 393

annotations in, 581, 585

attributeFormDefault attribute of, 77, 122, 580

blockDefault attribute of, 77, 345

defaultAttributes attribute of, 399400

elementFormDefault attribute of, 77, 99101, 576, 578

finalDefault attribute of, 77, 153, 344, 419

syntax of, 59, 668

targetNamespace of, 4950

version attribute of, 59, 626, 628629, 631, 689

xml:lang attribute of, 59

xpathDefaultNamespace attribute of, 60, 373375, 441

schema languages, 914

schemaLocation attribute

of import element, 68, 85

of include element, 63

syntax of, 685

schemaLocation attribute (XSI namespace), 30, 51, 80, 8387, 588

of imported documents, 571

schemas, 38

and namespaces, 48, 565

components of, 1820

designing, 78, 502, 526527, 539580

documenting changes to, 637

extending, 8, 531, 542543, 599614

generating documentation from, 541, 584

interoperability of, 518

mapping to XHTML forms, 586

organizing, 527537, 550559

portability of, 156

preprocessing, 642

reusing, 8, 543544, 557, 584, 596597

tool compatibility of, 547

uses for, 57, 540542

using with DTDs, 499

version numbers of, 626634

versioning, 531, 547549, 558559

Schematron schema language, 1314

selector element

syntax of, 433434, 668

xpath attribute of, 435

xpathDefaultNamespace attribute of, 375

semicolon, in regular expressions, 162

separators, in category escapes, 169

sequence group, 26, 270272

extending, 486488, 606607

in complex content extensions, 307308

in complex types, 390

in named model groups, 386

meaningless, 321

nesting, 275276

occurrence constraints in, 271

overriding, 488

redefining, 486488

restricting, 324329

syntax of, 270, 668

turning into all or choice group, 619

vs. DTDs, 477

service contracts, 541

short type, 218

facets applicable to, 696

simple content, 25, 262263

assertions for, 354

default/fixed values for, 102

deriving complex types from, 303304

extending, 305306

restricting, 317318

vs. database columns, 504

vs. DTDs, 475

simple types, 19, 21, 2325, 129156

anonymous, 22, 96, 120121, 132134, 550

assertions for, 353365

associating with element names, 96

base type of, 135136, 139, 182

built-in. See built-in types

changing restrictiveness of, 619

deriving, 182

facets applicable to, 138139

global, 22

implementation-defined, 154, 642645

local, 19

named, 120121, 131134, 550, 559560, 597

overriding, 459, 464465

risks of, 468470

patterns in, 160

preventing derivation of, 152153

redefining, 449, 452453, 600, 609

risks of, 468470

restricting, 24, 135136, 138140, 182

with regular expressions, 148149

reusing, 597

turning into unions/lists, 619

values of:

comparing, 253

default/fixed, 102

vs. complex types, 21

vs. datatypes, 201

vs. DTDs, 474

simpleContent element, 263, 303304, 306

syntax of, 304, 669

simpleType element, 96, 120

final attribute of, 152153

syntax of:

anonymous definition, 133, 669

named definition, 132, 669

using with restriction, 136

single-character escapes, 165

skip value (processContents attribute), 287289

smartphones, 524

source attribute (documentation element), 582

syntax of, 685

SOX (Schema for Object-oriented XML), 11

space character

in regular expressions, 162163, 166

in strings, 151, 205206

square brackets, in regular expressions, 160162, 165, 171172

starts-with function (XPath 2.0), 357

strict value (processContents attribute), 288289

string type, 97, 205208

facets applicable to, 205207, 695

values of:

comparing, 254255

empty, 103, 143, 206

whitespace in, 104, 125, 151152, 205206, 254

string types, 691692

deriving list types from, 195

values of:

comparing, 220, 254

length of, 143144

valid, 145

vs. integers, 220

whitespace in, 151152

string-length function (XPath 2.0), 357

stylesheet element (XSLT), 631

substitution groups, 32, 407414, 607609

and data binding tools, 518

compatibility of, 619

controlling, 418420

declaring, 409412

disadvantages of, 417

element declarations in, 95, 114

multiple, 413414

for inline elements, 525

head of, 408409, 608

members of, 408410

type constraints for, 412413

vs. choice groups, 414415

vs. DTDs, 489

vs. other extension mechanisms, 600

substitution value (block/blockDefault attributes), 420

substitutionGroup attribute (element element), 410412

list of names in, 413414

syntax of, 685

substring, substring-after, substring-before functions (XPath 2.0), 357

suffix value (mode attribute), 293, 296, 311, 329

sum function (XPath 2.0), 364

system attribute (notation element), 121, 493

syntax of, 686



in dates, 223

in durations, 229230, 232233

single-character escape, 163, 165

tab character

in regular expressions, 163, 165166

in strings, 151, 205206

tables of contents, for narrative content, 525

target namespace, 2829, 4854

and conditional type assignment, 381

and global attributes, 117

and identity constraints, 54

and named model groups, 401

and notations, 494

changing, 619

for included documents, 6266

in path expressions, 440441

making default, 52

mapping prefixes to, 29, 53

multiple in assembled schema documents, 2829

of overridden schema documents, 459462, 572

of redefined schema documents, 448, 450, 572

targetNamespace attribute

of element or attribute elements, 339–341

of schema element, 4950

syntax of:

on local declaration, 686

on schema, 686

##targetNamespace value

of namespace attribute, 287

of notNamespace attribute, 289

of xpathDefaultNamespace attribute, 374

test attribute (alternative, assert, assertion elements), 352, 375376

syntax of, 686

using XPath in, 378380

text() (XPath), 438

then keyword (XPath 2.0), 369370

time type, 222223

comparing values of, 255

facets applicable to, 697

time zones, 222234

and bounds facets, 235

token type, 205208

facets applicable to, 205207, 695

values of:

comparing, 255

empty, 103, 143, 206

vs. integers, 220

whitespace in, 151152, 205206, 254

totalDigits facet, 137, 144145

for built-in types, 695698

syntax of, 138, 670

trading partners, 5

Trang schema converter, 10

true function (XPath 2.0), 358

type attribute

of alternative element, 376

of attribute element, 120121, 394

of element element, 9697, 267, 387

syntax of, 687

type attribute (XSI namespace), 51, 80, 120, 518, 600

avoiding in web services, 548

for member types, 187

for repeated element names, 415416

for type derivation, 606

for type redefinition, 609

for type substitution, 342, 605

syntax of, 687

type constraints, 412413

type derivation, 301348, 605

by extension, 22, 27, 302303, 403, 606

by restriction, 22, 301303, 316337

prohibiting, 343348

vs. named model groups, 403404, 520

vs. OO class inheritance, 514518

type libraries, 584

type substitution, 115, 302, 341342, 518, 605

avoiding in web services, 548

prohibiting, 344346

vs. other extension mechanisms, 600

typeAvailable attribute (Version Control namespace), 644645

syntax of, 687

types, 4, 1823

applicability of, 597

canonical representation of, 204

comparing, 432

definitions of, 18

extending, 516

hierarchy of, 22, 253

inheriting, 544

lexical representations of, 204, 254

named vs. anonymous, 22, 96

names of, 545, 597

redefining, 600, 609

reusing, 523524, 544

target namespace of, 48

value spaces of, 204

See also complex, simple types

typeUnavailable attribute (Version Control namespace), 644645

syntax of, 688


unbounded value (maxOccurs attribute), 274

in all groups, 276

underscore. See _

Unicode standard, 162, 165, 167, 205, 251

union element, 183185

syntax of, 183, 670

union types, 146, 181187

comparing, 253

facets applicable to, 185, 698

lists of, 196

member types of, 182, 184187

restricting, 185

union value (final/finalDefault attributes), 153

unique element, 426428

syntax of:

definition, 427, 670

reference, 442, 671

uniqueness constraints, 423, 426428

changing restrictiveness of, 322

defining, 425

fields in, 110, 426, 428

names of, 426

referencing, 442444

scope of, 426, 428

selectors in, 426, 428

units of measurement, 130

unparsed entities (DTDs), 240, 242, 493

and notations, 496

unprefixed names, 40, 43

and default namespace, 40

of attributes, 44, 122

of elements, 39, 94

unqualified names

and default namespace, 101

local, 98101, 576580

of attributes, 40, 122, 580

of elements, 40, 96

unqualified value

of attributeFormDefault attribute, 122

of elementFormDefault attribute, 77, 99, 101, 577578

of form attribute, 100, 122

unsignedByte, unsignedInt, unsignedLong, unsignedShort types, 218

facets applicable to, 696

UPA (Unique Particle Attribution), 279, 602, 604, 624

upper-case function (XPath 2.0), 357

URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers), 36, 250251

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), 36, 251

spaces in, 85

URNs (Uniform Resource Names), 36, 251

use attribute (attribute element), 117, 119, 394, 482483

optional value of, 283

prohibited value of, 283

required value of, 283

syntax of, 688

user documentation. See documentation UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), 233


validation, 5, 8182, 540541

against both DTDs and schemas, 114, 499

and performance, 82

and specific root elements, 523

by type, 7, 21

choosing schema documents for, 30, 87

co-constraints for, 586

of concatenated values, 130

of intra-document references, 525

strictness of, 287289, 588

with RELAX NG, 12

with Schematron, 1314

value attribute, 137

of explicitTimezone facet, 150, 234

syntax of, 688

$value variable, 353, 358

for list types, 363365

vc:facetAvailable attribute, 645646

syntax of, 675

vc:facetUnavailable attribute, 645–646

syntax of, 675

vc:maxVersion attribute, 641

syntax of, 679

vc:minVersion attribute, 641

syntax of, 680

vc:typeAvailable attribute, 645

syntax of, 687

vc:typeUnavailable attribute, 645

syntax of, 688

Venetian Blind design, 554557

version attribute (schema element), 59, 626, 628629, 631

fixed value of, 631

syntax of, 689

Version Control Namespace (vc), 51, 641, 645646

versioning, 617639

and compatibility, 617626

defining strategy for, 547549, 636

granularity of, 558559

intermediate elements for, 531

major and minor versions for, 626627, 633

numbering, 626634

vertical bar. See |


w and W, multicharacter escapes, 167

W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), 11

web browsers, 524

web services, 522524


in binary types, 249

in DTD processors, 474

in lists, 182, 188, 195

in regular expressions, 166

normalizing, 82, 254, 499

whiteSpace facet, 103, 137, 151

collapse value of, 104, 125, 151152, 189, 205206, 255

for built-in types, 695698

for list types, 189

for NMTOKEN type, 243

for numeric types, 104, 125, 219

for strings, 104, 125, 205207, 254

preserve value of, 104, 125, 151152, 205, 254

replace value of, 151152, 205

syntax of, 138, 671

wildcard escape character, 164

wildcards, 284298, 600604

adding/removing, 619

for attributes. See attribute wildcards

for forward compatibility, 623

location of, in complex type definitions, 602

negative, 289291, 625

restricting, 322324

vs. DTDs, 480

vs. other extension mechanisms, 600

See also attribute, element wildcards

wrapper lists, 531532

WXS (W3C XML Schema). See XML Schema


x-, in language names, 211

XDR (XML Data Reduced), 11

XHTML (Extensible HyperText Markup Language), 526

and simple types, 207

including elements from, 572

mapping schemas to forms in, 586

XLink (XML Linking Language)

for external documentation, 584

using attributes for, 115

XML DTD types, 236246, 694

facets applicable to, 697

length of values of, 143144

XML (Extensible Markup Language)

documents. See instances

intermediate elements in, 527531, 546

names in, 167

separating content from representation in, 524526

XML messages, 502537

tightly coupling with databases, 504

XML Schema 1.0

all groups in, 532

attribute groups in, 394

element declarations vs. wildcards in, 604, 624

generic elements in, 535537

redefinition in, 448459

XML Schema 1.1, 11, 640641

+INF value in, 213214

all groups in, 276, 310311, 391, 606, 625

alternative element in, 97, 375376, 650

assertions in, 33, 137, 150, 185, 351375, 651652, 686, 695698

attributes in Version Control Namespace in, 51, 641, 645646

backward-compatible with 1.0, 11

conditional type assignment in, 375–383

date and time types in, 224225, 231233, 697

defaultAttributes and defaultAttributesApply attributes in, 284, 399400, 674

defaultOpenContent element in, 295298, 655, 672, 681

element declarations in:

multiple, 413

vs. wildcards, 280, 624

element wildcards in, 625

elementFormDefault attribute in, 100

explicitTimezone facet in, 137–138, 150, 234, 657, 695698

field element in, 375

final attribute in, 418

finalDefault attribute of, 153, 419

forward compatibility in, 625, 641642, 679680

ID type in, 236

implementation-defined facets in, 155, 642, 645646, 675

implementation-defined simple types in, 154, 642645, 687

inheritable attributes in, 126127, 283, 382383, 678

integer values in, 218

IRIs in, 251

namespaces in, 3637, 4344, 289291, 459462, 572, 683

open content in, 292298, 311312, 329331, 600, 604605, 619, 625, 664, 681

overrides in, 33, 459471, 488, 491492, 572, 581, 585, 600, 612614, 665

primitive types in, 203

processContents attribute in, 605

referencing identity constraints in, 442444, 660661, 671

restrictions in, 320

selector element in, 375

substitution groups in, 413414

targetNamespace attribute in, 339341, 686

using XPath 2.0 with, 352, 355365, 367370, 378380, 435440

wildcards in, 289291, 293, 683

xpathDefaultNamespace attribute in, 60, 373375, 381, 441, 689

XML Schema Instance Namespace, 51, 7980, 108

XML Schema Namespace, 50, 97

prefixes mapped to, 38, 5052

XML Schema recommendation, 1114, 201

xml:lang attribute, 59, 120, 211

syntax of, 678

xmlns attribute, 39

xmlns prefix, 37, 39

xpath attribute, 435

syntax of, 689

XPath language, 13

and list types, 190

attributes in, 367, 436437

expressions in, 367369, 435440

processing relationships in, 511

unprefixed names in, 440441

wildcards in, 436437

XPath 2.0 language

comparing types in, 359362

conditional expressions in, 369370

for assertions, 352

functions in, 357359, 363364

in conditional type assignment, 378380

operators in, 355356

xpathDefaultNamespace attribute

##defaultNamespace value of, 375

##local value of, 375

##targetNamespace value of, 374

of alternative element, 375, 381

of assert element, 375

of assertion element, 375

of field element, 375

of schema element, 60, 373375, 441

of selector element, 375

syntax of, 689

xs prefix, 28, 38, 5052, 97

See also built-in types

xs:error built-in type, 380381

XSD (W3C XML Schema Definition Language). See XML Schema

xsd prefix, 38, 5052

XSDL (XML Schema Definition Language). See XML Schema

xsi prefix, 80

xsi:nil attribute, 51, 80, 103, 107110, 143

syntax of, 682

xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute, 51, 80, 8384, 86

syntax of, 683

xsi:schemaLocation attribute, 30, 51, 80, 8387, 588

of imported documents, 571

syntax of, 685

xsi:type attribute, 51, 80, 120, 518, 600

avoiding in web services, 548

for member types, 187

for repeated element names, 415416

for type derivation, 606

for type redefinition, 609

for type substitution, 342, 605

syntax of, 687

XSL-FO (Extensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects), 526

XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations), 635

and list types, 190

for upgrading instances, 639

processing messages in, 521, 532

schema-awareness of (version 2.0), 417


Y, in durations, 229231

yearMonthDuration type, 231232

facets applicable to, 697



in category escapes, 169

in time values, 233234

zero. See 0

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